Reparations for African Americans

Don’t forget Affirmative Action. For more than 40 years, bright, studious, high-achieving white kids - many from modest backgrounds - have been forced to give up their seats in top universities, law school, and medical school to black kids with grades and scores far lower.

I do believe AA will be found unconstitutional by the SCOTUS this year. It is clearly a violation of the equal protection clause to make race-based policies, or policies designed specifically to advantage one race over another.
Absolutely right.

On top of the Affirmative Action bullshit, there was the massive lowering of standards in government and by corporations. This made it possible to install blacks in jobs for which they would NEVER have otherwise qualified. The idea of "merit" was flushed down the shitter, just to help blacks.

The idea of being treated by a black physician makes me cringe. Why? Because it is nearly certain that he did not have to meet the high standards previously required to gain entry into the schools, or the field itself. MERIT based systems are important.
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Absolutely right.

On top of the Affirmative Action bullshit, there was the massive lowering of standards in government and by corporations. This made it possible to install blacks in jobs for which they would NEVER have otherwise qualified. The idea of "merit" was flushed down the shitter, just to help blacks.

The idea of being treated by a black physician makes me cringe. Why? Because it is nearly certain that he did not have to meet the high standards previously required to gain entry into the schools, or the field itself. MERIT based systems are important.
I was treated by a black physician who misdiagnosed me, and had me going down the wrong path for MONTHS. I should have dropped her earlier when I was showing no improvement, but I kept wanting to give her a chance. I eventually did drop her, but I still have some effects to this day by not getting treated properly from the outset.

Same thing happened to a friend of mine.

Now to be fair, if you’re dealing with an OLDER black physician, when Affirmative Action wasn’t as extreme, I’d feel fine about it. But if you’re dealing with a young black physician, odds are (2 out of 3) that he or she would not have gotten into med school if white. One out of three blacks WOULD have gotten in. Problem is, you don’t which one.

Conversely, if you come across a young white male physician, he was at the top of his class to get into med school and aced his MCAT.

Reminder: I worked in the field.
I was treated by a black physician who misdiagnosed me, and had me going down the wrong path for MONTHS. I should have dropped her earlier when I was showing no improvement, but I kept wanting to give her a chance. I eventually did drop her, but I still have some effects to this day by not getting treated properly from the outset.

Same thing happened to a friend of mine.

Now to be fair, if you’re dealing with an OLDER black physician, when Affirmative Action wasn’t as extreme, I’d feel fine about it. But if you’re dealing with a young black physician, odds are (2 out of 3) that he or she would not have gotten into med school if white. One out of three blacks WOULD have gotten in. Problem is, you don’t which one.

Conversely, if you come across a young white male physician, he was at the top of his class to get into med school and aced his MCAT.

Reminder: I worked in the field.
Are you still on this "dumb n*ggers getting all these undeserved jobs at the expense of the white male master race men ?"
Absolutely right.

On top of the Affirmative Action bullshit, there was the massive lowering of standards in government and by corporations. This made it possible to install blacks in jobs for which they would NEVER have otherwise qualified. The idea of "merit" was flushed down the shitter, just to help blacks.

The idea of being treated by a black physician makes me cringe. Why? Because it is nearly certain that he did not have to meet the high standards previously required to gain entry into the schools, or the field itself. MERIT based systems are important.
Name the university or college that's lowering the bar to allow all these dumb black ppl in ?
Name the university or college that's lowering the bar to allow all these dumb black ppl in ?
First, there is well documented anti-White and pro-Black bias in the admission criteria of universities and medical schools. Blacks are allowed into universities with far lower test scores than what Whites would need in order to gain entry to these same schools.

Blacks and Whites with Equal Educational Attainment Differ ...
What was the name of those famous actresses who tried to pay their daughter's way into college? They paid somebody to take their entrance exams and everything. (They did short jail times for doing that. A slap on the wrist) That's a special kind of Affirmative Action. :cheeky-smiley-018:
Also, what about the kids who get into colleges/universities on "legacy" admissions? Do they have to have the same grades and test scores as other students?
I never said I worked in the medical field. I worked in the admissions field.
You were criticizing Black doctors as not being as good as White doctors because of Affirmative Action. You said you knew because you "worked in the field".
What was the name of those famous actresses who tried to pay their daughter's way into college? They paid somebody to take their entrance exams and everything. (They did short jail times for doing that. A slap on the wrist)
Also, what about the kids who get into colleges/universities on "legacy" admissions? Do they have to have the same grades and test scores as other students?
That’s a different topic, and I’ve expressed disagreement with legacies. But we will never get rid of that when their parents give big bucks to the university,

So let’s start with eliminating racist policies, and stop rejecting better qualified whites for no other reason than their skin color. That is no more acceptable than rejecting blacks for their skin color. Racism is racism.
You were criticizing Black doctors as not being as good as White doctors because of Affirmative Action. You said you knew because you "worked in the field".
Oh be real. I pointed out that 2/3 of the black doctors would not have even gotten into medical school if they were white.
Will someone (anyone) PLEASE “do the math” on just HOW MUCH in reparations would be considered as just Thereby rendering this debt “paid in full”?? Also, will someone please lay out the proposed guidelines for eligibility? Details would be very helpful.

The formula for reparations is simple: if blacks now free citizens of this great country get up and go to work and produce for 8 hours every day, they will get 8 hours of pay and win the right to live whatever life they so choose free of government programs!
Oh be real. I pointed out that 2/3 of the black doctors would not have even gotten into medical school if they were white.
Which is a racist LIE! I worked as a nurse for many years and the Black doctors I observed were just as good as the White doctors. The BEST doctors I worked with were the doctors from the Middle East, India and Africa.
That’s a different topic, and I’ve expressed disagreement with legacies. But we will never get rid of that when their parents give big bucks to the university,

So let’s start with eliminating racist policies, and stop rejecting better qualified whites for no other reason than their skin color. That is no more acceptable than rejecting blacks for their skin color. Racism is racism.
Affirmative action is not racism. Affirmative Action needs to remain in place for as long as slavery and Jim Crow remained in place. About 300 years.
Which is a racist LIE! I worked as a nurse for many years and the Black doctors I observed were just as good as the White doctors. The BEST doctors I worked with were the doctors from the Middle East, India and Africa.
And straight to the accusation of racist, racist, racist. i stated a simole fact: that 2/3rds of blacks admitted to med school did not have the grades and scores to allow them in if they had been white. That means that many, MANY white boys were kicked to the curb.

And you are going on your personal experiences. I am relying on stats well known, but not openly published, within the admissions field.
Since Whites had a 300 year head start, Blacks and other POC deserve a 300 year frame of time to catch up. That's the way I see it.
Affirmative action is not racism. Affirmative Action needs to remain in place for as long as slavery and Jim Crow remained in place. About 300 years.
Of course it’s racism. Any policy that allows admissions standards to be adjusted based on the race of the applicant is racist.

And this 300 years you demand - good luck with your demands, you stuck up, angry, irrational leftist - is nonsensical. Blacks have been given two full generations of favored treatment, and most gained by it. (That’s why I live among blacks who shop at Prada and eat at fancy steakhouses.) As for the subset of blacks who can‘t move beyond poverty, even with 40 years of favoritism, that’s their own fault.

If Jews could move from poverty to the middle class, amidst unspeakable bigotry, in one generation, then blacks can for sure do it in two, and the majority have.

You sound like that angry, jealous, resentful racist Vine poster. You’re not allowed to set up two names, and go on your attack from another angle.

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