Repeal the 2nd Amendment?

Shoot anyone who tries to disarm me.

Yeah, hence my posting of the snarky .jpeg

I'm not really questioning your manhood, but I kind of doubt all these fantasies about how you are going to stop the evil doers who want to take your precious guns will go down in quite the manner you think.

Think about the Gravy Seals at the Jan 6 insurrection. They were there to take back America. TAKE BACK AMERICA from a FRAUDULENT ELECTION! They were carrying zipties with plans to take some hostages and get Congress to MAKE THINGS RIGHT.

They lasted all of 6 hours or so and then most went home to watch TV and brag on instagram about what they did.

You'll forgive me if I assume you are cut from a similar cloth.
“Most linguists and historians agreed with Stevens’s interpretation, emphasizing that the phrase “bear arms” in 1791 was used most often in a collective, military sense.” ibid

And, also in theory, it’s possible that a future Supreme Court could overturn Heller, abandoning the individual right interpretation and restoring the collective right interpretation.
Come get them
Typical double talking leftist bullshit.

How is it "doubletalking"? Are you just grabbing random words at this point?

Why you go after criminals leave the rest of us alone?

We did. You might recall Clinton passing the 3 Strikes laws. Of course that wound up being a complete disaster as low-level drug offenders were most of what got caught.

America currently has the highest prison population on earth so I think we are clearly getting the "Lock 'em up" part done quite well. Perhaps you can explain why so many other first world countries DON'T have our level of gun homicides AND have much, much, much lower prison populations.

Or you could just grab another random word and accuse me of it. How about "usury". Complain to me about my usurious behavior.

That'd be great.
How is it "doubletalking"? Are you just grabbing random words at this point?

We did. You might recall Clinton passing the 3 Strikes laws. Of course that wound up being a complete disaster as low-level drug offenders were most of what got caught.

America currently has the highest prison population on earth so I think we are clearly getting the "Lock 'em up" part done quite well. Perhaps you can explain why so many other first world countries DON'T have our level of gun homicides AND have much, much, much lower prison populations.

Or you could just grab another random word and accuse me of it. How about "usury". Complain to me about my usurious behavior.

That'd be great.
Leftist trash don't accept explanations. All anyone explaining anything to you will get is more spin and deflection. You all behave the exact same way. Pretty tiring listening to your half baked bullshit over and over.
Leftist trash don't accept explanations.

You didn't explain anything.

All anyone explaining anything to you will get is more spin and deflection. You all behave the exact same way. Pretty tiring listening to your half baked bullshit over and over.

Again, you forgot to work in "usurious". about this. Accuse me of "simony" in your next post.

HaHaHa! I heard this line of BS all during the scamdemic.

Oh the one where over a million Americans died? Did you now!

Provide some science and maybe people would like it. You leftists figure you just have to say "follow the science" and that is the answer. You don't know what science is.

Well, I do have my degrees in science so that's going to be a problem I guess.
You didn't explain anything.

Again, you forgot to work in "usurious". about this. Accuse me of "simony" in your next post.

Before I block you how about just accusing you of what you are? A lying commie bastard.
Why? This is what dictatorial governments say just before gun confiscation. It is none of their business whether I own a gun or not.

Well, the current dictatorship you live under does it for cars and a lot of other things. I mean you are tracked for how many boxes of Sudafed you want to buy at the drug store. Yet somehow we beleaguered Americans thrive.

I'm curious why a gun registry is so onerous if there's nothing bad about guns. If guns are just there to protect yourself I'm not sure why you would worry about a registry.

Let's say the government wanted to disarm you. Without a registry they might come to your home and you would do a "Ruby Ridge" standoff for a few days and then ultimately be killed. WITH a registry they'd come to your home knowing how many guns you had so the standoff would probably be a bit shorter.

Either way you are losing your guns.
Before I block you how about just accusing you of what you are? A lying commie bastard.

Your logic astounds me. You have accused me of a bunch of different things now, none of which were in any way related to anything I said.

But then I'm REALLY a usurious monster who is guilty of simony so what would I know?
Yeah, that science, that they contradicted stating that ONLY 6% of those fatalities came from covid exclusively. The other 94% were people who had terminal comorbidities, moron. What was that about "science that doesn't agree with you?"

You will believe anything. That will come in handy for the people who REALLY want to take away your rights. You will just give them up freely.

Weak mental processes are far more dangerous to your freedom than you know at this time.

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