
Is that a tax on race, or is it truly merited?
It is s gift from pet owners to their pets.
Hell, Mike Bloomberg can admit the harm that more than a century of racial discrimination caused to the lives of black Americans. You're less honest than a politician?

Hello, NewsVine_Mariyam. During three terms as an ELECTED problem solver, SPECIFICALLY what ACTION did Michael Bloomberg take, preventing #AmericanChildren from experiencing our Nation's UNHEALTHY, potentially life scarring #THUGLIFE Culture of #ChildAbuse, Emotional Neglect, Abandonment & Maltreatment!

Would Bloomberg stand a snowball's chance in hell of being elected or appointed to any public office, including dog catcher, if he addressed FACTS and .GOV Child Abuse stats related to American children and teens of African descent?

This apparent concerned and angry citizen took the time to assemble Child Abuse statistics:

'Black women are destroying themselves and black men' The Devils Advocate

Michael Bloomberg PREVENT.png
Michael Bloomberg PREVENT_2.jpg
Jazelle Hunt, Dr. Nadine Burke Harris_2.png

As usual NewsVine_Mariyam, I suspect you will continue ignoring me, saving me the time and trouble of replying to you.

Reparations are being paid every day...

... to blacks in the form of welfare...

... and other forms of freebies to blacks...

... to help them make it through the economy.

Government Boondoggles. Lets end this. Not paying one red red cent for the Democrat political games and the psychological warfare amongst Americans, I wash my hands of this...
You don't have any say so in the matter because it's the government that pays reparations, not individual citizens.

And even if we took slavery out of the equation and only started from the years that people of African descent obtained citizenship, it is clear that while black people have been required to pay into our system via the same taxes as everyone else, as a race, it was legal at that time to provide us with less services than those provided to whites due to racial discrimination. If you can't see and understand the harm caused by just this one example then one can't but wonder if you just don't want to see any attempts to make whole, those lives who were made less by a legal system of systemic racial discrimination.

Hell, Mike Bloomberg can admit the harm that more than a century of racial discrimination caused to the lives of black Americans. You're less honest than a politician?
Every individual has an opinion, I understand that. I grow every time I read your opinions. I will never pay one red cent either, for something that is theoretical on something I NEVER could control. My birth parents or my heritage. I will not stand being monetarily fined over that. Anyone with principals will stand against THAT.
And again, for the third time in this thread alone, it's the government who pays reparations, not individual citizens, therefore you, nor I as a matter of fact, get a vote in the matter. Oh and thank you by the way.

Do you have objections to the other reparations our government currently pays or has paid in the past? None of us got a vote in those decisions either but they got paid anyway, and rightly so in my opinion.

Americans are totally fine with reparations, just not for slavery
March 18, 2019

By Annalisa Merelli
Geopolitics reporter

Since the second half of last century, countries like Germany, Austria, France, South Africa, and Canada have amended past wrongs by paying reparations to their victims.

The US, too, has supported reparations as a form of restorative justice. After World War II, it supported Jewish victims of the Holocaust in their demands for reparations from Germany and Austria. As recently as 2016, the US Department of State helped Holocaust survivors access the payment owed to them by a French railways company that was an accomplice in deportations.

Yet the debate about reparations for slavery has remained at the fringes of the US political discourse. Ever since now retired Michigan representative John Conyers Jr. proposed to create a commission to study how to appropriately compensate the descendants of slaves in 1978, the idea has been dismissed as unattainable and utopian, too progressive even for progressive candidates.

But the conversation now seems to be budging. A New York Times columnist (paywall) recently explained how he went from reparations skeptic to a convinced supporter of the cause. Meanwhile, reparations are appearing in the platforms of aspiring Democratic candidates, including Julián Castro. He told CNN’s Jake Tapper that if elected, he would appoint a reparations commission along the lines of what Conyers Jr. proposed decades ago.

Reparations are a daring topic to bring up during a campaign. About 70% of Americans oppose them—white Americans are the least in favor of it. Reparation opponents point to practical concerns as a major impediment. Who would pay? Who has the right to be paid? Does everyone get the same amount?

But these are questions that could be answered if there was political will to do so. After all, reparations have been paid numerous times in the US, at the federal, state and city levels—just not to descendants of slaves. Though slavery reparations would surpass those previously paid in amount and scope, their goal would be exactly the same.

Here are several instances in which Americans admitted to acting wrongly, and atoned.

US to Japanese Americans
US to Aleuts of Alaska
North Carolina to eugenics victims
US to the victims of the Tuskegee experiment
Florida to the survivors of the Rosewood massacre
City of Chicago to victims of police torture

Acknowledging wrongs
In all of these cases, reparations were given out not just as financial compensation, but as a tangible recognition that a wrong had been done, and that the US—or its states and cities—held a debt towards a specific group.

Opposition to reparations for slavery suggests many Americans are not ready to accept that there is a debt to be paid to the descendants of those who endured the horrors of slavery and segregation under Jim Crow laws. But the budding debate could finally pave the way for acknowledgement, especially if presidential candidates keep talking about it.

Americans are totally fine with reparations, just not for slavery
Every individual has an opinion, I understand that. I grow every time I read your opinions. I will never pay one red cent either, for something that is theoretical on something I NEVER could control. My birth parents or my heritage. I will not stand being monetarily fined over that. Anyone with principals will stand against THAT.
That's the difference in "Social Justice" and "Equal Justice".

Social Justice is just another way Democrats convince a large portion of Blacks that they aren't responsible for their own lives. That they're victims, pitiful failures that need table scraps from White Democrats to survive.

Fortunately, more and more Blacks are standing on their own 2 feet like adults.
If 600,000 dead in the Civil War didn't expiate guilt, nothing will.
You are talking about white on white slavery. The kind you guys deny ever happening.


no sir.....not at all....

Secondly, slavery was not the end of anything but as usual none of you whites want to discuss that part.

prob is, it hasn't ended at all.....

What is modern slavery? - Anti-Slavery International

Modern slavery in numbers
  • 40.3 million people are in modern slavery across the world
  • 10 million children are in slavery across the world
  • 30.4 million people are in slavery in the Asia-Pacific region, mostly in bonded labour
  • 9.1 million people are in slavery in Africa
  • 2.1 million people are in slavery in The Americas
  • 1.5 million people are in slavery in developed economies
  • 16 million slavery victims are exploited in economic activities
  • 4.8 million people are in forced into sexual exploitation
  • 99% of people trafficked for sexual exploitation are women and girls
  • 4.1 million people in slavery are exploited by governments
  • US$ 150 billion – illegal profits forced labour in the private economy generates per year
*All estimates by ILO

I agree with people who feel that reparations should not be paid to any group.

Along with African Americans, other groups have also been treated unjustly: women, Latinx, Asians, Native Americans, gays, etc.

If we were to pay financial reparations to all groups, there would not be enough money.

Besides, affirmative action IS a sort of reparation.
I agree with people who feel that reparations should not be paid to any group.

Along with African Americans, other groups have also been treated unjustly: women, Latinx, Asians, Native Americans, gays, etc.

If we were to pay financial reparations to all groups, there would not be enough money.

Besides, affirmative action IS a sort of reparation.
What about the families of Yankee Soldiers that died freeing the slaves?

Should Black Americans pay them reparations?

Reparations is pandering to people that don't want to take responsibility for themselves.

Like giving a kid an unearned allowance thinking it'll shut him up.
What is that, explain that

It is one race claiming their injustices are any worse or more important than anyone else's.

Even worse, the ultimate racism to even think so, having been accorded more already than anyone else.
Yes whites claim their injustices are worse or more important than anyone elses and have been accorded more than anyone else.

As for blacks, we were enslaved, and then excluded by law. Whites have never faced anything close. This is what, the 55th thread by one of you racists whining about reparations?
You were not enslaved
What is that, explain that

It is one race claiming their injustices are any worse or more important than anyone else's.

Even worse, the ultimate racism to even think so, having been accorded more already than anyone else.
Yes whites claim their injustices are worse or more important than anyone elses and have been accorded more than anyone else.

As for blacks, we were enslaved, and then excluded by law. Whites have never faced anything close. This is what, the 55th thread by one of you racists whining about reparations?
You were not enslaved

He likes to talk about stuff he doesn't know the first thing about as if he were an expert on it.

My great, great, great, great grandparents knew all about blacksmithing and sailing ships, so I guess I'm a sailor and an expert in forging iron.
“ It will end up costing the U.S. economy as much as $1 trillion between now and 2028 for the nation to maintain its longstanding black-white racial wealth gap, according to a report released this month from the global consultancy firm McKinsey & Company. That will be roughly 4 percent of the United States GDP in 2028—just the conservative view, assuming that the wealth growth rates of African Americans will outpace white wealth growth at its current clip of 3 percent to .8 percent annually, said McKinsey. If the gap widens, however, with white wealth growing at a faster rate than black wealth instead, it could end up costing the U.S. $1.5 trillion or 6 percent of GDP according to the firm.”

The economic impact of closing the racial wealth gap | McKinsey

This is the price you will pay for your continued racism. Now keep talking stupid.
I agree with people who feel that reparations should not be paid to any group.

Along with African Americans, other groups have also been treated unjustly: women, Latinx, Asians, Native Americans, gays, etc.

If we were to pay financial reparations to all groups, there would not be enough money.

Besides, affirmative action IS a sort of reparation.
What about the families of Yankee Soldiers that died freeing the slaves?

Should Black Americans pay them reparations?

Reparations is pandering to people that don't want to take responsibility for themselves.

Like giving a kid an unearned allowance thinking it'll shut him up.

Reparations are not unearned and slavery was not the end of our suffering caused by whites like you. Bot families of white union and confederate soldiers got reparations until at least 2017. The refusal to pay what you owe is a prime example of people who don't want to take responsibility for what they have done and how they have lived off of what was done.
“ It will end up costing the U.S. economy as much as $1 trillion between now and 2028 for the nation to maintain its longstanding black-white racial wealth gap, according to a report released this month from the global consultancy firm McKinsey & Company. That will be roughly 4 percent of the United States GDP in 2028—just the conservative view, assuming that the wealth growth rates of African Americans will outpace white wealth growth at its current clip of 3 percent to .8 percent annually, said McKinsey. If the gap widens, however, with white wealth growing at a faster rate than black wealth instead, it could end up costing the U.S. $1.5 trillion or 6 percent of GDP according to the firm.”

The economic impact of closing the racial wealth gap | McKinsey

This is the price you will pay for your continued racism. Now keep talking stupid.

It will end up costing the U.S. economy as much as $1 trillion between now and 2028 for the nation to maintain its longstanding black-white racial wealth gap,

It doesn't cost anything to "maintain" the gap.
Are we supposed to spend $5 trillion to "save" $1 trillion?

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