Report: Governor Palin Is Reconsidering Run For Presidency

I'm pullin' for Palin, because we're going to need some new gut-busting humor after Cain fades away...
Can't really see it.

Palin has shown that she is not willing to do the hard work it takes to run a campaign.

Of course, if the GOP nominates the weird Mormon Robot, and she runs as a third party candidate, I might vote for her as a big "eff you" to the GOP.
She won't run. Remember how she said she'd feel "shackled"? That means the $ from her bot-like fans will cease.
A Palin Presidency: Hmm, I wonder why Sarah will be calling Scott Brown into the Oval Office every Friday night from 7 to 10pm?
and can you imagine a Palin/Kristie Noem Ticket {that hot brunette REP from S.Dakota}

Damn, the White House would be looking for missing Senators and Reps on a daily basis......Has anyone seen Senator Rubio? God, Scott Brown has been MIA all afternoon. Someone call President Palin{{{ Hi, This is President Palin, neither I or VP Noem can't come to phone right now being we are pre-occupied with personal matters,,,please leave your urgent message and one of us will get back to you after 8pm}}
Will our country ever get anything done if the Prez/Congress/Senate were mostly attractive people? It would be like the Kennedy Years Again!
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I wonder how many men would actually be paying more attention to Palin's Body Part's during her 2013 State Of The Union Address. What? What did she say?

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