Reparations shakedown Indicting white Americans for "America’s original sin.”


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
In 2008, the election of Barack Obama was universally hailed as an historic breakthrough event - the first African American presidency in American history. Great expectations were raised for what was then billed as the beginning of a new “post-racial era.” A decade later these expectations have not been fulfilled, and – worse – have been frustrated by the spread of “identity politics” – the most tribalistic, color - conscious and divisive attitude to dominate the public square since the Civil Rights Acts of 1964 and 1965 outlawed discrimination on the basis of skin color.
Reparations Shakedown

As if this skank has any business wanting a shake down of any type. These stupid asses are goingn to get themselves caught in their own demands just like any good stupid ass does.

What about those who fought in the North huh, what about those who lose their legs ...
Too many people in the US are too politically correct and too comfortable (for now) to admit or even recognize the severity of the problem.
This nation is in more danger of demise right now than it was at any time during WW2.

And the problem didn't start with Obama. He was a symptom of the problems, and could never have been "the" answer.
Neither can Trump. Because there are too many in positions of power such as judges, who are more than willing to destroy America to transform it into what they feel is better. They will keep blocking attempts to save America.

Reparations are another symptom of a much bigger problem.

We are totally disjointed as a people. Terribly divided against ourselves..
"A nation divided against itself cannot stand".....Abraham Lincoln. So true.
I predict (probably correctly) this nation will continue an ever quickening race towards it's demise.

Things will just keep getting worse and worse and young people will simply think it's "normal"....and the left will keep calling it "Progress".
Got my payment right here...


Far as I am concerned the bill is now paid.
How is it a sin we have slave plantations today.. look at democrat run neighborhoods
The reparations have happened. The slaves ancestors live in the US vs. Africa.

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