Zone1 REPARATION NOW! The US Owes $350,000 To Every Black American

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How about for Jim Crowe?
Some perpetrators and some victims of Jim Crow laws are still alive.

They are all old and shit, now, though.

If you didn’t advocate for it, then why should you pay for it?

The meaning of “restitution,” itself, contains a big clue.
Whites did it Some white republicans supported it and created an amendment to make it legal. Todays republican party would support slavery as theyare the ones defending the confederacy.

Republicans were in the KKK , a Republican made the decision that ended reconstruction, and 4 of the 7 votes that made Jim Crow a national policy were republicans.
I doubt that you could find a thousand people in the entire USA that would support slavery. You can find far more that believe the earth is flat.
I think you need to study this matter more thoroughly Michelle. Very few Africans willingly sold other Africans and if you study this more you will see the difference between the chattel slavery practiced here and what was called slaver in Africa. Last, there is no sale with no buyer and non whites did not travel into Europe with slaves to sell. Whites invaded Africa and they were armed.
You sure like to invent "history". At the very least, multiple tens of millions of blacks were sold into slavery in Africa by other Africans. The actual numbers will never be known because the black rulers didn't consider enslaving other blacks to be important enough to keep records. The Muslims alone bought 28,000,000 black slaves from other blacks according to The Alliance of Progressive Young Africans website which from reading some of their articles is hardly a pro-western group. So white buyers bought a very small percentage of available slaves. The Muslims were the prime market for black slaves, not the white ship owners. I can never figure out if you are willfully ignorant, purposefully lying, or have just bought into the propaganda you have been fed all your life that everything bad is the fault of whites. At any rate you need to grow up and stop blaming others for your failures.
There is no such debt other than in the mind of those that excuse slavery.
Slavery is not the reason for black social pathology. The black genome is the reason for black social pathology. As more is learned about human genetics this will become increasingly obvious.
There is no such debt other than in the mind of those that excuse slavery.
I do not excuse slavery. Most whites were jeopardized by the existence of slavery. The United States would be a far better country if Negroes had not been brought her as slaves, and if they had not been allowed to move her as free people.
Nope. America made slavery legal.
Slavery was legal in every country of the world long before America was even discovered. The USA didn't make slavery legal, it just failed to make it illegal despite the best efforts of many of its leaders and the founding fathers. Unlike you, they had a responsibility to create a country, so they had to compromise with evil men to achieve that goal. Eventually through unrelenting work and the sacrifice of over a half million lives they achieved it.
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Animals. (Arabs, not the slaves.)
The Arab slave trace existed for centuries before the European and American slave trade. The Arab slave trade continued to exist for decades later, until it was crushed by European military action.

After European countries conquered sub Saharan Africa, European monarchs did not like having their subjects enslaved.
"Apologize to dead people? Women were denied equal rights, no apologies there, but it’s in the past. Move on."

Given that the law built in reparations for women in the form of alimony and that white women benefitted the most from AA, one can say apologies have been made. But you aren't apologizing to dead people since whites are stilll practicing racism now.
What a stupid reply. Not all women have or had received alimony. If any did it wasn’t from taxpayers. You practice racism all the time on this forum. You don’t get reparations for people being racism’s. I’m nice again, AA does not benefit white women the most. There is zero proof of that. There is nothing whites get today that you don’t, except respect because you certainly haven’t earned it.
Why are people talking about Africa and Arabs? Can they not face their history here?
you made patently false claims that Africans did not sell other Africans into slavery.
It’s like he wants to put the full blame on people who buy drugs and hold the drug dealer blameless. If the dealer didn’t gather the product and put it on the market, there would BE no drug industry. Same thing with the slave trade.
Why are people talking about Africa and Arabs? Can they not face their history here?
Yeah, let’s forget about how slavery was (and still is customary in Africa) through history, and how Whitey put an end to it.
It’s like he wants to put the full blame on people who buy drugs and hold the drug dealer blameless. If the dealer didn’t gather the product and put it on the market, there would BE no drug industry. Same thing with the slave trade.

He’s just trying to make bank on the misery of others, even though he is better off because it happened. Unless he believes he’d be better off if he was still in a part of Africa where he still could be a slave.
Arabs have nothing to do with slavery here. 389,000 Africans were shipped here.

Between 3.1-4 millions blacks were bred to be slaves primarily by whites. So the Africans selling African argument is dead.

Then we have the matter of Jim Crow which was outlawed on paper in 1964, but is still practiced covertly now.

Blacks are owed reparations, the EVIDENCE is with us, your feelings are not evidence.
Actually it's does, because your people benefitted from Jim Crow. However, your argument fails in this one big way and it's important:

This is a case against the government, what you did or did not do doesn't matter. And it's time that whites with your same mindset recognized this.
This person is INSANE.
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