Report: Lois Lerner's Hard Drive Has Been "Thrown Away"

A company of size will ALWAYS back up a hard drive before cleaning it.

Where do these people get such crazy ideas? And why do they expect any normal person not to bust out laughing upon hearing them?

You know what happens at the megacorp I work for when they replace computers?

They tell you ahead of time to upload any files you want to save to the network drives. And then they take away that old computer and simply wipe the hard drive. Back it up? Why? It's not IT's job to make sure you're documenting your work properly.

You know what happens when someone leaves? Unless circumstances were extraordinary, they just wipe the hard drive. And they don't back it up. Because they're not paranoid kooks imagining nefarious conspiracies.

The conspiracy crowd here is hilariously unaware of how the real world operates. They actually think it's normal policy for IT to save every hopelessly broken hard drive. It was an ex-hard-drive, so of course it was trashed. Hoarding junk is for the mentally ill, not the IT department.

Another dolt who wants to criticize without knowing what he or she is talking about.

Lets say I resign. I am going to work for a competitor.

You, as my employer, would trust me to upload all information I deem you need?

What the fuck you know how stupid that sounds?

And Sallow concurred. How pathetic is that.

So Howard....Jane left to go work for our competitor...she downloaded the stuff we needed on a zip drive and I had her delete the rest.....

Cool, Joe. Lets see how far she got with the Smith proposal.

Hey Joe....the zip drive...its empty. Nothing on it.

Oh only Jane...working for a competitor, knows what is going on with the Smith proposal.

Sure...that's what happens.
Ah yes.

Tommy the gubmint IT expert who knows nothing about IT.


ahhh...but you still wont answer the question about servers.

You simply responded by asking a question..."then why did they ask for her lap top"

So save some face here....

Do you truly believe that the IRS does not work off a server that saves the data?

I "truly" believe they are over worked and under provisioned.

I've been to some gubmint offices and their IT was something like 20 years out of date.

That was 15 years ago.

Recently, I had to go to a police station because I had some identity theft problem. They had ONE laptop with a sign over it that said "Sign in and Sign out, do not use for more then 20 minutes."

That's a New York Precinct in Brooklyn.

35 years ago almost no one had an IT department, so you're obviously full of shit. Furthermore, we're not talking esoteric or specialized systems here. These systems are standard and quit common in most offices. Also the backup requirements are mandated by law.
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Have the leftist fanatics explained yet, how six other people's emails from the same period, could have vanished when Lois Lerner's desktop computer crashed?

all I have heard so far is...

hundreds of thousands of employees and 7 hard drive crashes....doesn't seem out of the ordinary....if anything a very low ratio.

LOL...but no mention that those 7 hard drives were of people involved in the "investigation"
Could all the kooks please settle on one conspiracy theory? They keep spinning around so much, I can't keep track. Best I can tell, their current theory is that Lerner, in 2011, consulted a psychic, who told her there would be an investigation in 2013. Therefore, she immediately arranged for her hard drive to crash and be disposed of. It's a really stupid conspiracy theory, but it seems to be what the kooks are going with.

The kooks also fail to explain why, if the goal was to delete emails, they didn't just ... delete emails. That is, quietly delete the supposedly incriminating emails, pass on the rest, and leave no one the wiser that those incriminating emails ever existed.

So, the conspiracy also fails hard from an Occam's Razor point of view. It invokes pointless complexity and a large number of conspirators, most of who would have no motivation to lie on Lerner's behalf, and lots of motivation to expose any wrongdoing.
A company of size will ALWAYS back up a hard drive before cleaning it.

Where do these people get such crazy ideas? And why do they expect any normal person not to bust out laughing upon hearing them?

You know what happens at the megacorp I work for when they replace computers?

They tell you ahead of time to upload any files you want to save to the network drives. And then they take away that old computer and simply wipe the hard drive. Back it up? Why? It's not IT's job to make sure you're documenting your work properly.

You know what happens when someone leaves? Unless circumstances were extraordinary, they just wipe the hard drive. And they don't back it up. Because they're not paranoid kooks imagining nefarious conspiracies.

The conspiracy crowd here is hilariously unaware of how the real world operates. They actually think it's normal policy for IT to save every hopelessly broken hard drive. It was an ex-hard-drive, so of course it was trashed. Hoarding junk is for the mentally ill, not the IT department.

This is not some privately held corporation this is the IRS. They have records of EVERYTHING and now have the added responsibility to keep our medical records. They would have to have one of the most advanced computer systems in the world to keep track of all that, but they can't find some emails?

BULLSHIT! And if, for some reason, they have 100% lost 2 years of emails, do you really trust them with your medical files?
ahhh...but you still wont answer the question about servers.

You simply responded by asking a question..."then why did they ask for her lap top"

So save some face here....

Do you truly believe that the IRS does not work off a server that saves the data?

I "truly" believe they are over worked and under provisioned.

I've been to some gubmint offices and their IT was something like 20 years out of date.

That was 15 years ago.

Recently, I had to go to a police station because I had some identity theft problem. They had ONE laptop with a sign over it that said "Sign in and Sign out, do not use for more then 20 minutes."

That's a New York Precinct in Brooklyn.

35 years almost no one had an IT department, so you're obviously full of shit.

He already proved he is full of shit.

When he said that proof that he was laid off and not fired was because he was allowed to keep his pension.

I mean....who, with a pension, is not aware that they get to keep their pension NO MATTER WHY they leave a company.
Could all the kooks please settle on one conspiracy theory? They keep spinning around so much, I can't keep track. Best I can tell, their current theory is that Lerner, in 2011, consulted a psychic, who told her there would be an investigation in 2013. Therefore, she immediately arranged for her hard drive to crash and be disposed of. It's a really stupid conspiracy theory, but it seems to be what the kooks are going with.

The kooks also fail to explain why, if the goal was to delete emails, they didn't just ... delete emails. That is, quietly delete the supposedly incriminating emails, pass on the rest, and leave no one the wiser that those incriminating emails ever existed.

So, the conspiracy also fails hard from an Occam's Razor point of view. It invokes pointless complexity and a large number of conspirators, most of who would have no motivation to lie on Lerner's behalf, and lots of motivation to expose any wrongdoing.

why do you need to spin to make a point?

No one is saying she knew she would be investigated.

No one is saying her computer did not crash.

No one is saying it did not crash in 2011

What we are saying is that she knows dam well those emails are on servers.....and to use the excuse of a computer crash is insulting to anyone who cares.

You NOT being one of them.
A company of size will ALWAYS back up a hard drive before cleaning it.

Where do these people get such crazy ideas? And why do they expect any normal person not to bust out laughing upon hearing them?

You know what happens at the megacorp I work for when they replace computers?

They tell you ahead of time to upload any files you want to save to the network drives. And then they take away that old computer and simply wipe the hard drive. Back it up? Why? It's not IT's job to make sure you're documenting your work properly.

You know what happens when someone leaves? Unless circumstances were extraordinary, they just wipe the hard drive. And they don't back it up. Because they're not paranoid kooks imagining nefarious conspiracies.

The conspiracy crowd here is hilariously unaware of how the real world operates. They actually think it's normal policy for IT to save every hopelessly broken hard drive. It was an ex-hard-drive, so of course it was trashed. Hoarding junk is for the mentally ill, not the IT department.

This is not some privately held corporation this is the IRS. They have records of EVERYTHING and now have the added responsibility to keep our medical records. They would have to have one of the most advanced computer systems in the world to keep track of all that, but they can't find some emails?

BULLSHIT! And if, for some reason, they have 100% lost 2 years of emails, do you really trust them with your medical files?


Also..believe or not?

Email is pretty complicated.

Sendmail - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Setting Up Mail Servers in Outlook Express
Help -

This isn't simple stuff.

It's also pretty unreliable.
I "truly" believe they are over worked and under provisioned.

I've been to some gubmint offices and their IT was something like 20 years out of date.

That was 15 years ago.

Recently, I had to go to a police station because I had some identity theft problem. They had ONE laptop with a sign over it that said "Sign in and Sign out, do not use for more then 20 minutes."

That's a New York Precinct in Brooklyn.

35 years almost no one had an IT department, so you're obviously full of shit.

He already proved he is full of shit.

When he said that proof that he was laid off and not fired was because he was allowed to keep his pension.

I mean....who, with a pension, is not aware that they get to keep their pension NO MATTER WHY they leave a company.

Wait, what?

You are full of malarkey..bucko.

On my desk alone a guy was fired for insubordination and he lost his pension.


I did a job at a bond trading company where the guy who WROTE the application was fired and lost HIS pension (But he did get them back by charging an arm and a leg to help with the project).

You seriously don't have a clue about the private you?
They have records of EVERYTHING and now have the added responsibility to keep our medical records. They would have to have one of the most advanced computer systems in the world to keep track of all that, but they can't find some emails?

Ernie seems to think the IRS has a single master Skynet type supercomputer that controls everything.

Back in the real world world, the IRS is spread out all over, and would have hundreds of different servers and subnetworks. Some will be top-of-the-line, some will be old and crappy.
Where do these people get such crazy ideas? And why do they expect any normal person not to bust out laughing upon hearing them?

You know what happens at the megacorp I work for when they replace computers?

They tell you ahead of time to upload any files you want to save to the network drives. And then they take away that old computer and simply wipe the hard drive. Back it up? Why? It's not IT's job to make sure you're documenting your work properly.

You know what happens when someone leaves? Unless circumstances were extraordinary, they just wipe the hard drive. And they don't back it up. Because they're not paranoid kooks imagining nefarious conspiracies.

The conspiracy crowd here is hilariously unaware of how the real world operates. They actually think it's normal policy for IT to save every hopelessly broken hard drive. It was an ex-hard-drive, so of course it was trashed. Hoarding junk is for the mentally ill, not the IT department.

This is not some privately held corporation this is the IRS. They have records of EVERYTHING and now have the added responsibility to keep our medical records. They would have to have one of the most advanced computer systems in the world to keep track of all that, but they can't find some emails?

BULLSHIT! And if, for some reason, they have 100% lost 2 years of emails, do you really trust them with your medical files?


Also..believe or not?

Email is pretty complicated.

Sendmail - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Setting Up Mail Servers in Outlook Express
Help -

This isn't simple stuff.

It's also pretty unreliable.

It may be beyond your capability, but there are 10's of thousands of people who can set up and administer an email server. Any of them worth their salt will maintain backups and be able to recover lost emails in minutes.
Hell I know a guy with no access to IRS servers who could recover those emails in a few hours.
They have records of EVERYTHING and now have the added responsibility to keep our medical records. They would have to have one of the most advanced computer systems in the world to keep track of all that, but they can't find some emails?

Ernie seems to think the IRS has a single master Skynet type supercomputer that controls everything.

Back in the real world world, the IRS is spread out all over, and would have hundreds of different servers and subnetworks. Some will be top-of-the-line, some will be old and crappy.

emails all go through the ".gov" domain.

It is not nearly as complicated as you seem to believe.

How it works? Complicated.

But anytime I needed something off the server, I did not have to call in my IT crew...(offsite contractor).

It is pretty basic shit.
They have records of EVERYTHING and now have the added responsibility to keep our medical records. They would have to have one of the most advanced computer systems in the world to keep track of all that, but they can't find some emails?

Ernie seems to think the IRS has a single master Skynet type supercomputer that controls everything.

Back in the real world world, the IRS is spread out all over, and would have hundreds of different servers and subnetworks. Some will be top-of-the-line, some will be old and crappy.

And highest level employees' email would be served by the old, crappy stuff. OK! Makes perfect sense to me.

Go ahead. Continue to make excuses for Lehrner and obama. We both know, had this been a Republican administration targeting Liberal organizations, you would be calling for the death penalty.
This is not some privately held corporation this is the IRS. They have records of EVERYTHING and now have the added responsibility to keep our medical records. They would have to have one of the most advanced computer systems in the world to keep track of all that, but they can't find some emails?

BULLSHIT! And if, for some reason, they have 100% lost 2 years of emails, do you really trust them with your medical files?


Also..believe or not?

Email is pretty complicated.

Sendmail - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Setting Up Mail Servers in Outlook Express
Help -

This isn't simple stuff.

It's also pretty unreliable.

It may be beyond your capability, but there are 10's of thousands of people who can set up and administer an email server. Any of them worth their salt will maintain backups and be able to recover lost emails in minutes.
Hell I know a guy with no access to IRS servers who could recover those emails in a few hours.

You're kidding right?

Email admins are few and far between.

It's an extremely complicated and thankless job.

Network guys get the do the DB guys.

Lets not even talk about Dev.

But email?

They have records of EVERYTHING and now have the added responsibility to keep our medical records. They would have to have one of the most advanced computer systems in the world to keep track of all that, but they can't find some emails?

Ernie seems to think the IRS has a single master Skynet type supercomputer that controls everything.

Back in the real world world, the IRS is spread out all over, and would have hundreds of different servers and subnetworks. Some will be top-of-the-line, some will be old and crappy.

And highest level employees' email would be served by the old, crappy stuff. OK! Makes perfect sense to me.

Go ahead. Continue to make excuses for Lehrner and obama. We both know, had this been a Republican administration targeting Liberal organizations, you would be calling for the death penalty.

Would you?

Where was your "outrage" over the NAACP audit?

How about Charlie Rangel?

And you do know that there were Liberal groups targeted too?


2 of which were DENIED the status.

Nothing from Issa. Nothing from you guys..

Also..believe or not?

Email is pretty complicated.

Sendmail - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Setting Up Mail Servers in Outlook Express
Help -

This isn't simple stuff.

It's also pretty unreliable.

It may be beyond your capability, but there are 10's of thousands of people who can set up and administer an email server. Any of them worth their salt will maintain backups and be able to recover lost emails in minutes.
Hell I know a guy with no access to IRS servers who could recover those emails in a few hours.

You're kidding right?

Email admins are few and far between.

It's an extremely complicated and thankless job.

Network guys get the do the DB guys.

Lets not even talk about Dev.

But email?



You just made that up Sallow.

You can rant and rave about how much you know and what you do for a living.....

But this post of yours?

To those in the real know....know you are full of shit.

Nearly every American has an email address.......and most have their lives....needed an email administrator.

When they accidentally delete an email they need? They go to their server. My wife has a yahoo personal account. It is delivered in her PC Outlook.

When she deletes something she wanted to keep?

She simply signs onto Yahoo and there it is.

My emails used to go through the incoming server.....distributed to the blackberry server (that I had access to when needed), who in turn delivered it to my bklackberry....and the incoming serever also delivered to my corporate server who, in turn delivered it to my outlook.

If I deleted it?

I had 3 different servers to get it from.

You are a farce.

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