Zone1 REPARATION NOW! The US Owes $350,000 To Every Black American

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Let's try this again.

250 years of brutal slavery, decades of Black Codes and Jim Crow laws, housing discrimination and other forms of systemic racism. All of that has led to this shocking wealth gap between black and white households in the United States.The median Black household in America has around twenty four thousand dollars in savings, investments, home equity, and other elements of wealth.

However, the median White household is around one hundred and eighty-nine thousand dollars, a disparity that has worsened in recent decades.

This racial wealth gap is even greater among older adults: the median white American in their late fifties had two hundred and fifty more wealth than the median Black American.In the last decade of the nineteenth century, the rate of decline in the White to Black wealth ratio slowed. But it would take another 50 years for the gap to fall by half again, as the emergence of discriminatory laws and policies curtailed Black social, political, and economic advancement. With unequal pay and limited access to capital, Blacks faced challenges that made it difficult to save, invest, and accumulate wealth.

Let us cease with the excuse making and repeating the same silly lines. Every year you celebrace the July 4th 1776, a day none of you were alive to see. We live by a document ratified in 1787 by people who are no longer alive. Nobody doubts that the past impacts us now relative to those things, so it's time for America to grow up on this particular matter.
Follow the money, at least now I have a scapegoat to blame when I don’t get my way.
It's really irritating to read the posts from people who continue to benefit from racism.
The late honorable John Conyers, D-Michigan, first introduced a billto congress in 1989, H.R.3745 - Commission to Study Reparation Proposals for African Americans Act. Conyers said this about hisproposed legislation: “My bill does four things: It acknowledges thefundamental injustice and inhumanity of slavery; It establishes a commissionto study slavery, its subsequent racial and economic discrimination againstfreed slaves; It studies the impact of those forces on today’s living AfricanAmericans; and the commission would then make recommendations toCongress on appropriate remedies to redress the harm inflicted on living African Americans.”

Conyers introduced this bill in every Congress until he left the bodyin 2017. For 28 years, American lawmakers refused to pass this legislation. Instead, the American right dishonestly distorted the issue. At every level,the American government owes reparations to not only descendants of slaves, but due to continuing acts of racism, all black citizens of this country. We hear the excuses of how we weren’t slaves and whites today didn’t own slaves. Well, the argument or demand has nothing to do with what or who individual whites owned. The demand is for reparations from the government(s) that made the laws and policies.

Many who argue against reparations start and end their oppositionbased only on slavery. That is a mistake.

Then you've missed millions in reparations paid to various native american tribes for stuff that happened every year. Italians became white just like every other white ethnic group and joined in on discriminating against non whites.
I don't discriminate against anyone except tRumpers.

Most white folks don't have $350K BTW.
This is going on today. And the question is really, are you better off, even in a state with Jim Crow laws, then the alternative had your ancestors not been brought over.

The answer is obvious.
blacks can use that reparations money to pay back the trillions in welfare they have received
So it seems that the basic attitude here is that is is fine for the government to have given whites all kinds of direct economic assistance while denying other races, and that it's OK to give native Americans reparations for things that happened in the 1800's, that it was OK to pay descendants of confederate soldiers who were not alive during the civil war and whose relatives were traitors who declared war against the United States reparations, and pay Japanese reparations. To pay Jews reparations for WW 2 even though we fought the people who actually were murdering Jews, but blacks, nah we can't allow reparations for human rights violations that continue to this very second.

“Laissez-FaireRacism involves persistent negative stereotyping of African Americans, atendency to blame blacks themselves for the black-white gap insocioeconomic standing, and resistance to meaningful policy efforts toameliorate America’s racist social conditions and institutions.”
Affirmative Action has not narrowed the wealth gap. Again, whites benefitted from it most. Why do you continue repeating this stupidity? And since this is a capitalist nation, equality = capital. Since blacks are 13.6 percent of the population, we should have 13.6 percent of the wealth. Reparations are coming, and probably within the next 20 years. Newsome hasn't backed down from squat and other local governments have actually began reparations.
So you think because blacks are 13% of the population they should automatically have 13% of the wealth - regardless of behavior? The fact that they have a 72% illegitimacy rate doesn’t factor in?
So it seems that the basic attitude here is that is is fine for the government to have given whites all kinds of direct economic assistance while denying other races, and that it's OK to give native Americans reparations for things that happened in the 1800's, that it was OK to pay descendants of confederate soldiers who were not alive during the civil war and whose relatives were traitors who declared war against the United States reparations, and pay Japanese reparations. To pay Jews reparations for WW 2 even though we fought the people who actually were murdering Jews, but blacks, nah we can't allow reparations for human rights violations that continue to this very second.

“Laissez-FaireRacism involves persistent negative stereotyping of African Americans, atendency to blame blacks themselves for the black-white gap insocioeconomic standing, and resistance to meaningful policy efforts toameliorate America’s racist social conditions and institutions.”
The Jews who got reparations were DIRECTLY impacted by the Holocaust, and had their families and assets stolen from them, and themselves suffered through concentration camps and came out with lifelong disabilities.

You honestly are going to sit there and tell me that YOU, who enjoyed the advantage of Affirmative Action, in any way compares to the experience of my (step)grandfather, who lost his first wife and little boy in the Holocaust, along with his house and possessions, and who he himself was so maimed that he could not eat a full meal the rest of his life?

Plus, the amount of money being tossed around for paying blacks is asinine. The Jews who suffered through Nazism got something like $290 a month.
that it was OK to pay descendants of confederate soldiers who were not alive during the civil war and whose relatives were traitors who declared war against the United States reparations,

You haven't shown that a single descendant of a confederate soldier received a single dollar in reparations.
How much money do the Blacks owe the Whites for all that thievery for so many years?

How about for all that welfare?

A trillion dollars? Maybe five trillion.

Make them pay that back first.
The late honorable John Conyers, D-Michigan, first introduced a billto congress in 1989, H.R.3745 - Commission to Study Reparation Proposals for African Americans Act. Conyers said this about hisproposed legislation: “My bill does four things: It acknowledges thefundamental injustice and inhumanity of slavery; It establishes a commissionto study slavery, its subsequent racial and economic discrimination againstfreed slaves; It studies the impact of those forces on today’s living AfricanAmericans; and the commission would then make recommendations toCongress on appropriate remedies to redress the harm inflicted on living African Americans.”

Conyers introduced this bill in every Congress until he left the bodyin 2017. For 28 years, American lawmakers refused to pass this legislation. Instead, the American right dishonestly distorted the issue. At every level,the American government owes reparations to not only descendants of slaves, but due to continuing acts of racism, all black citizens of this country. We hear the excuses of how we weren’t slaves and whites today didn’t own slaves. Well, the argument or demand has nothing to do with what or who individual whites owned. The demand is for reparations from the government(s) that made the laws and policies.

Many who argue against reparations start and end their oppositionbased only on slavery. That is a mistake.

It will be interesting to watch when white descendants of slaves show up to collect their reparations money. Then all of a sudden having slave ancestors won't be nearly as important.
It will be interesting to watch when white descendants of slaves show up to collect their reparations money. Then all of a sudden having slave ancestors won't be nearly as important.
White descendants of slaves don't exist and indentured servants were given land at the end of indenture. Also whites got citizenship, voting rights, homestead land, and a multitude of other financial assistance from government. So your "white slaves" have received reparations and then some.

Again, the matter is beyond slavery and you really need to go learn some history.
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