Report: Lois Lerner's Hard Drive Has Been "Thrown Away"

She was hired by the Bush administration.

Stupid is as stupid does..

No she wasn't. She was with the FEC as associate general counsel, and removed from that position and transferred to the IRS in 2001, after controversy there with her behavior towards harassing, suing and losing a case against the Christian Coalition.

Who was President in 2001, again?

She had been working for the fed govt. since graduating, first for the dept. Of justice, then transferred to the FEC in 1981. She was career gov't. employee and transferred out of the FEC in 2001, taken on by Steven Miller, who has since been forced to resign. Bush had nothing to do with her hiring. Coincidentally, one of the 6 whose email is missing just happened to be Steven Miller's Chief of Staff.
She was hired by the Bush administration.

Stupid is as stupid does..

No she wasn't. She was with the FEC as associate general counsel, and removed from that position and transferred to the IRS in 2001, after controversy there with her behavior towards harassing, suing and losing a case against the Christian Coalition.

Who was President in 2001, again?

Prove someone in the Bush Administration hired her, not someone that worked in civil service while Bush was President. That was your claim, prove it.

"I'm" a fake.

I'm faking the glamorous world of an IT techie.

Where you sit in a NOC all day watching monitors, fielding customers bitching about not being able to get their files off of servers, running backups, crawling around on the floor running cable, writing PERL, KSH, CSH scripts, recovering applications, cleaning out filesystems, searching for that one file that's the most important in the world..


It's freakin a job EVERYONE wants to do.

You're something else.

You also said you owned a bar when we were debating about the affect of the ACA on small businesses.....claiming you knew it wouldn't affect income.

Like Zeke who claimed to be a mortgage broker for 20 years in a bubble bursting thread...and when I asked him how many loans fannie mae writes, he answered thousands (when, in fact, they write none)....

There is logic to say you are something you are not on here.

It allows for you to strengthen you position..

"I know because I am a pro....."

I did own a bar.

What of it?

It went belly up.

You said you were in the military.

I ever call you a fake?

Not unsurprising with your knowledge of business.
I posted an article from the NY Times.

What Issa seems to be looking for is stuff from her "state issued" laptop.

Typically? When a person leaves a company they wipe the Hard drive.

They did that at the last place I worked at and they do that here.

The United States Congress issued a warrant for emails pertaining to Lerner's criminal acts in hazing groups that were identified as political enemies of Barack Obama and the administration.

Rather than complying, Lerner apparently attempted to destroy the evidence by sabotaging the hard drive in her computer - a federal crime.

What makes this extremely problematic is that, as you well know, the local .OST is just a cache of data stored on the exchange servers. The IRS runs a server farm of load balanced clusters with fail over.

Look Shallow, you're a sociopath, you have not a hint of integrity, you'll lie about anything to promote your party, I get it. But this is BASIC IT, you and the administration aren't fooling anyone.

Microsoft Exchange Server 2010: Clustering for high availability | TechNet Magazine

Go ahead, lie about how erasing a local hard disk would erase messages from the Exchange database - go ahead, lie for your party - it's not even perjury like it is for Lerner and whatever Obamabot IRS goon told these lies.

Well if there's anything to this, I am sure Issa will be wrapping it up soon, right?

With a long line of "felons" being frog marched to Gitmo, right?

It's been what, 2 years on this?

And what? 2 years or more on Benghazi?

Come to think of it? Has Issa wrapped up ANY of his "investigations"?
He will wrap up all investigations as soon as the White House, the Department of Justice and the IRS comply with subpoenas issued to obtain material needed to complete the investigations. It's all very simple, really. Comply or be branded criminal.
Maybe Lois is holding out. Hard drives for missing MWD's. Sheesh. Don't you republicans have lives beyond trying to get something on Obama? I think not.
Maybe Lois is holding out. Hard drives for missing MWD's. Sheesh. Don't you republicans have lives beyond trying to get something on Obama? I think not.

No, it appears they do not. However, Lerner must have had backups or we have a new "18 minute" gap to contend with. "I lost them" doesn't cut it from a government official in her position.

I don't think President Obama will be driving this bus very well. It looks as if the passengers are getting ready to throw him under the bus and blame him for it too.

I don't think President Obama will be driving this bus very well. It looks as if the passengers are getting ready to throw him under the bus and blame him for it too.

no, I'll still wait for the I do with everything Ropey....there are so so so many unanswered questions's impossible to know anything as FACT yet....

I can speculate, like the best of the best speculators, and it smells fishy with emails missing, but I see no connection to Obama...

nor has anything of the 770,000 plus documents the ways and means committees have collected from the IRS thus far been connected to the white house....

Also, if the emails are on a back up server, then the information will come out, proving or disproving much more to know before the lynching...

who, what, where, when, why and how?

I don't think President Obama will be driving this bus very well. It looks as if the passengers are getting ready to throw him under the bus and blame him for it too.

no, I'll still wait for the I do with everything Ropey....there are so so so many unanswered questions's impossible to know anything as FACT yet....

I can speculate, like the best of the best speculators, and it smells fishy with emails missing, but I see no connection to Obama...

nor has anything of the 770,000 plus documents the ways and means committees have collected from the IRS thus far been connected to the white house....

Also, if the emails are on a back up server, then the information will come out, proving or disproving much more to know before the lynching...

who, what, where, when, why and how?

The information is gone. They removed the computers too.

Maybe you're waiting, but it sure looks like his own are moving away from him.

[ame=]MSNBC Panel Mocks And Ridicules IRS For Losing Lois Lerner Emails - YouTube[/ame]

Rats, ships and politicians comes to mind.


I don't think President Obama will be driving this bus very well. It looks as if the passengers are getting ready to throw him under the bus and blame him for it too.

no, I'll still wait for the I do with everything Ropey....there are so so so many unanswered questions's impossible to know anything as FACT yet....

I can speculate, like the best of the best speculators, and it smells fishy with emails missing, but I see no connection to Obama...

nor has anything of the 770,000 plus documents the ways and means committees have collected from the IRS thus far been connected to the white house....

Also, if the emails are on a back up server, then the information will come out, proving or disproving much more to know before the lynching...

who, what, where, when, why and how?

The information is gone. They removed the computers too.

Maybe you're waiting, but it sure looks like his own are moving away from him.

[ame=]MSNBC Panel Mocks And Ridicules IRS For Losing Lois Lerner Emails - YouTube[/ame]

Rats, ships and politicians comes to mind.


His own?

Scarsborough was and is a Republican.
no, I'll still wait for the I do with everything Ropey....there are so so so many unanswered questions's impossible to know anything as FACT yet....

I can speculate, like the best of the best speculators, and it smells fishy with emails missing, but I see no connection to Obama...

nor has anything of the 770,000 plus documents the ways and means committees have collected from the IRS thus far been connected to the white house....

Also, if the emails are on a back up server, then the information will come out, proving or disproving much more to know before the lynching...

who, what, where, when, why and how?

The information is gone. They removed the computers too.

Maybe you're waiting, but it sure looks like his own are moving away from him.

[ame=]MSNBC Panel Mocks And Ridicules IRS For Losing Lois Lerner Emails - YouTube[/ame]

Rats, ships and politicians comes to mind.


His own?

Scarsborough was and is a Republican.

President Obama.

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But sometimes chutzpah pays off. As everyone now knows, the IRS did launch a pogrom against conservative groups—not just the big ones, like Rove's, but many much smaller ones as well. For months it harassed them with intrusive questionnaires demanding everything from Facebook posts to the contents of prayers said at meetings.

IRS Scandal Implicates Democrats -

And it's not getting better.

I don't think President Obama will be driving this bus very well. It looks as if the passengers are getting ready to throw him under the bus and blame him for it too.

no, I'll still wait for the I do with everything Ropey....there are so so so many unanswered questions's impossible to know anything as FACT yet....

I can speculate, like the best of the best speculators, and it smells fishy with emails missing, but I see no connection to Obama...

nor has anything of the 770,000 plus documents the ways and means committees have collected from the IRS thus far been connected to the white house....

Also, if the emails are on a back up server, then the information will come out, proving or disproving much more to know before the lynching...

who, what, where, when, why and how?

The information is gone. They removed the computers too.

Maybe you're waiting, but it sure looks like his own are moving away from him.

[ame=""]MSNBC Panel Mocks And Ridicules IRS For Losing Lois Lerner Emails - YouTube[/ame]

Rats, ships and politicians comes to mind.


someone here gave a link to Glenn beck on the rules of the irs regarding email....saying the rules say she was suppose to print copies which is utterly ridiculous and unfeasible...they'd need a building the size of the pentagon to store everyone's printed emails for 10 years etc....

but I found a link in the Glenn beck commentary for the rules regarding email for employees...they have a lot of concerns and rules on keeping their emails/inbox less than 500mb on their Outlook system...and lots of rules regarding such....

Well, anyway, I found this in the regs: (07-08-2011)
Don’t Slow Down the System

  1. To avoid slowing down transmission of information:
    • Use Arial or another simple font on a plain background.
    • Do not use animation, fancy background, "wallpapers," borders, graphics and photographs as part of your "stationery" or message format. Exceptions will only be allowed for special IRS Commissioner initiatives.
    • Refrain from sending large attachments to work groups or audiences. Remember every email message and any attachments, embedded graphics and photographs require a copy for each Exchange server store where each recipient’s mailbox resides. Instead store the document on an IRS public web archive or SharePoint repository and insert a hyperlink into the message. Ensure the permissions allow access by all recipients prior to sending the message.
DING DING DING.... There are server back ups, several of them.
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And they're saying that it's all gone.

That's the dichotomy Care. It's like all the copies are just gone.
IT experts have weighed in and said yes — we can get those” emails, said Rep. Charles Boustany (R-La.) earlier Wednesday.

The latest news suggests such professionals may never get the chance to try again — and the IRS has even said its criminal investigators who specialize in rebuilding hard drives to recover hidden information from criminals were unable to restore the data back in 2011. But this is only likely to further enrage Republicans, who are fuming over the matter and suspect Washington officials drove the selective scrutiny.

Sources: Lois Lerner?s emails likely gone forever - Rachael Bade -

Yep, time to move on in this case.
And they're saying that it's all gone.

That's the dichotomy Care. It's like all the copies are just gone.
Who's THEY? The irs is saying they are all gone, INCLUDING the server back ups? I haven't seen the IRS say that...the focus has been on her hard drive and the hard drives of others.... being fried/lost?

Unless the IRS mentioned no back ups on servers either and I missed that part?
And they're saying that it's all gone.

That's the dichotomy Care. It's like all the copies are just gone.
Who's THEY? The irs is saying they are all gone, INCLUDING the server back ups? I haven't seen the IRS say that...the focus has been on her hard drive and the hard drives of others.... being fried/lost?

Unless the IRS mentioned no back ups on servers either and I missed that part?

Do you read the links?
IT experts have weighed in and said yes — we can get those” emails, said Rep. Charles Boustany (R-La.) earlier Wednesday.

The latest news suggests such professionals may never get the chance to try again — and the IRS has even said its criminal investigators who specialize in rebuilding hard drives to recover hidden information from criminals were unable to restore the data back in 2011. But this is only likely to further enrage Republicans, who are fuming over the matter and suspect Washington officials drove the selective scrutiny.
Sources: Lois Lerner?s emails likely gone forever - Rachael Bade -

Yep, time to move on in this case.
again, they are ONLY DISCUSSING her hard drive...

WHY are these representatives even asking for the burnt up hard drive when they could be looking in to the server back ups?

Maybe the republicans truly do NOT WANT to get to the truth...the scandal plays better that way for THEM.

Something's fishy here, and it ain't just Learner's fried hard's the total lack of discussion about a back up on a server or two.
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IT experts have weighed in and said yes — we can get those” emails, said Rep. Charles Boustany (R-La.) earlier Wednesday.

The latest news suggests such professionals may never get the chance to try again — and the IRS has even said its criminal investigators who specialize in rebuilding hard drives to recover hidden information from criminals were unable to restore the data back in 2011. But this is only likely to further enrage Republicans, who are fuming over the matter and suspect Washington officials drove the selective scrutiny.
Sources: Lois Lerner?s emails likely gone forever - Rachael Bade -

Yep, time to move on in this case.
again, they are ONLY DISCUSSING her hard drive...

WHY are these representatives even asking for the burnt up hard drive when they could be looking in to the server back ups?

Maybe the republicans truly do NOT WANT to get to the truth...the scandal plays better that way for THEM.

Something's fishy here, and it ain't just Learner's fried hard's the total lack of discussion about a back up on a server or two.

So, if nothing is found, then clearly it's all gone.

This is a time when what has been left out is clearly more important than what was left in

A convenient truth, if not used to hide the truth.


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