Replace the Ferguson police!

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See also: Race and crime in the United States and Racial inequality in the American criminal justice system

Percent of adult males incarcerated by race and ethnicity.
According to the US Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) non-Hispanic blacks accounted for 39.4% of the total prison and jail population in 2009 (841,000 black males and 64,800 black females out of a total of 2,096,300 males and 201,200 females). According to the 2010 census of the US Census Bureau blacks (including Hispanic blacks) comprised 13.6% of the US population. Of ethnic groups, native Black Americans, Puerto Rican Americans, and American Indians have some of the highest rates of incarceration.Though, of these groups, the black population is the largest, and therefore make up a large portion of those incarcerated in US prisons and jails.
Thats percentage idiot. I said whites commit more crime to the tune of 80% of the crime.

Percentage is valid. We use them all the time. 2% milk.
Percentages come from the calculation of individual figures. Per capita is what you need to understand. In accordance to the ratio of one race vs another.
See also: Race and crime in the United States and Racial inequality in the American criminal justice system

Percent of adult males incarcerated by race and ethnicity.
According to the US Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) non-Hispanic blacks accounted for 39.4% of the total prison and jail population in 2009 (841,000 black males and 64,800 black females out of a total of 2,096,300 males and 201,200 females). According to the 2010 census of the US Census Bureau blacks (including Hispanic blacks) comprised 13.6% of the US population. Of ethnic groups, native Black Americans, Puerto Rican Americans, and American Indians have some of the highest rates of incarceration.Though, of these groups, the black population is the largest, and therefore make up a large portion of those incarcerated in US prisons and jails.
Thats percentage idiot. I said whites commit more crime to the tune of 80% of the crime.

Percentage is valid. We use them all the time. 2% milk.
Percentages come from the calculation of individual figures. Per capita is what you need to understand. In accordance to the ratio of one race vs another.
Percentage is valid when we are talking about percentage. Since I said whites commit the majority of crime then I said percentage was not valid.
I already told you whites commit the majority of crime. Your turn to dispute that.
Sorry Asc. You tell everybody a lot of things, none of which can be taken seriously. Jungle Bunny civilizations pretty much negates any legitimacy. You're a bit too low-life to carry it off.
You dont have to take it seriously. We know its only because you lack the brains to understand the flow of converstation.
See also: Race and crime in the United States and Racial inequality in the American criminal justice system

Percent of adult males incarcerated by race and ethnicity.
According to the US Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) non-Hispanic blacks accounted for 39.4% of the total prison and jail population in 2009 (841,000 black males and 64,800 black females out of a total of 2,096,300 males and 201,200 females). According to the 2010 census of the US Census Bureau blacks (including Hispanic blacks) comprised 13.6% of the US population. Of ethnic groups, native Black Americans, Puerto Rican Americans, and American Indians have some of the highest rates of incarceration.Though, of these groups, the black population is the largest, and therefore make up a large portion of those incarcerated in US prisons and jails.
Thats percentage idiot. I said whites commit more crime to the tune of 80% of the crime.

Percentage is valid. We use them all the time. 2% milk.
Percentages come from the calculation of individual figures. Per capita is what you need to understand. In accordance to the ratio of one race vs another.
Percentage is valid when we are talking about percentage. Since I said whites commit the majority of crime then I said percentage was not valid.
Sorry, we're done. You are far to disingenuous to take seriously.

While your jungle bunny civilizations are within the realm of fantasy, crime today is not.
See also: Race and crime in the United States and Racial inequality in the American criminal justice system

Percent of adult males incarcerated by race and ethnicity.
According to the US Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) non-Hispanic blacks accounted for 39.4% of the total prison and jail population in 2009 (841,000 black males and 64,800 black females out of a total of 2,096,300 males and 201,200 females). According to the 2010 census of the US Census Bureau blacks (including Hispanic blacks) comprised 13.6% of the US population. Of ethnic groups, native Black Americans, Puerto Rican Americans, and American Indians have some of the highest rates of incarceration.Though, of these groups, the black population is the largest, and therefore make up a large portion of those incarcerated in US prisons and jails.
Thats percentage idiot. I said whites commit more crime to the tune of 80% of the crime.

Percentage is valid. We use them all the time. 2% milk.
Percentages come from the calculation of individual figures. Per capita is what you need to understand. In accordance to the ratio of one race vs another.
Percentage is valid when we are talking about percentage. Since I said whites commit the majority of crime then I said percentage was not valid.
Sorry, we're done. You are far to disingenuous to take seriously.

While your jungle bunny civilizations are within the realm of fantasy, crime today is not.
We were done before you started. You were just a sidebar. You didnt really think I considered you a serious interlocutor did you?
Go ahead and replace them. If you think having black cops is going to keep thugs like Michael Brown from committing crime then you're delusional.

Yeah because that was such a serious crime I understand the fear :rolleyes:

Blacks were disproportionately more likely to be cited for minor infractions: 95% of tickets for “manner of walking in roadway,” essentially jaywalking, were against African-Americans.

Oh dear!!! What will we do with Jaywalking Thugs Margret?
The Ferguson police are full of cavemen! Their racism is last century! I bet the British or Canadian Army would do a better job! The Ferguson police needs to be better civilized!


God save the Queen!
If they do replace the police force in Ferguson it will be second force that Wilson was part of that was disbanded due to racial problems.

There won't be enough non-felonious :blsmile:'s in Ferguson to allow for proportional representation on the force.

Maybe they will just allow felons in as affirmative action.
Go ahead and replace them. If you think having black cops is going to keep thugs like Michael Brown from committing crime then you're delusional.

Yeah because that was such a serious crime I understand the fear :rolleyes:

Blacks were disproportionately more likely to be cited for minor infractions: 95% of tickets for “manner of walking in roadway,” essentially jaywalking, were against African-Americans.

Oh dear!!! What will we do with Jaywalking Thugs Margret?

Maybe that will get :blsmile:s to the polls in the next local elections.
The Ferguson police are full of cavemen! Their racism is last century! I bet the British or Canadian Army would do a better job! The Ferguson police needs to be better civilized!


God save the Queen!
If they do replace the police force in Ferguson it will be second force that Wilson was part of that was disbanded due to racial problems.

There won't be enough non-felonious :blsmile:'s in Ferguson to allow for proportional representation on the force.

Maybe they will just allow felons in as affirmative action.
They found enough in the other town Wilson was fired from the police force. What makes you think they wont find any in Ferguson? Do you have some stats to back your claim?
Go ahead and replace them. If you think having black cops is going to keep thugs like Michael Brown from committing crime then you're delusional.

Yeah because that was such a serious crime I understand the fear :rolleyes:

Blacks were disproportionately more likely to be cited for minor infractions: 95% of tickets for “manner of walking in roadway,” essentially jaywalking, were against African-Americans.

Oh dear!!! What will we do with Jaywalking Thugs Margret?

Maybe that will get :blsmile:s to the polls in the next local elections.

The cave :piss2:in charge will probably rig the election.
See also: Race and crime in the United States and Racial inequality in the American criminal justice system

Percent of adult males incarcerated by race and ethnicity.
According to the US Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) non-Hispanic blacks accounted for 39.4% of the total prison and jail population in 2009 (841,000 black males and 64,800 black females out of a total of 2,096,300 males and 201,200 females). According to the 2010 census of the US Census Bureau blacks (including Hispanic blacks) comprised 13.6% of the US population. Of ethnic groups, native Black Americans, Puerto Rican Americans, and American Indians have some of the highest rates of incarceration.Though, of these groups, the black population is the largest, and therefore make up a large portion of those incarcerated in US prisons and jails.
:blsmile:s like Asschapped can't do higher order thinking and comprehend terms like ratio, and per capita.

That is why they turn to stupid crimes, instead of jacking gold shipments.

They can think big.
See also: Race and crime in the United States and Racial inequality in the American criminal justice system

Percent of adult males incarcerated by race and ethnicity.
According to the US Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) non-Hispanic blacks accounted for 39.4% of the total prison and jail population in 2009 (841,000 black males and 64,800 black females out of a total of 2,096,300 males and 201,200 females). According to the 2010 census of the US Census Bureau blacks (including Hispanic blacks) comprised 13.6% of the US population. Of ethnic groups, native Black Americans, Puerto Rican Americans, and American Indians have some of the highest rates of incarceration.Though, of these groups, the black population is the largest, and therefore make up a large portion of those incarcerated in US prisons and jails.
Thats percentage idiot. I said whites commit more crime to the tune of 80% of the crime.

Percentage is valid. We use them all the time. 2% milk.
Percentages come from the calculation of individual figures. Per capita is what you need to understand. In accordance to the ratio of one race vs another.
Percentage is valid when we are talking about percentage. Since I said whites commit the majority of crime then I said percentage was not valid.

Asc, You are still wrong. Per capita, blacks commit more crimes. Sorry.
If there were as many blacks in America to commit crimes, as there are whites in America, to commit crimes, the stats would still go against you.
See also: Race and crime in the United States and Racial inequality in the American criminal justice system

Percent of adult males incarcerated by race and ethnicity.
According to the US Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) non-Hispanic blacks accounted for 39.4% of the total prison and jail population in 2009 (841,000 black males and 64,800 black females out of a total of 2,096,300 males and 201,200 females). According to the 2010 census of the US Census Bureau blacks (including Hispanic blacks) comprised 13.6% of the US population. Of ethnic groups, native Black Americans, Puerto Rican Americans, and American Indians have some of the highest rates of incarceration.Though, of these groups, the black population is the largest, and therefore make up a large portion of those incarcerated in US prisons and jails.
Thats percentage idiot. I said whites commit more crime to the tune of 80% of the crime.

Percentage is valid. We use them all the time. 2% milk.
Percentages come from the calculation of individual figures. Per capita is what you need to understand. In accordance to the ratio of one race vs another.
Percentage is valid when we are talking about percentage. Since I said whites commit the majority of crime then I said percentage was not valid.

You are still wrong. Per capita, blacks commit more crimes. Sorry.
If there were as many blacks in America to commit crimes, as there are whites in America, to commit crimes, the stats would still go against you.
No I'm not wrong. If a cow had nuts it would be a bull too. Whites commit the vast majority of crimes in the US. Thats a fact.
See also: Race and crime in the United States and Racial inequality in the American criminal justice system

Percent of adult males incarcerated by race and ethnicity.
According to the US Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) non-Hispanic blacks accounted for 39.4% of the total prison and jail population in 2009 (841,000 black males and 64,800 black females out of a total of 2,096,300 males and 201,200 females). According to the 2010 census of the US Census Bureau blacks (including Hispanic blacks) comprised 13.6% of the US population. Of ethnic groups, native Black Americans, Puerto Rican Americans, and American Indians have some of the highest rates of incarceration.Though, of these groups, the black population is the largest, and therefore make up a large portion of those incarcerated in US prisons and jails.
:blsmile:s like Asschapped can't do higher order thinking and comprehend terms like ratio, and per capita.

That is why they turn to stupid crimes, instead of jacking gold shipments.

They can think big.

What percentage of whites were oppressed or discriminated against for their crime stats to be so high?

100% of blacks were discriminated against...What is the excuse for whites?
See also: Race and crime in the United States and Racial inequality in the American criminal justice system

Percent of adult males incarcerated by race and ethnicity.
According to the US Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) non-Hispanic blacks accounted for 39.4% of the total prison and jail population in 2009 (841,000 black males and 64,800 black females out of a total of 2,096,300 males and 201,200 females). According to the 2010 census of the US Census Bureau blacks (including Hispanic blacks) comprised 13.6% of the US population. Of ethnic groups, native Black Americans, Puerto Rican Americans, and American Indians have some of the highest rates of incarceration.Though, of these groups, the black population is the largest, and therefore make up a large portion of those incarcerated in US prisons and jails.
:blsmile:s like Asschapped can't do higher order thinking and comprehend terms like ratio, and per capita.

That is why they turn to stupid crimes, instead of jacking gold shipments.

They can think big.

What percentage of whites were oppressed or discriminated against for their crime stats to be so high?

100% of blacks were discriminated against...What is the excuse for whites?
This is getting genuinely funny. There are few excuses for failure left.
See also: Race and crime in the United States and Racial inequality in the American criminal justice system

Percent of adult males incarcerated by race and ethnicity.
According to the US Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) non-Hispanic blacks accounted for 39.4% of the total prison and jail population in 2009 (841,000 black males and 64,800 black females out of a total of 2,096,300 males and 201,200 females). According to the 2010 census of the US Census Bureau blacks (including Hispanic blacks) comprised 13.6% of the US population. Of ethnic groups, native Black Americans, Puerto Rican Americans, and American Indians have some of the highest rates of incarceration.Though, of these groups, the black population is the largest, and therefore make up a large portion of those incarcerated in US prisons and jails.
:blsmile:s like Asschapped can't do higher order thinking and comprehend terms like ratio, and per capita.

That is why they turn to stupid crimes, instead of jacking gold shipments.

They can think big.

What percentage of whites were oppressed or discriminated against for their crime stats to be so high?

100% of blacks were discriminated against...What is the excuse for whites?
This is getting genuinely funny. There are few excuses for failure left.
Stop your white guys from failing then.
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