Report: Lois Lerner's Hard Drive Has Been "Thrown Away"


So now Darrell "The Crimeboss" Issa can arrest her..and lock her somewhere in congress or something.

He should, if for no other reason than rank stupidity that renders her unfit to hold a job.
So every time your computer crashes, the hard drive is rendered useless and must be tossed?
All the contents of a crashed hard drive can be retrieved. A hard drive must be intentionally 'wiped' in order to destroy the information. Even burned drives can have some information restored. However, if it is slagged and melted down, it becomes lost.

But as has already been pointed out. Emails don't exist in a vacuum. They come from someone and/or go to someone. And a government facility the size of the IRS will have exchange servers for handling the email traffic.
I've really no doubt that the WH and IRS did target CItizen United Pacs, though I think it was less about "Watergate" than about thinking "oh shite John 'not Jay' Roberts" is out to kill us"

But, the computer forensic guys who work for my state's attorney general can pull just about anything off a hard drive unless it is literally fries. So, I find the thread amusing.
I've really no doubt that the WH and IRS did target CItizen United Pacs, though I think it was less about "Watergate" than about thinking "oh shite John 'not Jay' Roberts" is out to kill us"

But, the computer forensic guys who work for my state's attorney general can pull just about anything off a hard drive unless it is literally fries. So, I find the thread amusing.

Well yes and no.

And it's not an easy process either.

You have to take the hard drive into a "clean room" and search the FAT (windows) Super Block (UNIX).

It's very expensive and time consuming process.

By the way..a magnetic wipe of the hard drive will render that process useless.

Most places do both. They do a magnetic wipe then physically destroy it.
BS, cocksucker.

Federal law requires official emails and documents be stored for certain periods of time usually 20-30 years.

Destroying Federal property like a computer is a crime, especially with official documents on it which point to another crime.

It is not uncommon for those leaving office to destroy hard drives, even at the state level..
I've really no doubt that the WH and IRS did target CItizen United Pacs, though I think it was less about "Watergate" than about thinking "oh shite John 'not Jay' Roberts" is out to kill us"

But, the computer forensic guys who work for my state's attorney general can pull just about anything off a hard drive unless it is literally fries. So, I find the thread amusing.

Well yes and no.

And it's not an easy process either.

You have to take the hard drive into a "clean room" and search the FAT (windows) Super Block (UNIX).

It's very expensive and time consuming process.

By the way..a magnetic wipe of the hard drive will render that process useless.

Most places do both. They do a magnetic wipe then physically destroy it.

Putting that aside...

They have

A crash of a hard drive does not result in the crash of a

And we all know EVERYONE backs up

If you do not see something a eyebrow raising here, then you are not a true IT guy.

I mean...the government spends a half a billion dollars on a web site.....but it does not back up its data regularly? Especially when there is a law that requires them to save all pertinent data?
Gotta love this:

The scandal has divided Republicans and Democrats on the various committees investigating the I.R.S. An aide to Democrats on the Oversight Committee, who spoke Monday on the condition of anonymity, said that the lost emails had been disclosed previously in I.R.S. documents received by the committee under subpoena, and that Mr. Issa was feigning surprise.

Mr. Koskinen is scheduled to appear before Mr. Issa’s committee on Monday night and, voluntarily, before the Ways and Means Committee on Tuesday. The Ways and Means chairman, Representative Dave Camp, Republican of Michigan, wrote a letter to President Obama on Monday asking for “all communications between Lois Lerner and any persons with the executive office of the president” for the period between January 2009 and May 2011, when the lost emails were exchanged.

The I.R.S. initially provided 11,000 of her emails that it deemed directly related to the applications for tax exemption filed by political groups. Under pressure from Republican leaders, Mr. Koskinen later agreed to provide all of Ms. Lerner’s emails but said that doing so might take years. Since then, the I.R.S. has provided roughly 32,000 more emails directly from Ms. Lerner’s account.

After the agency discovered that its initial search of Ms. Lerner’s emails was incomplete because of the computer crash, it recovered 24,000 of the missing messages from email accounts on the other end of Ms. Lerner’s correspondence, the I.R.S. said.

Although Mr. Koskinen had indicated in congressional testimony that I.R.S. emails were stored on servers in the agency’s archives and could be recovered, the agency said Friday that was not the case.

The I.R.S. said that because of financial and computing constraints, some emails had been stored only on individuals’ computers and not on servers, and that “backup tapes” from 2011 “no longer exist because they have been recycled.”

Issa's gotten some 64,000 emails related to this case. And? What was probably on Ms. Lerner's hard drives are duplicates of what he already has..
So the 7 hard drives of the 7 computers that these e-mails were sent between all "crash" following the discovery of inappropriate conduct at the IRS? And the Eric Holder FBI is buying that story?

Ah, yes...the most transparent Administration in history does it's thing!
I've really no doubt that the WH and IRS did target CItizen United Pacs, though I think it was less about "Watergate" than about thinking "oh shite John 'not Jay' Roberts" is out to kill us"

But, the computer forensic guys who work for my state's attorney general can pull just about anything off a hard drive unless it is literally fries. So, I find the thread amusing.

Well yes and no.

And it's not an easy process either.

You have to take the hard drive into a "clean room" and search the FAT (windows) Super Block (UNIX).

It's very expensive and time consuming process.

By the way..a magnetic wipe of the hard drive will render that process useless.

Most places do both. They do a magnetic wipe then physically destroy it.

Putting that aside...

They have

A crash of a hard drive does not result in the crash of a

And we all know EVERYONE backs up

If you do not see something a eyebrow raising here, then you are not a true IT guy.

I mean...the government spends a half a billion dollars on a web site.....but it does not back up its data regularly? Especially when there is a law that requires them to save all pertinent data?

I posted an article from the NY Times.

What Issa seems to be looking for is stuff from her "state issued" laptop.

Typically? When a person leaves a company they wipe the Hard drive.

They did that at the last place I worked at and they do that here.
Gotta love this:

The scandal has divided Republicans and Democrats on the various committees investigating the I.R.S. An aide to Democrats on the Oversight Committee, who spoke Monday on the condition of anonymity, said that the lost emails had been disclosed previously in I.R.S. documents received by the committee under subpoena, and that Mr. Issa was feigning surprise.

Mr. Koskinen is scheduled to appear before Mr. Issa’s committee on Monday night and, voluntarily, before the Ways and Means Committee on Tuesday. The Ways and Means chairman, Representative Dave Camp, Republican of Michigan, wrote a letter to President Obama on Monday asking for “all communications between Lois Lerner and any persons with the executive office of the president” for the period between January 2009 and May 2011, when the lost emails were exchanged.

The I.R.S. initially provided 11,000 of her emails that it deemed directly related to the applications for tax exemption filed by political groups. Under pressure from Republican leaders, Mr. Koskinen later agreed to provide all of Ms. Lerner’s emails but said that doing so might take years. Since then, the I.R.S. has provided roughly 32,000 more emails directly from Ms. Lerner’s account.

After the agency discovered that its initial search of Ms. Lerner’s emails was incomplete because of the computer crash, it recovered 24,000 of the missing messages from email accounts on the other end of Ms. Lerner’s correspondence, the I.R.S. said.

Although Mr. Koskinen had indicated in congressional testimony that I.R.S. emails were stored on servers in the agency’s archives and could be recovered, the agency said Friday that was not the case.

The I.R.S. said that because of financial and computing constraints, some emails had been stored only on individuals’ computers and not on servers, and that “backup tapes” from 2011 “no longer exist because they have been recycled.”

Issa's gotten some 64,000 emails related to this case. And? What was probably on Ms. Lerner's hard drives are duplicates of what he already has..


He got no emails from Lois Lerner during those 2 years.

On my sever (including archive), I have over 1 million emails. I can furnish you with 600,000 of them and not reveal anything I have done business wise with well over 75% of my clients.

The fact that they keep on saying "we gave him 64K emails" means nothing.

And you should know that if you are an IT guy.
Gotta love this:

The scandal has divided Republicans and Democrats on the various committees investigating the I.R.S. An aide to Democrats on the Oversight Committee, who spoke Monday on the condition of anonymity, said that the lost emails had been disclosed previously in I.R.S. documents received by the committee under subpoena, and that Mr. Issa was feigning surprise.

Mr. Koskinen is scheduled to appear before Mr. Issa’s committee on Monday night and, voluntarily, before the Ways and Means Committee on Tuesday. The Ways and Means chairman, Representative Dave Camp, Republican of Michigan, wrote a letter to President Obama on Monday asking for “all communications between Lois Lerner and any persons with the executive office of the president” for the period between January 2009 and May 2011, when the lost emails were exchanged.

The I.R.S. initially provided 11,000 of her emails that it deemed directly related to the applications for tax exemption filed by political groups. Under pressure from Republican leaders, Mr. Koskinen later agreed to provide all of Ms. Lerner’s emails but said that doing so might take years. Since then, the I.R.S. has provided roughly 32,000 more emails directly from Ms. Lerner’s account.

After the agency discovered that its initial search of Ms. Lerner’s emails was incomplete because of the computer crash, it recovered 24,000 of the missing messages from email accounts on the other end of Ms. Lerner’s correspondence, the I.R.S. said.

Although Mr. Koskinen had indicated in congressional testimony that I.R.S. emails were stored on servers in the agency’s archives and could be recovered, the agency said Friday that was not the case.

The I.R.S. said that because of financial and computing constraints, some emails had been stored only on individuals’ computers and not on servers, and that “backup tapes” from 2011 “no longer exist because they have been recycled.”

Issa's gotten some 64,000 emails related to this case. And? What was probably on Ms. Lerner's hard drives are duplicates of what he already has..


He got no emails from Lois Lerner during those 2 years.

On my sever (including archive), I have over 1 million emails. I can furnish you with 600,000 of them and not reveal anything I have done business wise with well over 75% of my clients.

The fact that they keep on saying "we gave him 64K emails" means nothing.

And you should know that if you are an IT guy.


Like you folks have pointed out..anything sent to places like the White House, gets saved on those servers.


What's the problem?

Get them off the White House servers.

Easy Peasy.
Well yes and no.

And it's not an easy process either.

You have to take the hard drive into a "clean room" and search the FAT (windows) Super Block (UNIX).

It's very expensive and time consuming process.

By the way..a magnetic wipe of the hard drive will render that process useless.

Most places do both. They do a magnetic wipe then physically destroy it.

Putting that aside...

They have

A crash of a hard drive does not result in the crash of a

And we all know EVERYONE backs up

If you do not see something a eyebrow raising here, then you are not a true IT guy.

I mean...the government spends a half a billion dollars on a web site.....but it does not back up its data regularly? Especially when there is a law that requires them to save all pertinent data?

I posted an article from the NY Times.

What Issa seems to be looking for is stuff from her "state issued" laptop.

Typically? When a person leaves a company they wipe the Hard drive.

They did that at the last place I worked at and they do that here.

That is a gross misrepresentation of what is done.

All businesses, when someone leaves, cleans the hard drive AFTER it backs it up.

They clean it so a new person can use it and there is no "accidental" sharing of personal information.

They back it up first to ensure that if anything comes up in the future regarding the departing employee, they have all the data to refer to.

The fact that you found the need to grossly misrepresent what is done with hard drives when an employee departs shows me that you feel very insecure about your position in this debate.
Gotta love this:

Issa's gotten some 64,000 emails related to this case. And? What was probably on Ms. Lerner's hard drives are duplicates of what he already has..


He got no emails from Lois Lerner during those 2 years.

On my sever (including archive), I have over 1 million emails. I can furnish you with 600,000 of them and not reveal anything I have done business wise with well over 75% of my clients.

The fact that they keep on saying "we gave him 64K emails" means nothing.

And you should know that if you are an IT guy.


Like you folks have pointed out..anything sent to places like the White House, gets saved on those servers.


What's the problem?

Get them off the White House servers.

Easy Peasy.
You know its not that easy. A claim of executive privileged will tie up the emails for 75+ years.

There are other ways. I'm just wondering why Congress is allowing this.
Gotta love this:

Issa's gotten some 64,000 emails related to this case. And? What was probably on Ms. Lerner's hard drives are duplicates of what he already has..


He got no emails from Lois Lerner during those 2 years.

On my sever (including archive), I have over 1 million emails. I can furnish you with 600,000 of them and not reveal anything I have done business wise with well over 75% of my clients.

The fact that they keep on saying "we gave him 64K emails" means nothing.

And you should know that if you are an IT guy.


Like you folks have pointed out..anything sent to places like the White House, gets saved on those servers.


What's the problem?

Get them off the White House servers.

Easy Peasy.

You don't need to.

They have all been backed up as per SOP of any IT department.

And you know it....which makes me laugh.
Putting that aside...

They have

A crash of a hard drive does not result in the crash of a

And we all know EVERYONE backs up

If you do not see something a eyebrow raising here, then you are not a true IT guy.

I mean...the government spends a half a billion dollars on a web site.....but it does not back up its data regularly? Especially when there is a law that requires them to save all pertinent data?

I posted an article from the NY Times.

What Issa seems to be looking for is stuff from her "state issued" laptop.

Typically? When a person leaves a company they wipe the Hard drive.

They did that at the last place I worked at and they do that here.

That is a gross misrepresentation of what is done.

All businesses, when someone leaves, cleans the hard drive AFTER it backs it up.

They clean it so a new person can use it and there is no "accidental" sharing of personal information.

They back it up first to ensure that if anything comes up in the future regarding the departing employee, they have all the data to refer to.

The fact that you found the need to grossly misrepresent what is done with hard drives when an employee departs shows me that you feel very insecure about your position in this debate.

:lol: No they don't.
Putting that aside...

They have

A crash of a hard drive does not result in the crash of a

And we all know EVERYONE backs up

If you do not see something a eyebrow raising here, then you are not a true IT guy.

I mean...the government spends a half a billion dollars on a web site.....but it does not back up its data regularly? Especially when there is a law that requires them to save all pertinent data?

I posted an article from the NY Times.

What Issa seems to be looking for is stuff from her "state issued" laptop.

Typically? When a person leaves a company they wipe the Hard drive.

They did that at the last place I worked at and they do that here.

That is a gross misrepresentation of what is done.

All businesses, when someone leaves, cleans the hard drive AFTER it backs it up.

They clean it so a new person can use it and there is no "accidental" sharing of personal information.

They back it up first to ensure that if anything comes up in the future regarding the departing employee, they have all the data to refer to.

The fact that you found the need to grossly misrepresent what is done with hard drives when an employee departs shows me that you feel very insecure about your position in this debate.

You may know IT, but you sure as hell don't know HRIS...

Not to mention, of course....the law.
Swallow is ok with the IRS attacking conservative groups then destroying the evidence.....because he is a cum licking piece of shit.

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