

Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2011
Midwestern U.S.
Over 50 thousand whites died to free the slaves. What is that worth monititialy? Is there a special bonus for that? A white sale? Where does this end?
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Equity and inclusion, In other words: lets give jobs to idiots, What else?

As opposed to what?

Here's the thing. I lost out on one job that I know of to a minority on an Affirmative Action Hire who was an idiot who had no business being in that job.

Also during my career, I've had to deal with white idiots who had jobs because they were related to the boss, sleeping with the boss, or were drinking buddies with the boss.

The latter are infinitely worse to deal with, because in addition to being in jobs they have no business having, you can't really do much about them because they have a sense of entitlement.
Well, I didn't I didn't get jack squat for helping blacks out during the civil war.

Just like all the blacks today don't deserve anything because they weren't actually slaves.

They should be grateful to their ancestors and grateful to America because if their ancestors didn't become slaves and then freed they would probably be in Africa right now with dirty balls and going hungry.
Over 50 thousand whites died to free the slaves. What is that worth monititialy? Is there a special bonus for that? A white sale? Where does this end?

Are you seriously proposing southern states pay reparations to Yankees?
Reparations is an attempt to buy the black vote, nothing more.

There’s no logical way you can trace any accurate or large-scale reliable lineage of slaves to people today.

Meanwhile, most black folk aren’t related to any slaves, it’s actually fraud for them to get it.
Are you seriously proposing southern states pay reparations to Yankees?
Southern Democrats should pay automatically.
It should become part of their membership.
You vote Democrat you pay for your contribution to slavery.
That includes any blacks who vote Democrat.

Heck, if you work for the government and get a paycheck from the government, you still have to pay taxes to the government.
Same goes for anyone who votes Democrat.
You folks wanted it, you get it.
You deserve the government you chose to vote for.
Meanwhile, most black folk aren’t related to any slaves, it’s actually fraud for them to get it.

What the fuck are you talking about?
Southern Democrats should pay automatically.
It should become part of their membership.
You vote Democrat you pay for your contribution to slavery.
That includes any blacks who vote Democrat.

Heck, if you work for the government and get a paycheck from the government, you still have to pay taxes to the government.
Same goes for anyone who votes Democrat.
You folks wanted it, you get it.
You deserve the government you chose to vote for.

Thanks for your input clown, but today's Democrats have nothing in common with slavery defending southerners.

It was southern states successionist war that caused the damage and it's reasonably on those states that pay reparations for it.
Over 50 thousand whites died to free the slaves. What is that worth monititialy? Is there a special bonus for that? A white sale? Where does this end?

Nothing, it was the right thing to do.

Then again, nobody should be getting anything for something that happened multiple generations ago.
If we are, anthropologically speaking, all literally out of Africa, then it’s perfectly reasonable to identify as a black person. Ergo, when the reparations checks start getting issued, I demand one for me too.
Over 50 thousand whites died to free the slaves.
I just checked the Web.

Currently, it is estimated that 360,000 Northern boys died in the Civil War.


Don't hold your breath.

I hope that there are no reparations.

If the progressives feel that "those folks" deserve reparations, they should establish a voluntary fund, with "donations" from major corporations.

Taxoayers should NOT have to contribute, especially those taxpayers who have been traumatized by violent criminals.

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