Zone1 REPARATION NOW! The US Owes $350,000 To Every Black American

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You've already been dismissed.

Except it isn't science, is it? Most of this Eugenics garbage was rejected in the 1950's (Too late to prevent some truly awful applications.)

The problem with any "Science" that proves Group X is inferior to Group Y, is almost always advocated by Group Y needing to feel better about itself.
You mistake fashions for scientific findings. The Nazi effort to exterminate the the most superior race on earth made many people want to believe that there are no inferior people and and no inferior races. This has been called "Hitler's revenge."
Um, that was exactly my point. Crackpot racial theories inevitably lead to that kind of extermination. It's why people like Hector need to be bitchslapped when the spew it.
Insults and name calling are all you have to respond to my face based and logical arguments.

Those of us who support eugenics do not want the congenitally unemployable to be killed. All we want is for them to be sterilized as a condition for receiving welfare checks.
That’s social security and Medicare - that middle class people paid in for.

Except you'll get everything you paid in plus some if you live long enough.

The $500 billion on handouts to welfare recipients is totally different. They did nothing to earn that.

Actually, they probably did. Most people on "welfare" are only on it for a few years. The rest of the time, they are part of the workforce and paying taxes.

400 years of institutionalized racism elevated American Negroes to the point where they have a higher standard of living than Negroes anywhere else in the world.

Again, no part of the world black people lived where white people didn't screw them. Just because we got to gunpowder first.
You mistake fashions for scientific findings. The Nazi effort to exterminate the the most superior race on earth made many people want to believe that there are no inferior people and and no inferior races. This has been called "Hitler's revenge."

There are no inferior races... Potential is an individual thing. There are black people who have accomplished far more than you ever will, and frankly, almost everyone is a better person than you are.

nsults and name calling are all you have to respond to my face based and logical arguments.

Those of us who support eugenics do not want the congenitally unemployable to be killed. All we want is for them to be sterilized as a condition for receiving welfare checks.

Well, we should sterilize you, but you are already using your personality for birth control.
There are no inferior races... Potential is an individual thing. There are black people who have accomplished far more than you ever will, and frankly, almost everyone is a better person than you are.

Well, we should sterilize you, but you are already using your personality for birth control.
I define an inferior race mainly by low IQ averages. The estimate for Ashkenazi Jews is estimated to be 110 to 115. African Negroes have averages of about 70. Because most American Negroes have some white ancestry they average 85.

Insults and name calling are all you seem capable of. Try to post your comments at the top of Paul Graham's pyramid, like I do.


How to Disagree, by Paul Graham

I define an inferior race mainly by low IQ averages.

We've been over this. When you eliminate poverty from the equation, the numbers are equal.

Insults and name calling are all you seem capable of.

Uh, you come to me with a reasonable argument, I'd be happy to address it.
If you come to me with crackpot racial theories that were debunked decades ago, you are going to get well-deserved mockery.
Floyd riots set back race relations 50 years.....I hear you...:)
Whites don't determine what sets race relaations back. Especially since race relations haven't gone forward. You and Hector are proof of that.
Whites got that during the Homestead Act.

But they had to WORK the land in agreement.
What was the Homestead Act and what did it do?

To help develop the American West and spur economic growth, Congress passed the Homestead Act of 1862, which provided 160 acres of federal land to anyone who agreed to farm the land. The act distributed millions of acres of western land to individual settlers.

How does handing blacks $1,000,000 of dollars, should they NOT work for it too?
Whites don't determine what sets race relaations back. Especially since race relations haven't gone forward. You and Hector are proof of that.
Race relations will move forward as soon as black performance and behavior improves.
Whites don't determine what sets race relaations back. Especially since race relations haven't gone forward. You and Hector are proof of that.
Why are you being rude? You never answered my question the other day. How much money would it take for your Reparations for it to be fair? Please apologize for that comment or I will put you on ignore. :)
Just to reiterate: America owes not a single damn penny to anybody on the basis of “reparations.”

you just skipped over the study of German babies fathered by American GI's, where they found that the black kids scored just as highly as the white kids, didn't you. I posted it tho other day and you pretended you didn't see it, as usual.


The soldiers of the American occupation forces in Germany, both white and black, fathered thousands of children with German women after World War II. Eyferth selected a representative sample of 181 black children, a matching group of 83 white children, and found that their mean IQs were virtually identical. There seemed no advantage whatsoever in having a white father, a powerful piece of evidence in favour of genetic equality for IQ. Eyferth’s study poses the question of whether these black and white soldiers were representative of the larger American populations of black and white males. The author, after an exhaustive study of Army mental test data, concluded that the white soldiers were an elite by one point of heritable IQ, the blacks an elite by about two to four points. Therefore, 80 to 90 per cent of the racial IQ gap was present, which would indicate that most of the gap is environmental and only about two points due to white genetic superiority. Even this trivial amount may be explained away in that Eyferth believed the black children suffered a special handicap because their colour advertized their illegitimacy. Eysenck has suggested that the black children may have had a certain advantage, namely, racial admixture might confer the benefits of hybrid vigour. In my view American whites and blacks are both already so hybridized that evidence from animal hybrids has no true counterpart, a view which appears to be shared by Jensen. The only relevant evidence suggests that racially mixed offspring may suffer some sort of reproductive stress and that this might actually have an adverse effect on IQ.6
The late honorable John Conyers, D-Michigan, first introduced a billto congress in 1989, H.R.3745 - Commission to Study Reparation Proposals for African Americans Act. Conyers said this about hisproposed legislation: “My bill does four things: It acknowledges thefundamental injustice and inhumanity of slavery; It establishes a commissionto study slavery, its subsequent racial and economic discrimination againstfreed slaves; It studies the impact of those forces on today’s living AfricanAmericans; and the commission would then make recommendations toCongress on appropriate remedies to redress the harm inflicted on living African Americans.”

Conyers introduced this bill in every Congress until he left the bodyin 2017. For 28 years, American lawmakers refused to pass this legislation. Instead, the American right dishonestly distorted the issue. At every level,the American government owes reparations to not only descendants of slaves, but due to continuing acts of racism, all black citizens of this country. We hear the excuses of how we weren’t slaves and whites today didn’t own slaves. Well, the argument or demand has nothing to do with what or who individual whites owned. The demand is for reparations from the government(s) that made the laws and policies.

Many who argue against reparations start and end their oppositionbased only on slavery. That is a mistake.

Why every black American?
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