
Only brain-dead idiots want or demand reparations not realizing the people of all colors are still slaves to the banker Pirates
Let us not forget it was the Black Pharaohs who Enslaved the rest of humanity in that part of the planet at that time and the ruling mulatto Elite still does

Since it was the Southern White Democrats who owned the slaves and Northern Democrats who voted to keep them slaves, I would say that the Democrat National Party should pony up with the reparations. I think that is a just punishment for those who abused people of color.
REPARATIONS for Americans of African Descent


With all respect, in this image I am suggesting Ms. Graham is emotionally ill because she grew up witnessing other families and children in her community experience a traumatic, potentially life scarring childhood fraught Pain, Hardships, FEAR, Depression, Demeaning Government Handouts, Resentment, Disappointment, Sorrow and Struggles...and then made the CHOICE to introduce her own SIX newborns, infants, toddlers children and teens to the same abusive, traumatic, potentially life scarring childhood she witnessed other families experience.


Pictured: Ms. Toya Graham’s APPARENT depressed, emotionally ill, suic!dal/hom!cidal thinking 15-year-old son (*May 18, 2015 - Rise in Suic!de by Black Children Surprises Researchers - The New York Times*) joined significant numbers of his emotionally ill young teen classmates in attempting to cause grave bodily harm or death to police officers attempting to protect Ms. Graham’s peaceful neighbors from being emotionally and/or physically harmed (or worse) by emotionally ill teens and adults.

In this image Baltimore mom Toya Graham's depressed, emotionally ill teen son smokes 'something' as he handles a firearm readily capable of causing death to Americans kids much like the late Jamyla Bolden, Laylah Petersen, Bill Thao and Dearlvion "Earl" Whitley, all needlessly killed while minding their own business INSIDE their own homes!!!


Apparently a substantial number of my American neighbors believe Americans of African descent are entitled to compensation for egregious acts of racism, bigotry, greed, oppression, human enslavement and human ignorance that during the course of human and societal evolution deprived for too many peaceful, caring, loving people from enjoying freedom and the pleasures of life other people on the North American continent were experiencing during our imperfect human specie's protracted period of profound and illogical human ignorance.

In regard to Reparations, I suggest peaceful, responsible Baltimore residents be fully compensated for the public funds they made available to Ms. Toya Graham. An apparent emotionally ill mom who raised, nurtured and socialized an apparent, depressed, emotionally disturbed, suicidal/homicidal thinking teen son who joined significant numbers of his apparent emotionally ill young teen classmates in attempting to cause grave bodily harm or death to police officers attempting to protect Ms. Graham’s peaceful neighbors from being emotionally and/or physically harmed (or worse) by emotionally ill teens and adults.

I believe Ms. Gloria Darden who raised and nurtured depressed, emotionally disturbed, self-harming Freddie Gray, needs to repay her responsible neighbors for neglecting her parental and societal duty to raise and socialize a child maturing into reasonably responsible teen and adult American citizen who did NOT cause grave harm to his community by offering life scarring drugs to his depressed, self-harming neighbors, regardless of his neighbor's AGE, physical, emotional or MATERNAL condition.

Ms. Graham and Ms. Darden are primary maternal caregivers who ignored their parental and moral responsibility to place the emotional well being of their children ABOVE ALL ELSE, as well as failing to recognize their societal obligation to their neighbors and community to raise peaceful, fairly happy American children maturing into reasonably responsible, peaceful teen and adult American citizens who respect and care about the well being of their peaceful, as well as less fortunate neighbors.

With all due respect, I suggest a significant population of apparent immature, apathetic American teen girls and women of African descent who SELFISHLY and irresponsibly built families depending on their responsible neighbor's support to raise and nurture society's children, compensate our society for recklessly creating poverty, hardships and suffering for countless numbers of American newborns, infants, toddlers, children and teens much like the late Tupac Shakur and Kendrick Lamar. Both men revealing in public they were victims of horrific criminal child abuse and neglect responsible for them maturing into adults speaking about experiencing depression and suicidal thoughts for much of their lives.

With all due respect, I believe America needs to be compensated for the $billions$ America has spent arresting, prosecuting and incarcerating our depressed, emotionally disturbed African American neighbors who turned to crime and harming their peaceful neighbors due to the poor choices made by their immature, "living wild" parents *(Mr. "My Brother's Keeper" Obama friend Kendrick Lamar's characterization of his parent's violent felon embracing lifestyle)* who built families before acquiring the practical skills and means to independently provide for their/society's children.

I believe American educators should be offered compensation for the frustrations, heartache, anguish, emotional pain, fear and anger they experienced witnessing and coping with traumatized young children, WHO THROUGH NO FAULT OF THEIR OWN, were emotionally and/or physically maltreated by their dysfunctional parental caregivers and community. Far too often teachers instill children with peaceful values, knowing many of their students are returning to a family and community environment instilling, often under duress, a different set of anti-social values. *Cognitive Dissonance*

Finally, I believe OUR Nation should be compensated for being willfully, ignorantly or negligently denied the WEALTH of potential human achievements offered by reasonably well adjusted children maturing into reasonably responsible, caring teen and adult American citizens. Human achievements American society continues to be deprived of enjoying due to generations of immature primary MATERNAL caregivers irresponsibly raising and nurturing American children who, THROUGH NO FAULT OF THEIR, are UNJUSTLY OPPRESSED and DEPRIVED from experiencing a fairly SAFE, fairly or wonderfully happy American kid childhood all Americans have a right as well as ABSOLUTE NEED to experience during a critical period of human/childhood development.

The late popular American urban story-TRUTH-teller Tupac Shakur's (often misinterpreted) #T_H_U_G_L_I_F_E Child Abuse, Emotional Neglect, Abandonment and Maltreatment *AWARENESS* concept:

"The Hate U Give Little Infants Fvvks *EVERYONE"* ~Tupac Shakur

"We need more people who care; you know what I'm saying? We need more women, mothers, fathers, we need more of that..." ~Tupac Shakur

Tupac was well aware that not only are American kids being UNJUSTLY OPPRESSED and DEPRIVED from experiencing their full human potential, Tupac realized OUR NATION is being deprived of enjoying the potential achievements offered to ALL Americans by reasonably well adjusted kids maturing into responsible teens and adults who care about the future of OUR Nation.

Are my suggestions for Compensation unreasonable?

*Honestly*, I am not interested in compensation. What's done is done.

Currently my foremost desire is to witness RESPONSIBLE, caring, concerned Americans taking meaningful ACTION to protect and prevent American newborns, infants, toddlers, children and teens from becoming victims of OUR NATION'S generational cycle of Childhood Abuse, Neglect and Maltreatment, aka Poverty.

It is time to end "America's War on Poverty," correctly renaming our Nation's expanding social disorder and # ONE HEALTH CRISIS/DISEASE known as CHILDHOOD TRAUMA, to

*"America's War on Childhood Abuse, Neglect & Maltreatment"*

Much like Tupac I'm sorry to pick on moms, though since ancient times they are the primary caregivers we look to keep us safe, cared for and loved right from our start.


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