Report: Bergdahl To Be Charged With Desertion

So you will dismiss 65%of the people who think we are still in recession but credit 65% of the people who think Bush is to blame.
You are a fucking lowlife scumbag loser, Joe.

I would dismiss the 65% who still think we are in a recession because they are TECHNICALLY wrong. A recession has a clear definition. Two consecutive quarters of negative GDP Growth. That has not been the case since 2009. What people feel about that is irrelevant. The numbers don't lie.

Now, 65% who still blame Bush, hey, all that shit went down on his watch. Darn straight people should blame him for it.
31 pages later ... Bergdahl is still charged with Desertion.

I guess the military told the administration to take a flying leap with possible AWOL charges because they are going to make Bergdahl wear the six bodies.
At least he will get a decent trial and the jury is almost certain to be a respective mix of his peers.

31 pages later ... Bergdahl is still charged with Desertion.

I guess the military told the administration to take a flying leap with possible AWOL charges because they are going to make Bergdahl wear the six bodies.
At least he will get a decent trial and the jury is almost certain to be a respective mix of his peers.


You mean he'll get a jury of officers who will want to curry favor with their superiors by finding him guilty?

How about putting him in front of a CIVILIAN Jury?
31 pages later ... Bergdahl is still charged with Desertion.

I guess the military told the administration to take a flying leap with possible AWOL charges because they are going to make Bergdahl wear the six bodies.
At least he will get a decent trial and the jury is almost certain to be a respective mix of his peers.


You mean he'll get a jury of officers who will want to curry favor with their superiors by finding him guilty?

How about putting him in front of a CIVILIAN Jury?

They are not all officers ... Not all white ... Not all men ... Not all young or old ... Not all anything except military.
He hasn't been charged with a violation of the civilian code ... So it would be utterly stupid to think a civilian trial would be applicable.

Now we hear Bergdahl say he left his base "to find a general officer to report unit misconduct" and that he "meant to go right back". This is so bizarre nothing more need be said other than that he thinks he'll ultimately be convicted of simply going AWOL. We knew he was delusional before there is little doubt. I'd be satisfied with him being committed for life to a mental institution....that's where he belongs.
They are not all officers ... Not all white ... Not all men ... Not all young or old ... Not all anything except military.
He hasn't been charged with a violation of the civilian code ... So it would be utterly stupid to think a civilian trial would be applicable.

He can only get enlisted men on his tribunal if he requests them.

But here's the point. The Army LIED repeatedly about how he was captured, even ordered those who served with him to not say anything about it. It didn't list him as a deserter, it continued to promote him in his absense.

I would ask, WHY did the Army lie for so long about this incident? And should we trust them to hold a fair and open hearing?
Now we hear Bergdahl say he left his base "to find a general officer to report unit misconduct" and that he "meant to go right back". This is so bizarre nothing more need be said other than that he thinks he'll ultimately be convicted of simply going AWOL. We knew he was delusional before there is little doubt. I'd be satisfied with him being committed for life to a mental institution....that's where he belongs.
Why did Bergdal sent ALL his personal belongings home if he was planning to come back.?
Now we hear Bergdahl say he left his base "to find a general officer to report unit misconduct" and that he "meant to go right back". This is so bizarre nothing more need be said other than that he thinks he'll ultimately be convicted of simply going AWOL. We knew he was delusional before there is little doubt. I'd be satisfied with him being committed for life to a mental institution....that's where he belongs.

Yes, this is bizarre. A lot of his behavior is bizarre, and indicates mental illness. WHich begs the question why the Army enlisted him in the first place.

Bergdahl s writings reveal a fragile young man - The Washington Post

This is not a man who was all there.
They are not all officers ... Not all white ... Not all men ... Not all young or old ... Not all anything except military.
He hasn't been charged with a violation of the civilian code ... So it would be utterly stupid to think a civilian trial would be applicable.

He can only get enlisted men on his tribunal if he requests them.

But here's the point. The Army LIED repeatedly about how he was captured, even ordered those who served with him to not say anything about it. It didn't list him as a deserter, it continued to promote him in his absense.

I would ask, WHY did the Army lie for so long about this incident? And should we trust them to hold a fair and open hearing?

What evidence do you have that the Army lied about Bergdal? Also didn't I just see you still running with the false narrative of "Hands up. Don't shoot" in spite of the fact that ERIC HOLDER, HIMSELF confirmed that it never happened?
What evidence do you have that the Army lied about Bergdal? Also didn't I just see you still running with the false narrative of "Hands up. Don't shoot" in spite of the fact that ERIC HOLDER, HIMSELF confirmed that it never happened?

Well, what evidence do I have?

THey didn't charge him with desertion in 2009.
They put a gag order on members of his platoon.
They continued to promote him in captivity.

So that's three lies we've caught the army in.
Well, what evidence do I have?

THey didn't charge him with desertion in 2009.
They put a gag order on members of his platoon.
They continued to promote him in captivity.

So that's three lies we've caught the army in.

You claim you're an Army veteran and you don't know why the DOD followed this protocol? First, there was no "gag order" on his platoon...they would have been questioned without hours of his disappearance. Who would have been interested in their opinion of Bergdahl....the NYTimes? Why?

You should know a Trooper going AWOL isn't considered a deserter until he's missing for 30 days if I remember right. By then they probably knew Bergdahl was cooperating with the that point nobody could say shit for security reasons. If he'd drawn Terry a map of the FOB interior, their major concern would be to either boogie or reinforce.

As to his "promotions" there was no choice in that matter. Until Bergdahl was either returned or murdered, again they have protocol to follow. Once they got him back and got a chance to interview the asshole, his story fell apart. Obozo put the squeeze on the Pentagon to either not bring charges or get a hand-slap plea bargain. The Army brass know damn well what the muslim asshole in the WH is capable of....he kept 4 Star Petraeus in the soup for 2 years over some pillow talk with a female biographer who had her own security clearance.
31 pages later ... Bergdahl is still charged with Desertion.

I guess the military told the administration to take a flying leap with possible AWOL charges because they are going to make Bergdahl wear the six bodies.
At least he will get a decent trial and the jury is almost certain to be a respective mix of his peers.


You mean he'll get a jury of officers who will want to curry favor with their superiors by finding him guilty?

How about putting him in front of a CIVILIAN Jury?

You are really a jerk. First of all, he will have a jury of his PEERS - that means enlisted personnel of the same and senior rank. I am certain there will be an E7, E8, or E9 on the panel.

Second - the panels votes ARE SECRET - nobody, not even the judge, knows what individual members vote.

The only possible problem is the JAG qualified judge who conducts the proceedings.
Bergdahl is a scumbag who deserted his platoon. He should be executed by firing squad. Democrats and Obama call him a hero.

It's an upside down word.......
You claim you're an Army veteran and you don't know why the DOD followed this protocol? First, there was no "gag order" on his platoon...they would have been questioned without hours of his disappearance. Who would have been interested in their opinion of Bergdahl....the NYTimes? Why?

You mean why would they ask questions about a POW?

Yes, there was a gag order.

Former Army Specialists Cody Full and Gerald Sutton told Fox News’ Megyn Kelly in an exclusive interview, that the Army made them sign nondisclosure agreements prohibiting them from speaking out as long as Bergdahl was in captivity. Now they are talking.

Read more: Gag order lifted POW platoon-buddies say Bergdahl should face court-martial for desertion - BizPac Review

You should know a Trooper going AWOL isn't considered a deserter until he's missing for 30 days if I remember right. By then they probably knew Bergdahl was cooperating with the that point nobody could say shit for security reasons. If he'd drawn Terry a map of the FOB interior, their major concern would be to either boogie or reinforce.

Point is, he wasn't listed as AWOL, either. He was immediately listed as POW. More to the point if they knew he was cooperating with the Taliban, then continuing to promote him and call him a POW makes even LESS sense.

As to his "promotions" there was no choice in that matter. Until Bergdahl was either returned or murdered, again they have protocol to follow. Once they got him back and got a chance to interview the asshole, his story fell apart. Obozo put the squeeze on the Pentagon to either not bring charges or get a hand-slap plea bargain. The Army brass know damn well what the muslim asshole in the WH is capable of....he kept 4 Star Petraeus in the soup for 2 years over some pillow talk with a female biographer who had her own security clearance.

Uh, maybe, maybe that works for promoting him from E-3 to E-4. That happens automatically with promotion points. But to get promoted to E-5, you have to 1) Complete a NCODC - namely PLDC, and then be recommended by a board and signed of by your Battalion Commander. This is not something you do for a deserter....

Unless of course, you are the Army trying to hide the fact you enlisted a mentally ill man and put him into a war zone.
You are really a jerk. First of all, he will have a jury of his PEERS - that means enlisted personnel of the same and senior rank. I am certain there will be an E7, E8, or E9 on the panel.

Second - the panels votes ARE SECRET - nobody, not even the judge, knows what individual members vote.

The only possible problem is the JAG qualified judge who conducts the proceedings.

No, the only problem is the Army has a vested interest in the outcome of this trial. This isn't someone who got caught in a bar fight at the NCO club. this is someone who exposes a lot of corrupt practices the army doesn't like to talk about, namely that they lowered the standards to allow felons and the mentally ill to enlist in order to get recruitment numbers where they should be.

I would recommend you read the accounts of the letters he sent home. The guy was certifiably nuts.

Unless of course, you are the Army trying to hide the fact you enlisted a mentally ill man and put him into a war zone.

Total've convinced yourself there was a conspiracy to hide the fact that Bergdahl deserted and then collaborated with the taliban. The Army had no idea how to officially categorize him from the looks of it until, like I already told you, he was either returned or executed. His rank increased because nobody cared as long as his whereabouts was unknown.

As to the qualifications for E-5, I was field-promoted to E-5 in the RVN and never went before any board. What happened behind the scenes I don't know or care about. If that's changed. prove it. And further, from your bizarre posts here, it seems Bergdahl wasn't the only mentally ill man the Army has enlisted. :cuckoo:

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