
I agree with people who feel that reparations should not be paid to any group.

Along with African Americans, other groups have also been treated unjustly: women, Latinx, Asians, Native Americans, gays, etc.

If we were to pay financial reparations to all groups, there would not be enough money.

Besides, affirmative action IS a sort of reparation.
What about the families of Yankee Soldiers that died freeing the slaves?

Should Black Americans pay them reparations?

Reparations is pandering to people that don't want to take responsibility for themselves.

Like giving a kid an unearned allowance thinking it'll shut him up.

Reparations are not unearned and slavery was not the end of our suffering caused by whites like you. Bot families of white union and confederate soldiers got reparations until at least 2017. The refusal to pay what you owe is a prime example of people who don't want to take responsibility for what they have done and how they have lived off of what was done.

Bot families of white union and confederate soldiers got reparations until at least 2017

This is the price you will pay for your continued racism. Now keep talking stupid

The refusal to pay what you owe is a prime example of people who don't want to take responsibility for what they have done and how they have lived off of what was done.

so total focus on 'black remuneration ' , and no acknowledgement at all for the millions of modern 'slaves' on this rock, for which I as well as you, as well as every other American are culpable IM2?

what did whites today get free?



Is that a tax on race, or is it truly merited?

This is what passes for black racist logic...

"I'm black...therefor you OWE me free money".

Once that money has been spent they come back for more free money with an even deeper racist hatred for whites.

NOTHING is their fault...whitey did it all to them.

My lack of knowledge has nothing to do with not paying attention in's whiteys fault!

My drug problem is whiteys fault!

The children I fathered are whiteys fault!

Just ask IM2. He'll tell ya!
Let me break down what white racism has done to this nation. While certain whites gloat about how successful they have been as a race and lecture others about how they have failed, facts show they have created the problems being complained about today. If not for racism everyone would be better off economically, fewer people would be on the public dime, tax revenues would increase at every level with possibly no national deficit or debt. Crime and unemployment would be reduced. More than likely the increased tax revenue could help provide free education and health care to all American citizens. Study after study shoes us that virtually every economic problem we have as a country stems from denying opportunities for people of color due to racism.

“It will end up costing the U.S. economy as much as $1 trillion between now and 2028 for the nation to maintain its longstanding black-white racial wealth gap, according to a report released this month from the global consultancy firm McKinsey & Company. That will be roughly 4 percent of the United States GDP in 2028—just the conservative view, assuming that the wealth growth rates of African Americans will outpace white wealth growth at its current clip of 3 percent to .8 percent annually, said McKinsey. If the gap widens, however, with white wealth growing at a faster rate than black wealth instead, it could end up costing the U.S. $1.5 trillion or 6 percent of GDP according to the firm.”

This is the price tag for continuing white racism. You will pay this.
Except there ISN'T ANY "white racism" except in the minds of manipulative liberals who push this false idea. They broadcast old, black & white footage of JimCrow troubles, from 60 years ago, to transfer that mentality to the present in hope of making blacks feel oppressed.

They sure don't show the Affirmative Action benefits blacks have been reaping all these years. Nor do they show the Affirmative Action consequences that whites have been suffering, for 6 decades.

Reparations$$$ should be paid to these white victims of AA, and it should be paid out of the personal pockets of AA pushers/supporters like IM2, not the taxpayers.
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Slavery, blacks, taxes...

This reminds me a conversation with a black guy 40 years ago.

It was "tax season" and he told me that decades ago rich white people used to include as "deductions" their pets care, which included food and veterinarian visits.

Then black people learned it and they also started to deduct their pets care at the time of making their income taxes. Then, the IRS stop accepting this kind of deduction for everybody.

I believe the story is true, because in those past years I myself had the chance to make several deductions in my income tax when having my own business, and several changes have happened with tax forms thru the years that sometimes is better just to accept the standard deduction instead of using additional forms for the same purpose.

I think that reparations won't be equally distributed if it comes a reality. The recipients must have to show evidence that their ancestors were slaves.

But, wait... I knew a black guy who's last name is Washington, and he had green eyes. One day we went to a building were another black guy also had green eyes. They started to talk about their families and how related they were. Something like knowing another member of the same family. I guess that beyond a last name and green color eyes, they should have a DNA test. He made a reference once about some female ancestor of his being a slave. Apparently the landlord in those past years had lots of female slaves and that he was very lovely with them.

But what about several black people who have no evidence of past members of their families as slaves? To "tell" what grandma told them is not enough, and they must remove lots of papers (if any) to present their proof. We must be aware that DNA tests besides parenthood only provides geographical information and is not revealing who was a slave and who wasn't.

I don't think reparations will work.

Of course they wouldn't work. Former "slaves" would be coming out of the woodpile. It would be like a lottery where anyone and everyone wins.

The whole idea of "reparations" is just another idiotic scheme to get something for nothing, and make white liberals people feel bad about themselves.

Relax, it's just for winding you up. Whites talk about it more than blacks, it hysterical.

Think of it like abortion. Nothing's gonna change, it's for people who like to be angry all the time.
Let me break down what white racism has done to this nation. While certain whites gloat about how successful they have been as a race and lecture others about how they have failed, facts show they have created the problems being complained about today. If not for racism everyone would be better off economically, fewer people would be on the public dime, tax revenues would increase at every level with possibly no national deficit or debt. Crime and unemployment would be reduced. More than likely the increased tax revenue could help provide free education and health care to all American citizens. Study after study shoes us that virtually every economic problem we have as a country stems from denying opportunities for people of color due to racism.

“It will end up costing the U.S. economy as much as $1 trillion between now and 2028 for the nation to maintain its longstanding black-white racial wealth gap, according to a report released this month from the global consultancy firm McKinsey & Company. That will be roughly 4 percent of the United States GDP in 2028—just the conservative view, assuming that the wealth growth rates of African Americans will outpace white wealth growth at its current clip of 3 percent to .8 percent annually, said McKinsey. If the gap widens, however, with white wealth growing at a faster rate than black wealth instead, it could end up costing the U.S. $1.5 trillion or 6 percent of GDP according to the firm.”

This is the price tag for continuing white racism. You will pay this.
Except there ISN'T ANY "white racism" except in the minds of manipulative liberals who push this false idea. They broadcast old, black & white footage of JimCrow troubles, from 60 years ago, to transfer that mentality to the present in hope of making blacks feel oppressed.

They sure don't show the Affirmative Action benefits blacks have been reaping all these years. Nor do they show the Affirmative Action consequences that whites have been suffering, for 6 decades.

Reparations$$$ should be paid to these white victims of AA, and it should be paid out of the personal pockets of AA pushers/supporters like IM2, not the taxpayers.

You had the GI Bill and the New Deal.
As for blacks, we were enslaved, and then excluded by law. Whites have never faced anything close

slavic , as in Czechoslovakian literally translates to 'slave'

but you've have to know some 1st reich history

and if you want to talk pure genocide, you'll find white / white destruction historically dwarfs most other racial woes on this rock

seems we've always been EOE


I know all about what the word slav came from. You are talking about white on white slavery. The kind you guys deny ever happening. But we aren't talking about Czechoslovakia and this stupid ass defense from whites always comes up in this discussion. We are talking about American law, and the Czech comstitution or lack thereof is not relevant to this discussion.

Secondly, slavery was not the end of anything but as usual none of you whites want to discuss that part.

So after 900 threads of whites crying about reparations and talking about how they have been slaves way back in 2020 BC, I think it's time for you guys to stop making threads about reparations.
It will be time to stop making threads about reparations, when guys like you start paying it to the victims of Affirmative Action.
Let me break down what white racism has done to this nation. While certain whites gloat about how successful they have been as a race and lecture others about how they have failed, facts show they have created the problems being complained about today. If not for racism everyone would be better off economically, fewer people would be on the public dime, tax revenues would increase at every level with possibly no national deficit or debt. Crime and unemployment would be reduced. More than likely the increased tax revenue could help provide free education and health care to all American citizens. Study after study shoes us that virtually every economic problem we have as a country stems from denying opportunities for people of color due to racism.

“It will end up costing the U.S. economy as much as $1 trillion between now and 2028 for the nation to maintain its longstanding black-white racial wealth gap, according to a report released this month from the global consultancy firm McKinsey & Company. That will be roughly 4 percent of the United States GDP in 2028—just the conservative view, assuming that the wealth growth rates of African Americans will outpace white wealth growth at its current clip of 3 percent to .8 percent annually, said McKinsey. If the gap widens, however, with white wealth growing at a faster rate than black wealth instead, it could end up costing the U.S. $1.5 trillion or 6 percent of GDP according to the firm.”

This is the price tag for continuing white racism. You will pay this.
Except there ISN'T ANY "white racism" except in the minds of manipulative liberals who push this false idea. They broadcast old, black & white footage of JimCrow troubles, from 60 years ago, to transfer that mentality to the present in hope of making blacks feel oppressed.

They sure don't show the Affirmative Action benefits blacks have been reaping all these years. Nor do they show the Affirmative Action consequences that whites have been suffering, for 6 decades.

Reparations$$$ should be paid to these white victims of AA, and it should be paid out of the personal pockets of AA pushers/supporters like IM2, not the taxpayers.

You had the GI Bill and the New Deal.
The New Deal was before I was born, in the 1930s, and neither of these are reparations for Affirmative Action discrimination.
"Except there ISN'T ANY "white racism" except in the minds of manipulative liberals who push this false idea. They broadcast old, black & white footage of JimCrow troubles, from 60 years ago, to transfer that mentality to the present in hope of making blacks feel oppressed.

They sure don't show the Affirmative Action benefits blacks have been reaping all these years. Nor do they show the Affirmative Action consequences that whites have been suffering, for 6 decades.

Reparations$$$ should be paid to these white victims of AA, and it should be paid out of the personal pockets of AA pushers/supporters like IM2, not the taxpayers."

If there was no white racism we wouldn't be talking about it. We live with it you dumb son of a bitch, we don't need to see black and white films. For you to even say this and be serious shows you have lost your mind. There have not been any white consequences of AA you senile bastard. What you call AA whites have gotten for the whole 243 years America has been a country.
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Is that a tax on race, or is it truly merited?

This is what passes for black racist logic...

"I'm black...therefor you OWE me free money".

Once that money has been spent they come back for more free money with an even deeper racist hatred for whites.

NOTHING is their fault...whitey did it all to them.

My lack of knowledge has nothing to do with not paying attention in's whiteys fault!

My drug problem is whiteys fault!

The children I fathered are whiteys fault!

Just ask IM2. He'll tell ya!

The record shows I am right. You can't say the same.
I agree with people who feel that reparations should not be paid to any group.

Along with African Americans, other groups have also been treated unjustly: women, Latinx, Asians, Native Americans, gays, etc.

If we were to pay financial reparations to all groups, there would not be enough money.

Besides, affirmative action IS a sort of reparation.
What about the families of Yankee Soldiers that died freeing the slaves?

Should Black Americans pay them reparations?

Reparations is pandering to people that don't want to take responsibility for themselves.

Like giving a kid an unearned allowance thinking it'll shut him up.

Reparations are not unearned and slavery was not the end of our suffering caused by whites like you. Bot families of white union and confederate soldiers got reparations until at least 2017. The refusal to pay what you owe is a prime example of people who don't want to take responsibility for what they have done and how they have lived off of what was done.

Bot families of white union and confederate soldiers got reparations until at least 2017


No, I am correct.
What is that, explain that
Reparations are what white liberals owe to descendants of slaves [and to descendants of union soldiers who died in the civil war]...none will deny they owe it, they just want help paying off their debt and to share their shame and blame.
Reparations are what this government owes blacks for the 243 years of human rights violations that is call racism. Reparations are not paid to the people who committed the atrocities. Civil war soldiers on both sides got reparations.
This is the price you will pay for your continued racism. Now keep talking stupid

The refusal to pay what you owe is a prime example of people who don't want to take responsibility for what they have done and how they have lived off of what was done.

so total focus on 'black remuneration ' , and no acknowledgement at all for the millions of modern 'slaves' on this rock, for which I as well as you, as well as every other American are culpable IM2?

what did whites today get free?




Look white boy, I am tired of the idiotic false equivalences those like you come up with. The fact is that this government owes blacks reparations for human rights violations that go past slavery and into today.

I presented what it is going to cost for you whites to keep making these trifling ass excuses. You are going to pay one way or the other. Now the next time your white ass bitches about the national debt or deficit, welfare or handouts, just remember that is the price your racism has cost you. Because if blacks hispanics/NativeAmericans and 90 percent of the asians here had been allowed to gain wealth just like whites have, we'd have no national debt, we would not be running deficits, we would not need so much public assistance. People drawing from taxes for public assistance would be tax paying citizens, our economy would be so strong that what you see today and brag about being great it is would be laughed at and no other country could ever come close. We could have free education, healthcare and affordable housing and low taxes. That's how money we'd have if you whites came off your stupidity. These deficits is what your fucked up white ass excuse making has created. You motherfuckers have failed in building a society, yet you want to look at us and talk crazy.

So as long as you make excuses, just chalk up and other one half to three quarters trillion dollars of lost revenues annually, because that's the price of white racism. Chalk up one half to 3/4 trillion dollars of lost consumer spending in our ecoomy annually. Face about 1-2 million jobs lost that could have been created due to such consumer spending each year.

The government owes us money. This is not money we have not earned. So the government can pay us and we begin rebuilding our communities with the money, or we can stay stuck on stupid. Stuck on stupid is going to cost us at least 4 percent of GDP annually. So keep on, because as I have always said, you will pay what you owe or you will lose what you got.
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"Except there ISN'T ANY "white racism" except in the minds of manipulative liberals who push this false idea. They broadcast old, black & white footage of JimCrow troubles, from 60 years ago, to transfer that mentality to the present in hope of making blacks feel oppressed.

They sure don't show the Affirmative Action benefits blacks have been reaping all these years. Nor do they show the Affirmative Action consequences that whites have been suffering, for 6 decades.

Reparations$$$ should be paid to these white victims of AA, and it should be paid out of the personal pockets of AA pushers/supporters like IM2, not the taxpayers."

If there was no white racism we wouldn't be talking about it. We live with it you dumb son of a bitch, we don't need to see black and white films. For you to even say this and be serious shows you have lost your mind. There have not been any white consequences of AA you senile bastard. What you call AA whites have gotten for the whole 243 years America has been a country.
It feels strange to reply to a post this absurd. One feels kind of bad about replying to a poster who quite obviously has lost his mind.

Of course there is no white racism, nor has there been for 56 years, since blacks we're put on a pedestal of black privilege, and given Affirmative Action, open admissions, watered down "education", etc, etc.

No white consequences of AA? In just my graduate school alone, a lot of whites (and hispanics & Asians) had to drop out of the school from being denied assistantships. Their WHOLE LIVES were diminished by them being taken out of the career they sought to engage in. The whole past 47 years has been a change away from what could/should have been, after only blacks (with low grades) were given assistantships, just because they were black.

This deranged goon IM2, is not only racist and ageist against older folks, but he also is a lowlife trash mouth too.
This is the price you will pay for your continued racism. Now keep talking stupid

The refusal to pay what you owe is a prime example of people who don't want to take responsibility for what they have done and how they have lived off of what was done.

so total focus on 'black remuneration ' , and no acknowledgement at all for the millions of modern 'slaves' on this rock, for which I as well as you, as well as every other American are culpable IM2?

what did whites today get free?




Look white boy, I am tired of the idiotic false equivalences those like you come up with. The fact is that this government owes blacks reparations for human rights violations that go past slavery and into today.

I presented what it is going to cost for you whites to keep making these trifling ass excuses. You are going to pay one way or the other. Now the next time your white ass bitches about the national debt or deficit, welfare or handouts, just remember that is the price your racism has cost you. Because if blacks hispanics/NativeAmericans and 90 percent of the asians here had been allowed to gain wealth just like whites have, we'd have no national debt, we would not be running deficits, we would not need so much public assistance. People drawing from taxes for public assistance would be tax paying citizens, our economy would be so strong that what you see today and brag about being great it is would be laughed at and no other country could ever come close. We could have free education, healthcare and affordable housing and low taxes. That's how money we'd have if you whites came off your stupidity. These deficits is what your fucked up white ass excuse making has created. You motherfuckers have failed in building a society, yet you want to look at us and talk crazy.

So as long as you make excuses, just chalk up and other one half to three quarters trillion dollars of lost revenues annually, because that's the price of white racism. Chalk up one half to 3/4 trillion dollars of lost consumer spending in our ecoomy annually. Face about 1-2 million jobs lost that could have been created due to such consumer spending each year.

The government owes us money. This is not money we have not earned. So the government can pay us and we begin rebuilding our communities with the money, or we can stay stuck on stupid. Stuck on stupid is going to cost us at least 4 percent of GDP annually. So keep on, because as I have always said, you will pay what you owe or you will lose what you got.
But you HAVE "been allowed to gain wealth", Mr Nutjob. You have more than just been allowed. You have been given the overall ADVANTAGE from all the Black Privilege advantages that I just mentioned in my previous post. You've had them for almost 60 years, which is why blacks work in jobs where whites don't (except for a few white women).

I just came back from getting surgery done yesterday at my VA hospital. I decided to do a racial/sex head count. Here's the result, itemized.

My surgeon and assistant - both white females.
Inner office clerks - 1 Hispanic female, 1 white female, 2 Hispanic males
Employees seen in hallway - 4 Hispanic/Asian females, 1 Indian female, 3 black females
Front lobby clerks - 1 Hispanic male, 2 black females
Zero white males.

The govt does not owe you a dime. YOU, and all your AA supporting buddies are who owe white males a fortune.
Pay up, moneysucker!
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I agree with people who feel that reparations should not be paid to any group.

Along with African Americans, other groups have also been treated unjustly: women, Latinx, Asians, Native Americans, gays, etc.

If we were to pay financial reparations to all groups, there would not be enough money.

Besides, affirmative action IS a sort of reparation.
What about the families of Yankee Soldiers that died freeing the slaves?

Should Black Americans pay them reparations?

Reparations is pandering to people that don't want to take responsibility for themselves.

Like giving a kid an unearned allowance thinking it'll shut him up.

Reparations are not unearned and slavery was not the end of our suffering caused by whites like you. Bot families of white union and confederate soldiers got reparations until at least 2017. The refusal to pay what you owe is a prime example of people who don't want to take responsibility for what they have done and how they have lived off of what was done.

Bot families of white union and confederate soldiers got reparations until at least 2017


No, I am correct.
You are insane.
idiotic false equivalences

these trifling ass excuses.

your white ass bitches

if you whites came off your stupidity.

your fucked up white ass excuse

You motherfuckers

the price of white racism.

Stuck on stupid

I see.....

so i present you with the very same problem occurring in today's world to other races, and you're only interest is for your own.

I agree with people who feel that reparations should not be paid to any group.

Along with African Americans, other groups have also been treated unjustly: women, Latinx, Asians, Native Americans, gays, etc.

If we were to pay financial reparations to all groups, there would not be enough money.

Besides, affirmative action IS a sort of reparation.
What about the families of Yankee Soldiers that died freeing the slaves?

Should Black Americans pay them reparations?

Reparations is pandering to people that don't want to take responsibility for themselves.

Like giving a kid an unearned allowance thinking it'll shut him up.

Reparations are not unearned and slavery was not the end of our suffering caused by whites like you. Bot families of white union and confederate soldiers got reparations until at least 2017. The refusal to pay what you owe is a prime example of people who don't want to take responsibility for what they have done and how they have lived off of what was done.

Bot families of white union and confederate soldiers got reparations until at least 2017


No, I am correct.

Military pensions for spouses and children isn't reparations.


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