Report: Lois Lerner's Hard Drive Has Been "Thrown Away"

I suppose NEXT you will tell us that an organization as large as the IRS does not work with servers, and all data that shows up on a desk top does not first embed itself on the server? And I assume you will defend the idea that the IRS has the servers setting set at "delete from server when delivered to Outlook"...

Even though there is a federal law that states all emails are to be saved?

You are aware, I am sure, that it takes an extra step to have the server delete the emails than it does to have it save them. disappoint me.

I always knew you were a progressive and I never gave you a hard time about I respect it.

But now you are acting like a child...and I know you know it.

There is an issue here Sallow...and if it is not nipped in the bud now, it will only get worse FOR ALL OF US.

Sorry, what?

If the emails are on the mail server, why do they want her laptop, Sherlock?
I suppose NEXT you will tell us that an organization as large as the IRS does not work with servers, and all data that shows up on a desk top does not first embed itself on the server? And I assume you will defend the idea that the IRS has the servers setting set at "delete from server when delivered to Outlook"...

Even though there is a federal law that states all emails are to be saved?

You are aware, I am sure, that it takes an extra step to have the server delete the emails than it does to have it save them. disappoint me.

I always knew you were a progressive and I never gave you a hard time about I respect it.

But now you are acting like a child...and I know you know it.

There is an issue here Sallow...and if it is not nipped in the bud now, it will only get worse FOR ALL OF US.
I think I am confused Jarhead? Is there or is there not a Server that backed up all emails at the IRS?

And if there is a server that has backed up all of the emails, shouldn't Congress or the IRS or some Tech Team know this?

And if there is a back up server, it makes no difference if Learners hard drive blew up or not because "somewhere" there is a back up server with the emails?

(unless of course it can be shown that someone meddled with the Back up server and erased emails...)

BUT IF THERE is NO server with back ups of emails, what then? (Which seems ridiculous)

That is why the release of a "computer crash" is so frustrating.

Anyone who has been in a business with a multitude of employees is well aware that all is networked with at least ONE server.

Furthermore, the ".gov" has a server in itself where ALL emails pass through...likely a multitude of servers interlocked with each other.

Now, when someone sends or receives an email, it is automatically saved in a multitude of places.....UNLESS it is set to NOT save it.....which is an extra step and most have no reason to set it to "not save". is saved on the incoming server...POP for example....then it is saved on the network server...within the agency or company....and then it is saved on the personal computer...Same with outgoing...SMPT for example......but in the opposite direction...saved on PC, then the network and then the outgoing server.

And yes, I hear many ITers and GOPers saying "what about the servers".......well...except for Sallow......

And yes...I spent a lot of money having servers set up for my company when I was an owner. It was necessary....And saving ALL data with regular SERVER back up was necessary....because employees delete stuff all the time.....and desk tops crash all the time

But those questions are being ignored.

Something is fishy...and if we don't nip it in the bud, we will be opening the door for government to do whatever they want whenever they want.....
I suppose NEXT you will tell us that an organization as large as the IRS does not work with servers, and all data that shows up on a desk top does not first embed itself on the server? And I assume you will defend the idea that the IRS has the servers setting set at "delete from server when delivered to Outlook"...

Even though there is a federal law that states all emails are to be saved?

You are aware, I am sure, that it takes an extra step to have the server delete the emails than it does to have it save them. disappoint me.

I always knew you were a progressive and I never gave you a hard time about I respect it.

But now you are acting like a child...and I know you know it.

There is an issue here Sallow...and if it is not nipped in the bud now, it will only get worse FOR ALL OF US.

Sorry, what?

If the emails are on the mail server, why do they want her laptop, Sherlock?

The same reason I wanted a laptop from an employee who resigned. She claimed it crashed and she lost all of the data of her deals....I still had it so all was good (on the server).....but I wanted to see if she INTENTIONALLY deleted stuff.....and that is something you can not find out on a must see the hard drive.

And...she did. But that is not important.

Congress knows they can get the data......they now want to know if it is a cover-up as well. are IT and you have never been involved in that type of scenario?

It goes on all the time.
That is a gross misrepresentation of what is done.

All businesses, when someone leaves, cleans the hard drive AFTER it backs it up.

They clean it so a new person can use it and there is no "accidental" sharing of personal information.

They back it up first to ensure that if anything comes up in the future regarding the departing employee, they have all the data to refer to.

The fact that you found the need to grossly misrepresent what is done with hard drives when an employee departs shows me that you feel very insecure about your position in this debate.

You may know IT, but you sure as hell don't know HRIS...

Not to mention, of course....the law.

Of course I know IT.

I spend quite a few days wiping and destroying hard drives from ex-employee's PC.

Never once did I back anything up or was required too.
That is because they are backed up before they are sent to be destroyed. The day labor has no need to know status of the information. Just destroy them.
I suppose NEXT you will tell us that an organization as large as the IRS does not work with servers, and all data that shows up on a desk top does not first embed itself on the server? And I assume you will defend the idea that the IRS has the servers setting set at "delete from server when delivered to Outlook"...

Even though there is a federal law that states all emails are to be saved?

You are aware, I am sure, that it takes an extra step to have the server delete the emails than it does to have it save them. disappoint me.

I always knew you were a progressive and I never gave you a hard time about I respect it.

But now you are acting like a child...and I know you know it.

There is an issue here Sallow...and if it is not nipped in the bud now, it will only get worse FOR ALL OF US.
I think I am confused Jarhead? Is there or is there not a Server that backed up all emails at the IRS?

And if there is a server that has backed up all of the emails, shouldn't Congress or the IRS or some Tech Team know this?

And if there is a back up server, it makes no difference if Learners hard drive blew up or not because "somewhere" there is a back up server with the emails?

(unless of course it can be shown that someone meddled with the Back up server and erased emails...)

BUT IF THERE is NO server with back ups of emails, what then? (Which seems ridiculous)

Then you subpeona all the emails from the White House, the Justice Department, the FBI, etc, that were from Lerner and persons of interest at the IRS to anyone at those organizations for that time frame. The emails do exist.
I suppose NEXT you will tell us that an organization as large as the IRS does not work with servers, and all data that shows up on a desk top does not first embed itself on the server? And I assume you will defend the idea that the IRS has the servers setting set at "delete from server when delivered to Outlook"...

Even though there is a federal law that states all emails are to be saved?

You are aware, I am sure, that it takes an extra step to have the server delete the emails than it does to have it save them. disappoint me.

I always knew you were a progressive and I never gave you a hard time about I respect it.

But now you are acting like a child...and I know you know it.

There is an issue here Sallow...and if it is not nipped in the bud now, it will only get worse FOR ALL OF US.

Sorry, what?

If the emails are on the mail server, why do they want her laptop, Sherlock?

The same reason I wanted a laptop from an employee who resigned. She claimed it crashed and she lost all of the data of her deals....I still had it so all was good (on the server).....but I wanted to see if she INTENTIONALLY deleted stuff.....and that is something you can not find out on a must see the hard drive.

And...she did. But that is not important.

Congress knows they can get the data......they now want to know if it is a cover-up as well. are IT and you have never been involved in that type of scenario?

It goes on all the time.

Goes on all the time, where?

We had a database admin run a process during the trading day once..but never fessed up. She was caught on camera doing it.

And some guy was stealing memory from servers..and he was caught on camera.

Oh..and some guy was causing application crashes so he could fix them. They used a history log to catch that guy.

The only thing involving email was a nasty office romance break up.

Guess what? The admins "lost" those.
I suppose NEXT you will tell us that an organization as large as the IRS does not work with servers, and all data that shows up on a desk top does not first embed itself on the server? And I assume you will defend the idea that the IRS has the servers setting set at "delete from server when delivered to Outlook"...

Even though there is a federal law that states all emails are to be saved?

You are aware, I am sure, that it takes an extra step to have the server delete the emails than it does to have it save them. disappoint me.

I always knew you were a progressive and I never gave you a hard time about I respect it.

But now you are acting like a child...and I know you know it.

There is an issue here Sallow...and if it is not nipped in the bud now, it will only get worse FOR ALL OF US.
I think I am confused Jarhead? Is there or is there not a Server that backed up all emails at the IRS?

And if there is a server that has backed up all of the emails, shouldn't Congress or the IRS or some Tech Team know this?

And if there is a back up server, it makes no difference if Learners hard drive blew up or not because "somewhere" there is a back up server with the emails?

(unless of course it can be shown that someone meddled with the Back up server and erased emails...)

BUT IF THERE is NO server with back ups of emails, what then? (Which seems ridiculous)

Then you subpeona all the emails from the White House, the Justice Department, the FBI, etc, that were from Lerner and persons of interest at the IRS to anyone at those organizations for that time frame. The emails do exist.
Yep. As does the NSA.
You may know IT, but you sure as hell don't know HRIS...

Not to mention, of course....the law.

Of course I know IT.

I spend quite a few days wiping and destroying hard drives from ex-employee's PC.

Never once did I back anything up or was required too.
That is because they are backed up before they are sent to be destroyed. The day labor has no need to know status of the information. Just destroy them.

I think you, Jarhead, and a few others are catching Sallow in another LIE.
I suppose NEXT you will tell us that an organization as large as the IRS does not work with servers, and all data that shows up on a desk top does not first embed itself on the server? And I assume you will defend the idea that the IRS has the servers setting set at "delete from server when delivered to Outlook"...

Even though there is a federal law that states all emails are to be saved?

You are aware, I am sure, that it takes an extra step to have the server delete the emails than it does to have it save them. disappoint me.

I always knew you were a progressive and I never gave you a hard time about I respect it.

But now you are acting like a child...and I know you know it.

There is an issue here Sallow...and if it is not nipped in the bud now, it will only get worse FOR ALL OF US.
I think I am confused Jarhead? Is there or is there not a Server that backed up all emails at the IRS?

And if there is a server that has backed up all of the emails, shouldn't Congress or the IRS or some Tech Team know this?

And if there is a back up server, it makes no difference if Learners hard drive blew up or not because "somewhere" there is a back up server with the emails?

(unless of course it can be shown that someone meddled with the Back up server and erased emails...)

BUT IF THERE is NO server with back ups of emails, what then? (Which seems ridiculous)

Then you subpeona all the emails from the White House, the Justice Department, the FBI, etc, that were from Lerner and persons of interest at the IRS to anyone at those organizations for that time frame. The emails do exist.

And that's been done.

They haven't found anything.

Which is why they are still fishing. 2 years later.

I don't think the 9/11 investigation went on for as long.
Sorry, what?

If the emails are on the mail server, why do they want her laptop, Sherlock?

The same reason I wanted a laptop from an employee who resigned. She claimed it crashed and she lost all of the data of her deals....I still had it so all was good (on the server).....but I wanted to see if she INTENTIONALLY deleted stuff.....and that is something you can not find out on a must see the hard drive.

And...she did. But that is not important.

Congress knows they can get the data......they now want to know if it is a cover-up as well. are IT and you have never been involved in that type of scenario?

It goes on all the time.

Goes on all the time, where?

We had a database admin run a process during the trading day once..but never fessed up. She was caught on camera doing it.

And some guy was stealing memory from servers..and he was caught on camera.

Oh..and some guy was causing application crashes so he could fix them. They used a history log to catch that guy.

The only thing involving email was a nasty office romance break up.

Guess what? The admins "lost" those.

So you are saying they did not have outgoing, incoming and network servers?

And if they did, are you saying that when data is lost on a hard drive it is also lost on the ser4vers?

Or are you just outright lying.

It has to be one or the other.

Because If they had a network administrator, they had a server.

So I guess you are lying when you say "they never found them"

Sorry, what?

If the emails are on the mail server, why do they want her laptop, Sherlock?

The same reason I wanted a laptop from an employee who resigned. She claimed it crashed and she lost all of the data of her deals....I still had it so all was good (on the server).....but I wanted to see if she INTENTIONALLY deleted stuff.....and that is something you can not find out on a must see the hard drive.

And...she did. But that is not important.

Congress knows they can get the data......they now want to know if it is a cover-up as well. are IT and you have never been involved in that type of scenario?

It goes on all the time.

Goes on all the time, where?

We had a database admin run a process during the trading day once..but never fessed up. She was caught on camera doing it.

And some guy was stealing memory from servers..and he was caught on camera.

Oh..and some guy was causing application crashes so he could fix them. They used a history log to catch that guy.

The only thing involving email was a nasty office romance break up.

Guess what? The admins "lost" those.
yeah, kind of like how the admin lost Lerner's emails......

Glad you agree that someone is up to no good.
Of course I know IT.

I spend quite a few days wiping and destroying hard drives from ex-employee's PC.

Never once did I back anything up or was required too.
That is because they are backed up before they are sent to be destroyed. The day labor has no need to know status of the information. Just destroy them.

I think you, Jarhead, and a few others are catching Sallow in another LIE.

Yes. No doubt.

A company of size will ALWAYS back up a hard drive before cleaning it.

For a multitude of reasons....from IP law to HRIS law...not to mention personal law suits.

We archived all data on every hard drive with every employee....for protection.
That is because they are backed up before they are sent to be destroyed. The day labor has no need to know status of the information. Just destroy them.

I think you, Jarhead, and a few others are catching Sallow in another LIE.

Yes. No doubt.

A company of size will ALWAYS back up a hard drive before cleaning it.

For a multitude of reasons....from IP law to HRIS law...not to mention personal law suits.

We archived all data on every hard drive with every employee....for protection.
I work on some rather large IP Based Public Safety radio systems and can tell that Sallow is lying. The stuff I work on would make him run and hide.

These systems have several servers for each particular part (function) in the system and are backed up 100% of the time (Shadowed, AND backed up). Nothing gets lost, EVER.
That is because they are backed up before they are sent to be destroyed. The day labor has no need to know status of the information. Just destroy them.

I think you, Jarhead, and a few others are catching Sallow in another LIE.

Yes. No doubt.

A company of size will ALWAYS back up a hard drive before cleaning it.

For a multitude of reasons....from IP law to HRIS law...not to mention personal law suits.

We archived all data on every hard drive with every employee....for protection.

Sallow is taking the "cooked spaghetti" approach to explaining the whole email situation. he flings all the excuses up against the wall, and tries to see what sticks.
Of course I know IT.

I spend quite a few days wiping and destroying hard drives from ex-employee's PC.

Never once did I back anything up or was required too.
That is because they are backed up before they are sent to be destroyed. The day labor has no need to know status of the information. Just destroy them.

I think you, Jarhead, and a few others are catching Sallow in another LIE.

Ah yes.

Tommy the gubmint IT expert who knows nothing about IT.

I think you, Jarhead, and a few others are catching Sallow in another LIE.

Yes. No doubt.

A company of size will ALWAYS back up a hard drive before cleaning it.

For a multitude of reasons....from IP law to HRIS law...not to mention personal law suits.

We archived all data on every hard drive with every employee....for protection.

Sallow is taking the "cooked spaghetti" approach to explaining the whole email situation. he flings all the excuses up against the wall, and tries to see what sticks.

No excuses here, matey.

I am well acquainted with this as this is the field I work in.

You guys seem to have movie fantasies about IT.

Like we got Holo GUIs that pop up that you can manipulate with your hands. Or servers have pulsating cool blue LEDs and look like space ships.

In real life?

It's much different.
That is because they are backed up before they are sent to be destroyed. The day labor has no need to know status of the information. Just destroy them.

I think you, Jarhead, and a few others are catching Sallow in another LIE.

Ah yes.

Tommy the gubmint IT expert who knows nothing about IT.


ahhh...but you still wont answer the question about servers.

You simply responded by asking a question..."then why did they ask for her lap top"

So save some face here....

Do you truly believe that the IRS does not work off a server that saves the data?
It's pretty obvious at this point this whole thing is a cover-up.
It's unlikely however that anything will be done about it.

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