Report: Bergdahl To Be Charged With Desertion

Jeez, Obama gets the guy back and the guy gets put on trial and will probably do life in a very unfriendly military prison, and you're still mad at Obama. Tough crowd. LOL
I've always said the progs blame the wrong Bush for getting us into the quicksand of the ME. Bush41 used the Glaspie memo to sucker Saddam into invading Kuwait. Why? Who the hell knows? So we put boots on the ground in Saudi Arabia to protect them from Saddam, which infuriates bin-Laden and gets us 9/11.

That leads us into an Afghanistan even the soviet savages couldn't tame. Let's not forget his "read my lips" betrayal got us CLINTON for 8 years. Worst president in modern history? George Herbert Walker Bush....a bureaucrat who held Reagan's jacket while he kicked Gorby's ass and then rode the Gipper's coattails into the White House. Too bad we can't set the way-back machine to 1988 and elect a president who was his own man.
Yeah, I thought that a fool's errand as well. We made enemies we didn't have to make, and the Kuwaitees (-: really were slant drilling into Saddam's oil. Hell, Saddam even kicked Iran's butt for us.
Food for thought

I've read several blogs this morning that had some unusual insights into this. Here's one that should drive all of my fellow vets up the wall.

As his term of enlistment expired while he was in captivity and he never re-enlisted, it is possible that he will be offered a Less than Honorable or General discharge in lieu of undergoing a courts-martial.

That would still result in reduction in rank and forfeiture of all benefits. Just no jail time.
Yeah, I thought that a fool's errand as well. We made enemies we didn't have to make, and the Kuwaitees (-: really were slant drilling into Saddam's oil. Hell, Saddam even kicked Iran's butt for us.

That's right...Kuwait was diagonal drilling under the Iraq border when they didn't need to which pissed off Saddam. So he asked us how we would look at him taking action and the Glaspie memo basically said we don't care. Saddam always considered Kuwait an Iraq province so he tore them a new asshole. And what does Bush41 do? With that sissy-ass whiny voice of his says "this will not stand". Then when Schwarzkopf was on his way to Baghdad, he calls the whole thing off, leaving a wounded and vengeful Saddam still in power.
Food for thought

I've read several blogs this morning that had some unusual insights into this. Here's one that should drive all of my fellow vets up the wall.

As his term of enlistment expired while he was in captivity and he never re-enlisted, it is possible that he will be offered a Less than Honorable or General discharge in lieu of undergoing a courts-martial.

That would still result in reduction in rank and forfeiture of all benefits. Just no jail time.

I believe he was offered a deal for Obozo to save face and turned it down. Whether that was Bergdahl's doing or his attorney playing fast and loose with the Pentgon will come out. I doubt he expected to get Article 99ed...that's life and that's what's coming unless some great unknown surfaces.
Yeah, I thought that a fool's errand as well. We made enemies we didn't have to make, and the Kuwaitees (-: really were slant drilling into Saddam's oil. Hell, Saddam even kicked Iran's butt for us.

That's right...Kuwait was diagonal drilling under the Iraq border when they didn't need to which pissed off Saddam. So he asked us how we would look at him taking action and the Glaspie memo basically said we don't care. Saddam always considered Kuwait an Iraq province so he tore them a new asshole. And what does Bush41 do? With that sissy-ass whiny voice of his says "this will not stand". Then when Schwarzkopf was on his way to Baghdad, he calls the whole thing off, leaving a wounded and vengeful Saddam still in power.
Yes. Glaspie screwed the pooch in not telling Saddam to take Kuwait to court. She gave him the green light to do what he really wanted to, and then Poppy went off. It was like, we built these huge shiny absolutely fantastic military, why we even have a battleship that not quite used up .... let's see how it works. And BushI even turned a profit from the war.

We should have just sent Baker over there to tell Saddam we were sorry, but he had to give Kuwait back, and we were imposing sanctions, but we'd be cool if he and Baker agreed to how much oil he could extract from the Kuwaitees for his trouble. And, we could have thrown in some military hardware.
Food for thought

I've read several blogs this morning that had some unusual insights into this. Here's one that should drive all of my fellow vets up the wall.

As his term of enlistment expired while he was in captivity and he never re-enlisted, it is possible that he will be offered a Less than Honorable or General discharge in lieu of undergoing a courts-martial.

That would still result in reduction in rank and forfeiture of all benefits. Just no jail time.

I believe he was offered a deal for Obozo to save face and turned it down. Whether that was Bergdahl's doing or his attorney playing fast and loose with the Pentgon will come out. I doubt he expected to get Article 99ed...that's life and that's what's coming unless some great unknown surfaces.

I never understood why Obama would NOT do the exchange. The guys he gave back were gonna have to be released someday. I mean the guys at Gitmo who never see day again are guys like the Cole Bombers and KSM who were waterboarded, which precludes any trial, and we ain't never gonna turn them loose.

Get Bob back, figure out exactly what happened, and if he deserted, make an example of him.

It was a tragedy that some probably were killed when initially looking for the guy.
I never understood why Obama would NOT do the exchange. The guys he gave back were gonna have to be released someday. I mean the guys at Gitmo who never see day again are guys like the Cole Bombers and KSM who were waterboarded, which precludes any trial, and we ain't never gonna turn them loose.

Get Bob back, figure out exactly what happened, and if he deserted, make an example of him.

It was a tragedy that some probably were killed when initially looking for the guy.

UCMJ considered the 5 and the rest of GITMO detainees terrorists and not entitled to due process a uniformed POW would get. This is why they couldn't be tried in Manhattan like the cunning Holder wanted...they'd have been released and Holder knew it. The 5 released along with KSM should have been tried for war crimes and executed the moment they were no longer considered intel assets. Emptying GITMO is little more than a campaign trick of the has no recruiting value for the jihadists and never did.
I never understood why Obama would NOT do the exchange. The guys he gave back were gonna have to be released someday. I mean the guys at Gitmo who never see day again are guys like the Cole Bombers and KSM who were waterboarded, which precludes any trial, and we ain't never gonna turn them loose.

Get Bob back, figure out exactly what happened, and if he deserted, make an example of him.

It was a tragedy that some probably were killed when initially looking for the guy.

USMJ considered the 5 and the rest of GITMO detainees terrorists and not entitled to due process a uniformed POW would get. This is why they couldn't be tried in Manhattan like the cunning Holder wanted...they'd have been released and Holder knew it. The 5 released along with KSM should have been tried for war crimes and executed the moment they were no longer considered intel assets. Emptying GITMO is little more than a campaign trick of the has no recruiting value for the jihadists and never did.
The scotus has twice unanimously shot down military tribunals. Even in their revamped state, I don't see how we can try anybody whose been waterboarded, and even then if any of the evidence against them had any connection to waterboarding, I don't see how that goes in. It's already been decided that anyone at Gitmo has a right to petition for habeas. I have a hard time seeing judges say we have to let go of KSM or the Cole bombers. But other than those guys, it's gonna be tough to get judges to just ignore the law. I think you cut loose the guys without the absolute worst backgrounds to strengthen your hand for never letting the others see daylight.
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Expect a rose garden ceremony in which one traitor hands a full pardon to another traitor and then pins a medal on that same traitor, maybe a Soviet style "HERO" medal.
Why would Republicans show up at the Rose Garden?
Jeez, Obama gets the guy back and the guy gets put on trial and will probably do life in a very unfriendly military prison, and you're still mad at Obama. Tough crowd. LOL
You're conveniently forgetting the price of getting him back.
Typical left wing shit. Just leave out the inconvenient stuff.
Imagine the turds right wing turds would throw at Obama for leaving an American soldier over there. Just turds throwing turds.
Jeez, Obama gets the guy back and the guy gets put on trial and will probably do life in a very unfriendly military prison, and you're still mad at Obama. Tough crowd. LOL

Jeez, Obama puts five terrorist back in play killing Americans, violating long standing policy not to negotiate with terrorists, so he can get back a traitor - who Obama calls a hero.... Leftists can't see why that would be a problem..

What's a little treason between friends?
we dont leave anyone behind the left keeps saying..........................................That's fine...... We dont EVER negotiate with terrorists. Well that is wrong because a progressive will negotiate with Satan himself if it saves a traitor.
Obama's State Department spokesperson was asked if now that the guy is being charged with desertion, was it all worth it. She said "absolutely". Then she went on some mess about how we never leave anyone behind......forgetting the fact that they never lifted a finger to get a Marine out of a Mexican jail for trumped up gun possession charges. Private individuals had to swing the deal. Obama wouldn't do an thing to get him out, despite of the fact that he has is phone and his pen and could have had him out in days if not hours.

Hey, you know what, there's a couple of Marines rotting in a Japanese jail who raped an 11 year old Okinawan Girl, and Fucking Obama isn't lifting a finger to get them out, either. Fucking Obama!

Anyway, the Sergeant in the Mexican Jail broke Mexican laws. You know, trying to sneak a small arsenal into their country. And probably the Wingnuts who screamed about it just made the Mexican Government more hard-nosed about the issue.
Heck....Obama should simply say 'I really didn't care about Bergdahl, I just wanted to get the five Taliban generals back in play."

Yup. because I'm sure that the Taliban are going to say to these guys, (some of whom tried to make deals with the Americans in 2001) "Hey, Achmed, your office is just like you left it! We didn't even take the pencils out of your desk.
Hey, you know what, there's a couple of Marines rotting in a Japanese jail who raped an 11 year old Okinawan Girl, and Fucking Obama isn't lifting a finger to get them out, either. Fucking Obama!

Anyway, the Sergeant in the Mexican Jail broke Mexican laws. You know, trying to sneak a small arsenal into their country. And probably the Wingnuts who screamed about it just made the Mexican Government more hard-nosed about the issue.

A small arsenal Comrade Stalin?

You mean a single, antique pistol?

You are one lying fuck - in every case.
And the six-plus who died searching for him, trying to rescue him?

No proof that happened, but never mind. (Psst. Psst. We were already fighting the Taliban and Haqauni Network.)

In your thirst to shield this mistake of a President're willing to forget about there being human beings who died because they were patriotic American warriors.

NO, we lost a lot of guys in Afghanistan because Bush decided to abandon the war halfway through to fight a vendetta against Saddam....
Heck....Obama should simply say 'I really didn't care about Bergdahl, I just wanted to get the five Taliban generals back in play."

Yup. because I'm sure that the Taliban are going to say to these guys, (some of whom tried to make deals with the Americans in 2001) "Hey, Achmed, your office is just like you left it! We didn't even take the pencils out of your desk.

You sure are sure about a lot of things.

“It isn't so much that liberals are ignorant. It's just that they know so many things that aren't so.”
Ronald Reagan

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