Zone1 REPARATION NOW! The US Owes $350,000 To Every Black American

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The late honorable John Conyers, D-Michigan, first introduced a billto congress in 1989, H.R.3745 - Commission to Study Reparation Proposals for African Americans Act. Conyers said this about hisproposed legislation: “My bill does four things: It acknowledges thefundamental injustice and inhumanity of slavery; It establishes a commissionto study slavery, its subsequent racial and economic discrimination againstfreed slaves; It studies the impact of those forces on today’s living AfricanAmericans; and the commission would then make recommendations toCongress on appropriate remedies to redress the harm inflicted on living African Americans.”

Conyers introduced this bill in every Congress until he left the bodyin 2017. For 28 years, American lawmakers refused to pass this legislation. Instead, the American right dishonestly distorted the issue. At every level,the American government owes reparations to not only descendants of slaves, but due to continuing acts of racism, all black citizens of this country. We hear the excuses of how we weren’t slaves and whites today didn’t own slaves. Well, the argument or demand has nothing to do with what or who individual whites owned. The demand is for reparations from the government(s) that made the laws and policies.

Many who argue against reparations start and end their oppositionbased only on slavery. That is a mistake.

I'd say organize teams per community, district, state and party:
and RECLAIM land to compensate for wrongs that can be proven to have affected THOSE populations as descendants of
the slave generations.

Some other areas of WRONGS that CAN BE PROVEN and assessed in terms of RESTITUTION in monetary terms:
A. wrongful prosecution and incarceration of falsely convicted people PROVEN innocent
B. restitution for TRAFFICKING people or victims of organized crime/violation of civil rights under RICO

It's not too hard to organize coalitions of people with these grievances and legitimate cases.
Just add up the damages and debts owed, organize teams and lobby government to pay off the debts
by granting LAND (and or facilities such as PRISONS, SCHOOLS and HOUSING complexes abused for
trafficking or political abuse/oppression) to the recipients in recovery from these political and legal abuses!
Whites got that during the Homestead Act.

Plus the homesteads that people got were undeveloped prarie that laughed at horse-drawn plows and generally lacked water, most settlers of all races went bust fairly quickly.
I'd say organize teams per community, district, state and party:
and RECLAIM land to compensate for wrongs that can be proven to have affected THOSE populations as descendants of
the slave generations.

Some other areas of WRONGS that CAN BE PROVEN and assessed in terms of RESTITUTION in monetary terms:
A. wrongful prosecution and incarceration of falsely convicted people PROVEN innocent
B. restitution for TRAFFICKING people or victims of organized crime/violation of civil rights under RICO

It's not too hard to organize coalitions of people with these grievances and legitimate cases.
Just add up the damages and debts owed, organize teams and lobby government to pay off the debts
by granting LAND (and or facilities such as PRISONS, SCHOOLS and HOUSING complexes abused for
trafficking or political abuse/oppression) to the recipients in recovery from these political and legal abuses!

This is about slavery, black codes, convict leasing, the fraud perpetrated on blacks landowners after slavery, redlining, rrstrictive covenants, contract selling, the exclusion of blacks from New Deal Programs and GI Bill, Housing segregation, predatory lending, Human rights violations in law enforcement, medical racism, retail redlining, and a few other things.

All of this stuff has been proven and there are several national organizations that can bring the case.

This is about slavery, black codes, convict leasing, the fraud perpetrated on blacks landowners after slavery, redlining, rrstrictive covenants, contract selling, the exclusion of blacks from New Deal Programs and GI Bill, Housing segregation, predatory lending, Human rights violations in law enforcement, medical racism, retail redlining, and a few other things.

All of this stuff has been proven and there are several national organizations that can bring the case.

And if that stuff happened recently, then you MIGHT have a case.

I'm all for legislation to restrict predatory lending... but let's be honest: payday loan operators are very popular in the hood. I had one of those in the nice neighborhood I lived/worked in 15 years ago. It didn't last more than a few months. Why? Not enough customers. (I only remember it because one particularly trashy coworker of mine went to one every week because she was so bad at managing her life. She also had her sleazy boyfriend show up at work at scare all the other girls in the office.

Did Black people get a shitty deal? Yup. So did nearly everyone who wasn't a White Anglo-Saxon Protestant.

So you rise above it or you complain for generations.
you just skipped over the study of German babies fathered by American GI's, where they found that the black kids scored just as highly as the white kids, didn't you. I posted it tho other day and you pretended you didn't see it, as usual.


The soldiers of the American occupation forces in Germany, both white and black, fathered thousands of children with German women after World War II. Eyferth selected a representative sample of 181 black children, a matching group of 83 white children, and found that their mean IQs were virtually identical. There seemed no advantage whatsoever in having a white father, a powerful piece of evidence in favour of genetic equality for IQ. Eyferth’s study poses the question of whether these black and white soldiers were representative of the larger American populations of black and white males. The author, after an exhaustive study of Army mental test data, concluded that the white soldiers were an elite by one point of heritable IQ, the blacks an elite by about two to four points. Therefore, 80 to 90 per cent of the racial IQ gap was present, which would indicate that most of the gap is environmental and only about two points due to white genetic superiority. Even this trivial amount may be explained away in that Eyferth believed the black children suffered a special handicap because their colour advertized their illegitimacy. Eysenck has suggested that the black children may have had a certain advantage, namely, racial admixture might confer the benefits of hybrid vigour. In my view American whites and blacks are both already so hybridized that evidence from animal hybrids has no true counterpart, a view which appears to be shared by Jensen. The only relevant evidence suggests that racially mixed offspring may suffer some sort of reproductive stress and that this might actually have an adverse effect on IQ.6
This is what I got when I tried to link to the web address you posted:

efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj is blocked​

This page has been blocked by Chrome


In order to get into the military one needs an IQ of at least 80. That eliminates a large minority of American Negroes.

You posted only one study. The overwhelming evidence - some of which I have posted on the U.S. Message Board - is that the average intelligence of American Negroes is lower than for white Gentiles, lower still for Orientals, and much lower than for Jews.

A growing body of scientific research has discovered gene alleles that influence intelligence. I am confident that it will be discovered that high IQ alleles are most likely to be discovered in Ashkenazi Jews, and least likely to be discovered in American Negroes.

When that happens the assertions of Charles Murray, Jared Taylor, and Professor's Richard Herrnstein, Arthur Jensen, and J. Philippe Rushton will have been proved beyond the shadow of a reasonable doubt.

I am also confident that by the time these men are vindicated most American Negroes will have continued to disappoint optimistic predictions of their potential.
This is what I got when I tried to link to the web address you posted:

efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj is blocked​

This page has been blocked by Chrome


In order to get into the military one needs an IQ of at least 80. That eliminates a large minority of American Negroes.

You posted only one study. The overwhelming evidence - some of which I have posted on the U.S. Message Board - is that the average intelligence of American Negroes is lower than for white Gentiles, lower still for Orientals, and much lower than for Jews.

A growing body of scientific research has discovered gene alleles that influence intelligence. I am confident that it will be discovered that high IQ alleles are most likely to be discovered in Ashkenazi Jews, and least likely to be discovered in American Negroes.

When that happens the assertions of Charles Murray, Jared Taylor, and Professor's Richard Herrnstein, Arthur Jensen, and J. Philippe Rushton will have been proved beyond the shadow of a reasonable doubt.

I am also confident that by the time these men are vindicated most American Negroes will have continued to disappoint optimistic predictions of their potential.
I wouldn’t click on any link provided by Joe Antisemite if I were you.
This is what I got when I tried to link to the web address you posted:

efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj is blocked​

This page has been blocked by Chrome

I just cut and pasted it into my browser, no issues.
I guess that proves your claims to be an IT guy to be a lie.

You posted only one study. The overwhelming evidence - some of which I have posted on the U.S. Message Board - is that the average intelligence of American Negroes is lower than for white Gentiles, lower still for Orientals, and much lower than for Jews.

Here's the difference... all those studies have been denounced and repudiated by the universities that allowed tenured nitwits to issue them. MM

Meanwhile, mine is still valid.

he web address JoeB131 posted was probably infected by a dangerous virus, so Chrome blocked it.
Or you are just incompetent.

Or Lying.
In order to get into the military one needs an IQ of at least 80. That eliminates a large minority of American Negroes.

Really? Funny thing, the group I went to Boot Camp with (Fort Sill, 1981) was about 40% black. Most of the white dudes were poor white trash from the south. Than you had my dumb ass, there because of patriotism or something.
Here's the difference... all those studies have been denounced and repudiated by the universities that allowed tenured nitwits to issue them. MM
Scientific truth is not determined by decree but by repeatable experiments and facts that can be documented.
I see we have an idiot who disagrees with real court decisions.
Reparations are being asked for because of:

Slavery, black codes, convict leasing, the fraud perpetrated on blacks landowners after slavery, redlining, restrictive covenants, contract selling, the exclusion of blacks from New Deal Programs and GI Bill, Housing segregation, predatory lending, Human rights violations in law enforcement, medical racism, retail redlining, and a few other things.
I see we have an idiot who disagrees with real court decisions.
I agree with the Supreme Court decision against affirmative action in university admissions. I look forward to the Supreme Court decision against affirmative in hiring.
Scientific truth is not determined by decree but by repeatable experiments and facts that can be documented.

Scientific Truth is determined by a consensus of experts, and Eugenics was rejected by the majority back in the 1940's and thoroughly disregarded now.

I agree with the Supreme Court decision against affirmative action in university admissions. I look forward to the Supreme Court decision against affirmative in hiring.

Actually, never going to happen, mostly because there really isn't "affirmative action" in hiring. There are laws preventing discrimination in hiring.

Here's why companies won't ditch DEI policies.

The last thing they want is a lawyer rooting through HR Files to determine if someone was the best hire or not. For every "unqualified token", there is an equally unqualified idiot nephew who go the job over a deserving woman or minority. The only way to keep them from suing is by showing, "See, we hired two blacks and five women last year for positions!"
Scientific Truth is determined by a consensus of experts, and Eugenics was rejected by the majority back in the 1940's and thoroughly disregarded now.
The consensus of experts is sometimes mistaken as it was for Copernicus and Galileo.

The consensus about genetically caused non cosmetic average differences is coerced. I am confident that many scientists say publicly what they do not believe in order to save their careers.

Eugenics is becoming increasingly important in order to counter the current trend toward dysgenics.
The consensus of experts is sometimes mistaken as it was for Copernicus and Galileo.

The consensus about genetically caused non cosmetic average differences is coerced. I am confident that many scientists say publicly what they do not believe in order to save their careers.

Eugenics is becoming increasingly important in order to counter the current trend toward dysgenics.
I thought eugenics meant reducing the number of blacks by not allowing them to reproduce. Am I mistaken?
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