Report: Palin abused power, broke no laws in trooper case

Ya remind how you pay for your food, pay for your room and board, have to run your own life, etc etc. I had a job when I was 14, did not make me any smarter then any other 14 year old. Made me a little more dependable but not more knowledgable or able to understand the concept of self support or "on your own".

Go ahead show us how you have really been running everything and have a clue how that works.
So you've been cared for from cradle to grave, that's funny. Did you make it to the mess hall for every meal?

I have a girl like you working for me. Talked exactly the same as you do.. No worries.. Just school.. La de dah... No responsiblities whatsoever.

Know what? Shhe got into a car accident, and her life is currently fucked because she assumed everyone else would always take care of her.. She's $8k in debt to the insurance company who's suing her, shes over $5k in debt to the "FRIEND" she had in the car with her due to what he claims as "lost wages", she's $65k in debt to the owers of the other car for medical bills and lost wages, she's $4k in debt to the hospital and ambulance companies herself, then there's the $10k she still owed on her car.. Mommy and daddy can't save her ass on that one - she's 20 years old. They're coming after HER.

She changed her tune REAL quick...Doesn't talk too high & mighty anymore...

Just remember - Over night, your entire life can change...
I don't know why, but this made me laugh.

Not what happened to her, but the fact that it ruined her outlook of life and now it sounds like she's whipped and bitter. Is this how Republicans are born?
I don't know why, but this made me laugh.

Not what happened to her, but the fact that it ruined her outlook of life and now it sounds like she's whipped and bitter. Is this how Republicans are born?
no, democrats
So you've been cared for from cradle to grave, that's funny. Did you make it to the mess hall for every meal?


You are a fucking MORON. Beyond stupid, YOU have no brains that actually function. I do not know if you were born this way, taught by your parents to be the most ignorant bitch on the planet or if you had some accident and they drained out of your ears or something.

I suggest you get off your FAT LAZY ass and join the Marine Corps or the Army and then come back and tell us all about how well you are taken care of you dumb fucking idiot. Try it with a family you moron.

Remind us how you were cared for and taken care of night and day for the entire time you were in. Then tell us again how after earning retirement based on the work contract you agreed to you are really just getting social services from Big Brother cause you didn't earn any of it.

As I have previoulsy sated if you actually had any brains you might be dangerous. As is your a fucking idiot and prove it every time you post here.
You are a fucking MORON. Beyond stupid, YOU have no brains that actually function. I do not know if you were born this way, taught by your parents to be the most ignorant bitch on the planet or if you had some accident and they drained out of your ears or something.

I suggest you get off your FAT LAZY ass and join the Marine Corps or the Army and then come back and tell us all about how well you are taken care of you dumb fucking idiot. Try it with a family you moron.

Remind us how you were cared for and taken care of night and day for the entire time you were in. Then tell us again how after earning retirement based on the work contract you agreed to you are really just getting social services from Big Brother cause you didn't earn any of it.

As I have previoulsy sated if you actually had any brains you might be dangerous. As is your a fucking idiot and prove it every time you post here.

Wrong. You need to serve ME up over this because I'm the bloke that said you were institutionalised. So serve me up and we can discuss it. But I started it.
Already covered your lies Kangaroo breath.

Show me my lies.

Have you ever smelt a kangaroo's breath?

Me neither, just fed them. They grab your hands when you hold out their tucker, did you know that? Little buggers.
Show me my lies.

Have you ever smelt a kangaroo's breath?

Me neither, just fed them. They grab your hands when you hold out their tucker, did you know that? Little buggers.

Remind me again how serving ones Country in the Military is institutionalized? I guess we can say the same , using your logic, about cops? Wait, aren't you one of those? And haven't you been institutionalized , using your logic, a lot longer then any of us?
I don't know why, but this made me laugh.

Not what happened to her, but the fact that it ruined her outlook of life and now it sounds like she's whipped and bitter. Is this how Republicans are born?

*shakes head* That's just really, really sad. She's starting to see how people can just take take take, with no regard to anyone or anything else.. She's still not bitter, or whipped.

The fact that you just admitted to laughing at a 20 year old who, after school, at the ripe old age of 22 will be more than $125k in debt for an accident is just sad.
Remind me again how serving ones Country in the Military is institutionalized? I guess we can say the same , using your logic, about cops? Wait, aren't you one of those? And haven't you been institutionalized , using your logic, a lot longer then any of us?

Of course I was! 17, in I went, straight from high school, three years basic training, full time, three years, three bloody long years of basic training. Then they inflicted me on the public at 20. And I had to make my own decisions right there and then. Well, with my senior partner, he was 9 months older than me.

But did I ever claim I wasn't institutionalised? :lol:
*shakes head* That's just really, really sad. She's starting to see how people can just take take take, with no regard to anyone or anything else.. She's still not bitter, or whipped.

The fact that you just admitted to laughing at a 20 year old who, after school, at the ripe old age of 22 will be more than $125k in debt for an accident is just sad.

Didn't she have insurance?

And can she declare herself bankrupt?
*shakes head* That's just really, really sad. She's starting to see how people can just take take take, with no regard to anyone or anything else.. She's still not bitter, or whipped.

The fact that you just admitted to laughing at a 20 year old who, after school, at the ripe old age of 22 will be more than $125k in debt for an accident is just sad.
Ah, I never claimed to be perfect. But at least I don't let bad things kill my spirit, which is how it sounded you described this woman, with a sort of glee, I might add.
You are a fucking MORON. Beyond stupid, YOU have no brains that actually function. I do not know if you were born this way, taught by your parents to be the most ignorant bitch on the planet or if you had some accident and they drained out of your ears or something.

I suggest you get off your FAT LAZY ass and join the Marine Corps or the Army and then come back and tell us all about how well you are taken care of you dumb fucking idiot. Try it with a family you moron.

Remind us how you were cared for and taken care of night and day for the entire time you were in. Then tell us again how after earning retirement based on the work contract you agreed to you are really just getting social services from Big Brother cause you didn't earn any of it.

As I have previoulsy sated if you actually had any brains you might be dangerous. As is your a fucking idiot and prove it every time you post here.
Ah, I never claimed to be perfect. But at least I don't let bad things kill my spirit, which is how it sounded you described this woman, with a sort of glee, I might add.

Umm.. No glee at all, actually.. She's one of my best employees, and I wish I could do more to help her, actually. Merely pointing out to Robert that his little bubble doesn't contain much "real life" experience.

And that's not just a "bad thing".. Right now, her life is pretty much fucked, and she's still just a kid.

You're entitled to your opinion, but if anything at all in that made you laugh, I think it's pathetic and disgusting, personally.
Umm.. No glee at all, actually.. She's one of my best employees, and I wish I could do more to help her, actually. Merely pointing out to Robert that his little bubble doesn't contain much "real life" experience.

And that's not just a "bad thing".. Right now, her life is pretty much fucked, and she's still just a kid.

You're entitled to your opinion, but if anything at all in that made you laugh, I think it's pathetic and disgusting, personally.
Then we're even. I thought your effort to make Robert feel bad about himself and your story about this woman getting her come uppence were pathetic and disgusting.
i thought the red sox were pathetic and disgusting.

My footy team used to be like that. That was in 1965 up until about 1999. It was hell. But in the last nine years, seven premierships.

Hang in there :)

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