Report: Lois Lerner's Hard Drive Has Been "Thrown Away"


He got no emails from Lois Lerner during those 2 years.

On my sever (including archive), I have over 1 million emails. I can furnish you with 600,000 of them and not reveal anything I have done business wise with well over 75% of my clients.

The fact that they keep on saying "we gave him 64K emails" means nothing.

And you should know that if you are an IT guy.


Like you folks have pointed out..anything sent to places like the White House, gets saved on those servers.


What's the problem?

Get them off the White House servers.

Easy Peasy.

You don't need to.

They have all been backed up as per SOP of any IT department.

And you know it....which makes me laugh.

Well Issa (The Crimeboss) should assemble some of his old mob boys, kick in the doors at the IRS and find it.


I posted an article from the NY Times.

What Issa seems to be looking for is stuff from her "state issued" laptop.

Typically? When a person leaves a company they wipe the Hard drive.

They did that at the last place I worked at and they do that here.

That is a gross misrepresentation of what is done.

All businesses, when someone leaves, cleans the hard drive AFTER it backs it up.

They clean it so a new person can use it and there is no "accidental" sharing of personal information.

They back it up first to ensure that if anything comes up in the future regarding the departing employee, they have all the data to refer to.

The fact that you found the need to grossly misrepresent what is done with hard drives when an employee departs shows me that you feel very insecure about your position in this debate.

:lol: No they don't.


Jane just quit....wipe out her hard drive...that way we have no idea where she was with the Smith file.


Like you folks have pointed out..anything sent to places like the White House, gets saved on those servers.


What's the problem?

Get them off the White House servers.

Easy Peasy.

You don't need to.

They have all been backed up as per SOP of any IT department.

And you know it....which makes me laugh.

Well Issa (The Crimeboss) should assemble some of his old mob boys, kick in the doors at the IRS and find it.



Go away little child.

You are way out of line here.

The IRS is by no means your friend either scumbag.
I posted an article from the NY Times.

What Issa seems to be looking for is stuff from her "state issued" laptop.

Typically? When a person leaves a company they wipe the Hard drive.

They did that at the last place I worked at and they do that here.

It's possible that things are different for the IRS, but in the public sector job I have, we are REQUIRED by law to save all e-mails. When a person leaves a position, their individual laptop might be wiped, but the e-mails are saved on the servers.

I'm sorry, but the story is not believable.
I posted an article from the NY Times.

What Issa seems to be looking for is stuff from her "state issued" laptop.

Typically? When a person leaves a company they wipe the Hard drive.

They did that at the last place I worked at and they do that here.

That is a gross misrepresentation of what is done.

All businesses, when someone leaves, cleans the hard drive AFTER it backs it up.

They clean it so a new person can use it and there is no "accidental" sharing of personal information.

They back it up first to ensure that if anything comes up in the future regarding the departing employee, they have all the data to refer to.

The fact that you found the need to grossly misrepresent what is done with hard drives when an employee departs shows me that you feel very insecure about your position in this debate.

:lol: No they don't.

Yes, they do. Or they require that you archive your emails on the company server every quarter or so. Those emails are not yours, they are the companies.

Those emails should be available for the investigation. They are not. I thought Obama's administration was going to be all about transparency. I guess having Christie beat him at it must be galling.
I posted an article from the NY Times.

What Issa seems to be looking for is stuff from her "state issued" laptop.

Typically? When a person leaves a company they wipe the Hard drive.

They did that at the last place I worked at and they do that here.

That is a gross misrepresentation of what is done.

All businesses, when someone leaves, cleans the hard drive AFTER it backs it up.

They clean it so a new person can use it and there is no "accidental" sharing of personal information.

They back it up first to ensure that if anything comes up in the future regarding the departing employee, they have all the data to refer to.

The fact that you found the need to grossly misrepresent what is done with hard drives when an employee departs shows me that you feel very insecure about your position in this debate.

You may know IT, but you sure as hell don't know HRIS...

Not to mention, of course....the law.

Of course I know IT.

I spend quite a few days wiping and destroying hard drives from ex-employee's PC.

Never once did I back anything up or was required too.
Lerner and whoever takes credit for destroying the computer will go to jail over just destroying the computer.
Well yes and no.

And it's not an easy process either.

You have to take the hard drive into a "clean room" and search the FAT (windows) Super Block (UNIX).

It's very expensive and time consuming process.

By the way..a magnetic wipe of the hard drive will render that process useless.

Most places do both. They do a magnetic wipe then physically destroy it.

Putting that aside...

They have

A crash of a hard drive does not result in the crash of a

And we all know EVERYONE backs up

If you do not see something a eyebrow raising here, then you are not a true IT guy.

I mean...the government spends a half a billion dollars on a web site.....but it does not back up its data regularly? Especially when there is a law that requires them to save all pertinent data?

I posted an article from the NY Times.

What Issa seems to be looking for is stuff from her "state issued" laptop.

Typically? When a person leaves a company they wipe the Hard drive.

They did that at the last place I worked at and they do that here.

If ONLY Lois Lerner had left the company.
That is a gross misrepresentation of what is done.

All businesses, when someone leaves, cleans the hard drive AFTER it backs it up.

They clean it so a new person can use it and there is no "accidental" sharing of personal information.

They back it up first to ensure that if anything comes up in the future regarding the departing employee, they have all the data to refer to.

The fact that you found the need to grossly misrepresent what is done with hard drives when an employee departs shows me that you feel very insecure about your position in this debate.

You may know IT, but you sure as hell don't know HRIS...

Not to mention, of course....the law.

Of course I know IT.

I spend quite a few days wiping and destroying hard drives from ex-employee's PC.

Never once did I back anything up or was required too.

That's probably why you were fired asshole.

You are a fucking liar. No business owner would NOT back up a hard drive of a departing employee before wiping it clean.
And by some odd coincidence this is the one hard drive the NSA hasnt spied on and copied.
emails are not just typed and stored on a single hard drive.


Confiscate every hard drive at the IRS, the email server too.

IF these emails are not found, she needs to do 8 to 12 years (hard labor) for tampering with evidence and destruction of government property.

And all those in every department in the Government where there were e-mails sent...and that includes DOJ, and several Congressmen.
I suppose NEXT you will tell us that an organization as large as the IRS does not work with servers, and all data that shows up on a desk top does not first embed itself on the server? And I assume you will defend the idea that the IRS has the servers setting set at "delete from server when delivered to Outlook"...

Even though there is a federal law that states all emails are to be saved?

You are aware, I am sure, that it takes an extra step to have the server delete the emails than it does to have it save them. disappoint me.

I always knew you were a progressive and I never gave you a hard time about I respect it.

But now you are acting like a child...and I know you know it.

There is an issue here Sallow...and if it is not nipped in the bud now, it will only get worse FOR ALL OF US.
You may know IT, but you sure as hell don't know HRIS...

Not to mention, of course....the law.

Of course I know IT.

I spend quite a few days wiping and destroying hard drives from ex-employee's PC.

Never once did I back anything up or was required too.

That's probably why you were fired asshole.

You are a fucking liar. No business owner would NOT back up a hard drive of a departing employee before wiping it clean.

Here's the thing.

You cannot debate this because you have no idea what you are talking about.

So you resort to insults.

In any case, I wasn't "fired". When you get fired you don't get to keep your pension or are given pay for a year.

And idea what you are talking about.

Got it?
I swear the people in this administration think that we are stupid.. This is a cover up .. All involved including Obama should be in jail because everyone knows Obama gave the order to target the conservatives
Who couldn't have predicted that news was the next thing for the IRS to announce? It's about as surprising ad the sun coming up in the morning.

Report: Lois Lerner's Hard Drive Has Been "Thrown Away" - Katie Pavlich

According to a report published late last night in POLITICO, the hard drive belonging to Lois Lerner where the IRS claims her emails to outside agencies and groups like the White House, Department of Justice, FEC, Democrat members of Congress, etc. were stored has been...destroyed.

Ex-IRS official Lois Lerner’s crashed hard drive has been recycled, making it likely the lost emails of the lightening rod in the tea party targeting controversy will never be found, according to multiple sources.

“We’ve been informed that the hard drive has been thrown away,” Sen. Orrin Hatch of Utah, the top Republican on the Finance Committee, said in a brief hallway interview.​
Of course I know IT.

I spend quite a few days wiping and destroying hard drives from ex-employee's PC.

Never once did I back anything up or was required too.

That's probably why you were fired asshole.

You are a fucking liar. No business owner would NOT back up a hard drive of a departing employee before wiping it clean.

Here's the thing.

You cannot debate this because you have no idea what you are talking about.

So you resort to insults.

In any case, I wasn't "fired". When you get fired you don't get to keep your pension or are given pay for a year.

And idea what you are talking about.

Got it?

Uh.....plenty of idea of what I am talking about sparky.

So show me what you know.

Answer a simple question...a topic that you refused to have address so far....

Are you saying that an agency as large as the IRS does not work off a server? Furthermore, do you truly believe they do not work off a server for their emails, such as web mail or heck, yahoo for Gods sake, that ALSO saves them before they send them to the IRS server?

And do you truly believe that the IRS does not back up their servers regularly?

Do you truly believe that the IRS counts on ones personal computer to NOT crash?

Come on me what you know. Tell me such does not exist.

Oh yeah....and you did get fired. Sure, they say "laid off".....but in all my years, I have never met anyone who was fired......they were all laid off.

But guess what....other than those that were fired due to a company going out of business? The rest were laid off because a company had to trim down and get ri8d of the dead wood.

Sorry bro. You deserve the truth because you are posting a bunch of lies in this thread.
Of course I know IT.

I spend quite a few days wiping and destroying hard drives from ex-employee's PC.

Never once did I back anything up or was required too.

That's probably why you were fired asshole.

You are a fucking liar. No business owner would NOT back up a hard drive of a departing employee before wiping it clean.

Here's the thing.

You cannot debate this because you have no idea what you are talking about.

So you resort to insults.

In any case, I wasn't "fired". When you get fired you don't get to keep your pension or are given pay for a year.

And idea what you are talking about.

Got it?

Now you are showing me what you DONT know.

Asshole....the company does not own your pension. The company administrates it.

They can not withhold it from you regardless of the reason and or terms of your termination.

Now I am starting to think you are nothing but a high school drop out in your moms basement in your underwear going back and forth from USMB and porn.
I suppose NEXT you will tell us that an organization as large as the IRS does not work with servers, and all data that shows up on a desk top does not first embed itself on the server? And I assume you will defend the idea that the IRS has the servers setting set at "delete from server when delivered to Outlook"...

Even though there is a federal law that states all emails are to be saved?

You are aware, I am sure, that it takes an extra step to have the server delete the emails than it does to have it save them. disappoint me.

I always knew you were a progressive and I never gave you a hard time about I respect it.

But now you are acting like a child...and I know you know it.

There is an issue here Sallow...and if it is not nipped in the bud now, it will only get worse FOR ALL OF US.
I think I am confused Jarhead? Is there or is there not a Server that backed up all emails at the IRS?

And if there is a server that has backed up all of the emails, shouldn't Congress or the IRS or some Tech Team know this?

And if there is a back up server, it makes no difference if Learners hard drive blew up or not because "somewhere" there is a back up server with the emails?

(unless of course it can be shown that someone meddled with the Back up server and erased emails...)

BUT IF THERE is NO server with back ups of emails, what then? (Which seems ridiculous)

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