Reported: Trump To Declare COVID-19 A Stafford Act National Emergency

And yet a whole lot of people are just dealing with it on their own..
And a lot of people can't. What is your point? You don't have one.

This virus kills the elderly for the most part
So? Again, it's not just about death count, but also about overwhelming our healthcare infrastructure. You can tap dance around the elephant in the room all day, but it will still be there.
And a lot of people can't. What is your point? You don't have one.
Point being that many aren't recorded and that is inflating the mortality rate...........Just as other viruses over time.............Many people got the swine flu and didn't go to the doc.........I'm pretty sure I had it and didn't go ......Felt crappy a few days.....sweated it out ......and goodbye.
Point being that many aren't recorded and that is inflating the mortality rate.
Oh really? By how much? You have no idea. And even in South Korea, which will likely record one of the lowest morbidity rates due to their smart response, the morbidity rate is 35 times higher than H1N1.

And you keep ignoring the other main point, regarding the number that will require treatment and hospitalization. I am guessing you are still fighting a battle for Dear Leader that he already admitted he lost. Very odd.
Point being that many aren't recorded and that is inflating the mortality rate.
Oh really? By how much? You have no idea. And even in South Korea, which will likely record one of the lowest morbidity rates due to their smart response, the morbidity rate is 35 times higher than H1N1.

And you keep ignoring the other main point, regarding the number that will require treatment and hospitalization. I am guessing you are still fighting a battle for Dear Leader that he already admitted he lost. Very odd.
You suck at Statistics don't you................more tested.............the Statistics improve...........MORE ACCURATE.........

You really can't post here and disagree with that now can you......if you do.....your are beyond help.
You suck at Statistics don't you................more tested.............the Statistics improve...........MORE ACCURATE........
And, also, the better we are at containing the disease, which means we are also providing treatment more efficiently. This lowers the morbidity rate. I told you this once. Now it's twice. Pay fking attention.
You suck at Statistics don't you................more tested.............the Statistics improve...........MORE ACCURATE........
And, also, the better we are at containing the disease, which means we are also providing treatment more efficiently. This lowers the morbidity rate. I told you this once. Now it's twice. Pay fking attention.
It documents it better in Statistics now doesn't it..............I have told you this twice......Pay fking attention....

See how this works...LOL
Point being that many aren't recorded and that is inflating the mortality rate.
Oh really? By how much? You have no idea. And even in South Korea, which will likely record one of the lowest morbidity rates due to their smart response, the morbidity rate is 35 times higher than H1N1.

And you keep ignoring the other main point, regarding the number that will require treatment and hospitalization. I am guessing you are still fighting a battle for Dear Leader that he already admitted he lost. Very odd.
Fella.......the ghettos will never be gone. The money will run out at some point. Maybe sooner then later. They have already lost. And you want more of it.
Breaking: Trump to declare COVID-19 a Stafford Act national emergency

President Donald Trump plans to declare a national emergency on Friday over the coronavirus outbreak, invoking the Stafford Act to open the door to more federal aid for states and municipalities, according to two people familiar with the matter. …

An emergency declaration would allow a state to request a 75% federal cost-share for expenses that include emergency workers, medical tests, medical supplies, vaccinations, security for medical facilities, and more, according to a letter Democrats sent the president earlier this week.

Only a few emergency declarations for public health threats have been made since the 1960s, and only two have targeted disease outbreaks, when President Bill Clinton in 2000 declared emergencies in New York and New Jersey in response to the West Nile Virus.

If people wanted the big guns, they are about to get them. This will probably hurt the markets even more, so good idea to do it on a Friday and let the weekend act as a firebreak.
Excellent. Communities are utterly unprepared for the number of people that will require hospitalization. It's going to be a crisis.
It is a manufactured crisis. 2009 was worse.
So the blob is declaring a national emergency over a manufactured crisis? Like he did on the border wall?
The border
It documents it better in Statistics now doesn't it..............I have told you this twice..
And I agreed the first time, because I am a grown up, not a snivelling little cultist like you.

I also made a valid point, and one with which the experts (that leaves you out) agree.

And then, you threw your usual hissy fit and started repeating yourself, like you have extra chromosomes.
The border was a crisis. The MSM manufactured this one and Trump had no choice but to comply.
It documents it better in Statistics now doesn't it..............I have told you this twice..
And I agreed the first time, because I am a grown up, not a snivelling little cultist like you.

I also made a valid point, and one with which the experts (that leaves you out) agree.

And then, you threw your usual hissy fit and started repeating yourself, like you have extra chromosomes.
LOL...........hissy told me to pay attention first.......LMAO

Now the STATISTICS are better with MORE TESTING......And my point is that I don't believe the Mortality rates from WHO.......because I don't believe everyone that has it is going to the doc.........

That was my point.......and it does no good to HYPE THIS........we didn't HYPE H1N1.....and when it did they started slaughtering pigs all over.
The MSM manufactured this one and Trump had no choice but to comply.
Right, because he only cares about Donald Trump. One of his handlers begged him to stop being a moron and appealed to his ego by letting him know that he was fucking up badly and it could cost him in November. So he read his little teleprompter speech written by his little Nazi pet. Oops! That was a disaster, too. So now Trump is forced to listen to experts.
And my point is that I don't believe the Mortality rates from WHO...
Who gives a shit what an ignorant ass like you believes? You have no idea how they arrive at their estimated morbidity rate. You might as well say you also don't believe what quantum mechanical scientists say about the spin of quarks. You know just as much about that, which is to say, exactly fucking nothing.
And my point is that I don't believe the Mortality rates from WHO...
Who gives a shit what an ignorant ass like you believes? You have no idea how they arrive at their estimated morbidity rate. You might as well say you also don't believe what quantum mechanical scientists say about the spin of quarks. You know just as much about that, which is to say, exactly fucking nothing.
Who gives a shit what you think........See how that works............

I ask questions and have opinions........So you tell me now Mr. Pravda..........How the hell does the Statistics back their claims when in S Korea the mortality rate is over 400% less than what they say it is........No dang way in hell that it's because of the treatment there..............NO WAY

It is actually 480% different when you crunch the numbers.....

Who gives a shit what you think........See how that works..
Just be problem there, ya whiny little moron:

These aren't my opinions, I am relating precisely what the experts say.

So, um, yeah, you sound like a goddamn idiot.
You are boring me you leftist tool...............Now I'd like them and you to explain how the hell the Stats are 480% out of balance.....

I'm not the only one saying this.........If people aren't reporting it...or their are not enough test kits.........Then they REALLY DON'T KNOW.......And this INFLATES the mortality rate.
This is a manufactured Crisis? Please explain. While I agree the msm overdoes this GS this is for real....lives of the lowest among us are far more important ant than the $ spent fighting it. Cost should not be even a consideration.
You are boring me you leftist tool..
Yes, with all my "accurate data" and "conclusions of career experts", I'm sure I am. That is because you live in some freakish cultist Fantasyland where the mentally ill child president is the top expert on all things, and you will defend his idiotic behavior long after he has backpedalled on it.

Here is another fact for you, so you will probably not recognize or remember it:

Roughly 20% of South Koreans who tested positive for covid-19 required hospitalization. It is expected that about 20% to 25% of Americans will be infected.

Now, put down the picture of trump's balls for a minute and pay attention:

If the number is HALF that, and only 10% of those require hospitalization...what do you think is going to happen when 5 million people require hospitalization over a short period?

Not good. The best tactic against that is to slow the spread and test extensively

Again, these are facts.
You are boring me you leftist tool..
Yes, with all my "accurate data" and "conclusions of career experts", I'm sure I am. That is because you live in some freakish cultist Fantasyland where the mentally ill child president is the top expert on all things, and you will defend his idiotic behavior long after he has backpedalled on it.

Here is another fact for you, so you will probably not recognize or remember it:

Roughly 20% of South Koreans who tested positive for covid-19 required hospitalization. It is expected that about 20% to 25% of Americans will be infected.

Now, out down the picture of trump's balls for a minute and pay attention:

If the number is HALF that, and only 10% of those require hospitalization...what do you think is going to happen when 5 million people require hospitalization to ver a short period?

Not good. The best tactic against that is to slow the spread and test extensively

Again, these are facts.
And that changes nothing about my position on the mortality rate.............I understand that too many get sick and some go to the many aren't tested and stay home and do just fine.........hmmm

You 1 in 5 go to the hospital...........If many don't report it ........that could be 1 in 10 now couldn't it.......because many getting it aren't in that 20% getting very sick.............Same thing with H1N1..........

Hell....26 million get the Flu each year in the U.S.........quarter million end up in hospital every year.

Why the hell do you FEEL THE NEED TO HYPE THIS ISSUE.........That is what you are doing.
The flu: By the numbers

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