Reparations for African Americans


Nov 7, 2021
Will someone (anyone) PLEASE “do the math” on just HOW MUCH in reparations would be considered as just Thereby rendering this debt “paid in full”?? Also, will someone please lay out the proposed guidelines for eligibility? Details would be very helpful. If this is not done, then all this talk is simply another convenient wedge issue that goes nowhere and benefits no one except those few jockeying for power, influence, publicity, money, ego, or some combination thereof.
Will someone (anyone) PLEASE “do the math” on just HOW MUCH in reparations would be considered as just Thereby rendering this debt “paid in full”?? Also, will someone please lay out the proposed guidelines for eligibility? Details would be very helpful. If this is not done, then all this talk is simply another convenient wedge issue that goes nowhere and benefits no one except those few jockeying for power, influence, publicity, money, ego, or some combination thereof.

Amount of "just" reparations per person? How's about a $0.03 off coupon for a box of tissues at Walmart?
Will someone (anyone) PLEASE “do the math” on just HOW MUCH in reparations would be considered as just Thereby rendering this debt “paid in full”?? Also, will someone please lay out the proposed guidelines for eligibility? Details would be very helpful. If this is not done, then all this talk is simply another convenient wedge issue that goes nowhere and benefits no one except those few jockeying for power, influence, publicity, money, ego, or some combination thereof.
All the slaves are dead. All the slaveholders are dead. There is no legal basis for reparations..A corpse has no rights.


Will someone (anyone) PLEASE “do the math” on just HOW MUCH in reparations would be considered as just Thereby rendering this debt “paid in full”?? Also, will someone please lay out the proposed guidelines for eligibility? Details would be very helpful. If this is not done, then all this talk is simply another convenient wedge issue that goes nowhere and benefits no one except those few jockeying for power, influence, publicity, money, ego, or some combination thereof.
If your family, who sold their children to the slave traders, have not been murdered in an inter-tribal war, you get a one way ticket back to Africa.
Will someone (anyone) PLEASE “do the math” on just HOW MUCH in reparations would be considered as just Thereby rendering this debt “paid in full”?? Also, will someone please lay out the proposed guidelines for eligibility? Details would be very helpful. If this is not done, then all this talk is simply another convenient wedge issue that goes nowhere and benefits no one except those few jockeying for power, influence, publicity, money, ego, or some combination thereof.
he estimated aggregate cost of the War on Poverty is nearly $28 trillion, which is three and a half times higher than the $8 trillion total price tag of every major war since the American Revolution.

It’s Time to Admit the Feds Are Making Poverty Worse—Not ...

I think enough has been paid for lazy progressive slaves to sit on their lazy fucking asses...
Will someone (anyone) PLEASE “do the math” on just HOW MUCH in reparations would be considered as just Thereby rendering this debt “paid in full”?? Also, will someone please lay out the proposed guidelines for eligibility? Details would be very helpful. If this is not done, then all this talk is simply another convenient wedge issue that goes nowhere and benefits no one except those few jockeying for power, influence, publicity, money, ego, or some combination thereof.
This is the "ENVIRONMENT " section. (of an anti-environment mb)
None of the reactionary MORONS who post here will even tell you that.
They're just hot to trot/say anything.

Post it in "Politics" or "Race Relations" where I'm sure it's been discussed 100 Times.
"Common sense" my ***.

Will someone (anyone) PLEASE “do the math” on just HOW MUCH in reparations would be considered as just Thereby rendering this debt “paid in full”?? Also, will someone please lay out the proposed guidelines for eligibility? Details would be very helpful. If this is not done, then all this talk is simply another convenient wedge issue that goes nowhere and benefits no one except those few jockeying for power, influence, publicity, money, ego, or some combination thereof.
blacks should be thanking their lucky stars we took them from SUPER shithole Africa:
lack of potable water
lack of sanitation [ shithole ]
etc etc etc
After we deduct the trillions in welfare, as well as the cost of all the damage blacks have caused in this country, including the following:

* welfare, free school & college, Section 8 free rent, food stamps.

* Trillions in damage caused by brainless black rampages and riots. Burnt buildings, destroyed businesses, never-ending looting and countless other crimes.

* millions thrown away to pay off families of criminals shot by police.

* Ruined schools, lowered standards, ruined neighborhoods and property values.

* Ruining television programming, movies, even TV commercials.

Blacks come out owing white folks so many trillions of dollars that they would never, in a billion years, come close to being able to pay this country back.

But, as always, we'll be charitable about it. We'll just call it even. Which means what everyone already knew: We don't owe them SHIT. Period.
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Sure I agree that reparations for slavery should be paid, but only if the money comes directly from the DNC's coffers and no Republicans pay a single dime. After all, the Democratic party is the racist party of slavery. The Republicans fought against slavery.
Will someone (anyone) PLEASE “do the math” on just HOW MUCH in reparations would be considered as just Thereby rendering this debt “paid in full”?? Also, will someone please lay out the proposed guidelines for eligibility? Details would be very helpful. If this is not done, then all this talk is simply another convenient wedge issue that goes nowhere and benefits no one except those few jockeying for power, influence, publicity, money, ego, or some combination thereof.
This is the typical white liberal money scam...the need money, they tie it to minorities they scoop up 90% of the take for themselves and then hand the last 10% to the poor...there is no number because they intend on perpetrating this hoax over many many decades.
If ya really wanna stick it to the lefties make a deal with the minorities involved that gives them their reparations and forces the left to admit their guilt in the need for reparations in the first place....
[1]First workout a figure with black leaders
[2]then make the payout contingent on the white lefties admitting their lone guilt on the matter of past enslavement
[3]the obligation for reparations completely on the white leftists and the rest of white America obligated to make sure they [white leftists] pay up
[4]demand they [white liberals] admit how it was the rest of white America that had nothing to do with the enslavement of Africans and how the rest of white America fought and died to free Africans from the future white liberal democratic party.
[5] Black leaders must admit it is not them but the white left that is just after the money
[6] White leftists benefitting from this agreement in any way negate the deal
[monetarily and politically being only two of many]
[7[ reparations are only an admission of guilt by the left and acknowledges the rest of America as having no responsibility in the matter
[8] Admit the rest of of America apart from the left is responsible for the freeing the slaves.

stick to this and the white left will never approve the reparations because it is the money they want
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If your family, who sold their children to the slave traders, have not been murdered in an inter-tribal war, you get a one way ticket back to Africa.

We can do better than that, dammit. I mean like, have a heart.

Let's throw in something they'll really need: a fucking fly swatter. A deluxe one that's light enough to be used on the face, without harming the user.

There you go. Our reparations package is generous and complete. Now let's get on with it. To the boats...!!!
Will someone (anyone) PLEASE “do the math” on just HOW MUCH in reparations would be considered as just Thereby rendering this debt “paid in full”?? Also, will someone please lay out the proposed guidelines for eligibility? Details would be very helpful. If this is not done, then all this talk is simply another convenient wedge issue that goes nowhere and benefits no one except those few jockeying for power, influence, publicity, money, ego, or some combination thereof.
Well it seems the democrats would like to give every member of a illegal immigrant family separated by Trump at the border $450,000 each.

Based on that it would seem each and every black who was a slave deserves at least $100,000,000. That sounds fair to me.

Of course the problem is there are no blacks alive today who were legally enslaved in our nation.

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