Reparations for African Americans

Of course itā€™s racism. Any policy that allows admissions standards to be adjusted based on the race of the applicant is racist.

And this 300 years you demand - good luck with your demands, you stuck up, angry, irrational leftist - is nonsensical. Blacks have been given two full generations of favored treatment, and most gained by it. (Thatā€™s why I live among blacks who shop at Prada and eat at fancy steakhouses.) As for the subset of blacks who canā€˜t move beyond poverty, even with 40 years of favoritism, thatā€™s their own fault.

If Jews could move from poverty to the middle class, amidst unspeakable bigotry, in one generation, then blacks can for sure do it in two, and the majority have.

You sound like that angry, jealous, resentful racist Vine poster. Youā€™re not allowed to set up two names, and go on your attack from another angle.
LOL. It's so funny when people are caught in a lie "I know because I worked in the field". Then after they are called out on their lie, they start making ad hominem attacks.
I could care less where you shop. You are no better than anybody who shops at Wal-Mart or Goodwill.
Next time think before you make statements you can't back up.
LOL. It's so funny when people are caught in a lie "I know because I worked in the field". Then after they are called out on their lie, they start making ad hominem attacks.
I could care less where you shop. You are no better than anybody who shops at Wal-Mart or Goodwill.
Next time think before you make statements you can't back up.
My post was about the difference in admissions standards depending on whether the applicant is black or white, and I said I worked in the field - which is true. I obviously was talking about the admissions field, That you misconstrued it to mean the medical field is on you, yet you go right to the Racist! Liar! response to try to deflect from the point and point me on the defensive. You liberals need to get a new M.O.

The point was that blacks are getting admitted to medical school where they never would have had they been white, with more academically qualified whites and Asians being rejected to make room for them. Itā€™s racist, and I expect the SCOTUS to rule in the favor of the Asians who were rejected due to their being the ā€œunwantedā€ race.

As far as Walmart, no idea where that shit came from. I was saying that the Blacks who live near me shop at Prada to show how blacks are far from oppressed. You misconstrued that, as well.

You are just another nasty liberal so eager to defend your pro-black racist policies that you jump to all sorts of ridiculous and wrong conclusions, and immediately go on the attack.
My post was about the difference in admissions standards depending on whether the applicant is black or white, and I said I worked in the field - which is true. I obviously was talking about the admissions field, That you misconstrued it to mean the medical field is on you, yet you go right to the Racist! Liar! response to try to deflect from the point and point me on the defensive. You liberals need to get a new M.O.

The point was that blacks are getting admitted to medical school where they never would have had they been white, with more academically qualified whites and Asians being rejected to make room for them. Itā€™s racist, and I expect the SCOTUS to rule in the favor of the Asians who were rejected due to their being the ā€œunwantedā€ race.

As far as Walmart, no idea where that shit came from. I was saying that the Blacks who live near me shop at Prada to show how blacks are far from oppressed. You misconstrued that, as well.

You are just another nasty liberal so eager to defend your pro-black racist policies that you jump to all sorts of ridiculous and wrong conclusions, and immediately go on the attack.
Keep wishing. Affirmative Action is here to stay.
Quit playing the victim.
Keep wishing. Affirmative Action is here to stay.
Quit playing the victim.
OMG - another liberal hypocrite! The people blaming racism for black poverty - and still going on about slavery and Jim Crow and demanding 300 years of favoritism - are the ones playing the victim.

Affimafive action is in the way out, and blacks will have to compete with Asians, Jews, and whites on merit.
Seeing how blacks are so determined to keep anti-white racist policies in place - and go on the attack against anyone who wants to abolish race-based admissions - makes me even more eager to see AA abolished.
OMG - another liberal hypocrite! The people blaming racism for black poverty - and still going on about slavery and Jim Crow and demanding 300 years of favoritism - are the ones playing the victim.

Affimafive action is in the way out, and blacks will have to compete with Asians, Jews, and whites on merit.
Funny how you shift the conversation to Jews and Asians when at first you only mentioned Whites. :-\
Funny how you shift the conversation to Jews and Asians when at first you only mentioned Whites. :-\
Just showing how other minorities, like Asians and Jews, are penalized by favoritism toward just one minority - blacks - and all your racists are fine with it.
Just showing how other minorities, like Asians and Jews, are penalized by favoritism toward just one minority - blacks - and all your racists are fine wit
OMG - another liberal hypocrite! The people blaming racism for black poverty - and still going on about slavery and Jim Crow and demanding 300 years of favoritism - are the ones playing the victim.

Affimafive action is in the way out, and blacks will have to compete with Asians, Jews, and whites on merit.
Funny how you shift the conversation to Jews and Asians when at first you only mentioned Whites. :-
Just showing how other minorities, like Asians and Jews, are penalized by favoritism toward just one minority - blacks - and all your racists are fine with it.
Funny how you are concerned about Jews and Asians when historically nobody but Whites counted.
Remember all the antisemitism Jews faced? Remember the Chinese Exclusion Act?
Why are you so worried about Jews and Asians now? Is it because you want to use them as a weapon against Blacks?
Funny how you shift the conversation to Jews and Asians when at first you only mentioned Whites. :-

Funny how you are concerned about Jews and Asians when historically nobody but Whites counted.
Remember all the antisemitism Jews faced? Remember the Chinese Exclusion Act?
Why are you so worried about Jews and Asians now? Is it because you want to use them as a weapon against Blacks?
You are weird.

I bring up Jews and Asians because they ALSO are minorities, and they are being held to much higher admissions standards than blacks - and are thus being penalized for being the ā€œwrongā€ minority.

Why do you only care about blacks, and are fine with other minorities being punished in order to give ONE specific race favoritism?

Admissions standards should be applied equally across the board. Anything else is racist. Why are you in support of racism?
"If you can convince the lowest White man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket.
He'll, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you"----President Lyndon Johnson.

Nothing has changed in ace relations in the USA since President Johnson said this. The ones emptying their pockets are Trump voters.
You are weird.

I bring up Jews and Asians because they ALSO are minorities, and they are being held to much higher admissions standards than blacks - and are thus being penalized for being the ā€œwrongā€ minority.

Why do you only care about blacks, and are fine with other minorities being punished in order to give ONE specific race favoritism?

Admissions standards should be applied equally across the board. Anything else is racist. Why are you in support of racism?
This country was FOUNDED on racism. The Founding Fathers codified racism (and slavery) into the US Constitution. I can see from your posts you are naive about the history of this country. Affirmative Action and other programs are meant to help Blacks and other POC due to the oppression and racism they have faced.
"If you can convince the lowest White man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket.
He'll, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you"----President Lyndon Johnson.

Nothing has changed in ace relations in the USA since President Johnson said this. The ones emptying their pockets are Trump voters.
Yup. LBJ was a big racist. A DEMOCRAT. Nothing much has changed since then. The Dems are the biggest racists. Biden has come out with some beauts himself, like Obama being a ā€œclean black.ā€ These Dems never change.

But as far as Affirmative Action, 40 years of favoritism toward one minority, at the expense of everyone else - INCLUDING other minorities - is more than enough. Reparations have been paid, by two generations of non-black applicants.
This country was FOUNDED on racism. The Founding Fathers codified racism (and slavery) into the US Constitution. I can see from your posts you are naive about the history of this country. Affirmative Action and other programs are meant to help Blacks and other POC due to the oppression and racism they have faced.
Yeah, yeah, yeahā€¦.. our awful country,

Affirmative Action has helped blacks. Thatā€™s why most blacks are middle class. The ones who are still in poverty after 40 years of favoritism? Their own bad choices. Now itā€™s time they sink or swim on their own.
"If you can convince the lowest White man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket.
He'll, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you"----President Lyndon Johnson.

Nothing has changed in ace relations in the USA since President Johnson said this. The ones emptying their pockets are Trump voters.
I don't think there is a shred of doubt LBJ was a racist son of a bitch. He also got a lot of my brothers in arms killed in a war he never intended to win. He was evil on a lot of levels.
Yeah, yeah, yeahā€¦.. our awful country,

Affirmative Action has helped blacks. Thatā€™s why most blacks are middle class. The ones who are still in poverty after 40 years of favoritism? Their own bad choices. Now itā€™s time they sink or swim on their own.
Have a nice day, Lisa558. Goodbye.
I don't think there is a shred of doubt LBJ was a racist son of a bitch. He also got a lot of my brothers in arms killed in a war he never intended to win. He was evil on a lot of levels.
The thing is, that Democrat poster who quoted it is accusing other people of racism - Republicans, of course, and me specifically - and she makes her case by showing what a racist a Democrat president was.
I don't think there is a shred of doubt LBJ was a racist son of a bitch. He also got a lot of my brothers in arms killed in a war he never intended to win. He was evil on a lot of levels.
But---he was correct about racists.
He knew because he was born and raised in that world.
But---he was correct about racists.
He knew because he was born and raised in that world.
That doesnā€™t mean that people opposed to race-based admissions policies are racist - quite the opposite in fact. I am getting tired of leftists screeching ā€œraaaacist!ā€ any time someone suggests that 40 years of favoritism towards blacks, at the expense of everyone not black, is enough, and that we should apply admissions standards equally, regardless of race.

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