Report: Lois Lerner's Hard Drive Has Been "Thrown Away"

I posted an article from the NY Times.

What Issa seems to be looking for is stuff from her "state issued" laptop.

Typically? When a person leaves a company they wipe the Hard drive.

They did that at the last place I worked at and they do that here.

The United States Congress issued a warrant for emails pertaining to Lerner's criminal acts in hazing groups that were identified as political enemies of Barack Obama and the administration.

Rather than complying, Lerner apparently attempted to destroy the evidence by sabotaging the hard drive in her computer - a federal crime.

What makes this extremely problematic is that, as you well know, the local .OST is just a cache of data stored on the exchange servers. The IRS runs a server farm of load balanced clusters with fail over.

Look Shallow, you're a sociopath, you have not a hint of integrity, you'll lie about anything to promote your party, I get it. But this is BASIC IT, you and the administration aren't fooling anyone.

Microsoft Exchange Server 2010: Clustering for high availability | TechNet Magazine

Go ahead, lie about how erasing a local hard disk would erase messages from the Exchange database - go ahead, lie for your party - it's not even perjury like it is for Lerner and whatever Obamabot IRS goon told these lies.

Well if there's anything to this, I am sure Issa will be wrapping it up soon, right?

With a long line of "felons" being frog marched to Gitmo, right?

It's been what, 2 years on this?

And what? 2 years or more on Benghazi?

Come to think of it? Has Issa wrapped up ANY of his "investigations"?

"I'm" a fake.

I'm faking the glamorous world of an IT techie.

Where you sit in a NOC all day watching monitors, fielding customers bitching about not being able to get their files off of servers, running backups, crawling around on the floor running cable, writing PERL, KSH, CSH scripts, recovering applications, cleaning out filesystems, searching for that one file that's the most important in the world..


It's freakin a job EVERYONE wants to do.

You're something else.

You also said you owned a bar when we were debating about the affect of the ACA on small businesses.....claiming you knew it wouldn't affect income.

Like Zeke who claimed to be a mortgage broker for 20 years in a bubble bursting thread...and when I asked him how many loans fannie mae writes, he answered thousands (when, in fact, they write none)....

There is logic to say you are something you are not on here.

It allows for you to strengthen you position..

"I know because I am a pro....."

I did own a bar.

What of it?

It went belly up.

You said you were in the military.

I ever call you a fake?

I have yet to use it as a reason I should be deemed correct in a debate.
Of course I know IT.

BUT you're a sociopath - so you flat out lie.

I spend quite a few days wiping and destroying hard drives from ex-employee's PC.

Never once did I back anything up or was required too.

That's nice. What you don't do is destroy email. Nor do I, in fact, I use a MIME to capture an independent repository that is ediscoverable.

See, you will lie for your party - but you won't be believed, because there are plenty here with knowledge equal or in excess to yours.

You're just a fucking sociopath, you are not convincing.

as a business owner, I had to back up ALL data on a hard drive before wiping it clean. It was for protection. An ex employee can be the cause of a host of issues down the road...and the more you have, the etter off you are.

And to back up a hard drive takes little time

I doubt any business owner does not ensure all data is kept before giving the hard drive to the new employee.
Issa got 64,000 emails.

Oh, well as long as he got volume, no need for the pertinent one... :eusa_whistle:

Personally? I find it hard to believe one person wrote so many emails.

What, exactly are they lying about?

The are lying about the email being lost. You know this full well. EVERY IT person here knows it's a flat out lie.
What Swallow fails to realize is that he's dealing with a bunch of IT guys who can't be buffaloed. The libturd abracadabra only works on the ignorant.

He is an IT guy, I don't know how he can even type this crap. He knows full well how glaringly false it is.

So now Darrell "The Crimeboss" Issa can arrest her..and lock her somewhere in congress or something.

He should, if for no other reason than rank stupidity that renders her unfit to hold a job.

She was hired by the Bush administration.

Stupid is as stupid does..

No she wasn't. She was with the FEC as associate general counsel, and removed from that position and transferred to the IRS in 2001, after controversy there with her behavior towards harassing, suing and losing a case against the Christian Coalition.
What Swallow fails to realize is that he's dealing with a bunch of IT guys who can't be buffaloed. The libturd abracadabra only works on the ignorant.

He is an IT guy, I don't know how he can even type this crap. He knows full well how glaringly false it is.

What's false?

Personally? I ain't to up on MS crap. I really do consider it crap. And most organizations that I've worked for? They don't have "EMAIL Admins". It's generally MIS or sysadmin guys that do the work. And most of them? They aren't experts on it. In fact..they are looking up how to do the configs on google. I personally was working with Lotus Notes (To set up users) in my department at my old job, which was a real chore. I work mainly with UNIX and don't want to be bothered with that shit at all.

You and I both know what requirements and SLAs are..right?

And if these guys "lost" all this stuff? Wouldn't they be in trouble?

They would like, fire them, right?

So..where are all the guys getting fired?
At least you do know what you are talking about.

And you know there is no reason to ask for a laptop..right?

Unless they are looking for other files.

So he really is on a fishing expedition.

No. The hard drive of the lap top will show things that a server will not show. For example, it will show intentional deletion of will show WHEN it stopped operating...

You see Sallow.....the server will have the emails....but this is now a lot deeper. There are reasons to believe that there is a cover know...the 5th, crashed drive, etc....

As you know, a server can not show ANYTHING that takes place on the computer when it is offline...

Now...if you are truly an IT guy, then debate as an IT guy. Right now you are debating like an ideologue.

An IT guy knows dam well that emails can be lost on a hard drive but can be found on the server AS WELL AS the outgoing and incoming servers...

Not to mention the servers of her hand held devices like blackberry and iPhone.
He should, if for no other reason than rank stupidity that renders her unfit to hold a job.

She was hired by the Bush administration.

Stupid is as stupid does..

No she wasn't. She was with the FEC as associate general counsel, and removed from that position and transferred to the IRS in 2001, after controversy there with her behavior towards harassing, suing and losing a case against the Christian Coalition.

Who was President in 2001, again?
What Swallow fails to realize is that he's dealing with a bunch of IT guys who can't be buffaloed. The libturd abracadabra only works on the ignorant.

He is an IT guy, I don't know how he can even type this crap. He knows full well how glaringly false it is.

What's false?

Personally? I ain't to up on MS crap. I really do consider it crap. And most organizations that I've worked for? They don't have "EMAIL Admins". It's generally MIS or sysadmin guys that do the work. And most of them? They aren't experts on it. In fact..they are looking up how to do the configs on google. I personally was working with Lotus Notes (To set up users) in my department at my old job, which was a real chore. I work mainly with UNIX and don't want to be bothered with that shit at all.

You and I both know what requirements and SLAs are..right?

And if these guys "lost" all this stuff? Wouldn't they be in trouble?

They would like, fire them, right?

So..where are all the guys getting fired?

Can you name anyone that has been fired for4 anything in the past 5 years?
[ame=]MSNBC Panel Mocks And Ridicules IRS For Losing Lois Lerner Emails - YouTube[/ame]

These emails were client side but but they are also on the server side and very little ever gets deleted unless it's a purpose driven deletion. For them to take this step shows that they are running scared and would rather face the sneering than release the e-mails.
He is an IT guy, I don't know how he can even type this crap. He knows full well how glaringly false it is.

What's false?

Personally? I ain't to up on MS crap. I really do consider it crap. And most organizations that I've worked for? They don't have "EMAIL Admins". It's generally MIS or sysadmin guys that do the work. And most of them? They aren't experts on it. In fact..they are looking up how to do the configs on google. I personally was working with Lotus Notes (To set up users) in my department at my old job, which was a real chore. I work mainly with UNIX and don't want to be bothered with that shit at all.

You and I both know what requirements and SLAs are..right?

And if these guys "lost" all this stuff? Wouldn't they be in trouble?

They would like, fire them, right?

So..where are all the guys getting fired?

Can you name anyone that has been fired for4 anything in the past 5 years?.
JoeB. He apparently gets fired for being the most competent person in any company.:D
He is an IT guy, I don't know how he can even type this crap. He knows full well how glaringly false it is.

What's false?

Personally? I ain't to up on MS crap. I really do consider it crap. And most organizations that I've worked for? They don't have "EMAIL Admins". It's generally MIS or sysadmin guys that do the work. And most of them? They aren't experts on it. In fact..they are looking up how to do the configs on google. I personally was working with Lotus Notes (To set up users) in my department at my old job, which was a real chore. I work mainly with UNIX and don't want to be bothered with that shit at all.

You and I both know what requirements and SLAs are..right?

And if these guys "lost" all this stuff? Wouldn't they be in trouble?

They would like, fire them, right?

So..where are all the guys getting fired?

Can you name anyone that has been fired for4 anything in the past 5 years?

Who is Shinseki?

For 200, Alex.
So he really is on a fishing expedition.

He is investigating the criminal use of the IRS against enemies of the administration. He BETTER check the obvious stuff.

For 2 freakin years?


Well...lets wasn't until a week ago that he was told that 2 of the 3 years of emails were missing.

So maybe it is taking so long to investigate it because it is being slow boated?

I mean really.....they were "giving him everything he wanted" but they forgot to tell him that they lost 2/3 of the emails?

That doesn't smell fishy to you?

How about the Presidents special investigator?

She never once mentioned that they did not have the data she needed to see if any crimes were committed....yet she was sure no crimes were committed?

You don't find that weird?
What's false?

Personally? I ain't to up on MS crap. I really do consider it crap. And most organizations that I've worked for? They don't have "EMAIL Admins". It's generally MIS or sysadmin guys that do the work. And most of them? They aren't experts on it. In fact..they are looking up how to do the configs on google. I personally was working with Lotus Notes (To set up users) in my department at my old job, which was a real chore. I work mainly with UNIX and don't want to be bothered with that shit at all.

You and I both know what requirements and SLAs are..right?

And if these guys "lost" all this stuff? Wouldn't they be in trouble?

They would like, fire them, right?

So..where are all the guys getting fired?

Can you name anyone that has been fired for4 anything in the past 5 years?

Who is Shinseki?

For 200, Alex.

Got it.


Avoid the facts.

I'm off to get ready for dinner on the water with my family.

I have earned it.
I've really no doubt that the WH and IRS did target CItizen United Pacs, though I think it was less about "Watergate" than about thinking "oh shite John 'not Jay' Roberts" is out to kill us"

But, the computer forensic guys who work for my state's attorney general can pull just about anything off a hard drive unless it is literally fries. So, I find the thread amusing.

Well yes and no.

And it's not an easy process either.

You have to take the hard drive into a "clean room" and search the FAT (windows) Super Block (UNIX).

It's very expensive and time consuming process.

By the way..a magnetic wipe of the hard drive will render that process useless.

Most places do both. They do a magnetic wipe then physically destroy it.

What's expensive about it, Help Desk? Be specific. If you're saying you don't know how to do forensic analysis of a hard drive (even after a "magnetic wipe" LOL), then you should just say that.

Some very easy (and cheap) tools are out there to accomplish just this sort of task.

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