Reparations for African Americans

That doesn’t mean that people opposed to race-based admissions policies are racist - quite the opposite in fact. I am getting tired of leftists screeching “raaaacist!” any time someone suggests that 40 years of favoritism towards blacks, at the expense of everyone not black, is enough, and that we should apply admissions standards equally, regardless of race.
Affirmative Action is NOT favoritism. Affirmative Action is a remedy for hundreds of years of oppression and racism.
40 years of Affirmative Action does NOT make up for hundreds of years of oppression and racism.
QUIT crying and moaning. As certain Whites like to tell Blacks "Get over it". Affirmative Action is still needed.
Affirmative Action is NOT favoritism. Affirmative Action is a remedy for hundreds of years of oppression and racism.
40 years of Affirmative Action does NOT make up for hundreds of years of oppression and racism.
QUIT crying and moaning. As certain Whites like to tell Blacks "Get over it". Affirmative Action is still needed.
That’s your opinion - coming from a black woman who wants to keep blacks getting unfair advantage in admissions. But it’s likely that after two full generations of punishing higher-scoring white students by admitting black students with lower scores (and GPAs) over them, the Supreme Court will rule that Affirmative Action has been perverted to such an extent that it is in violation of the equal protection clause.

Leftist universities (and other schools) will no longer be able to gerrymander their admissions standards to achieve a specific racial outcome - which is to get in more blacks and fewer whites and Asians. That includes TJ High School, a prestigious and competitive public school, that announced there were too many Asians getting the top scores on the admissions test and too few blacks, and that they were therefore eliminating the test - with the end goal of getting rid of Asians and bringing in blacks. CLEARLY a racist decision and goal.

The ruling will be handed down in June 2023. I am certain that the correct decision will be reached, and blacks who are still struggling - despite the advantages given the last two generations - will have to look within themselves to make the needed changes for a better life:

1. Delay childbearing until after marriage
2. Complete their schooling
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That’s your opinion - coming from a black woman who wants to keep blacks getting unfair advantage in admissions. But it’s likely that after two full generations of punishing higher-scoring white students by admitting black students with lower scores (and GPAs) over them, the Supreme Court will rule that Affirmative Action has been perverted to such an extent that it is in violation of the equal protection clause.

Leftist universities (and other schools) will no longer be able to gerrymander their admissions standards to achieve a specific racial outcome - which is to get in more blacks and fewer whites and Asians. That includes TJ High School, a prestigious and competitive public school, that announced there were too many Asians getting the top scores on the admissions test and too few blacks, and that they were therefore eliminating the test - with the end goal of getting rid of Asians and bringing in blacks. CLEARLY a racist decision and goal.

The ruling will be handed down in June 2023. I am certain that the correct decision will be reached, and blacks who are still struggling - despite the advantages given the last two generations - will have to look within themselves to make the needed changes for a better life:

1. Delay childbearing until after marriage
2. Complete their schooling
I read up on that 2023 Supreme Court case. Some racist named Blum is using Asian students to try to get rid of Affirmative Action. Why isn't he using White students? Because he knows he won't get anywhere using White students.
How ugly. I hope the Supreme Court justices can see thru his dirty tricks.
I read up on that 2023 Supreme Court case. Some racist named Blum is using Asian students to try to get rid of Affirmative Action. Why isn't he using White students? Because he knows he won't get anywhere using White students.
How ugly. I hope the Supreme Court justices can see thru his dirty tricks.
He’s not a racist. The reason he is focusing on Asians is because Harvard was the most blatant in discriminating against Asians - saying they have unlikeable personalities - and used that excuse to reject them! Talk about ugly. If some college started rejected top-scoring blacks on the grounds that blacks are unlikeable, you’d be screaming holy hell.

Sad that are you so tolerant of racism - when it’s against Asians - and that in your twisted leftist mind you think that someone who objects to discriminating against people based on their race is racist. It’s the very opposite of racist.

Affirmative Action is going down, effective June 2023. it is completely unacceptable to pick one minority to favor and another minority to punish.

(And were you trying to make a point about the name Blum? It’s irrelevant to the issue, so I don’t know why you included it.)
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He’s not a racist. The reason he is focusing on Asians is because Harvard was the most blatant in discriminating against Asians - saying they have unlikeable personalities - and used that excuse to reject them! Talk about ugly. If some college started rejected top-scoring blacks on the grounds that blacks are unlikeable, you’d be screaming holy hell.

Sad that are you so tolerant of racism - when it’s against Asians.

Affirmative Action is going down, effective June 2023. it is completely unacceptable to pick one minority to favor and another minority to punish.
I'm sure the SC justices will see thru the cynical way Mr Blum is attempting to use Asian students to regain White privledge for White students. You know as well as I do, he doesn't give a rat's patooty about Asians. He wants to use this as a test case to help Whites.
He should be ashamed of himself
I'm sure the SC justices will see thru the cynical way Mr Blum is attempting to use Asian students to regain White privledge for White students. You know as well as I do, he doesn't give a rat's patooty about Asians. He wants to use this as a test case to help Whites.
He should be ashamed of himself
“Using” Asian students? Wow. You sure twist things around In an effort to keep pushing racist policies that advantage YOUR race, at the expense of others.

He is rightfully defending Asian applicants from the racist policy that Harvard employed to reject top-scoring Asians using a bigoted reason that Asians are unlikeable.

This is open and shut. You don’t demean an entire race with false and negative assessment of their personalities as a way to keep Asian applicants out of Harvard, and admit lower-scoring blacks in their place.

The SCOTUS about to shut the door on a blatantly racist approach to college admissions. Long overdue.
What if we reject top-scoring black applicants on the grounds that blacks talk too loud?
Lisa558 I believe we've taken this conversation as far as we possibly can, Lisa558.
It was nice meeting you. Take care. Goodbye.
P.S. I'll keep my eyes open in June 2023 to see how that Supreme Court case turns out.
Name the university or college that's lowering the bar to allow all these dumb black ppl in ?

If you ever get an answer to that question that makes sense mathematically, please share.

I've have attempted for years to find evidence of this epidemic of "undeserving" black students who are displacing "poor, victimized" white students in such so called epic proportions.

The average overall percentage of black students who are present in Ivy League institutions is approximately 8.5%, compared to a significantly higher percentage of "legacy" admissions.

A black kid with the same GPA and MCAT score as an Asian is FOUR TIMES MORE LIKELY TO BE ADMITTED to med school. The liberals that have taken over the education field have dropped the bar that much lower for blacks because they are picking which minorities to favor and which to discriminate against.

And the fact that blacks are not in med school proportionate to their numbers is meaningless. Their scores and grades are a lot lower, on average, than whites (and even more so when compared to Asians), and that’s why they’re not at 14%. If schools were to drop the bar low enough to reach the 14%, they’d be letting in blacks with 2.8 and requiring 3.7 minimum from whites and Asians.

Just how far down do you think med schools should lower their cut-off (for blacks) before there is such a major discrepancy between those admitted under “highly competititve standards” and “black standards”? We would have a two-tier system of medical education: the 3.8 and 3.9 students who had to qualify under normal standards and the 3.1 and 3.2 blacks who were let in despite far inferior academic achievement?

If you ever get an answer to that question that makes sense mathematically, please share.

I've have attempted for years to find evidence of this epidemic of "undeserving" black students who are displacing "poor, victimized" white students in such so called epic proportions.

The average overall percentage of black students who are present in Ivy League institutions is approximately 8.5%, compared to a significantly higher percentage of "legacy" admissions.

I’ll ask you for the second time

Name the university or college that’s lowering the bar to allow all these dumb blk ppl in ?
Affirmative Action is NOT favoritism. Affirmative Action is a remedy for hundreds of years of oppression and racism.
40 years of Affirmative Action does NOT make up for hundreds of years of oppression and racism.
QUIT crying and moaning. As certain Whites like to tell Blacks "Get over it". Affirmative Action is still needed.
Sins of thy father and all that? :confused:
What a pleasant person you must be in RL!
I’ll ask you for the second time

Name the university or college that’s lowering the bar to allow all these dumb blk ppl in ?

I think you asked me by mistake. Actually I was saying that if you get an answer to your question, to please share it.
My friends and family love me very much. So, yes, I must be a pleasant person.

Considering you think innocent people should be punished for things that happened generations ago, i would say you need new standards to establish levels of "pleasantness"
Thinking like that is EXTREMELY hateful.
You are hateful. Racists can be hateful. Which is worse?

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