Replace the Ferguson police!

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The whites. I cant get more simple than that.

You know I've always assumed you were just being a dipshit about the whole percentage thing.
Now I'm not so sure.
You know I've always known for fact you were a moron. Now I am even more convinced.

Sorry,insults coming from someone like you have zero effect.
I mean just made the claim that with equal numbers the white group would have more criminals than the black group.
Thats flat out false and you know it.

You need to go back to spinning yarns about ancient advanced black civilizations.
At least they have some entertainment value.
I wasnt insulting you. I was stating facts. You are an idiot. I can get 100 Black men right now without even a record. I doubt you can say the same for 100 whites.

So you want to cotton pick your 100 blacks?
Yeah..because we all know thats how these things work.
Why not? You are the one that made the idiot claim of 100 Blacks against 100 whites. See how stupid you are?

Regardless, Whites commit the majority of crime even with the system in their favor.
The Ferguson police are full of cavemen! Their racism is last century! I bet the British or Canadian Army would do a better job! The Ferguson police needs to be better civilized!


God save the Queen!

so when do you go and sign up to take their place? or you're just an internet warrior?
You know I've always assumed you were just being a dipshit about the whole percentage thing.
Now I'm not so sure.
You know I've always known for fact you were a moron. Now I am even more convinced.

Sorry,insults coming from someone like you have zero effect.
I mean just made the claim that with equal numbers the white group would have more criminals than the black group.
Thats flat out false and you know it.

You need to go back to spinning yarns about ancient advanced black civilizations.
At least they have some entertainment value.
I wasnt insulting you. I was stating facts. You are an idiot. I can get 100 Black men right now without even a record. I doubt you can say the same for 100 whites.

So you want to cotton pick your 100 blacks?
Yeah..because we all know thats how these things work.
Why not? You are the one that made the idiot claim of 100 Blacks against 100 whites. See how stupid you are?

Regardless, Whites commit the majority of crime even with the system in their favor.

You know I've always known for fact you were a moron. Now I am even more convinced.

Sorry,insults coming from someone like you have zero effect.
I mean just made the claim that with equal numbers the white group would have more criminals than the black group.
Thats flat out false and you know it.

You need to go back to spinning yarns about ancient advanced black civilizations.
At least they have some entertainment value.
I wasnt insulting you. I was stating facts. You are an idiot. I can get 100 Black men right now without even a record. I doubt you can say the same for 100 whites.

So you want to cotton pick your 100 blacks?
Yeah..because we all know thats how these things work.
Why not? You are the one that made the idiot claim of 100 Blacks against 100 whites. See how stupid you are?

Regardless, Whites commit the majority of crime even with the system in their favor.

Your slow thinking process got you all tongue tied again huh? :laugh:

Go ahead and replace them. If you think having black cops is going to keep thugs like Michael Brown from committing crime then you're delusional.

No stupid. Cops dont keep people from committing crime. They are just a deterrent. Since whites commit more crime than anyone we know Black cops would not keep all Black criminals from commiting crimes either.

You really want to make the point that whites commit more crime than blacks, Asclepias? :bs1::bs1::bs1: Every big city that I've lived in has had high crime areas...almost without exception they were either predominantly black or Hispanic neighborhoods. I know it's not "PC" to point that out but anyone who DOES live in those same cities knows it's true. Considering the number of blacks in the US the amount of crime that they do commit is rather staggering actually.
Go ahead and replace them. If you think having black cops is going to keep thugs like Michael Brown from committing crime then you're delusional.

No stupid. Cops dont keep people from committing crime. They are just a deterrent. Since whites commit more crime than anyone we know Black cops would not keep all Black criminals from commiting crimes either.

You really want to make the point that whites commit more crime than blacks, Asclepias? :bs1::bs1::bs1: Every big city that I've lived in has had high crime areas...almost without exception they were either predominantly black or Hispanic neighborhoods. I know it's not "PC" to point that out but anyone who DOES live in those same cities knows it's true. Considering the number of blacks in the US the amount of crime that they do commit is rather staggering actually.
The point was already made. Your simplistic existence has nothing to do with reality. Check the stats and weep.

BOP Statistics Inmate Race
Go ahead and replace them. If you think having black cops is going to keep thugs like Michael Brown from committing crime then you're delusional.

No stupid. Cops dont keep people from committing crime. They are just a deterrent. Since whites commit more crime than anyone we know Black cops would not keep all Black criminals from commiting crimes either.

And a "deterrent" by definition is something that keeps something from happening. If the Police are a deterrent then they do indeed keep people from committing crime.
Go ahead and replace them. If you think having black cops is going to keep thugs like Michael Brown from committing crime then you're delusional.

No stupid. Cops dont keep people from committing crime. They are just a deterrent. Since whites commit more crime than anyone we know Black cops would not keep all Black criminals from commiting crimes either.

And a "deterrent" by definition is something that keeps something from happening. If the Police are a deterrent then they do indeed keep people from committing crime.
No stupid. A deterrent is something that discourages

  1. 1.
    a thing that discourages or is intended to discourage someone from doing something.
Go ahead and replace them. If you think having black cops is going to keep thugs like Michael Brown from committing crime then you're delusional.

No stupid. Cops dont keep people from committing crime. They are just a deterrent. Since whites commit more crime than anyone we know Black cops would not keep all Black criminals from commiting crimes either.

You really want to make the point that whites commit more crime than blacks, Asclepias? :bs1::bs1::bs1: Every big city that I've lived in has had high crime areas...almost without exception they were either predominantly black or Hispanic neighborhoods. I know it's not "PC" to point that out but anyone who DOES live in those same cities knows it's true. Considering the number of blacks in the US the amount of crime that they do commit is rather staggering actually.
The point was already made. Your simplistic existence has nothing to do with reality. Check the stats and weep.

BOP Statistics Inmate Race

First of all we're talking about who commits crimes...not who is in prison. Since most crimes committed by blacks are on other blacks in black neighborhoods and seldom solved at the same rate as crimes committed elsewhere you need to look at something other than conviction rates.

Secondly if you look at the percentage of black in the US compared to the percentage of blacks in the Penal System it's obvious that a MUCH higher percentage of blacks are engaged in criminal activity than any other race. Once again...I know it's not PC to point that out but it's reality. The Police in Ferguson arrest more blacks for crime than whites because that is who is committing criminal acts in Ferguson! Unless you want to institute an "quota system" that isn't going to change.
Go ahead and replace them. If you think having black cops is going to keep thugs like Michael Brown from committing crime then you're delusional.

No stupid. Cops dont keep people from committing crime. They are just a deterrent. Since whites commit more crime than anyone we know Black cops would not keep all Black criminals from commiting crimes either.

And a "deterrent" by definition is something that keeps something from happening. If the Police are a deterrent then they do indeed keep people from committing crime.
No stupid. A deterrent is something that discourages

  1. 1.
    a thing that discourages or is intended to discourage someone from doing something.

God, but you're an idiot! To deter something is to discourage something.
Go ahead and replace them. If you think having black cops is going to keep thugs like Michael Brown from committing crime then you're delusional.

No stupid. Cops dont keep people from committing crime. They are just a deterrent. Since whites commit more crime than anyone we know Black cops would not keep all Black criminals from commiting crimes either.

You really want to make the point that whites commit more crime than blacks, Asclepias? :bs1::bs1::bs1: Every big city that I've lived in has had high crime areas...almost without exception they were either predominantly black or Hispanic neighborhoods. I know it's not "PC" to point that out but anyone who DOES live in those same cities knows it's true. Considering the number of blacks in the US the amount of crime that they do commit is rather staggering actually.
The point was already made. Your simplistic existence has nothing to do with reality. Check the stats and weep.

BOP Statistics Inmate Race

First of all we're talking about who commits crimes...not who is in prison. Since most crimes committed by blacks are on other blacks in black neighborhoods and seldom solved at the same rate as crimes committed elsewhere you need to look at something other than conviction rates.

Secondly if you look at the percentage of black in the US compared to the percentage of blacks in the Penal System it's obvious that a MUCH higher percentage of blacks are engaged in criminal activity than any other race. Once again...I know it's not PC to point that out but it's reality. The Police in Ferguson arrest more blacks for crime than whites because that is who is committing criminal acts in Ferguson! Unless you want to institute an "quota system" that isn't going to change.
Whites commit the majority of the crimes too. Sorry but there is no way you can make crime a Black thing when most prisoners are white and more whites are arrested.
Go ahead and replace them. If you think having black cops is going to keep thugs like Michael Brown from committing crime then you're delusional.

No stupid. Cops dont keep people from committing crime. They are just a deterrent. Since whites commit more crime than anyone we know Black cops would not keep all Black criminals from commiting crimes either.

And a "deterrent" by definition is something that keeps something from happening. If the Police are a deterrent then they do indeed keep people from committing crime.
No stupid. A deterrent is something that discourages

  1. 1.
    a thing that discourages or is intended to discourage someone from doing something.

God, but you're an idiot! To deter something is to discourage something.
I know thats what it means Didnt you read my post? You were the one that had no clue what you were talking about. You said it "keeps something from happening". Someone can discourage you all they want to. Doesnt mean you are going to let them stop you. White people have prison as a deterrent for embezzling but that doesnt stop them does it?
Go ahead and replace them. If you think having black cops is going to keep thugs like Michael Brown from committing crime then you're delusional.

No stupid. Cops dont keep people from committing crime. They are just a deterrent. Since whites commit more crime than anyone we know Black cops would not keep all Black criminals from commiting crimes either.

You really want to make the point that whites commit more crime than blacks, Asclepias? :bs1::bs1::bs1: Every big city that I've lived in has had high crime areas...almost without exception they were either predominantly black or Hispanic neighborhoods. I know it's not "PC" to point that out but anyone who DOES live in those same cities knows it's true. Considering the number of blacks in the US the amount of crime that they do commit is rather staggering actually.
The point was already made. Your simplistic existence has nothing to do with reality. Check the stats and weep.

BOP Statistics Inmate Race

First of all we're talking about who commits crimes...not who is in prison. Since most crimes committed by blacks are on other blacks in black neighborhoods and seldom solved at the same rate as crimes committed elsewhere you need to look at something other than conviction rates.

Secondly if you look at the percentage of black in the US compared to the percentage of blacks in the Penal System it's obvious that a MUCH higher percentage of blacks are engaged in criminal activity than any other race. Once again...I know it's not PC to point that out but it's reality. The Police in Ferguson arrest more blacks for crime than whites because that is who is committing criminal acts in Ferguson! Unless you want to institute an "quota system" that isn't going to change.
Whites commit the majority of the crimes too. Sorry but there is no way you can make crime a Black thing when most prisoners are white and more whites are arrested.

Well, gee whiz...Einstein! Since there are a whole lot more Whites living in the US than blacks that shouldn't be a shock! Are you always this fucking clueless or have I caught you on a good day?
No stupid. Cops dont keep people from committing crime. They are just a deterrent. Since whites commit more crime than anyone we know Black cops would not keep all Black criminals from commiting crimes either.

You really want to make the point that whites commit more crime than blacks, Asclepias? :bs1::bs1::bs1: Every big city that I've lived in has had high crime areas...almost without exception they were either predominantly black or Hispanic neighborhoods. I know it's not "PC" to point that out but anyone who DOES live in those same cities knows it's true. Considering the number of blacks in the US the amount of crime that they do commit is rather staggering actually.
The point was already made. Your simplistic existence has nothing to do with reality. Check the stats and weep.

BOP Statistics Inmate Race

First of all we're talking about who commits crimes...not who is in prison. Since most crimes committed by blacks are on other blacks in black neighborhoods and seldom solved at the same rate as crimes committed elsewhere you need to look at something other than conviction rates.

Secondly if you look at the percentage of black in the US compared to the percentage of blacks in the Penal System it's obvious that a MUCH higher percentage of blacks are engaged in criminal activity than any other race. Once again...I know it's not PC to point that out but it's reality. The Police in Ferguson arrest more blacks for crime than whites because that is who is committing criminal acts in Ferguson! Unless you want to institute an "quota system" that isn't going to change.
Whites commit the majority of the crimes too. Sorry but there is no way you can make crime a Black thing when most prisoners are white and more whites are arrested.

Well, gee whiz...Einstein! Since there are a whole lot more Whites living in the US than blacks that shouldn't be a shock! Are you always this fucking clueless or have I caught you on a good day?
Dont get emotional. Its not a shock to me. I just wonder why whites keep denying that the majority of criminals are white people?
It's a better than 5 to 1 ratio of Whites to Blacks currently living in the US yet you think whites are more apt to be criminals because they have slightly more whites than blacks in the Penal System? God but I love you liberals!
It's a better than 5 to 1 ratio of Whites to Blacks currently living in the US yet you think whites are more apt to be criminals because they have slightly more whites than blacks in the Penal System? God but I love you liberals!
Where did you get all that? I said more criminals are white and more whites are arrested as criminals. BTW its not slight. Its a large majority.
It's a better than 5 to 1 ratio of Whites to Blacks currently living in the US yet you think whites are more apt to be criminals because they have slightly more whites than blacks in the Penal System? God but I love you liberals!
Where did you get all that? I said more criminals are white and more whites are arrested as criminals. BTW its not slight. Its a large majority.

So tell me this, Sparky...since the White population is more than five times larger than the black the number of Whites incarcerated for crimes five times higher than Blacks? If not then you statistics simply prove my point.
I'll save you the trouble of doing the math...since that's obviously not your strong point! The number of Whites incarcerated for crimes would need to be three times higher than what it is now to have the same percentage of people in prison for criminal acts.
It's a better than 5 to 1 ratio of Whites to Blacks currently living in the US yet you think whites are more apt to be criminals because they have slightly more whites than blacks in the Penal System? God but I love you liberals!
Where did you get all that? I said more criminals are white and more whites are arrested as criminals. BTW its not slight. Its a large majority.

So tell me this, Sparky...since the White population is more than five times larger than the black the number of Whites incarcerated for crimes five times higher than Blacks? If not then you statistics simply prove my point.
I dont get how that is relevant to my point that whites make up a large majority of the criminals in this country?
And that isn't even getting into the percentages of people by race that commit violent crime! Would you like to explore that?
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