Report: Lois Lerner's Hard Drive Has Been "Thrown Away"

I'll help him out here , or maybe not. He will then find another excuse after trying to research it.
He really doesn't.

We had a network that included about 15 people....we all worked off the server....yes, each PC had the applications......but the data was saved on the design.

He seems to think a network is only with a router...and yes, it could be....

But Never in a corporate environment.

Wait what?

Do you even know what you are talking about?

It's not ONE's many.

As well as switches.

They sit in racks.

There are other devices as well, like Content switch modules, Proxy Servers, Firewalls etc, but they aren't designed to save stuff.

The purpose of the network is to get you where you are going.

It's like with every issue you guys suddenly become experts in everything.


Jeez Sallow.

Now you are hitting low.

I was spoofing with the "one router" comment.

And the purpose of a network is a lot deeper than getting you where you are going. That is what a home network is for.

FYI...tossing out terms like routers proxy servers firewalls and mods makes you look like you are a fake.

You are a farce. I am done with you. Disappointed, yes. But I can not believe I fell for your "I am an IT professional" shit.
He really doesn't.

We had a network that included about 15 people....we all worked off the server....yes, each PC had the applications......but the data was saved on the design.

He seems to think a network is only with a router...and yes, it could be....

But Never in a corporate environment.

Wait what?

Do you even know what you are talking about?

It's not ONE's many.

As well as switches.

They sit in racks.

There are other devices as well, like Content switch modules, Proxy Servers, Firewalls etc, but they aren't designed to save stuff.

The purpose of the network is to get you where you are going.

It's like with every issue you guys suddenly become experts in everything.


Jeez Sallow.

Now you are hitting low.

I was spoofing with the "one router" comment.

And the purpose of a network is a lot deeper than getting you where you are going. That is what a home network is for.

FYI...tossing out terms like routers proxy servers firewalls and mods makes you look like you are a fake.

You are a farce. I am done with you. Disappointed, yes. But I can not believe I fell for your "I am an IT professional" shit.


"I'm" a fake.

I'm faking the glamorous world of an IT techie.

Where you sit in a NOC all day watching monitors, fielding customers bitching about not being able to get their files off of servers, running backups, crawling around on the floor running cable, writing PERL, KSH, CSH scripts, recovering applications, cleaning out filesystems, searching for that one file that's the most important in the world..


It's freakin a job EVERYONE wants to do.

You're something else.
It is not uncommon for those leaving office to destroy hard drives, even at the state level..

That's nice - irrelevant, but nice.

Lerner's emails, like ALL IRS email, are stored in .edb files that are distributed across all nodes of the Farm's cluster.

The IRS is flat out lying - as is Lerner, they are obstructing justice to protect Obama. Obama ordered the attacks on his political enemies, and the Lerner emails document this, so the IRS - which are Obama personal Gestapo, have taken to brazenly lying and perjuring themselves.
emails are not just typed and stored on a single hard drive.


Confiscate every hard drive at the IRS, the email server too.

IF these emails are not found, she needs to do 8 to 12 years (hard labor) for tampering with evidence and destruction of government property.

The IRS uses Microsoft Exchange 2010 Enterprise, deployed across a server farm of redundant clusters.

No emails have been "lost," none were "stored on local hard drives." Lerner and the IRS have perjured themselves.

I discuss all of this in my thread;

At least you do know what you are talking about.

And you know there is no reason to ask for a laptop..right?
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It is not uncommon for those leaving office to destroy hard drives, even at the state level..

That's nice - irrelevant, but nice.

Lerner's emails, like ALL IRS email, are stored in .edb files that are distributed across all nodes of the Farm's cluster.

The IRS is flat out lying - as is Lerner, they are obstructing justice to protect Obama. Obama ordered the attacks on his political enemies, and the Lerner emails document this, so the IRS - which are Obama personal Gestapo, have taken to brazenly lying and perjuring themselves.

Issa got 64,000 emails.

Personally? I find it hard to believe one person wrote so many emails.

What, exactly are they lying about?
Wait what?

Do you even know what you are talking about?

It's not ONE's many.

As well as switches.

They sit in racks.

There are other devices as well, like Content switch modules, Proxy Servers, Firewalls etc, but they aren't designed to save stuff.

The purpose of the network is to get you where you are going.

It's like with every issue you guys suddenly become experts in everything.


Jeez Sallow.

Now you are hitting low.

I was spoofing with the "one router" comment.

And the purpose of a network is a lot deeper than getting you where you are going. That is what a home network is for.

FYI...tossing out terms like routers proxy servers firewalls and mods makes you look like you are a fake.

You are a farce. I am done with you. Disappointed, yes. But I can not believe I fell for your "I am an IT professional" shit.


"I'm" a fake.

I'm faking the glamorous world of an IT techie.

Where you sit in a NOC all day watching monitors, fielding customers bitching about not being able to get their files off of servers, running backups, crawling around on the floor running cable, writing PERL, KSH, CSH scripts, recovering applications, cleaning out filesystems, searching for that one file that's the most important in the world..


It's freakin a job EVERYONE wants to do.

You're something else.

You also said you owned a bar when we were debating about the affect of the ACA on small businesses.....claiming you knew it wouldn't affect income.

Like Zeke who claimed to be a mortgage broker for 20 years in a bubble bursting thread...and when I asked him how many loans fannie mae writes, he answered thousands (when, in fact, they write none)....

There is logic to say you are something you are not on here.

It allows for you to strengthen you position..

"I know because I am a pro....."
Rangel negotiated with the Ethics Committee. But participants in the talks characterized him as unwilling to admit wrongdoing in connection with several of the charges, and anxious about preserving his legacy. No settlement was reached.[145]On July 29, 2010, Rangel was charged by the committee with 13 counts of violating House rules and federal laws.
Would you?

Where was your "outrage" over the NAACP audit?

How about Charlie Rangel?

And you do know that there were Liberal groups targeted too?


2 of which were DENIED the status.

Nothing from Issa. Nothing from you guys..

2? as opposed to how many?

Charlie Rangel? Really? The man is a crook, plain and simple.

Charles Rangel Convicted of Ethics Violations | Rangel Found Guilty | Video | Mediaite

Ain't that something, right?

Rangel got in trouble with his taxes after making the "outlandish" suggestion that there be a draft.

Nothing to see here folks..

And Rangel is no crook.

He's a hero.

Bonafide, 100%, true blue American hero.
It is not uncommon for those leaving office to destroy hard drives, even at the state level..

That's nice - irrelevant, but nice.

Lerner's emails, like ALL IRS email, are stored in .edb files that are distributed across all nodes of the Farm's cluster.

The IRS is flat out lying - as is Lerner, they are obstructing justice to protect Obama. Obama ordered the attacks on his political enemies, and the Lerner emails document this, so the IRS - which are Obama personal Gestapo, have taken to brazenly lying and perjuring themselves.

Issa got 64,000 emails.

Personally? I find it hard to believe one person wrote so many emails.

What, exactly are they lying about?
You've got about 52,000 posts in 3 and a half years! WTF is wrong with you?

So now Darrell "The Crimeboss" Issa can arrest her..and lock her somewhere in congress or something.

She's a criminal, what should happen to her?

Same thing that happened to Issa when he broke the law.

Or the same thing that happened to every one of these Tea party organizations when THEY ALL broke the law by using there status for politics.
It is not uncommon for those leaving office to destroy hard drives, even at the state level..

That's nice - irrelevant, but nice.

Lerner's emails, like ALL IRS email, are stored in .edb files that are distributed across all nodes of the Farm's cluster.

The IRS is flat out lying - as is Lerner, they are obstructing justice to protect Obama. Obama ordered the attacks on his political enemies, and the Lerner emails document this, so the IRS - which are Obama personal Gestapo, have taken to brazenly lying and perjuring themselves.

Issa got 64,000 emails.

Personally? I find it hard to believe one person wrote so many emails.

What, exactly are they lying about?

64,000 is to and from...not just from...and it includes the ones she was CC'd on.

64,000 out of how many is the real question.

Like I said earlier...I have over 1 million emails on my server (in storage now)...

If I sent you 600,000 of them....that is a lot....but I bet reading all 600K of them and you would no0t have a clue what I did for a living.

Cherry picking 64K emails can prove absolutely nothing.
That's nice - irrelevant, but nice.

Lerner's emails, like ALL IRS email, are stored in .edb files that are distributed across all nodes of the Farm's cluster.

The IRS is flat out lying - as is Lerner, they are obstructing justice to protect Obama. Obama ordered the attacks on his political enemies, and the Lerner emails document this, so the IRS - which are Obama personal Gestapo, have taken to brazenly lying and perjuring themselves.

Issa got 64,000 emails.

Personally? I find it hard to believe one person wrote so many emails.

What, exactly are they lying about?
You've got about 52,000 posts in 3 and a half years! WTF is wrong with you?

good point.

And that is just outgoing.

The fact that he sees 64K as a large number tells me a lot.
Jeez Sallow.

Now you are hitting low.

I was spoofing with the "one router" comment.

And the purpose of a network is a lot deeper than getting you where you are going. That is what a home network is for.

FYI...tossing out terms like routers proxy servers firewalls and mods makes you look like you are a fake.

You are a farce. I am done with you. Disappointed, yes. But I can not believe I fell for your "I am an IT professional" shit.


"I'm" a fake.

I'm faking the glamorous world of an IT techie.

Where you sit in a NOC all day watching monitors, fielding customers bitching about not being able to get their files off of servers, running backups, crawling around on the floor running cable, writing PERL, KSH, CSH scripts, recovering applications, cleaning out filesystems, searching for that one file that's the most important in the world..


It's freakin a job EVERYONE wants to do.

You're something else.

You also said you owned a bar when we were debating about the affect of the ACA on small businesses.....claiming you knew it wouldn't affect income.

Like Zeke who claimed to be a mortgage broker for 20 years in a bubble bursting thread...and when I asked him how many loans fannie mae writes, he answered thousands (when, in fact, they write none)....

There is logic to say you are something you are not on here.

It allows for you to strengthen you position..

"I know because I am a pro....."

I did own a bar.

What of it?

It went belly up.

You said you were in the military.

I ever call you a fake?
That's nice - irrelevant, but nice.

Lerner's emails, like ALL IRS email, are stored in .edb files that are distributed across all nodes of the Farm's cluster.

The IRS is flat out lying - as is Lerner, they are obstructing justice to protect Obama. Obama ordered the attacks on his political enemies, and the Lerner emails document this, so the IRS - which are Obama personal Gestapo, have taken to brazenly lying and perjuring themselves.

Issa got 64,000 emails.

Personally? I find it hard to believe one person wrote so many emails.

What, exactly are they lying about?

64,000 is to and from...not just from...and it includes the ones she was CC'd on.

64,000 out of how many is the real question.

Like I said earlier...I have over 1 million emails on my server (in storage now)...

If I sent you 600,000 of them....that is a lot....but I bet reading all 600K of them and you would no0t have a clue what I did for a living.

Cherry picking 64K emails can prove absolutely nothing.

Dunno what you are trying to point out here.

Issa asked for the laptop.

It's gone.

Your suggestion?

So now Darrell "The Crimeboss" Issa can arrest her..and lock her somewhere in congress or something.

He should, if for no other reason than rank stupidity that renders her unfit to hold a job.

She was hired by the Bush administration.

Stupid is as stupid does..


She committed felony acts for the Obama administration.

Criminal is as democrat does.
He should, if for no other reason than rank stupidity that renders her unfit to hold a job.

She was hired by the Bush administration.

Stupid is as stupid does..


She committed felony acts for the Obama administration.

Criminal is as democrat does.

You might want to point out what those "Felony" acts were exactly.

And why she would have any loyalty at all for the Obama administration when she was hired during the Bush administration.

So now Darrell "The Crimeboss" Issa can arrest her..and lock her somewhere in congress or something.

She's a criminal, what should happen to her?

Same thing that happened to Issa when he broke the law.

Or the same thing that happened to every one of these Tea party organizations when THEY ALL broke the law by using there status for politics.

Oh yes, the old, "It's okay for my guy to do it because somebody else did something somewhat like it some other time", excuse. It doesn't work on the playground or here.
I posted an article from the NY Times.

What Issa seems to be looking for is stuff from her "state issued" laptop.

Typically? When a person leaves a company they wipe the Hard drive.

They did that at the last place I worked at and they do that here.

The United States Congress issued a warrant for emails pertaining to Lerner's criminal acts in hazing groups that were identified as political enemies of Barack Obama and the administration.

Rather than complying, Lerner apparently attempted to destroy the evidence by sabotaging the hard drive in her computer - a federal crime.

What makes this extremely problematic is that, as you well know, the local .OST is just a cache of data stored on the exchange servers. The IRS runs a server farm of load balanced clusters with fail over.

Look Shallow, you're a sociopath, you have not a hint of integrity, you'll lie about anything to promote your party, I get it. But this is BASIC IT, you and the administration aren't fooling anyone.

Microsoft Exchange Server 2010: Clustering for high availability | TechNet Magazine

Go ahead, lie about how erasing a local hard disk would erase messages from the Exchange database - go ahead, lie for your party - it's not even perjury like it is for Lerner and whatever Obamabot IRS goon told these lies.

He got no emails from Lois Lerner during those 2 years.

On my sever (including archive), I have over 1 million emails. I can furnish you with 600,000 of them and not reveal anything I have done business wise with well over 75% of my clients.

The fact that they keep on saying "we gave him 64K emails" means nothing.

And you should know that if you are an IT guy.

Shallow is a sociopath. He will not hesitate even a microsecond to lie. Party alone matters.
Of course I know IT.

BUT you're a sociopath - so you flat out lie.

I spend quite a few days wiping and destroying hard drives from ex-employee's PC.

Never once did I back anything up or was required too.

That's nice. What you don't do is destroy email. Nor do I, in fact, I use a MIME to capture an independent repository that is ediscoverable.

See, you will lie for your party - but you won't be believed, because there are plenty here with knowledge equal or in excess to yours.

You're just a fucking sociopath, you are not convincing.

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