replace the people , replace those I sraelis that voted BIBI

This election proved that most Israeli citizens accept Netanyahu’s argument that before you deal with the quality of life, you have to deal with life itself, against enemies such as Iran, Hezbollah and Hamas.

Therefore, it is no surprise that the very experienced Bibi, who has already served as prime minister for nine years, the last six consecutively, was chosen over Buji, who is perceived to be inexperienced in military and defense matters. It seems that most voters were also annoyed by the extreme personal attacks on Bibi and his wife.

Read more: The Israelis have spoken | Arye Mekel | The Blogs | The Times of Israel The Israelis have spoken Arye Mekel The Blogs The Times of Israel
Sounds like he's out of touch with most Israeli's, and maybe he's the one that needs to be replaced.

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