Report: Bergdahl To Be Charged With Desertion


Unless of course, you are the Army trying to hide the fact you enlisted a mentally ill man and put him into a war zone.

Total've convinced yourself there was a conspiracy to hide the fact that Bergdahl deserted and then collaborated with the taliban. The Army had no idea how to officially categorize him from the looks of it until, like I already told you, he was either returned or executed. His rank increased because nobody cared as long as his whereabouts was unknown.

As to the qualifications for E-5, I was field-promoted to E-5 in the RVN and never went before any board. What happened behind the scenes I don't know or care about. If that's changed. prove it. And further, from your bizarre posts here, it seems Bergdahl wasn't the only mentally ill man the Army has enlisted. :cuckoo:
If the services have to scrape the bottom of the barrel and enlist Bergdahls, it certainly is time for a draft.

I don't believe we would be in these endless wars with a draft; people would eventually take to the streets.

Never seen any massive demonstrations over the criminal abuse of the volunteer military that has taken place since we went to the volunteer system.

Have you?
If the services have to scrape the bottom of the barrel and enlist Bergdahls, it certainly is time for a draft.

I don't believe we would be in these endless wars with a draft; people would eventually take to the streets.

Never seen any massive demonstrations over the criminal abuse of the volunteer military that has taken place since we went to the volunteer system.

Have you?

The draft worked well from the Continental Army through Korea but things changed in the 60's when potential draftees were lit up with dope. Worst fucking soldiers you can imagine, so no don't bring back the draft, not ever.
Total've convinced yourself there was a conspiracy to hide the fact that Bergdahl deserted and then collaborated with the taliban. The Army had no idea how to officially categorize him from the looks of it until, like I already told you, he was either returned or executed. His rank increased because nobody cared as long as his whereabouts was unknown.

wait a minute. "nobody cared"? You had politicians from both parties screaming to do what we could to get him out of custody. Until Obama actually GOT him out of custody, and then you were all keen to crucify him. Of course this was a big deal to the Army, and they were trying to paint the best face on it. They also required members of his platoon to sign 'non-disclosure' agreements.

As to the qualifications for E-5, I was field-promoted to E-5 in the RVN and never went before any board. What happened behind the scenes I don't know or care about. If that's changed. prove it. And further, from your bizarre posts here, it seems Bergdahl wasn't the only mentally ill man the Army has enlisted.

Uh, guy, since 1990, you've needed to attend Warrior Leadership Course (Formerly known as PLDC when I was in) to make E-5, and BNCOC to make E-6.

Warrior Leader Course WLC

WLC, formerly called Primary Leadership Development Course (PLDC), is the first leadership course Non-Commissioned Officers
(NCOs) attend. WLC is a month-long course that teaches Specialists and Corporals the basic skills to lead small groups of Soldiers. This course is hard hitting and intensive with emphasis on leadership skills and prepares Soldiers to advance to the rank of Sergeant.

Safely assuming that Bergdahl didn't attend WLC before he was captured, and certainly hadn't distinguished himself in any other way besides getting capture, one can only conclude the Army was pulling a fast one.

So to review. They cut corners to enlist a guy who had been discharged from the Coast Guard for psych reasons.

They then tried to cover up the circumstances under which he was captured.

They THEN did some nonsense to promote him to Sergeant and otherwise embroider his military career.

and now that the whole thing has gotten unwanted attention, they are going to try him for desertion...
If the services have to scrape the bottom of the barrel and enlist Bergdahls, it certainly is time for a draft.

I don't believe we would be in these endless wars with a draft; people would eventually take to the streets.

Never seen any massive demonstrations over the criminal abuse of the volunteer military that has taken place since we went to the volunteer system.

Have you?

I'm all for a draft. But I want to take it one further.

We draft everyone, but if your parents are in Congress or the CEO's of a Fortune 500 company, we put you in an extra special elite Airborne Infantry Unit. This unit will be the first one deployed to any war zone.

I'm willing to bet that we don't get into any wars at all once we do that.
Total've convinced yourself there was a conspiracy to hide the fact that Bergdahl deserted and then collaborated with the taliban. The Army had no idea how to officially categorize him from the looks of it until, like I already told you, he was either returned or executed. His rank increased because nobody cared as long as his whereabouts was unknown.

wait a minute. "nobody cared"? You had politicians from both parties screaming to do what we could to get him out of custody. Until Obama actually GOT him out of custody, and then you were all keen to crucify him. Of course this was a big deal to the Army, and they were trying to paint the best face on it. They also required members of his platoon to sign 'non-disclosure' agreements.

As to the qualifications for E-5, I was field-promoted to E-5 in the RVN and never went before any board. What happened behind the scenes I don't know or care about. If that's changed. prove it. And further, from your bizarre posts here, it seems Bergdahl wasn't the only mentally ill man the Army has enlisted.

Uh, guy, since 1990, you've needed to attend Warrior Leadership Course (Formerly known as PLDC when I was in) to make E-5, and BNCOC to make E-6.

Warrior Leader Course WLC

WLC, formerly called Primary Leadership Development Course (PLDC), is the first leadership course Non-Commissioned Officers
(NCOs) attend. WLC is a month-long course that teaches Specialists and Corporals the basic skills to lead small groups of Soldiers. This course is hard hitting and intensive with emphasis on leadership skills and prepares Soldiers to advance to the rank of Sergeant.

Safely assuming that Bergdahl didn't attend WLC before he was captured, and certainly hadn't distinguished himself in any other way besides getting capture, one can only conclude the Army was pulling a fast one.

So to review. They cut corners to enlist a guy who had been discharged from the Coast Guard for psych reasons.

They then tried to cover up the circumstances under which he was captured.

They THEN did some nonsense to promote him to Sergeant and otherwise embroider his military career.

and now that the whole thing has gotten unwanted attention, they are going to try him for desertion...

Fuck off....I've wasted enough time on your bullshit. Nobody in the clusterfuck this WH is likely knew or cared who Bergdahl was. They want to empty GITMO and this was an opportunity to get rid of 5 of the worst ones and they did it using this "no man left behind" malarkey. That's the story not your jive about some "conspiracy".
The draft worked well from the Continental Army through Korea but things changed in the 60's when potential draftees were lit up with dope. Worst fucking soldiers you can imagine, so no don't bring back the draft, not ever.

Actually, that' not true. The Continental Army didn't have a draft. while there were militias, the Revolutionary War, War of 1812 and Mexican Wars were fought with volunteers. We didn't have our first draft until the Civil War (or as the Cleetuses like to call it, "The War Between the States", or as I like to call it, "Boy, Southerners sure are fucking stupid".)

The reason why the draft failed in Vietnam was because at that point, it became unfair. The rich could get into cushy National Guard Units (Bush, Quayle) get Student Deferments (Cheney, Gingrich) or claim bullshit medical conditions like a cyst on the ass (Limbaugh) to avoid military service. So what you ended up with was just the poor getting drafted. It didn't help that a lot of military units were filled with people from the South that were forced to enlist as an alternative to prison. (They were still doing this in the early 1980's.)

What i think we need is National Service, with the military just being one option. Everyone has to do it between 18-20 years old before going on to college. Then you thoroughly aptitude test these guys and gals physically, psychologically and academically, and the military picks the best of the best.
Fuck off....I've wasted enough time on your bullshit. Nobody in the clusterfuck this WH is likely knew or cared who Bergdahl was. They want to empty GITMO and this was an opportunity to get rid of 5 of the worst ones and they did it using this "no man left behind" malarkey. That's the story not your jive about some "conspiracy".

The fact you don't seem to know what you are talking about doesn't seem to bother you so much.

Fact is, we'd have let those guys go by now, anyway. We really didn't have any legal reason to hold them once we declared hostilities in Afghanistan at an end. They weren't Al Qaeda, they had committed no crimes against Americans.
The fact you don't seem to know what you are talking about doesn't seem to bother you so much.

Fact is, we'd have let those guys go by now, anyway. We really didn't have any legal reason to hold them once we declared hostilities in Afghanistan at an end. They weren't Al Qaeda, they had committed no crimes against Americans.

Listen asshole, I've forgotten more about combat than you'll ever know and the men who've been through it. All 5 of those animals had directed attacks on US personnel in-threatre and were captured at great risk and cost. STFU
Listen asshole, I've forgotten more about combat than you'll ever know and the men who've been through it. All 5 of those animals had directed attacks on US personnel in-threatre and were captured at great risk and cost. STFU

Uh, yeah, they directed attacks against Americans who INVADED THEIR COUNTRY. The laws of war say they can totally do that.

Now here's the thing. We've had these guys in custody since 2002. We never charged them with anything.

One of them, Khirullah Said Wali Khairkhwa was described as a moderate and President Karzai said his release was critical to the peace process.

In March 2012 it was reported that Ibrahim Spinzada, described as "Karzai's top aide" had spoken with the five men, in Guantanamo, earlier that month, and had secured their agreement to be transferred to Qatar.[34] It was reported that Karzai, who had initially opposed the transfer, now backed the plan. It was reported that US officials stated the Obama administration had not yet agreed to transfer the five men.

Unless of course, you are the Army trying to hide the fact you enlisted a mentally ill man and put him into a war zone.

Total've convinced yourself there was a conspiracy to hide the fact that Bergdahl deserted and then collaborated with the taliban. The Army had no idea how to officially categorize him from the looks of it until, like I already told you, he was either returned or executed. His rank increased because nobody cared as long as his whereabouts was unknown.

As to the qualifications for E-5, I was field-promoted to E-5 in the RVN and never went before any board. What happened behind the scenes I don't know or care about. If that's changed. prove it. And further, from your bizarre posts here, it seems Bergdahl wasn't the only mentally ill man the Army has enlisted. :cuckoo:
If the services have to scrape the bottom of the barrel and enlist Bergdahls, it certainly is time for a draft.

I don't believe we would be in these endless wars with a draft; people would eventually take to the streets.

Never seen any massive demonstrations over the criminal abuse of the volunteer military that has taken place since we went to the volunteer system.

Have you?
What a fucking stupid post... take away choice and you will have less war? Stop smoking dope
Listen asshole, I've forgotten more about combat than you'll ever know and the men who've been through it. All 5 of those animals had directed attacks on US personnel in-threatre and were captured at great risk and cost. STFU

Uh, yeah, they directed attacks against Americans who INVADED THEIR COUNTRY. The laws of war say they can totally do that.

Now here's the thing. We've had these guys in custody since 2002. We never charged them with anything.

One of them, Khirullah Said Wali Khairkhwa was described as a moderate and President Karzai said his release was critical to the peace process.

In March 2012 it was reported that Ibrahim Spinzada, described as "Karzai's top aide" had spoken with the five men, in Guantanamo, earlier that month, and had secured their agreement to be transferred to Qatar.[34] It was reported that Karzai, who had initially opposed the transfer, now backed the plan. It was reported that US officials stated the Obama administration had not yet agreed to transfer the five men.
How many soldiers kicked your ass to make you love treason so much?
Uh, yeah, they directed attacks against Americans who INVADED THEIR COUNTRY. The laws of war say they can totally do that.

They attacked US on 9/11 fool....we had every right to retaliate after they refused to turn over bin-Laden. And again, for supposedly being an Army vet, you don't seem to know much about Geneva Conventions....these animals weren't uniformed personnel or recognized militia...they are TERRORISTS plain and simple. If you want to support cowards who throw acid in little girl's faces for trying to go to school. why don't you shag ass over there and do a Bergdahl instead of running your yap here?
You are really a jerk. First of all, he will have a jury of his PEERS - that means enlisted personnel of the same and senior rank. I am certain there will be an E7, E8, or E9 on the panel.

Second - the panels votes ARE SECRET - nobody, not even the judge, knows what individual members vote.

The only possible problem is the JAG qualified judge who conducts the proceedings.

No, the only problem is the Army has a vested interest in the outcome of this trial. This isn't someone who got caught in a bar fight at the NCO club. this is someone who exposes a lot of corrupt practices the army doesn't like to talk about, namely that they lowered the standards to allow felons and the mentally ill to enlist in order to get recruitment numbers where they should be.

I would recommend you read the accounts of the letters he sent home. The guy was certifiably nuts.

I am not arguing that the guy was unfit for service. That has nothing whatsoever to do with the current judicial events taking place.
I am not arguing that the guy was unfit for service. That has nothing whatsoever to do with the current judicial events taking place.

Well, it kind of does in regards to the fact the Army's conduct is questionable, not only enlisting him to start with but also in what they claimed about his service.

For instance, the right gives Susan Wright shit about saying his service was "honorable", but frankly, the army didn't claim otherwise up to this point.
They attacked US on 9/11 fool....we had every right to retaliate after they refused to turn over bin-Laden. And again, for supposedly being an Army vet, you don't seem to know much about Geneva Conventions....these animals weren't uniformed personnel or recognized militia...they are TERRORISTS plain and simple. If you want to support cowards who throw acid in little girl's faces for trying to go to school. why don't you shag ass over there and do a Bergdahl instead of running your yap here?

Um, when were these guys charged with being terrorists. And if you want to talk about the Geneva Conventions, there was a part in there were you don't torture people for information.

These guys were not "guerillas", they were officials in the legitimate Afghan Government at that time.

Final point. We had no problem with them throwing acid in girl's faces when they tried to go to school when these same clowns were fighting the Russians. Those dirty stinking commies were teaching girls how to read, and Reagan gave these fools weapons- including bin Laden - to stop them.

One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter... even when you are talking aobut the same guys.
Reagan gave these fools weapons- including bin Laden - to stop them.

No ARAB mooj got a fucking nickel from the CIA.....I doubt you know Afghans aren't arabs...I'm done with your lies and idiocy.

You mean you are done with me making you look like a fool...

You know, like this.

Bin Laden comes home to roost NBC News

As his unclassified CIA biography states, bin Laden left Saudi Arabia to fight the Soviet army in Afghanistan after Moscow’s invasion in 1979. By 1984, he was running a front organization known as Maktab al-Khidamar - the MAK - which funneled money, arms and fighters from the outside world into the Afghan war.

What the CIA bio conveniently fails to specify (in its unclassified form, at least) is that the MAK was nurtured by Pakistan’s state security services, the Inter-Services Intelligence agency, or ISI, the CIA’s primary conduit for conducting the covert war against Moscow’s occupation.

Yet the CIA, concerned about the factionalism of Afghanistan made famous by Rudyard Kipling, found that Arab zealots who flocked to aid the Afghans were easier to “read” than the rivalry-ridden natives. While the Arab volunteers might well prove troublesome later, the agency reasoned, they at least were one-dimensionally anti-Soviet for now. So bin Laden, along with a small group of Islamic militants from Egypt, Pakistan, Lebanon, Syria and Palestinian refugee camps all over the Middle East, became the “reliable” partners of the CIA in its war against Moscow.

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