Reporter just asked Spicer: "Why is OK to bomb Syria, but not OK to assist the Refugees"?


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
If Assad would stop USING CHEMICAL WEAPONS on his own people, Perhaps there would be less refugees fleeing the CIVIL WAR in Syria.

If Assad was removed from power, there could be EVEN LESS refugees fleeing the murderous dictator.

Man, the absolute assfuckery by some reporters is astounding.

The missile strike was a WARNING to Assad to stop gassing his people. Obama drew his fake red line and TRUMP enforced it.

Getting Assad to stop using chemical weapons helps the refugees MORE than giving them a sandwich and a cot. It might actually allow them to return home at some point.

Snowflakes don't seem to understand the END GAME is to ALLOW SYRIAN REFUGEES TO RETURN TO A PEACEFUL HOME.
Policies by the Obama Administration led to the refugee crisis...displacing millions in the Middle East...but then progressives want to know why conservatives aren't willing to do more to "help" with the refugee problem!

Here's a hint, Snowflakes...if you didn't displace them in the first wouldn't need to help them at all! Duh?
Why wouldn't snowflakes want Syrians to return to a peaceful homeland?

I'm not sure what the FLAKES want to happen in Syria, specifically.
The Dems care about one thing = flooding US voter rolls with non-whites
That and killing Jews and Christians.

We didn't bomb Syria. Are democrats now complaining that chemical weapons were destroyed.

You are dead from the neck up. Only someone who is effectively brain dead believes such bullshit. You are socially, economically and morally challenged, as well as racist to the core.
What does the reporter mean by assist the refugees?

I think he means letting millions of them enter the USA unfettered rather than making their homeland safe and peaceful so they can return home.
Why wouldn't snowflakes want Syrians to return to a peaceful homeland?

I'm not sure what the FLAKES want to happen in Syria, specifically.
I doubt the flakes know what they want. They're only interested in whining and crying about something.
Dem's are desperate to replenish the welfare roles so they can buy votes with government hand outs, hence their interest in refuges.
I have a question that Dems won't answer...

Say we bring in 1000,000 Syrian refugees. What are they going to do with them? Hae them spending 6 months on the government teat learning conversational English and our monetary system, then put them behind a counter in Convenience Stores making minimum wage and still on the dole?

Yeah, that sounds like a plan at breeding non-white Democrat voter.
Ohh so democrats are complaining that chemical weapons were destroyed.

The racism part was just thrown in there because democrats always throw racism in there. Its how you know it's a Democrat.

The soup is cold.

Bingo, that's a Democrat.
If Assad would stop USING CHEMICAL WEAPONS on his own people, Perhaps there would be less refugees fleeing the CIVIL WAR in Syria.

If Assad was removed from power, there could be EVEN LESS refugees fleeing the murderous dictator.

Man, the absolute assfuckery by some reporters is astounding.

The missile strike was a WARNING to Assad to stop gassing his people. Obama drew his fake red line and TRUMP enforced it.

Getting Assad to stop using chemical weapons helps the refugees MORE than giving them a sandwich and a cot. It might actually allow them to return home at some point.

Snowflakes don't seem to understand the END GAME is to ALLOW SYRIAN REFUGEES TO RETURN TO A PEACEFUL HOME.

You have to understand you aren't getting any truth.Assad did not kill those as a duplicate game that happened outside of Damascus.

This insanity has to stop. Syrians love their country and their leader. Assad has been under assault all these years because we have funded so called rebels who are from 80 different from countries around the world all SUNNI to take over the god damn county.

Look when Sunnis from 80 different countries *cough* migrate to the caliphate ITS NOT A FUCKING CIVIL WAR.

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