Report: Bergdahl To Be Charged With Desertion

Okay, now you're just trolling for attention.

Uh ... I have made few comments, while you have pages of trolling.
As far as any consideration regarding attention ... Well, that may be something you desire, but is irrelevant to my concerns.

the records show otherwise. But I know this hurts your sensibilities that you Hero, Ronnie Reagan, showered religous fanatics with money and they turned on us.

This is my 1st post here. As a retired Navy veteran I had to reply on this. I don't have a problem with getting Bergdahl back. What really irritates me is the Obama administration negotiated with terrorists for a known deserter and then had the nerve to say that this piece of garbage served with honor and distinction. It's a spit in the face of anyone that has served in the military. Soldiers lost there lives looking for this guy. If the Obama administration had been forthcoming from the start it would not had bothered me as much.
This is my 1st post here. As a retired Navy veteran I had to reply on this. I don't have a problem with getting Bergdahl back. What really irritates me is the Obama administration negotiated with terrorists for a known deserter and then had the nerve to say that this piece of garbage served with honor and distinction. It's a spit in the face of anyone that has served in the military. Soldiers lost there lives looking for this guy. If the Obama administration had been forthcoming from the start it would not had bothered me as much.

Wow, look at all the fact challenged statements...

Obama negotiated with terrorists at the BEHEST of our ally in the region, the Afghan Provisional Government.

As far as Obama knew, Bergdahl had served with honor and distinction because they Army at that point wasn't saying otherwise.

Nobody lost their lives looking for this guy. Searches were called off pretty quickly and members of his unit who died perished during other operations, like the fradulant 2009 election.

Was it Obama who wasn't forthcoming or the Army.

The Army didn't list him as AWOL or a Deserter.
The Army continued to promote him in absentia.
The Army listed him as a POW.
This is my 1st post here. As a retired Navy veteran I had to reply on this. I don't have a problem with getting Bergdahl back. What really irritates me is the Obama administration negotiated with terrorists for a known deserter and then had the nerve to say that this piece of garbage served with honor and distinction. It's a spit in the face of anyone that has served in the military. Soldiers lost there lives looking for this guy. If the Obama administration had been forthcoming from the start it would not had bothered me as much.

Wow, look at all the fact challenged statements...

Obama negotiated with terrorists at the BEHEST of our ally in the region, the Afghan Provisional Government.

As far as Obama knew, Bergdahl had served with honor and distinction because they Army at that point wasn't saying otherwise.

Nobody lost their lives looking for this guy. Searches were called off pretty quickly and members of his unit who died perished during other operations, like the fradulant 2009 election.

Was it Obama who wasn't forthcoming or the Army.

The Army didn't list him as AWOL or a Deserter.
The Army continued to promote him in absentia.
The Army listed him as a POW.

I think you better watch this video to get your facts straight. Tell this mother soldiers weren't killed looking for Bergdahl.

Bowe Bergdahl swap just another political masterstroke On Air Videos Fox News
Here an article from the Huffington Post. Not only was Bergdahl charged with desertion, but also one count of misbehavior before the enemy by endangering his unit.

WASHINGTON -- The U.S. military announced Wednesday that it has charged Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl with one count of desertion and one count of misbehavior before the enemy by endangering his unit. Army officials said they were referring the case to a preliminary hearing.

The 28-year-old Hailey, Idaho, native became the only known American prisoner of war in Afghanistan after his disappearance from his base in 2009. Last year, Bergdahl was handed over to U.S. forces by the Taliban in exchange for the release of five Afghan detainees who were being held at the Guantanamo Bay detention facility.

The exchange sparked a firestorm of criticism directed at the Obama administration, which helped broker the deal. Republicans, including Sens. Ted Cruz of Texas and John McCain of Arizona, assailed President Barack Obama for releasing "the hardest of the hard core" mid- to high-ranking Taliban militants that were held at the facility since it opened in 2002.

The White House maintained that his return home and his ensuing recovery was "a reminder of America’s unwavering commitment to leave no man or woman in uniform behind on the battlefield."

Adding fuel to the flames, the Government Accountability Office later said that the administration violated the law by carrying out the transfer of prisoners without giving lawmakers a required 30-day notice.

Several of Bergdahl's former squad mates also criticized the swap, calling him a "deserter" who became disillusioned while in Afghanistan.

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