Report: Lois Lerner's Hard Drive Has Been "Thrown Away"

Anyone in the IT world knows that e-mails are not stored on a hard drive alone. How stupid. I think this is a GOP witch hunt, but technically there has got to be copes of her e-mail out there.

outgoing server
incoming server
network server

There are at least 2 servers it is saved on for outgoing and incoming say it is a GOP witch hunt....

So I must ask....

If the emails for Lois Lerner were missing for 2 of the most pertinent was the inspector appointed by the President able to determine that no laws were broken in a matter of a few days?

Now, recall.....Lerner was the subject of the investigation....and 2009-2011 were 2 of the 3years being investigated...

Why were the findings..."no criminal activity; no charges will be brought" as opposed to "incomplete findings due to missing data"?

"Network" server?



There are network devices. Mainly consisting of routers and switches. And they generally don't save anything. You might be thinking of a DNS server..but those are used for lookups.

Mail servers are where emails are stored.

And I am pretty sure, since they got over 64,000 emails, they checked those.

You really haven't a clue...
Anyone in the IT world knows that e-mails are not stored on a hard drive alone. How stupid. I think this is a GOP witch hunt, but technically there has got to be copes of her e-mail out there.

outgoing server
incoming server
network server

There are at least 2 servers it is saved on for outgoing and incoming say it is a GOP witch hunt....

So I must ask....

If the emails for Lois Lerner were missing for 2 of the most pertinent was the inspector appointed by the President able to determine that no laws were broken in a matter of a few days?

Now, recall.....Lerner was the subject of the investigation....and 2009-2011 were 2 of the 3years being investigated...

Why were the findings..."no criminal activity; no charges will be brought" as opposed to "incomplete findings due to missing data"?

Bumping this because those who say it is a witch hunt refused to acknowledge the question....
A company of size will ALWAYS back up a hard drive before cleaning it.

Where do these people get such crazy ideas? And why do they expect any normal person not to bust out laughing upon hearing them?

You know what happens at the megacorp I work for when they replace computers?

They tell you ahead of time to upload any files you want to save to the network drives. And then they take away that old computer and simply wipe the hard drive. Back it up? Why? It's not IT's job to make sure you're documenting your work properly.

You know what happens when someone leaves? Unless circumstances were extraordinary, they just wipe the hard drive. And they don't back it up. Because they're not paranoid kooks imagining nefarious conspiracies.

The conspiracy crowd here is hilariously unaware of how the real world operates. They actually think it's normal policy for IT to save every hopelessly broken hard drive. It was an ex-hard-drive, so of course it was trashed. Hoarding junk is for the mentally ill, not the IT department.

This is not some privately held corporation this is the IRS. They have records of EVERYTHING and now have the added responsibility to keep our medical records. They would have to have one of the most advanced computer systems in the world to keep track of all that, but they can't find some emails?

BULLSHIT! And if, for some reason, they have 100% lost 2 years of emails, do you really trust them with your medical files?

Or your tax files, either?
outgoing server
incoming server
network server

There are at least 2 servers it is saved on for outgoing and incoming say it is a GOP witch hunt....

So I must ask....

If the emails for Lois Lerner were missing for 2 of the most pertinent was the inspector appointed by the President able to determine that no laws were broken in a matter of a few days?

Now, recall.....Lerner was the subject of the investigation....and 2009-2011 were 2 of the 3years being investigated...

Why were the findings..."no criminal activity; no charges will be brought" as opposed to "incomplete findings due to missing data"?

"Network" server?



There are network devices. Mainly consisting of routers and switches. And they generally don't save anything. You might be thinking of a DNS server..but those are used for lookups.

Mail servers are where emails are stored.

And I am pretty sure, since they got over 64,000 emails, they checked those.

You really haven't a clue...

Clue about what?
outgoing server
incoming server
network server

There are at least 2 servers it is saved on for outgoing and incoming say it is a GOP witch hunt....

So I must ask....

If the emails for Lois Lerner were missing for 2 of the most pertinent was the inspector appointed by the President able to determine that no laws were broken in a matter of a few days?

Now, recall.....Lerner was the subject of the investigation....and 2009-2011 were 2 of the 3years being investigated...

Why were the findings..."no criminal activity; no charges will be brought" as opposed to "incomplete findings due to missing data"?

"Network" server?



There are network devices. Mainly consisting of routers and switches. And they generally don't save anything. You might be thinking of a DNS server..but those are used for lookups.

Mail servers are where emails are stored.

And I am pretty sure, since they got over 64,000 emails, they checked those.

You really haven't a clue...

He really doesn't.

We had a network that included about 15 people....we all worked off the server....yes, each PC had the applications......but the data was saved on the design.

He seems to think a network is only with a router...and yes, it could be....

But Never in a corporate environment.
Anyone in the IT world knows that e-mails are not stored on a hard drive alone. How stupid. I think this is a GOP witch hunt, but technically there has got to be copes of her e-mail out there.

outgoing server
incoming server
network server

There are at least 2 servers it is saved on for outgoing and incoming say it is a GOP witch hunt....

So I must ask....

If the emails for Lois Lerner were missing for 2 of the most pertinent was the inspector appointed by the President able to determine that no laws were broken in a matter of a few days?

Now, recall.....Lerner was the subject of the investigation....and 2009-2011 were 2 of the 3years being investigated...

Why were the findings..."no criminal activity; no charges will be brought" as opposed to "incomplete findings due to missing data"?

Bumping this because those who say it is a witch hunt refused to acknowledge the question....

They will either ignore it, or they are huddled in a corner trying to come up with what will be another outlandish excuse.
"Network" server?



There are network devices. Mainly consisting of routers and switches. And they generally don't save anything. You might be thinking of a DNS server..but those are used for lookups.

Mail servers are where emails are stored.

And I am pretty sure, since they got over 64,000 emails, they checked those.

You really haven't a clue...

Clue about what?

about IT sallow.

You have displayed simply a knowledge of IT that the typical "home office" guy would know about.

The fact that you question about the existence of a network server tells me a lot.
outgoing server
incoming server
network server

There are at least 2 servers it is saved on for outgoing and incoming say it is a GOP witch hunt....

So I must ask....

If the emails for Lois Lerner were missing for 2 of the most pertinent was the inspector appointed by the President able to determine that no laws were broken in a matter of a few days?

Now, recall.....Lerner was the subject of the investigation....and 2009-2011 were 2 of the 3years being investigated...

Why were the findings..."no criminal activity; no charges will be brought" as opposed to "incomplete findings due to missing data"?

Bumping this because those who say it is a witch hunt refused to acknowledge the question....

They will either ignore it, or they are huddled in a corner trying to come up with what will be another outlandish excuse.

A fair investigator would have said..

Since we do not have access to 65% of the evidence, we are unable to give a conclusive result.

Instead...."not a smidgen of corruption"
"Network" server?



There are network devices. Mainly consisting of routers and switches. And they generally don't save anything. You might be thinking of a DNS server..but those are used for lookups.

Mail servers are where emails are stored.

And I am pretty sure, since they got over 64,000 emails, they checked those.

You really haven't a clue...

He really doesn't.

We had a network that included about 15 people....we all worked off the server....yes, each PC had the applications......but the data was saved on the design.

He seems to think a network is only with a router...and yes, it could be....

But Never in a corporate environment.

Yeah, I have set up a few networks in business myself, for employers and then our own business. That post of his in our quote was his final straw.
"Network" server?



There are network devices. Mainly consisting of routers and switches. And they generally don't save anything. You might be thinking of a DNS server..but those are used for lookups.

Mail servers are where emails are stored.

And I am pretty sure, since they got over 64,000 emails, they checked those.

You really haven't a clue...

He really doesn't.

We had a network that included about 15 people....we all worked off the server....yes, each PC had the applications......but the data was saved on the design.

He seems to think a network is only with a router...and yes, it could be....

But Never in a corporate environment.

Wait what?

Do you even know what you are talking about?

It's not ONE's many.

As well as switches.

They sit in racks.

There are other devices as well, like Content switch modules, Proxy Servers, Firewalls etc, but they aren't designed to save stuff.

The purpose of the network is to get you where you are going.

It's like with every issue you guys suddenly become experts in everything.

You really haven't a clue...

He really doesn't.

We had a network that included about 15 people....we all worked off the server....yes, each PC had the applications......but the data was saved on the design.

He seems to think a network is only with a router...and yes, it could be....

But Never in a corporate environment.

Yeah, I have set up a few networks in business myself, for employers and then our own business. That post of his in our quote was his final straw.

Yah dude..

You be dah pro.

No google.

What does this command do:

router> sh int
Ernie seems to think the IRS has a single master Skynet type supercomputer that controls everything.

Back in the real world world, the IRS is spread out all over, and would have hundreds of different servers and subnetworks. Some will be top-of-the-line, some will be old and crappy.

And highest level employees' email would be served by the old, crappy stuff. OK! Makes perfect sense to me.

Go ahead. Continue to make excuses for Lehrner and obama. We both know, had this been a Republican administration targeting Liberal organizations, you would be calling for the death penalty.

Would you?

Where was your "outrage" over the NAACP audit?

How about Charlie Rangel?

And you do know that there were Liberal groups targeted too?


2 of which were DENIED the status.

Nothing from Issa. Nothing from you guys..

2? as opposed to how many?

Charlie Rangel? Really? The man is a crook, plain and simple.

Charles Rangel Convicted of Ethics Violations | Rangel Found Guilty | Video | Mediaite
You really haven't a clue...

He really doesn't.

We had a network that included about 15 people....we all worked off the server....yes, each PC had the applications......but the data was saved on the design.

He seems to think a network is only with a router...and yes, it could be....

But Never in a corporate environment.

Wait what?

Do you even know what you are talking about?

It's not ONE's many.

As well as switches.

They sit in racks.

There are other devices as well, like Content switch modules, Proxy Servers, Firewalls etc, but they aren't designed to save stuff.

The purpose of the network is to get you where you are going.

It's like with every issue you guys suddenly become experts in everything.


Jeez Sallow.

Now you are hitting low.

I was spoofing with the "one router" comment.

And the purpose of a network is a lot deeper than getting you where you are going. That is what a home network is for.

FYI...tossing out terms like routers proxy servers firewalls and mods makes you look like you are a fake.

You are a farce. I am done with you. Disappointed, yes. But I can not believe I fell for your "I am an IT professional" shit.
Bumping this because those who say it is a witch hunt refused to acknowledge the question....

They will either ignore it, or they are huddled in a corner trying to come up with what will be another outlandish excuse.

A fair investigator would have said..

Since we do not have access to 65% of the evidence, we are unable to give a conclusive result.

Instead...."not a smidgen of corruption"
Particularly after Lerner had already apologized. Amazing.
You really haven't a clue...

He really doesn't.

We had a network that included about 15 people....we all worked off the server....yes, each PC had the applications......but the data was saved on the design.

He seems to think a network is only with a router...and yes, it could be....

But Never in a corporate environment.

Yeah, I have set up a few networks in business myself, for employers and then our own business. That post of his in our quote was his final straw.


I believed him up until he criticized me when I mentioned a network server.

That was the tell tale sign.
They will either ignore it, or they are huddled in a corner trying to come up with what will be another outlandish excuse.

A fair investigator would have said..

Since we do not have access to 65% of the evidence, we are unable to give a conclusive result.

Instead...."not a smidgen of corruption"
Particularly after Lerner had already apologized. Amazing.

That's the funny thing...
She started the whole thing by apologizing.

Whatever.....this administration has a way of getting away with anything they want.

When Obama is gone, the truth will leak out.
And highest level employees' email would be served by the old, crappy stuff. OK! Makes perfect sense to me.

Go ahead. Continue to make excuses for Lehrner and obama. We both know, had this been a Republican administration targeting Liberal organizations, you would be calling for the death penalty.

Would you?

Where was your "outrage" over the NAACP audit?

How about Charlie Rangel?

And you do know that there were Liberal groups targeted too?


2 of which were DENIED the status.

Nothing from Issa. Nothing from you guys..

2? as opposed to how many?

Charlie Rangel? Really? The man is a crook, plain and simple.

Charles Rangel Convicted of Ethics Violations | Rangel Found Guilty | Video | Mediaite

Ain't that something, right?

Rangel got in trouble with his taxes after making the "outlandish" suggestion that there be a draft.

Nothing to see here folks..

And Rangel is no crook.

He's a hero.

Bonafide, 100%, true blue American hero.
emails are not just typed and stored on a single hard drive.


Confiscate every hard drive at the IRS, the email server too.

IF these emails are not found, she needs to do 8 to 12 years (hard labor) for tampering with evidence and destruction of government property.

The IRS uses Microsoft Exchange 2010 Enterprise, deployed across a server farm of redundant clusters.

No emails have been "lost," none were "stored on local hard drives." Lerner and the IRS have perjured themselves.

I discuss all of this in my thread;
Would you?

Where was your "outrage" over the NAACP audit?

How about Charlie Rangel?

And you do know that there were Liberal groups targeted too?


2 of which were DENIED the status.

Nothing from Issa. Nothing from you guys..

2? as opposed to how many?

Charlie Rangel? Really? The man is a crook, plain and simple.

Charles Rangel Convicted of Ethics Violations | Rangel Found Guilty | Video | Mediaite

Ain't that something, right?

Rangel got in trouble with his taxes after making the "outlandish" suggestion that there be a draft.

Nothing to see here folks..

And Rangel is no crook.

He's a hero.

Bonafide, 100%, true blue American hero.

So his making a suggestion forced him to file inaccurate tax returns?


So he did something wrong, and the fact that he got caught due to people "looking to catch him" makes him a victim?

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