Report: Obama sought NSA intel on thousands of Americans, Trump campaign election ( during)


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Administration circulated unredacted surveillance data on targeted Americans
The Obama Administration sought unredacted intel on thousands of Americans during the 2016 election, including those in President Trump’s campaign and transition team, according to a new report.

REPORT: Obama Sought NSA Intel On ‘Thousands of Americans,’ Trump Campaign During Election


Can we put anything past this two faced lying pos bastard of course not. He doesn't work for America he works for the BILL AYERS CULT leading people into their false information trap.

They can't stop one from buying and selling unless they know exactly what one's buying and selling. Obama wanted a dossier of every citizen in America in the NCIS. He considered us the terrorists.
I just got a form from the Dept. of Ag. wanting to know what livestock and how many I have and if I get honey from my beehives. It threatens jail time for non compliance. I non complied.
They can't stop one from buying and selling unless they know exactly what one's buying and selling. Obama wanted a dossier of every citizen in America in the NCIS. He considered us the terrorists.
I just got a form from the Dept. of Ag. wanting to know what livestock and how many I have and if I get honey from my beehives. It threatens jail time for non compliance. I non complied.

Some haven't figured it out we are the terrorist, we are the ones who are spied on, we are the ones who have every move tracked and traced. Yet we have so many bone heads who have the nerve to say " We are paranoid" which proves exactly how clueless these fks are to their UNINFORMED bs they spew.
They can't stop one from buying and selling unless they know exactly what one's buying and selling. Obama wanted a dossier of every citizen in America in the NCIS. He considered us the terrorists.
I just got a form from the Dept. of Ag. wanting to know what livestock and how many I have and if I get honey from my beehives. It threatens jail time for non compliance. I non complied.

A P.S.

We are tracked with every single thing we buy how every time we use a credit card, debit card what we buy is recorded.

Drivers license we are tracked, and tagged

Clothes you buy at lets say Walmart is tracked and traced with in the scanner bars....

The list goes on and on.
They can't stop one from buying and selling unless they know exactly what one's buying and selling. Obama wanted a dossier of every citizen in America in the NCIS. He considered us the terrorists.
I just got a form from the Dept. of Ag. wanting to know what livestock and how many I have and if I get honey from my beehives. It threatens jail time for non compliance. I non complied.


You can google any title and find what it says .
TV's can record your living room conversations. That isn't a by product of technology, it is the technology. We have truly entered the age of big brother. And it is going to get much worse.

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