Reported: Trump To Declare COVID-19 A Stafford Act National Emergency

Breaking: Trump to declare COVID-19 a Stafford Act national emergency

President Donald Trump plans to declare a national emergency on Friday over the coronavirus outbreak, invoking the Stafford Act to open the door to more federal aid for states and municipalities, according to two people familiar with the matter. …

An emergency declaration would allow a state to request a 75% federal cost-share for expenses that include emergency workers, medical tests, medical supplies, vaccinations, security for medical facilities, and more, according to a letter Democrats sent the president earlier this week.

Only a few emergency declarations for public health threats have been made since the 1960s, and only two have targeted disease outbreaks, when President Bill Clinton in 2000 declared emergencies in New York and New Jersey in response to the West Nile Virus.

If people wanted the big guns, they are about to get them. This will probably hurt the markets even more, so good idea to do it on a Friday and let the weekend act as a firebreak.

What's the over/under that he completely bleeps up is 3PM EST speech (as he did on Wednesday night) and that very tenuous positive that the Dow is in right now completely collapses? The fact that Democrats had to had to send Trump a letter even getting him to consider declaring this emergency (if he does) is telling. Maybe if he had done that on Wednesday night, the market collapse the next day wouldn't have happened..or been a lot less painful.

Only in the mind of TDS addled morons did he completely "bleeped up" his address Wednesday.

He could have said anything and people like you would have bitched about it.

He could have avoided lying in his address but we both know he’s incapable of telling the truth
Do you just make shit up as it comes to you?
No. Covid-19 is much more dangerous than H1N1. The morbidity rate is higher by at least a fact of 100, as is the hospitalization rate. These are facts.

Counting deaths and comparing is stupid. Obviously.
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Do you just make shit up as it comes to you?
No. Covid-19 is much more dangerous than H1N1. The morbidity rate is higher by at least a fact of 100, as is the hospitalization rate. These are facts.

Counting deaths and comparing is stupid. Stop being stupid.

How can you possibly know the morbidity rate of this disease? The CDC doesn't even know that yet.

What is your definition of "dangerous," if not symptomology and mortality factors? Are you defining "danger" simply by the comparative R0 factors of infectious diseases? If that's your definition, then Pertussis (whooping cough) is orders of magnitude more dangerous than COVID-19.

* I also like how you edited my post to delete all of the information provided.
COOL - Only three months too late!!|
He didn't wait as long as Obama did...Obama waited till 1200 Americans were dead....
Obama declared a public health emergency when 20 people had been infected and there were NO deaths. Where do you get this shit?

H1N1 United States Fast Facts - CNN

1930 - The swine flu virus (an influenza type A H1N1 virus) is first isolated from a pig.
1976 - Swine flu (Hsw1N1) breaks out among soldiers at Fort Dix in New Jersey. At least four soldiers are infected and one dies.
1976 - The United States begins a nationwide vaccination program against a type of swine flu known as Influenza A/New Jersey/76. However, the program is suspended after people who received shots develop a rare illness called Guillain-Barré syndrome.
September 1988 - A woman dies of the H1N1 flu virus days after visiting a county fair pig exhibition where there was widespread influenza-like illness among the swine.
December 2005-February 2009 - The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports 12 cases of swine flu among humans.
April 2009 - Swine influenza A (H1N1) virus is detected in a 10-year-old boy. CDC lab testing confirms the same virus in a second California child residing about 130 miles away from the first patient.
April 24, 2009 - The CDC issues an outbreak notice warning travelers of an increased health risk of swine flu in Central Mexico and Mexico City.
April 26, 2009 - The United States declares a public health emergency as cases of swine flu increase.
Covid-19 is much more dangerous than H1N1.
You are guessing at best...
How can you possibly know the morbidity rate of this disease?
It's based on the data so far. This data aligns well in countries that have, in fact, done extensive testing. So there's another talking point knocked down.

What is your definition of "dangerous,"
Serious of illness, number of people ill, contagiousness, virulence, all factor in.

The scary part of this is the possibility that our hospitals will be a overwhelmed with patients needing treatment. That's dangerous.

You keep trying to change lanes and cherry pick (the "death total" thing you did was very dumb). Why? What is your interest in trying to misinform?
False. Data straight from the WHO and CDC. Recommendations straight from the experts. And then there's you, and your AM radio. Who to believe...
We just got the straight scoop today from the CDC and Trump and Pence and people that know more than I'll leave it there....
Is this a new and dangerous pandemic or is this just a different virus strain for the common cold? First of all, it does not seem too serious to me. In the U.S., population 327 million, there are 1500 known cases and 40 deaths. That is a rate of .027% or about the death rate for the common cold.

Yes, there is a severe shortage of test kits, however, Fact reports, "FDA Commissioner Stephen Hahn provided the clearest answer about testing capacity on March 7, when he said that the CDC had shipped enough kits to state and local public health labs to test 75,000 people for COVID-19.

"In addition, more than 1.1 million tests manufactured by Integrated DNA Technologies had been shipped as of March 6 for non-public health labs to use, with another 400,000 possibly shipping by March 9. A separate manufacturer had also produced 640,000 tests that could have shipped as early as March 9, once quality control testing was complete.

“The actual number of tests that have shipped is larger than the number of patients that can be tested,” Hahn explained, noting that the approximately 2.1 million tests from IDT and another company would allow roughly 850,000 Americans to be tested." The Facts on Coronavirus Testing -

In light of those numbers, 1500 known cases and 40 deaths, 31 in Seattle-area nursing homes, does not seem all that serious to me.

The U.S. is shutting down the NBA, NHL, MLB, NCAA tournament, Broadway, Disneyland, any gather over 50 people (L.A.) or 1,000 people (many states), and so on. The stock market is tanking, and Americans have lost billions in retirement funds and investment. This leads to one very important question.

Is the cure worst than the disease? Is this all happening because people are afflicted with the common cold, an annual occurrence since the birth of man?

Sorry, that's two.
Allow me to continue with my fantasy.

Viruses for the common cold are extremely contagious and are airborne pathogens. 80% of the people who come down with the common cold certainly know they are sick. In fact, caused by a runny nose, headachy feeling, shortness of breath, coughing spells, they are quite miserable. The symptoms last for about two weeks.

For the other 20%, the common cold can be quite serious. Many are elderly with underlying conditions such as respiratory ailments, heart conditions, and weaken immune systems. A very small percentage of these people die from the common cold.

Sound familiar?
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Five people have died in the U.S. since yesterday. That compares easily to the number of people who died last year and the year before that of the common cold or illnesses brought on by the common cold such as pneumonia.

In 2018, an average 641 people died of lung cancer in the U.S.

Are we going a little overboard on all this? Just asking.

A total of 45 have died in the U.S., 41 in Seattle area nursing homes.
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Breaking: Trump to declare COVID-19 a Stafford Act national emergency

President Donald Trump plans to declare a national emergency on Friday over the coronavirus outbreak, invoking the Stafford Act to open the door to more federal aid for states and municipalities, according to two people familiar with the matter. …

An emergency declaration would allow a state to request a 75% federal cost-share for expenses that include emergency workers, medical tests, medical supplies, vaccinations, security for medical facilities, and more, according to a letter Democrats sent the president earlier this week.

Only a few emergency declarations for public health threats have been made since the 1960s, and only two have targeted disease outbreaks, when President Bill Clinton in 2000 declared emergencies in New York and New Jersey in response to the West Nile Virus.

If people wanted the big guns, they are about to get them. This will probably hurt the markets even more, so good idea to do it on a Friday and let the weekend act as a firebreak.

About time America admitted there was a crisis. Welcome to the world.
You are guessing at best.
False. Data straight from the WHO and CDC. Recommendations straight from the experts. And then there's you, and your AM radio. Who to believe...
Who project over 4 times as high as South Korea who have done more testing than any other country.........0.7%...................WHO was reporting 3.4%

Many aren't being tested and are questioning that rate............
Are we going a little overboard on all this?
No. We have to slow the spread, or our healthcare infrastructure will be overwhelmed. What people do not seem to be taking into account is that people often recover because they have received good medical treatment. When there are 10 times more patients than beds, they are not going to receive good care.
Breaking: Trump to declare COVID-19 a Stafford Act national emergency

President Donald Trump plans to declare a national emergency on Friday over the coronavirus outbreak, invoking the Stafford Act to open the door to more federal aid for states and municipalities, according to two people familiar with the matter. …

An emergency declaration would allow a state to request a 75% federal cost-share for expenses that include emergency workers, medical tests, medical supplies, vaccinations, security for medical facilities, and more, according to a letter Democrats sent the president earlier this week.

Only a few emergency declarations for public health threats have been made since the 1960s, and only two have targeted disease outbreaks, when President Bill Clinton in 2000 declared emergencies in New York and New Jersey in response to the West Nile Virus.

If people wanted the big guns, they are about to get them. This will probably hurt the markets even more, so good idea to do it on a Friday and let the weekend act as a firebreak.
Excellent. Communities are utterly unprepared for the number of people that will require hospitalization. It's going to be a crisis.
It is a manufactured crisis. 2009 was worse.
Breaking: Trump to declare COVID-19 a Stafford Act national emergency

President Donald Trump plans to declare a national emergency on Friday over the coronavirus outbreak, invoking the Stafford Act to open the door to more federal aid for states and municipalities, according to two people familiar with the matter. …

An emergency declaration would allow a state to request a 75% federal cost-share for expenses that include emergency workers, medical tests, medical supplies, vaccinations, security for medical facilities, and more, according to a letter Democrats sent the president earlier this week.

Only a few emergency declarations for public health threats have been made since the 1960s, and only two have targeted disease outbreaks, when President Bill Clinton in 2000 declared emergencies in New York and New Jersey in response to the West Nile Virus.

If people wanted the big guns, they are about to get them. This will probably hurt the markets even more, so good idea to do it on a Friday and let the weekend act as a firebreak.
Excellent. Communities are utterly unprepared for the number of people that will require hospitalization. It's going to be a crisis.
It is a manufactured crisis. 2009 was worse.
So the blob is declaring a national emergency over a manufactured crisis? Like he did on the border wall?
You are guessing at best.
False. Data straight from the WHO and CDC. Recommendations straight from the experts. And then there's you, and your AM radio. Who to believe...
Who project over 4 times as high as South Korea who have done more testing than any other country.........0.7%...................WHO was reporting 3.4%

Many aren't being tested and are questioning that rate............
That is evidence that widespread and sustained testing is the most effective tool. It slows the spread and gets people early and better treatment.
You are guessing at best.
False. Data straight from the WHO and CDC. Recommendations straight from the experts. And then there's you, and your AM radio. Who to believe...
Who project over 4 times as high as South Korea who have done more testing than any other country.........0.7%...................WHO was reporting 3.4%

Many aren't being tested and are questioning that rate............
That is evidence that widespread and sustained testing is the most effective tool. It slows the spread and gets people early and better treatment.
And yet a whole lot of people are just dealing with it on their own...........get sick and rough it out thinking it's just another flu...................This virus kills the elderly for the most part.........h1n1 was different as it killed the young.

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