Report! Former FBI Director Andrew McCabe Also Had An Affair With Top FBI Lawyer Lisa Page

Lol......a love triangle!


"Lisa you ignorant slut"



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REPORT: SHOCKING FBI LOVE TRIANGLE -- FBI Director McCabe Had Affair With Top FBI Lawyer Lisa Page, Who Also Had Affair With FBI Boss Strzok (Video) – True Pundit

While she is not what I would call a particularly good looking woman, my gawd what abysmal taste she has.....

How is the sex life of a government worker this relevant to anything?

And quite frankly, given the lengths to which this Administration has gone to in order to publically fire, smear and humiliate anyone who worked on the FBI and CIA investigations of Donald Trump, are disgusting. This is beyond anything you'd expect to find in a purportedly democratic country with freedom of speech protections to keep you from getting fired for criticizing the government.

Incidentally, McCabe, and now Lisa Page are suing the Justice Department. McCabe for wrongful dismissal, and Page for breach of privacy. Both are probably going to win and get huge settlements of taxpayer dollars for the abuses of power of Donald J. Trump.

Ms. Page and Mr. McCabe will have the last laugh on all of you fools who gleefully repost the lies and slanders of the Trump Administration and William Barr.
Proof? Or is this just a bullshit rumor like they pull against Trump all the time?
Article says 'Story is Developing'. Stay tuned. One America News is accurate in their reporting.

No they're not.

One America News Network (OAN) - Media Bias/Fact Check

Overall, we rate One America News Far right biased based on story selection that consistently favors the Right and Mixed for factual reporting due to promotion of conspiracies, lack of sourcing and a few failed fact checks.
Media Bias/Fact Check is a deceptive dishonest leftwing scam site.

The Palmer Report: Scam site “Media Bias Fact Check” caught cribbing its ratings from Wikipedia.

Scam site "Media Bias Fact Check" caught cribbing its ratings from Wikipedia

The Poynter Institute reports that "Media Bias/Fact Check's methodology is in no way scientific.

Here's what to expect from fact-checking in 2019 - Poynter

Using a fake news left wing website like The Palmer Report cuts no ice with me. Multiple failed fact checks.

I see no point in linking to Poynter for an overview of fact checking. I realise you right wing a$$hats hate fact checkers like vampires hate garlic, but linking to spurious websites with no journalistic standards whatsoever, is a quick ticket to not being taken seriously.
"Media Bias Fact Check" is one of the most notorious scams that offers little information other than amateurish “ratings” of various news outlets. These ratings are inaccurate, useless, changed at random and in some instances, its “ratings” are simply based on information it’s cribbed from Wikipedia.

The “Media Bias Fact Check” scam is built around the premise of convincing gullible low IQ internet users that various respected news outlets are compromised because they’re “biased” in way or another. This causes these low IQ victims to comment with links to these phony ratings in replies on discussion groups.

Media Bias Fact Check ratings often read like a fifth grader’s unfinished homework assignment or worse. For instance here’s the entirety of the “rating” for popular magazine Cosmopolitan:

“Cosmopolitan is an international fashion magazine for women and has a circulation of over 3 million. (Wikipedia) Cosmo’s primary focus is on fashion, sex and relationship tips, but they also cover politics. Cosmo has a strong left wing bias in reporting and story selection. Though biased, Cosmo usually publishes sourced information.”​

And the fancy graphic:


That’s it. That’s the entire “rating” provided by Media Bias Fact Check. They include no examples to support the “Left Bias” rating that it’s randomly assigned to the magazine. And stunningly, come up with the above entirely useless four-sentence rating by cribbing at least one of those sentences from Wikipedia of all places. Students get flunked for using Wikipedia as a source.
Who cares?

It's nobody's business except for her and her husband. And for all we know they could have an open marriage. He might even like To hide in the closet and watch other guys bone her.

It's really none of our business.
How is the sex life of a government worker this relevant to anything?

One of the traits that makes a person a leftist is sociopathy, the inability to conjure up a moral foundation or system of ethics. McCabe, Page, and Strzok were all married to other people, had taken vows that they broke. Now you as a leftist would never think twice about breaking a vow, you say what you need to say to get what you want at any given second. The FBI was once considered a position of trust, due to the power it has, only those of the highest moral and ethical fiber were allowed. These three though, they have no character at all. Typical leftist sociopaths.

And quite frankly, given the lengths to which this Administration has gone to in order to publically fire, smear and humiliate anyone who worked on the FBI and CIA investigations of Donald Trump, are disgusting. This is beyond anything you'd expect to find in a purportedly democratic country with freedom of speech protections to keep you from getting fired for criticizing the government.

Ah, blame the victim, how clever. The FBI and CIA engage in outright treason to interfere with a presidential election, then failing that move to overthrow the duly elected president, but he is being unfair by wiggling as you lynch him? Strzok and Page deserve the death penalty for treason, both are CLEARLY guilty of plotting and attempting to overthrow the executive branch of the United States Government.

You Communists like to pretend that you only hate Trump, that you don't bitterly hate America. But let's face it, the treason Page and Strzok were engaged in destroys the FOUNDATION of the nation, it says that permanent Washington rather than the voters determine the leaders of the nation. We saw the same thing with Vinkman and Sonderland, the idea that the deep state rather than the representative of the people are the legitimate arbiters of policy.

So clearly, you seek not only to overturn the election, not only to tamper with the 2020 election, but in fact the utter destruction of government by the people.

Incidentally, McCabe, and now Lisa Page are suing the Justice Department. McCabe for wrongful dismissal, and Page for breach of privacy. Both are probably going to win and get huge settlements of taxpayer dollars for the abuses of power of Donald J. Trump.

Ms. Page and Mr. McCabe will have the last laugh on all of you fools who gleefully repost the lies and slanders of the Trump Administration and William Barr.

Again, page deserves to be strapped to a gurney. She is a traitor to the United States, you can lie, but the fact of her treason is laid out in 14,000 text messages. McCabe should go to prison for a VERY long time. Barr is deep state himself and looks set to let McCabe skate, a very bad move. As far as lawsuits go, even with just the Horowitz report McCabe will be laughed out of the first hearing.
Who cares?

It's nobody's business except for her and her husband. And for all we know they could have an open marriage. He might even like To hide in the closet and watch other guys bone her.

It's really none of our business.

So, she won't keep her vows in marriage, but we expected her to keep her vows to America? Which of course she didn't, she engaged in treason. This goes equal for McCabe and Strzok. I can't prove treason against McCabe, but with Page and Strzok there is no denying that they engaged in treason.
Who cares?

It's nobody's business except for her and her husband. And for all we know they could have an open marriage. He might even like To hide in the closet and watch other guys bone her.

It's really none of our business.

So, she won't keep her vows in marriage, but we expected her to keep her vows to America?
You don't know her marriage vows.

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