Report: Lois Lerner's Hard Drive Has Been "Thrown Away"

Excuses given at one time or another by the IRS said:
-- Crappy email server with limited storage space.
-- Tape backups were kept for 6 months, then overwritten with a new backup
-- The required-by-law archive of each individual's emails were kept on each local machine
-- The hard drive crash thus kills that backup, and thus destroys all emails older than 6 months.

The only problem is, it didn't happen that way.

If it had, the Democrats would have told Congress that they couldn't comply with the subpoena shortly after it was issued, instead of waiting months (time they needed to delete the emails and scrub all possible recipients' computers, servers and backups).

And there wouldn't be six other suspects whose subpoenaed emails from the same period mysteriously vanished. Democrats still haven't explained how Lois Lerner's own computer crashing, deleted the emails of six other people who never used her computer.

The excuse is clearly a lie - obvious to all normal people. The only ones who claim to believe it, are the ones who told the lie in the first place, plus a few of the more rabid Obama sycophants on various internet forums.

Since the story that Lois Lerner's hard disk crash deleted six different people's emails, is obviously a lie, it has become clear that the Democrats deliberately chose to be punished for deliberate destruction of evidence and violating the law on keeping backups, rather than be punished for whatever was in the emails they deleted.

What was in those emails between Lerner et. al. and outside agencies such as the White House, that was so much worse for the Democrats than the crimes of destroying evidence and refusing to obey subpoenas?
Excuses given at one time or another by the IRS said:
-- Crappy email server with limited storage space.
-- Tape backups were kept for 6 months, then overwritten with a new backup
-- The required-by-law archive of each individual's emails were kept on each local machine
-- The hard drive crash thus kills that backup, and thus destroys all emails older than 6 months.

The only problem is, it didn't happen that way.

If it had, the Democrats would have told Congress that they couldn't comply with the subpoena shortly after it was issued, instead of waiting months (time they needed to delete the emails and scrub all possible recipients' computers, servers and backups).

And there wouldn't be six other suspects whose subpoenaed emails from the same period mysteriously vanished. Democrats still haven't explained how Lois Lerner's own computer crashing, deleted the emails of six other people who never used her computer.

The excuse is clearly a lie - obvious to all normal people. The only ones who claim to believe it, are the ones who told the lie in the first place, plus a few of the more rabid Obama sycophants on various internet forums.

Since the story that Lois Lerner's hard disk crash deleted six different people's emails, is obviously a lie, it has become clear that the Democrats deliberately chose to be punished for deliberate destruction of evidence and violating the law on keeping backups, rather than be punished for whatever was in the emails they deleted.

What was in those emails between Lerner et. al. and outside agencies such as the White House, that was so much worse for the Democrats than the crimes of destroying evidence and refusing to obey subpoenas?
Conveniently the other 6 also had hard drive crashes, according to what we have now been told.
Oh, and noone has ever been questioned by DOJ.
Oh and the Whitehouse and Treasury were informed before the Committee, but not by the Commissioner.
Excuses given at one time or another by the IRS said:
-- Crappy email server with limited storage space.
-- Tape backups were kept for 6 months, then overwritten with a new backup
-- The required-by-law archive of each individual's emails were kept on each local machine
-- The hard drive crash thus kills that backup, and thus destroys all emails older than 6 months.

The only problem is, it didn't happen that way.

Sure it did. Nothing in your conspiracy rant suggests otherwise.

If it had, the Democrats would have told Congress that they couldn't comply with the subpoena shortly after it was issued, instead of waiting months (time they needed to delete the emails and scrub all possible recipients' computers, servers and backups).

Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo .... now you're invoking a conspiracy of hundreds, including every person who received a Lerner email, none of who would have had any motivation to break the law, and all who would have known they faced jail time if caught. And all of those lawbreakers are still keeping silent. The Grassy Knoll theory has nothing on this.

That is, you're a conspiracy loon. Nothing left to do but point and laugh.

Meanwhile, all the grownups will remain unsurprised that bureaucracies are often very slow and inefficient, and not assign a vast conspiracy to that fact.

Democrats still haven't explained how Lois Lerner's own computer crashing, deleted the emails of six other people who never used her computer.

Since no one ever said or implied such a thing, you appear to simply be lying now. Hence there's little point in talking with you. No matter what we say or what the evidence is, you'd just lie in response.
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If we had a REAL Attorney General, people would be getting arrested for this!

It's disgusting...
People will be charged and given due process, once the whole truth be patient grass much as we want to believe the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth has been laid before us, we know very little yet...and no reason to cut this off before the whole story is known.

For the love of God! The REASON we don't know the "whole story" is that this Administration has been concealing records on multiple Congressional investigations for YEARS now! How can you defend behavior like that, Care? can you sit there and tell me to be "patient" when government officials are breaking the law and then destroying evidence in an ongoing investigation? Or are you buying the story that seven people's hard drives all crashed at the same time losing their e-mails? Come on...get real. This is the most blatant "fuck you" to a Congressional investigation I've seen since that 18 minute gap in the Watergate tapes.
The delusional, paranoid rightwing conspiracy theories just never end.

Gee, people's hard drives all mysteriously crash or are wiped therefore making it impossible to see their e-mails that by law are supposed to be saved...when Congress has been asking them for those e-mails? But anyone thinking that's complete and utter BULLSHIT is delusional and paranoid?

This Administration makes the Nixon White House look like amateurs! They are the sleaziest, most corrupt group ever and I'd be embarrassed to defend what they are doing.
Preposturous to think that employees are responsible for backing up their own emails....NEVER EVER in my whole life have I ever had to save my own records outside of my own hard drive....

THERE ARE SERVERS that do this automatically, in most any set up for email....

IRS reg's states that their emails are stored on servers....and not to send too big of a folder with "group emailings" or "to All", because it takes up too much storage space, and the regs give instructions on how to save big folders to a storage server that they use.....with access through hashtags.

We should be able to access all of the emails missing due to hard drive failures on these servers, you would think?

I think the cart is being put before the horse on this....

Government regulations state very clearly that information such as those e-mails are to either be saved on disk or saved on a paper copy. So where are they? Who broke THAT regulation to cover up breaking laws by unfairly targeting political opponents? I can't even tell you how much this latest attempt to stonewall yet another investigation has pissed me off.
Perhaps someone else here has already pointed this out:
As someone who administered email servers for some years:
There are two basic means of acquiring emails off of the email server:
POP - the user has a great deal of control over their emails. All emails are downloaded to the users computer from the server, and after a set number of days those emails are permanently deleted from the server and reside only on the personal computer.
IMAP - Users have little control of emails on the server. The email is NOT downloaded to a single computer. It is permanently stored on a server until for a set time that is controlled by an administrator.

Lois Lerner's email on her computer would have certainly been IMAP. It would be unthinkable for an IRS officer to have emails stored locally and not on a backed up server. Unthinkable. No way. No how would the U.S. government have emails stored on a single/non backed up hard drive.
They are lying. Pure and simple.
And what do you think the odds are on the seven people who are involved in this scandal all losing their e-mails to some sort of computer crash or wipe at the same time that the Congressional Committee investigating wrongdoing at the IRS and the Obama White House is asking for those e-mails?
If we had a REAL Attorney General, people would be getting arrested for this!

It's disgusting...
People will be charged and given due process, once the whole truth be patient grass much as we want to believe the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth has been laid before us, we know very little yet...and no reason to cut this off before the whole story is known.

And the sole reason we don't have the whole story is the delaying and stonewalling attempts by the administration to run out the clock, so they can eventually say it's old news.
And what do you think the odds are on the seven people who are involved in this scandal all losing their e-mails to some sort of computer crash or wipe at the same time that the Congressional Committee investigating wrongdoing at the IRS and the Obama White House is asking for those e-mails?

Only way that could happen is if the IRS had unimaginable poorly administered systems.
That would mean no one's computer was backed up.
All employees emails are not backed up and stored locally only.
Like I say, no way - no how.
It is simply not believable. An incredible stretch of the imagination.
Only reason they will get by with this, and they will, is because of two things:
1) The average person has no idea how email systems work.
2) The media will give them a pass.
I mean can you believe the IRS Commissioner tells the Obama White House about the destroyed hard drives and doesn't tell the Congress investigating the IRS? Then sits there in front of the committee and pretends to be amazed that anyone would be angry about that? Are you kidding me!!! This ass clown needs to be gone and gone NOW! It's obvious that he's complicit in a coverup and is complicit in hiding information from the Congress.
The Obama White House has known about the missing e-mails for over two months now and THEY failed to tell that same Congressional committee. Yet they have the gall to stand in front of the American people and declare that they are cooperating fully with the investigation and that there isn't a "smidgeon" of corruption over at the IRS!!!

There ISN'T a smidgeon of corruption here...there is a dump truck full of it...a dump truck full of stinking, steaming, reeking, corruption and it's not just the IRS but this White House!
The Obama White House has known about the missing e-mails for over two months now and THEY failed to tell that same Congressional committee. Yet they have the gall to stand in front of the American people and declare that they are cooperating fully with the investigation and that there isn't a "smidgeon" of corruption over at the IRS!!!

There ISN'T a smidgeon of corruption here...there is a dump truck full of it...a dump truck full of stinking, steaming, reeking, corruption and it's not just the IRS but this White House!

The most corrupt administration in history. Obama is more Mafia Don than president. Which might explain why he is such a shitty president... Too busy engaging in crime to lead the nation...
The Obama White House has known about the missing e-mails for over two months now and THEY failed to tell that same Congressional committee. Yet they have the gall to stand in front of the American people and declare that they are cooperating fully with the investigation and that there isn't a "smidgeon" of corruption over at the IRS!!!

There ISN'T a smidgeon of corruption here...there is a dump truck full of it...a dump truck full of stinking, steaming, reeking, corruption and it's not just the IRS but this White House!

The most corrupt administration in history. Obama is more Mafia Don than president. Which might explain why he is such a shitty president... Too busy engaging in crime to lead the nation...

I don't really see the Obama Administration as the Mafia, Un...I see them more like F-Troop...a collection of bumbling idiots who are forced to continually cover-up their incredible fuck ups.

[ame=]How to Be F Troop Without Really Trying 1-2 - YouTube[/ame]
If we had a REAL Attorney General, people would be getting arrested for this!

It's disgusting...
People will be charged and given due process, once the whole truth be patient grass much as we want to believe the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth has been laid before us, we know very little yet...and no reason to cut this off before the whole story is known.

For the love of God! The REASON we don't know the "whole story" is that this Administration has been concealing records on multiple Congressional investigations for YEARS now! How can you defend behavior like that, Care? can you sit there and tell me to be "patient" when government officials are breaking the law and then destroying evidence in an ongoing investigation? Or are you buying the story that seven people's hard drives all crashed at the same time losing their e-mails? Come on...get real. This is the most blatant "fuck you" to a Congressional investigation I've seen since that 18 minute gap in the Watergate tapes.

Don't try to reason with a liberal.. They don't care about the greater good of America because they don't believe in American exceptionalism to begin with.

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