Report: Younger Transplant Patients Would Get the Best Kidneys

I thought this was common sense? Give a heart, or whatever organ happens to be at issue, to someone who has a long & productive life ahead of them or a 70 yr old, Florida, couch potato, retiree?

See ^^^^ that's a death panel. Anyone who thinks it's ok to decide who lives and who dies.

Apparently, 70 year old add no value to society. Who knew?

NEWSFLASH CaliBrat!!! Insurance co's are also death panels. They just happen to have a profit-motive which makes them A-OK by you eh?
Medical bills prompt more than 60 percent of U.S. bankruptcies - CNN
Medical bills prompt more than 60 percent of U.S. bankruptcies

June 05, 2009|By Theresa Tamkins

This year, an estimated 1.5 million Americans will declare bankruptcy. Many people may chalk up that misfortune to overspending or a lavish lifestyle, but a new study suggests that more than 60 percent of people who go bankrupt are actually capsized by medical bills.

Bankruptcies due to medical bills increased by nearly 50 percent in a six-year period, from 46 percent in 2001 to 62 percent in 2007, and most of those who filed for bankruptcy were middle-class, well-educated homeowners, according to a report that will be published in the August issue of The American Journal of Medicine.

What insurance companies do or do not do is not the point. The point is that the Dems denied Death Panels in their healthcare bill. Are people going to be deciding who gets transplants based on age in this bill? Yes. Ergo, death panels exist in ObamaCare.

You can whine from now till doomsday about it but.... Obama lied. Again.
The point is that the Dems denied Death Panels in their healthcare bill. Are people going to be deciding who gets transplants based on age in this bill? Yes. Ergo, death panels exist in ObamaCare.

You can whine from now till doomsday about it but.... Obama lied. Again.

Apparently you didn't read Willow's article lol:
According to one bioethicist, if the changes are adopted,

Besides they are contracted-out just like Bu$h II contracted out BlackWater:
reviewing possible changes for the United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS), a private nonprofit group contracted by the federal government

Game, set, and match :cool:
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the point is that the dems denied death panels in their healthcare bill. Are people going to be deciding who gets transplants based on age in this bill? Yes. Ergo, death panels exist in obamacare.

You can whine from now till doomsday about it but.... Obama lied. Again.

apparently you didn't read willow's article lol:
Report: Younger Transplant Patients Would Get the Best Kidneys |
according to one bioethicist, if the changes are adopted,

besides they are contracted-out just like bu$h ii contracted out blackwater:
Report: Younger Transplant Patients Would Get the Best Kidneys |
reviewing possible changes for the united network for organ sharing (unos), a private nonprofit group contracted by the federal government

game, set, and match :cool:

if cowshit was butter you wouldn't have to churn.
Sorry I had to shoot-down your cns news (???) -inspired thread Willow :-(
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See ^^^^ that's a death panel. Anyone who thinks it's ok to decide who lives and who dies.

Apparently, 70 year old add no value to society. Who knew?

Cutting govt spending will have unforseen consequences.

Something like 2/3 of medicare spending is done in the last year of a persons life.

He didn't cut gov. spending asshole. He stole 960 Billion dollars from the people who need care the most. He most definitely didn't cut jack shit. Just say it.. Sarah Palin was correct.. it won't hurt a bit.

The money was taken from Medicare Advantage, nothing was cut from traditional Medicare benefits. Don't worry, your government healthcare is still safe.
See ^^^^ that's a death panel. Anyone who thinks it's ok to decide who lives and who dies.

Apparently, 70 year old add no value to society. Who knew?

NEWSFLASH CaliBrat!!! Insurance co's are also death panels. They just happen to have a profit-motive which makes them A-OK by you eh?
Medical bills prompt more than 60 percent of U.S. bankruptcies - CNN
Medical bills prompt more than 60 percent of U.S. bankruptcies

June 05, 2009|By Theresa Tamkins

This year, an estimated 1.5 million Americans will declare bankruptcy. Many people may chalk up that misfortune to overspending or a lavish lifestyle, but a new study suggests that more than 60 percent of people who go bankrupt are actually capsized by medical bills.

Bankruptcies due to medical bills increased by nearly 50 percent in a six-year period, from 46 percent in 2001 to 62 percent in 2007, and most of those who filed for bankruptcy were middle-class, well-educated homeowners, according to a report that will be published in the August issue of The American Journal of Medicine.

What insurance companies do or do not do is not the point. The point is that the Dems denied Death Panels in their healthcare bill. Are people going to be deciding who gets transplants based on age in this bill? Yes. Ergo, death panels exist in ObamaCare.

You can whine from now till doomsday about it but.... Obama lied. Again.
Please point to the specific portion of the bill that even remotely mentions death panels. Go ahead.....this should be good.

I'm putting it at 90% chance you just ignore your BS being called out AGAIN, like you always do.
I thought this was common sense? Give a heart, or whatever organ happens to be at issue, to someone who has a long & productive life ahead of them or a 70 yr old, Florida, couch potato, retiree?

I tend to agree that if it's a zero sum game it makes considerably more sense to give the transplant to a child or young adult than it does a senior.

What insurance companies do or do not do is not the point. The point is that the Dems denied Death Panels in their healthcare bill. Are people going to be deciding who gets transplants based on age in this bill? Yes. Ergo, death panels exist in ObamaCare.

Wipe the partisan spittle from your mouth and get a grip. This has nothing to do with the ACA. I'm not even sure Obama was out of college yet when the relevant legislation was passed.
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I thought this was common sense? Give a heart, or whatever organ happens to be at issue, to someone who has a long & productive life ahead of them or a 70 yr old, Florida, couch potato, retiree?

See ^^^^ that's a death panel. Anyone who thinks it's ok to decide who lives and who dies.

Apparently, 70 year old add no value to society. Who knew?

The chincy thing about you guys and your "death panel" hysteria is that you act like it's a new thing.

Health care has always been a finite resource and it has always been rationed.

How do you think they decided which renal failure patients would get dialysis in the 60's when dialysis was a new medical intervention?

A "God Panel". Ever hear of the concept of triage? Ever watch "Saving Private Ryan" when they are on the beach and deciding who got care and who died? Medicine is a high stakes game that absolutely factors in morbidity when considering interventions. So does your private insurance.

It just took Sarah Palin to tell you guys about it for you to get all fired up about it.

Educate yourselves:

'Death Panels' Rationed Care 50 Years Ago
I thought this was common sense? Give a heart, or whatever organ happens to be at issue, to someone who has a long & productive life ahead of them or a 70 yr old, Florida, couch potato, retiree?

I tend to agree that if it's a zero sum game it makes considerably more sense to give the transplant to a child or young adult than it does a senior.

What insurance companies do or do not do is not the point. The point is that the Dems denied Death Panels in their healthcare bill. Are people going to be deciding who gets transplants based on age in this bill? Yes. Ergo, death panels exist in ObamaCare.

Wipe the partisan spittle from your mouth and get a grip. This has nothing to do with the ACA. I'm not even sure Obama was out of college yet when the relevant legislation was passed.
CaliBrat is one partisan girl aint she? And I thought I was partisan. I can't hold a flame to her and Willow.
While lefties play word games we instinctively know that the "health care" law is the vanguard of a brave new world where "death panels" will determine whether a senior citizen's life is worth saving with a transplant or even a relatively simple medical procedure. Of course bribes and political power would be a factor but otherwise the IRS will make sure that we all have the same poor medical care.
younger patients already get priority in transplants.

unless you have cash like steve jobs.
younger patients already get priority in transplants.

unless you have cash like steve jobs.

Not what the article says. Do you have another source?

The nation's organ-transplant network may give younger, healthier people preference over older, sicker patients for the best kidneys, the Washington Post reported on Thursday. Instead of giving priority to patients who have been on the waiting list longest, the new rules would match recipients and organs based on factors such as age and health -- an attempt to maximize the number of years provided by each kidney, the newspaper reported.
I thought this was common sense? Give a heart, or whatever organ happens to be at issue, to someone who has a long & productive life ahead of them or a 70 yr old, Florida, couch potato, retiree?

I tend to agree that if it's a zero sum game it makes considerably more sense to give the transplant to a child or young adult than it does a senior.

What insurance companies do or do not do is not the point. The point is that the Dems denied Death Panels in their healthcare bill. Are people going to be deciding who gets transplants based on age in this bill? Yes. Ergo, death panels exist in ObamaCare.

Wipe the partisan spittle from your mouth and get a grip. This has nothing to do with the ACA. I'm not even sure Obama was out of college yet when the relevant legislation was passed.
CaliBrat is one partisan girl aint she? And I thought I was partisan. I can't hold a flame to her and Willow.

For a newbie, you certainly seem to have developed an unhealthy interest in me and WillyT. Any particular reason?
I thought this was common sense? Give a heart, or whatever organ happens to be at issue, to someone who has a long & productive life ahead of them or a 70 yr old, Florida, couch potato, retiree?

See ^^^^ that's a death panel. Anyone who thinks it's ok to decide who lives and who dies.

Apparently, 70 year old add no value to society. Who knew?

Emotive pap CG. If there is only ONE heart and two recipiants, then who should get it? Who gets to decide? A decision has to be made.
For a newbie, you certainly seem to have developed an unhealthy interest in me and WillyT. Any particular reason?

Oh God.....

Here it comes........

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The problem for democrats is that old farts still vote. So the policy has to be camouflaged so that old folks still vote for democrats just like they did when FDR was lying to them.
I tend to agree that if it's a zero sum game it makes considerably more sense to give the transplant to a child or young adult than it does a senior.

Wipe the partisan spittle from your mouth and get a grip. This has nothing to do with the ACA. I'm not even sure Obama was out of college yet when the relevant legislation was passed.
CaliBrat is one partisan girl aint she? And I thought I was partisan. I can't hold a flame to her and Willow.

For a newbie, you certainly seem to have developed an unhealthy interest in me and WillyT. Any particular reason?
Perhaps because I've noticed, in the short time I've been here, that both of you seem to be dyed-in-the-wool kool aid drinkers. :eusa_whistle: As an example, Willow's cns news network source for this thread :eusa_eh: That screams "conservative-drone.". As you were.
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