Reparations for African Americans

blacks should be thanking their lucky stars we took them from SUPER shithole Africa:

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Well it seems the democrats would like to give every member of a illegal immigrant family separated by Trump at the border $450,000 each.

Based on that it would seem each and every black who was a slave deserves at least $100,000,000. That sounds fair to me.

Of course the problem is there are no blacks alive today who were legally enslaved in our nation.
I have a counteroffer. I will give each illegal immigrant five cents if they kill themselves.
Those people have a vested interest in keeping the racial pot boiling. They would never agree to anything that would put this issue to bed.
The only people with a vested interest in that are you white racists. White human rights violations against blacks did not end after slavery.
This has to be about the thousandth thread made by you racists bitching about reparations. And you repeat the same lies all the time. Whites have benefitted the most from affirmative action and whites have gotten most of the welfare.
Will someone (anyone) PLEASE “do the math” on just HOW MUCH in reparations would be considered as just Thereby rendering this debt “paid in full”?? Also, will someone please lay out the proposed guidelines for eligibility? Details would be very helpful. If this is not done, then all this talk is simply another convenient wedge issue that goes nowhere and benefits no one except those few jockeying for power, influence, publicity, money, ego, or some combination thereof.
Why don‘t we just follow Germany’s example of giving each surviving Jew who was directly and horribly affected - losing not just their homes and the personal property, but their parents and siblings and aunts and uncles? It was somewhere in the neighborhood of $300 per month, which is piddling compared to the loss, but anymore would have bankrupted Germany.

So I say any black person alive today who has has a home stolen from them, their artwork and jewelry and furniture taken, and, of course worse, whose parents and siblings were removed from the home and sent away to be systematically murdered, and for the sole reason of their race, should also get $300 per month, which, inflation adjusted, is about $3000 per month. Similarly, any black person alive today who was a slave should also receive this amount.

This would replace Affirmative Action, and all race-based decisions at institutions of higher learning would cease, to be replaced by merit.
Will someone (anyone) PLEASE “do the math” on just HOW MUCH in reparations would be considered as just Thereby rendering this debt “paid in full”?? Also, will someone please lay out the proposed guidelines for eligibility? Details would be very helpful. If this is not done, then all this talk is simply another convenient wedge issue that goes nowhere and benefits no one except those few jockeying for power, influence, publicity, money, ego, or some combination thereof.
Reparations should be paid to those who renounce their citizenship and agree to be repatriated to Africa. For those who choose not to, their citizenship should be considered reparation.

Any black who can prove he was a slave, might deserve a few bucks. Say, ten bucks, or even twenty.

Other than that, not a fucking dime.

Blacks have been GIVEN billions of dollars in welfare, free schooling, Section 8 housing allowances, food stamps, financial aid for college, and many other freebies. ENOUGH ALREADY!!

The huge amount of damage blacks have caused also has to be considered. The riots, burned buildings, ruined businesses, destroyed neighborhoods, brainless crime, endless thievery.

If anything, these folks have been a massive, ongoing, curse on this country. When their horrible behavior and crimes are considered, it immediately becomes clear - we owe them NOTHING.

Reparations? FUCK NO!!!

If anything, THEY owe US reparations.
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Any black who can prove he was a slave, might deserve a few bucks. Say, ten bucks, or even twenty.

Other than that, not a fucking dime.

Blacks have been GIVEN billions of dollars in welfare, free schooling, Section 8 housing allowances, food stamps, financial aid for college, and many other freebies. ENOUGH ALREADY!!

The huge amount of damage blacks have caused also has to be considered. The riots, burned buildings, ruined businesses, destroyed neighborhoods, brainless crime, endless thievery.

These folks have been a massive curse on this country, when their horrible behavior and crimes are considered.

Reparations? FUCK NO!!!

If anything, THEY owe US.
Don’t forget Affirmative Action. For more than 40 years, bright, studious, high-achieving white kids - many from modest backgrounds - have been forced to give up their seats in top universities, law school, and medical school to black kids with grades and scores far lower.

I do believe AA will be found unconstitutional by the SCOTUS this year. It is clearly a violation of the equal protection clause to make race-based policies, or policies designed specifically to advantage one race over another.
Don’t forget Affirmative Action. For more than 40 years, bright, studious, high-achieving white kids - many from modest backgrounds - have been forced to give up their seats in top universities, law school, and medical school to black kids with grades and scores far lower.

I do believe AA will be found unconstitutional by the SCOTUS this year. It is clearly a violation of the equal protection clause to make race-based policies, or policies designed specifically to advantage one race over another.
AA is racist. No doubt about it. Any government policy that favors or hinders people because of skin color is racist.

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