Report: Bergdahl To Be Charged With Desertion

Reagan gave these fools weapons- including bin Laden - to stop them.

No ARAB mooj got a fucking nickel from the CIA.....I doubt you know Afghans aren't arabs...I'm done with your lies and idiocy.

You mean you are done with me making you look like a fool...

You know, like this.

Bin Laden comes home to roost NBC News

As his unclassified CIA biography states, bin Laden left Saudi Arabia to fight the Soviet army in Afghanistan after Moscow’s invasion in 1979. By 1984, he was running a front organization known as Maktab al-Khidamar - the MAK - which funneled money, arms and fighters from the outside world into the Afghan war.

What the CIA bio conveniently fails to specify (in its unclassified form, at least) is that the MAK was nurtured by Pakistan’s state security services, the Inter-Services Intelligence agency, or ISI, the CIA’s primary conduit for conducting the covert war against Moscow’s occupation.

Yet the CIA, concerned about the factionalism of Afghanistan made famous by Rudyard Kipling, found that Arab zealots who flocked to aid the Afghans were easier to “read” than the rivalry-ridden natives. While the Arab volunteers might well prove troublesome later, the agency reasoned, they at least were one-dimensionally anti-Soviet for now. So bin Laden, along with a small group of Islamic militants from Egypt, Pakistan, Lebanon, Syria and Palestinian refugee camps all over the Middle East, became the “reliable” partners of the CIA in its war against Moscow.

You and your left wing garbage belong in a dumpster.....For readers who'd like to know the CIA effort in Afghanistan can read the whole story at this link....Briefly, not a DIME ever went to arab mujahideen, and bin-Laden didn't surface until 1992, 4 years after Reagan left office....

Losing Bin Laden How Bill Clinton s Failures Unleashed Global Terror - Richard Miniter - Google Books
Who is cares what the failed government wants for a traitor?

You mean other than our whole purpose for being that was to prop up that government?
No it wasn't . It was to kill your terrorist heroes

Okay, i mean, if your understanding is comic book level, I get that.

Reality. There isn't going to be peace in Afghanistan until all the factions sit down and agree to it.
There will never be peace in the middle east.
How soon the left/libs twist in the wind about how we shouldn't be nation building, we shouldn't be the policemen of the world. bla bla bla they said when Bush was President. and now look at them when that Dear wonderful leader Obama came into office. he's bombed the shit out of how many countries, supposed killed Bin laden. But they said Bush was that just making more terrorist

it's a miracle. How fast they turn on their positions, ISN'T IT
You and your left wing garbage belong in a dumpster.....For readers who'd like to know the CIA effort in Afghanistan can read the whole story at this link....Briefly, not a DIME ever went to arab mujahideen, and bin-Laden didn't surface until 1992, 4 years after Reagan left office....

Richard Miniter, really?

The guy worked for the Moonie Times.

We showered Bin Laden with money, and he turned on us.
How soon the left/libs twist in the wind about how we shouldn't be nation building, we shouldn't be the policemen of the world. bla bla bla they said when Bush was President. and now look at them when that Dear wonderful leader Obama came into office. he's bombed the shit out of how many countries, supposed killed Bin laden. But they said Bush was that just making more terrorist

it's a miracle. How fast they turn on their positions, ISN'T IT

Oh, Staph, Bush was all against Nation building when he was running for President, too.

Here he is saying it, right from the Horse's Mouth. Or Horse's Ass.
The Afghan government - our Ally- requested that these five be released. Are you so retarded you can't process that point.

Yeah ... We should support and stand by our allies in the Middle East and around the globe ... Instead of pissing them off.
Guess you better give the White House a head's-up on that ... Because he either doesn't know who our allies are, or isn't following through.

The Afghan government - our Ally- requested that these five be released. Are you so retarded you can't process that point.

Yeah ... We should support and stand by our allies in the Middle East and around the globe ... Instead of pissing them off.
Guess you better give the White House a head's-up on that ... Because he either doesn't know who our allies are, or isn't following through.


i think you missed my point. The Afghan Government requested these five guys be released. Not Obama.

Actually, what we need to do is pull out of the Middle east, stop sending money to the fucking Zionists or anyone else, Declare AIPAC a foreign Espionage Ring and break it up, and then cut ourmilitary spending in half and spend that money on energy independence.

That's what we should do.

Instead we do this crazy thing where we are balancing the greed of the oil companies vs. the religious stupidity of the Zionists.
i think you missed my point. The Afghan Government requested these five guys be released. Not Obama.

Actually, what we need to do is pull out of the Middle east, stop sending money to the fucking Zionists or anyone else, Declare AIPAC a foreign Espionage Ring and break it up, and then cut ourmilitary spending in half and spend that money on energy independence.

That's what we should do.

Instead we do this crazy thing where we are balancing the greed of the oil companies vs. the religious stupidity of the Zionists

The Administration is doing what the religiously stupid Jihadists want ... Not what the Zionists want.
And like I said ... They are obviously confused about who our allies are ... But thanks for confirming what I posted.

But I can see where you get your ideas ... I bet you pull out on your friends all the time.

The Administration is doing what the religiously stupid Jihadists want ... Not what the Zionists want.

Actually, Obama give the Zionshit scum everything they want, and they STILL fucking whine. The Zionists are like a drunk who whines when the wife locks up the liquor cabinet.

And like I said ... They are obviously confused about who our allies are ... But thanks for confirming what I posted.

No, I'm not confused at all. NONE of those people over there are our "Allies". They all have their own fucking agenda and expect our boys to take bullets for them. What we need to do is completely wash our hands of them. No more interventions, no more aid, no more getting involved. If Americans are killed, there will be horrific consequences, but we don't get involved otherwise.

Seriously, what have any of those fucks done for us except take our money and screw us at every opportunity?
The Administration is doing what the religiously stupid Jihadists want ... Not what the Zionists want.

Actually, Obama give the Zionshit scum everything they want, and they STILL fucking whine. The Zionists are like a drunk who whines when the wife locks up the liquor cabinet.

And like I said ... They are obviously confused about who our allies are ... But thanks for confirming what I posted.

No, I'm not confused at all. NONE of those people over there are our "Allies". They all have their own fucking agenda and expect our boys to take bullets for them. What we need to do is completely wash our hands of them. No more interventions, no more aid, no more getting involved. If Americans are killed, there will be horrific consequences, but we don't get involved otherwise.

Seriously, what have any of those fucks done for us except take our money and screw us at every opportunity?

Like I said ... You are probably used to pulling out on your friends and don't know who our allies are.
Damn ... Keep repeating what I post in slightly different words ... It still means the same.

Like I said ... You are probably used to pulling out on your friends and don't know who our allies are.
Damn ... Keep repeating what I post in slightly different words ... It still means the same.

Well, yeah, exccept when I say it, it's actually coherent.

We don't HAVE friends over there. We have countries with their own agendas. It's really about time to ask if they are our agenda.

The Zionists are the worst offenders. They take our money, and then proceed to piss everyone in the region off.
Like I said ... You are probably used to pulling out on your friends and don't know who our allies are.
Damn ... Keep repeating what I post in slightly different words ... It still means the same.

Well, yeah, exccept when I say it, it's actually coherent.

We don't HAVE friends over there. We have countries with their own agendas. It's really about time to ask if they are our agenda.

The Zionists are the worst offenders. They take our money, and then proceed to piss everyone in the region off.

Like I posted ... You just have trouble identifying who our friends are and who we should piss off ... But I have posted that all along.
You are not arguing with me if you keep supporting what I am posting.

Like I posted ... You just have trouble identifying who our friends are and who we should piss off ... But I have posted that all along.
You are not arguing with me if you keep supporting what I am posting.

I don't think you know what you are posting, so I don't even try to follow it. Your postings generally seem to be a mish-mash of anger and jingoism that rarely have anything to do with the topic.
Like I posted ... You just have trouble identifying who our friends are and who we should piss off ... But I have posted that all along.
You are not arguing with me if you keep supporting what I am posting.

I don't think you know what you are posting, so I don't even try to follow it. Your postings generally seem to be a mish-mash of anger and jingoism that rarely have anything to do with the topic.

What makes you think I am angry at you for agreeing with me and continuing to prove my points? :)


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