Zone1 REPARATION NOW! The US Owes $350,000 To Every Black American

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Newsweek, October 2, 2023

Americans' Support for Reparations Drops​

Over the course of four years, American support for slavery reparations has dropped, a new YouGov poll shows.

In 2019, 39 percent of Americans said they would support paying reparations to those who are descendants of slaves. This year, that support diminished, coming in at 31 percent. In 2021, the number was a little lower, with 30 percent of Americans supporting reparations. A majority of Americans, 53 percent, indicated they did not support cash reparations, while 16 percent said they were not sure.

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Newsweek, October 2, 2023

Americans' Support for Reparations Drops​

Over the course of four years, American support for slavery reparations has dropped, a new YouGov poll shows.

In 2019, 39 percent of Americans said they would support paying reparations to those who are descendants of slaves. This year, that support diminished, coming in at 31 percent. In 2021, the number was a little lower, with 30 percent of Americans supporting reparations. A majority of Americans, 53 percent, indicated they did not support cash reparations, while 16 percent said they were not sure.

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I think a big reason it’s dropping is that leftists (sorry….) are going soft on crime for “racial equity” reasons, and they’re fed up with the crime sprees blacks are going on - especially in the lib cities like San Francisco. That type of behavior is driving racism, and makes people less likely to support a wealth transfer from whites to blacks.
I think a big reason it’s dropping is that leftists (sorry….) are going soft on crime for “racial equity” reasons, and they’re fed up with the crime sprees blacks are going on - especially in the lib cities like San Francisco. That type of behavior is driving racism, and makes people less likely to support a wealth transfer from whites to blacks.
A problem with liberals is that most of them do not hate criminals. I hate criminals. I want criminals to suffer.
According to the Cato Institute and the Heritage Foundation they were vast, and wasted.

Well, if you are using right wing hacks like Cato and Heritage, you have a credibility problem. The problem is that they don't prove your race realism, they just state the pittance spent hasn't had the desired result for ANYONE regardless of race.

Over the course of four years, American support for slavery reparations has dropped, a new YouGov poll shows.

In 2019, 39 percent of Americans said they would support paying reparations to those who are descendants of slaves. This year, that support diminished, coming in at 31 percent. In 2021, the number was a little lower, with 30 percent of Americans supporting reparations. A majority of Americans, 53 percent, indicated they did not support cash reparations, while 16 percent said they were not sure.

But well end up paying them at some point... even if it isn't a good idea, to keep the peace.

I think a big reason it’s dropping is that leftists (sorry….) are going soft on crime for “racial equity” reasons, and they’re fed up with the crime sprees blacks are going on - especially in the lib cities like San Francisco. That type of behavior is driving racism, and makes people less likely to support a wealth transfer from whites to blacks.

Lisa, you freak out when you see a black mannequin... please don't pretend this is about behavior.

The problem with the hard line on crime is that it makes the problem worse, not better. Throw a kid in jail for a petty offense because he's black, and you've destroyed his potential to be hired or grow past it.

Intervene like they do with white kids who get into trouble, you might be able to salvage something.
A problem with liberals is that most of them do not hate criminals. I hate criminals. I want criminals to suffer.
Yes, hector, we've established that you hate people who have had less privilege than you have.
I'm still waiting for my White Reparations. I also think the Native Indians deserve Raparations. :)
My Native friends that want would not like their demands.
What I want is for the section of the Declaration of Independence that says "Merciless Indian Savages" to be removed.
He has excited domestic insurrections amongst us, and has endeavored to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers, the merciless Indian Savages, whose known rule of warfare, is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions.
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A problem with liberals is that most of them do not hate criminals. I hate criminals. I want criminals to suffer.
Not hating criminals cost that leftist his life (the guy who was with his girlfriend). He was SO convinced that the thug destroying property was just an “oppressed“ black guy that he figured he was dealing with a person of normal human morality - and not a crazy savage who has no value for other people’s lives

There’s a GOOD reason to hate and be afraid of criminals, and to try to avoid them at all costs. It’s the natural instinct of survival kicking in.
But well end up paying them at some point... even if it isn't a good idea, to keep the peace.
Paying protection money to Negroes does not keep the peace. It encourages them. The War on Poverty was declared January 10, 1964 by Lyndon Johnson in his State of the Union Address. Negroes staged a black ghetto riot in Harlem in August that year. Every summer until the presidency of Richard Nixon there were black ghetto riots. They got worse every summer. There were no black ghetto riots in the summer of 1969. Potential rioters were afraid of what Nixon would do.
Yes, hector, we've established that you hate people who have had less privilege than you have.
My white privilege has been earned. People who do not know me assume that I am reasonably intelligent and safe to be around, because most white men are.
Not hating criminals cost that leftist his life (the guy who was with his girlfriend). He was SO convinced that the thug destroying property was just an “oppressed“ black guy that he figured he was dealing with a person of normal human morality - and not a crazy savage who has no value for other people’s lives

Actually, he was killed by a mentally ill person who is on the street because Conserative judges ruled that you can't lock people up if they aren't an immediate danger and slashed funding to treatment programs.

Paying protection money to Negroes does not keep the peace. It encourages them. The War on Poverty was declared January 10, 1964 by Lyndon Johnson in his State of the Union Address. Negroes staged a black ghetto riot in Harlem in August that year. Every summer until the presidency of Richard Nixon there were black ghetto riots. They got worse every summer. There were no black ghetto riots in the summer of 1969. Potential rioters were afraid of what Nixon would do.

Really? This is why I don't think you are as old as you claim you are... or you'd know we had civil unrest all the way until Vietnam ended and Nixon got thrown out of office.

Second point... Nixon for all his use of racism to advance his electoral prospects, actually made a lot of concessions. He created the EEOC, for instance.
My white privilege has been earned. People who do not know me assume that I am reasonably intelligent and safe to be around, because most white men are.

Your privilege is based on a majority holding all the positions of power.

What did you personally do to earn your privilege? We know you didn't serve in the military. Frankly, you sound like your entire life has been kind of mediocre.
Well, if you are using right wing hacks like Cato and Heritage, you have a credibility problem. The problem is that they don't prove your race realism, they just state the pittance spent hasn't had the desired result for ANYONE regardless of race.

But well end up paying them at some point... even if it isn't a good idea, to keep the peace.

Lisa, you freak out when you see a black mannequin... please don't pretend this is about behavior.

The problem with the hard line on crime is that it makes the problem worse, not better. Throw a kid in jail for a petty offense because he's black, and you've destroyed his potential to be hired or grow past it.

Intervene like they do with white kids who get into trouble, you might be able to salvage something.
Nope, people have found out over and over again that paying extortion is a really bad idea. As the Saxons said way back when, “ when you pay the Danegeld, you never get rid of the Dane”. If we pay reparations once, the black activists will just keep coming back for more.
Really? This is why I don't think you are as old as you claim you are... or you'd know we had civil unrest all the way until Vietnam ended and Nixon got thrown out of office.
The civil unrest consisted of white anti war demonstrations. These were sometimes violent, but nowhere nearly as destructive as the black ghetto riots.
Your privilege is based on a majority holding all the positions of power.

What did you personally do to earn your privilege? We know you didn't serve in the military. Frankly, you sound like your entire life has been kind of mediocre.
My privilege was collectively earned. It is really none of your business, but I was a computer programmer. To get my last too jobs I had to pass three mental aptitude tests.

Posters who read each of our posts can decide who is more intelligent. I document my assertions. You do not. Your arguments rarely rise above insults and name calling. Those are the lowest forms of discord.

You have claimed that people rarely stay on welfare for more than four nears. You have never documented that assertion. I know from Professor Arthur Jensen of Berkeley that one fourth of Negroes have IQ's of 75 or below, and at that level they cannot be educated and are virtually unemployable.

Thomas and Mary Edsall made the same assertion in their book, Chain Reaction: The Impact of Race, Rights, and Taxes on American Politics
Whites have received reparations.
Whites have received benefits from the government we paid taxes to. We created that government. We created this civilization. You have benefited from this civilization. That is why American Negroes are more prosperous than Negroes in Africa of the Caribbean.
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