Report: Lois Lerner's Hard Drive Has Been "Thrown Away"

Ah yes.

Tommy the gubmint IT expert who knows nothing about IT.


ahhh...but you still wont answer the question about servers.

You simply responded by asking a question..."then why did they ask for her lap top"

So save some face here....

Do you truly believe that the IRS does not work off a server that saves the data?

I "truly" believe they are over worked and under provisioned.

I've been to some gubmint offices and their IT was something like 20 years out of date.

That was 15 years ago.

Recently, I had to go to a police station because I had some identity theft problem. They had ONE laptop with a sign over it that said "Sign in and Sign out, do not use for more then 20 minutes."

That's a New York Precinct in Brooklyn.
Backups are automated. Fail.
Report: Lois Lerner's Hard Drive Has Been "Thrown Away"

The delusional, paranoid rightwing conspiracy theories just never end.

The White House disclosed to a federal court on Friday that some of its computer hard drives from before October 2003 have been destroyed.

Some were destroyed or thrown away and hers just happened to be one of them.


It's possible and you say to look at other possibilities is to enter into conspiracy?

For an answer to that, I'll go with Care's response. I'll wait for the outcome and I do smell something fishy too.

Since care does and I do then there's probably others who want to know more about this.

Not less.
ahhh...but you still wont answer the question about servers.

You simply responded by asking a question..."then why did they ask for her lap top"

So save some face here....

Do you truly believe that the IRS does not work off a server that saves the data?

I "truly" believe they are over worked and under provisioned.

I've been to some gubmint offices and their IT was something like 20 years out of date.

That was 15 years ago.

Recently, I had to go to a police station because I had some identity theft problem. They had ONE laptop with a sign over it that said "Sign in and Sign out, do not use for more then 20 minutes."

That's a New York Precinct in Brooklyn.
Backups are automated. Fail.
so where are the back ups? who gives a hoot about a fried hard drive....the back ups are all that is needed!

WHY isn't any news station asking about email backups, why aren't republicans investigating this scandal asking about backup servers for irs email?

is this just another wanna be dog and pony show from the rightwing investigators, with no real interest in finding the facts?

I mean, EVERYONE HERE with few exceptions, thinks that the irs email servers have copied back ups....

even in the irs email rules (07-08-2011)
Don’t Slow Down the System

  1. To avoid slowing down transmission of information:
    • Use Arial or another simple font on a plain background.
    • Do not use animation, fancy background, "wallpapers," borders, graphics and photographs as part of your "stationery" or message format. Exceptions will only be allowed for special IRS Commissioner initiatives.
    • Refrain from sending large attachments to work groups or audiences. Remember every email message and any attachments, embedded graphics and photographs require a copy for each Exchange server store where each recipient’s mailbox resides. Instead store the document on an IRS public web archive or SharePoint repository and insert a hyperlink into the message. Ensure the permissions allow access by all recipients prior to sending the message.
Quit pontificating. They have subpoenaed them, as well as have a hearing with the irs commish for tomorrow. Keep up.

The California Republican asked Internal Revenue Service Commissioner John Koskinen for back-up tapes, external drives, hard drives, and other electronic files either sent or received by Lerner between Jan. 1, 2009, and Sept. 23, 2013.
I "truly" believe they are over worked and under provisioned.

I've been to some gubmint offices and their IT was something like 20 years out of date.

That was 15 years ago.

Recently, I had to go to a police station because I had some identity theft problem. They had ONE laptop with a sign over it that said "Sign in and Sign out, do not use for more then 20 minutes."

That's a New York Precinct in Brooklyn.
Backups are automated. Fail.
so where are the back ups? who gives a hoot about a fried hard drive....the back ups are all that is needed!

WHY isn't any news station asking about email backups, why aren't republicans investigating this scandal asking about backup servers for irs email?

is this just another wanna be dog and pony show from the rightwing investigators, with no real interest in finding the facts?

I mean, EVERYONE HERE with few exceptions, thinks that the irs email servers have copied back ups....

even in the irs email rules (07-08-2011)
Don’t Slow Down the System

  1. To avoid slowing down transmission of information:
    • Use Arial or another simple font on a plain background.
    • Do not use animation, fancy background, "wallpapers," borders, graphics and photographs as part of your "stationery" or message format. Exceptions will only be allowed for special IRS Commissioner initiatives.
    • Refrain from sending large attachments to work groups or audiences. Remember every email message and any attachments, embedded graphics and photographs require a copy for each Exchange server store where each recipient’s mailbox resides. Instead store the document on an IRS public web archive or SharePoint repository and insert a hyperlink into the message. Ensure the permissions allow access by all recipients prior to sending the message.
It's obvious to me that this is simply one more tactic being employed by the Obama Administration to delay the investigation into who knew what about the IRS targeting conservatives.
I "truly" believe they are over worked and under provisioned.

I've been to some gubmint offices and their IT was something like 20 years out of date.

That was 15 years ago.

Recently, I had to go to a police station because I had some identity theft problem. They had ONE laptop with a sign over it that said "Sign in and Sign out, do not use for more then 20 minutes."

That's a New York Precinct in Brooklyn.
Backups are automated. Fail.
so where are the back ups? who gives a hoot about a fried hard drive....the back ups are all that is needed!

WHY isn't any news station asking about email backups, why aren't republicans investigating this scandal asking about backup servers for irs email?

is this just another wanna be dog and pony show from the rightwing investigators, with no real interest in finding the facts?

I mean, EVERYONE HERE with few exceptions, thinks that the irs email servers have copied back ups....

even in the irs email rules (07-08-2011)
Don’t Slow Down the System

  1. To avoid slowing down transmission of information:
    • Use Arial or another simple font on a plain background.
    • Do not use animation, fancy background, "wallpapers," borders, graphics and photographs as part of your "stationery" or message format. Exceptions will only be allowed for special IRS Commissioner initiatives.
    • Refrain from sending large attachments to work groups or audiences. Remember every email message and any attachments, embedded graphics and photographs require a copy for each Exchange server store where each recipient’s mailbox resides. Instead store the document on an IRS public web archive or SharePoint repository and insert a hyperlink into the message. Ensure the permissions allow access by all recipients prior to sending the message.
In addition to 'emails', there are other documents that are stored on a laptop that may or may not be subject to automated backup. Word documents that contain memorandums, action directives, along with other documents in PDF form. All of them can and have been used in email attachments.

Software such as EXCEL hold spreadsheet data that can be of use in an investigation.
emails are not just typed and stored on a single hard drive.


Confiscate every hard drive at the IRS, the email server too.

IF these emails are not found, she needs to do 8 to 12 years (hard labor) for tampering with evidence and destruction of government property.

This. It's the bullshit excuse ever given by the Despotcrats to date.
emails are not just typed and stored on a single hard drive.


Confiscate every hard drive at the IRS, the email server too.

IF these emails are not found, she needs to do 8 to 12 years (hard labor) for tampering with evidence and destruction of government property.

This. It's the bullshit excuse ever given by the Despotcrats to date.
So he really is on a fishing expedition.

He is investigating the criminal use of the IRS against enemies of the administration. He BETTER check the obvious stuff.

For 2 freakin years?


Two years? We didn't learn about the targeting until May of 2013. Now:

"Ali Ahmad, senior communications adviser to Issa's committee, said the Treasury Department submitted 356 pages of documents by the June 27 deadline from the first subpoena, but the Oversight panel said the information was not satisfactory to the subpoena request.

In September, Issa followed up and asked Treasury Secretary Jack Lew in a letter to comply with the full subpoena request from June by October 2. However, because the government was shutdown beginning October 1, the Department told the committee it would not be able to complete the request–so the committee loosened their deadline requirements.

Later in October, after the government reopened, the Department provided another 800 pages of documents, according to Issa's committee.

But it still wasn't enough, spokespersons for the committee now say, and they issued the second subpoena this week that also calls for documents showing internal communications, including conversations about the Treasury's internal investigation, as well as communications about how the IRS decides to evaluate applications for tax exempt status."

Issa issues new IRS subpoena ? CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

So, after a year of stonewalling, you think Congress should give up?
emails are not just typed and stored on a single hard drive.


Confiscate every hard drive at the IRS, the email server too.

IF these emails are not found, she needs to do 8 to 12 years (hard labor) for tampering with evidence and destruction of government property.

This. It's the bullshit excuse ever given by the Despotcrats to date.
How unusual for you to have "The2ndAmendment" as your user name, AS IF you believed in, and cared for, the Bill of Rights in the Constitution of the United States of America, while you, and your buddies whom you agree with, completely DISREGARD the 5th Amendment and the 6th Amendment of the Bill of Rights of the Constitution on this topic!

Shame on you! :doubt:
Report: Lois Lerner's Hard Drive Has Been "Thrown Away"

The delusional, paranoid rightwing conspiracy theories just never end.

Gee, people's hard drives all mysteriously crash or are wiped therefore making it impossible to see their e-mails that by law are supposed to be saved...when Congress has been asking them for those e-mails? But anyone thinking that's complete and utter BULLSHIT is delusional and paranoid?

This Administration makes the Nixon White House look like amateurs! They are the sleaziest, most corrupt group ever and I'd be embarrassed to defend what they are doing.
Report: Lois Lerner's Hard Drive Has Been "Thrown Away"
The delusional, paranoid rightwing conspiracy theories just never end.

Gee, people's hard drives all mysteriously crash or are wiped therefore making it impossible to see their e-mails that by law are supposed to be saved...when Congress has been asking them for those e-mails? But anyone thinking that's complete and utter BULLSHIT is delusional and paranoid?

This Administration makes the Nixon White House look like amateurs! They are the sleaziest, most corrupt group ever and I'd be embarrassed to defend what they are doing.
Obama is living the presidency Nixon wanted...
If we had a REAL Attorney General, people would be getting arrested for this!

It's disgusting...
People will be charged and given due process, once the whole truth be patient grass much as we want to believe the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth has been laid before us, we know very little yet...and no reason to cut this off before the whole story is known.
Report: Lois Lerner's Hard Drive Has Been "Thrown Away"
The delusional, paranoid rightwing conspiracy theories just never end.

Gee, people's hard drives all mysteriously crash or are wiped therefore making it impossible to see their e-mails that by law are supposed to be saved...when Congress has been asking them for those e-mails? But anyone thinking that's complete and utter BULLSHIT is delusional and paranoid?

This Administration makes the Nixon White House look like amateurs! They are the sleaziest, most corrupt group ever and I'd be embarrassed to defend what they are doing.
Preposturous to think that employees are responsible for backing up their own emails....NEVER EVER in my whole life have I ever had to save my own records outside of my own hard drive....

THERE ARE SERVERS that do this automatically, in most any set up for email....

IRS reg's states that their emails are stored on servers....and not to send too big of a folder with "group emailings" or "to All", because it takes up too much storage space, and the regs give instructions on how to save big folders to a storage server that they use.....with access through hashtags.

We should be able to access all of the emails missing due to hard drive failures on these servers, you would think?

I think the cart is being put before the horse on this....
And they're saying that it's all gone.

That's the dichotomy Care. It's like all the copies are just gone.
Who's THEY? The irs is saying they are all gone, INCLUDING the server back ups? I haven't seen the IRS say that...the focus has been on her hard drive and the hard drives of others.... being fried/lost?

Unless the IRS mentioned no back ups on servers either and I missed that part?

The IRS actually lied to congress and claimed they erased the backup tapes and reused them.

Turns out the IRS doesn't back up to tape, but instead uses a disk to disk snap-shotting system - as virtually everyone else does. The emails are availible any time the IRS decides to obey the law.

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