Reporter states Secret Service took cell phones because of hilary's seizure disorder....

Thread title is a lie.
Which part?

""CLINTON's ILLNESS" she is malingering
in order to cover her lies
The secret Service part too.

??? maybe she told them to say it. What do SS men
know about seizure disorders

"United States Secret Service spokeswomen Catherine Milhoan told TRUNEWS her agency did not make the call for smart phones to be banned from the presidential debate. She said, “that decision rests solely with the Commission on Presidential Debates.”

TRUNEWS correspondent Fior Hernandez added that at the most recent Governors debate in Pennsylvania she was asked to refrain from using her personal smart phone. Fior emphasized however, “that rule originated with the media outlet hosting the debate, and not with the debate organizational committee itself."
NYC news: Flashes could “inspire Hillary’s seizure disorder”
Thread title is a lie.
Which part?

""CLINTON's ILLNESS" she is malingering
in order to cover her lies
Did you think you said something? :lol:

yes-----I do not believe that she has "Parkinson's syndrome"
or "seizure disorder" -------she does odd movements and
little stumbles as a distraction. Her Pneumonia-----is easily
treated as an outpatient-----and GONE almost immediately
after the institution of Levaquin....... that stuff is capable
of knocking out every bacterial pathogen in a three mile
radius of the throat that swallows it.
Oh great, another message board doctor. ROTFLMAO. Let me guess, you went to the prestigious trump university school of medicine.

you guessed wrong------a news flash-----there are lots of MD's in the world. Again----she does not have Parkinson's disease
or "flash bulb sensitive" seizure disorder. She MAY be afflicted with some sort of physical illness. ----but it ain't flash-bulb sensitive FITS. He clinical picture is more "consistent"--
with-----chronic alcoholism <<<< not a diagnosis---just a
conjecture. Sociopathy is----generally called a 'functional'
disorder ---or a "personality disorder"
lets be honest here.
Lets say Hillary has epilepsy, that is something that can be controlled with the proper medication and should have no bearing on the job she can or can not do.
the brain damage and her forgetting things is however a big problem that should be brought into question when considering her being elected to the oval office.
Which part?

""CLINTON's ILLNESS" she is malingering
in order to cover her lies
Did you think you said something? :lol:

yes-----I do not believe that she has "Parkinson's syndrome"
or "seizure disorder" -------she does odd movements and
little stumbles as a distraction. Her Pneumonia-----is easily
treated as an outpatient-----and GONE almost immediately
after the institution of Levaquin....... that stuff is capable
of knocking out every bacterial pathogen in a three mile
radius of the throat that swallows it.
Oh great, another message board doctor. ROTFLMAO. Let me guess, you went to the prestigious trump university school of medicine.

you guessed wrong------a news flash-----there are lots of MD's in the world. Again----she does not have Parkinson's disease
or "flash bulb sensitive" seizure disorder. She MAY be afflicted with some sort of physical illness. ----but it ain't flash-bulb sensitive FITS. He clinical picture is more "consistent"--
with-----chronic alcoholism <<<< not a diagnosis---just a
conjecture. Sociopathy is----generally called a 'functional'
disorder ---or a "personality disorder"
The idiots that are coming up with this nonsense seem to forget Hillary is subjected to flashes in her face every damn fucking day, for over thirty years now, and most definitely more than she ever has in the last two years.
lets be honest here.
Lets say Hillary has epilepsy, that is something that can be controlled with the proper medication and should have no bearing on the job she can or can not do.
the brain damage and her forgetting things is however a big problem that should be brought into question when considering her being elected to the oval office.

we do not have enough information about her putative
illnesses to come to any conclusions at all Her character
is the BIG problem

there ain't no such thing-------single flashes to no induce seizures------STROBE LIKE situations can---in rare cases---
induce seizures-------you got a reasonable citation?

So thirty people taking flash photos wouldnt appear to be a strobe light?
Have you ever watched a major event when at a key moment everyone takes a photo? Yeah...strobe light effect.

there ain't no such thing-------single flashes to no induce seizures------STROBE LIKE situations can---in rare cases---
induce seizures-------you got a reasonable citation?

So thirty people taking flash photos wouldnt appear to be a strobe light?
Have you ever watched a major event when at a key moment everyone takes a photo? Yeah...strobe light effect.
The timing of the flashes would not be consistent like a strobe light, there is a difference.
however that brings up another question, if elected, how does she avoid the flashes when she meets with world leaders and such? Trust me, foreign photographers are not going to comply with the Secret Service in this matter. To top it off, they might flash more in an attempt to get the photos of Hillary having a seizure.

there ain't no such thing-------single flashes to no induce seizures------STROBE LIKE situations can---in rare cases---
induce seizures-------you got a reasonable citation?

So thirty people taking flash photos wouldnt appear to be a strobe light?
Have you ever watched a major event when at a key moment everyone takes a photo? Yeah...strobe light effect.

the issue with strobe lights is the RHYTHMICITY . not individual MANY. ---think rhythm.------it ENTRAINS
the popping neurons. -------the entrainment is the issue-----
check the use of "entrainment" in medical issues----OF THE

there ain't no such thing-------single flashes to no induce seizures------STROBE LIKE situations can---in rare cases---
induce seizures-------you got a reasonable citation?

So thirty people taking flash photos wouldnt appear to be a strobe light?
Have you ever watched a major event when at a key moment everyone takes a photo? Yeah...strobe light effect.
The timing of the flashes would not be consistent like a strobe light, there is a difference.
however that brings up another question, if elected, how does she avoid the flashes when she meets with world leaders and such? Trust me, foreign photographers are not going to comply with the Secret Service in this matter. To top it off, they might flash more in an attempt to get the photos of Hillary having a seizure.

good idea----lets do that
More evidence that Hillary has Parkinson's.

REPORTER: “This is why it was banned apparently because the Secret Service did not trust people to disable the flashes on their cameras and they were afraid it would inspire Hillary’s seizure disorder.”

A reported admitted on Monday that the Secret Service told reporters not to use a flash because of Hillary Clinton’s seizure disorder. Via Mike Cernovich:

Secret Service told reporters at the #debate not to use flash so that it won't trigger Hillary's seizure disorder.
Regan had Alzheimers so some humans do get those types of diseases.

He didn't show any symptoms until long after he left the White House. Hillary would have no chance of being elected if the voters knew the truth about her medical condition.

there ain't no such thing-------single flashes to no induce seizures------STROBE LIKE situations can---in rare cases---
induce seizures-------you got a reasonable citation?

So thirty people taking flash photos wouldnt appear to be a strobe light?
Have you ever watched a major event when at a key moment everyone takes a photo? Yeah...strobe light effect.
The timing of the flashes would not be consistent like a strobe light, there is a difference.
however that brings up another question, if elected, how does she avoid the flashes when she meets with world leaders and such? Trust me, foreign photographers are not going to comply with the Secret Service in this matter. To top it off, they might flash more in an attempt to get the photos of Hillary having a seizure.

The strobe effect of some video games can cause seizures,I would think multiple flashes from a camera would be just as likely.
at least thread #3. should join his idiotic twin in the conspiracy section.

fucking drones
More evidence that Hillary has Parkinson's.

REPORTER: “This is why it was banned apparently because the Secret Service did not trust people to disable the flashes on their cameras and they were afraid it would inspire Hillary’s seizure disorder.”

A reported admitted on Monday that the Secret Service told reporters not to use a flash because of Hillary Clinton’s seizure disorder. Via Mike Cernovich:

Secret Service told reporters at the #debate not to use flash so that it won't trigger Hillary's seizure disorder.
Regan had Alzheimers so some humans do get those types of diseases.

He didn't show any symptoms until long after he left the White House. Hillary would have no chance of being elected if the voters knew the truth about her medical condition.
No. He clearly showed symptoms while he was in the white house and he was diagnosed right after leaving the office. Its a progressive disease so most people that arent morons know he had it while in the office. His son even said so. You were just ignorant to notice.

Reagan Son Claims Dad Had Alzheimer's as President

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there ain't no such thing-------single flashes to no induce seizures------STROBE LIKE situations can---in rare cases---
induce seizures-------you got a reasonable citation?

So thirty people taking flash photos wouldnt appear to be a strobe light?
Have you ever watched a major event when at a key moment everyone takes a photo? Yeah...strobe light effect.
The timing of the flashes would not be consistent like a strobe light, there is a difference.
however that brings up another question, if elected, how does she avoid the flashes when she meets with world leaders and such? Trust me, foreign photographers are not going to comply with the Secret Service in this matter. To top it off, they might flash more in an attempt to get the photos of Hillary having a seizure.

The strobe effect of some video games can cause seizures,I would think multiple flashes from a camera would be just as likely.

no----the STROBE effect from video games is not just
effect----it is BONAFIDE STROBE------not random flashes---

there ain't no such thing-------single flashes to no induce seizures------STROBE LIKE situations can---in rare cases---
induce seizures-------you got a reasonable citation?

So thirty people taking flash photos wouldnt appear to be a strobe light?
Have you ever watched a major event when at a key moment everyone takes a photo? Yeah...strobe light effect.
The timing of the flashes would not be consistent like a strobe light, there is a difference.
however that brings up another question, if elected, how does she avoid the flashes when she meets with world leaders and such? Trust me, foreign photographers are not going to comply with the Secret Service in this matter. To top it off, they might flash more in an attempt to get the photos of Hillary having a seizure.

The strobe effect of some video games can cause seizures,I would think multiple flashes from a camera would be just as likely.
in some cases they can. but its not as likely as you might think.
In most cases it has to do with a measured repetitive cycle. but it is possible for camera flashes to come close enough when you consider trained photographers are usually going to see the same opportunity for a photo at the same time.

there ain't no such thing-------single flashes to no induce seizures------STROBE LIKE situations can---in rare cases---
induce seizures-------you got a reasonable citation?

So thirty people taking flash photos wouldnt appear to be a strobe light?
Have you ever watched a major event when at a key moment everyone takes a photo? Yeah...strobe light effect.
The timing of the flashes would not be consistent like a strobe light, there is a difference.
however that brings up another question, if elected, how does she avoid the flashes when she meets with world leaders and such? Trust me, foreign photographers are not going to comply with the Secret Service in this matter. To top it off, they might flash more in an attempt to get the photos of Hillary having a seizure.

The strobe effect of some video games can cause seizures,I would think multiple flashes from a camera would be just as likely.
in some cases they can. but its not as likely as you might think.
In most cases it has to do with a measured repetitive cycle. but it is possible for camera flashes to come close enough when you consider trained photographers are usually going to see the same opportunity for a photo at the same time.

Thats my thought. Like when they first walk up to the podium.

there ain't no such thing-------single flashes to no induce seizures------STROBE LIKE situations can---in rare cases---
induce seizures-------you got a reasonable citation?
If hundreds of people are snapping photos using a flash, then it is a problem, moron.

there ain't no such thing-------single flashes to no induce seizures------STROBE LIKE situations can---in rare cases---
induce seizures-------you got a reasonable citation?
If hundreds of people are snapping photos using a flash, then it is a problem, moron.

I'd think so.
And a Google search confirms it.
One more debate to go and if trump is smart, he'll hire people to be there taking all the flash pics they can. If hillary objects then he should make a fuss and demand to know why. SS has no authority to ban pictures.
And here we have it......a reporter stated that the Secret Service took cell phones to keep people from flashing their camera lights at hilary....because she has a seizure disorder....

WOW! Reporter Admits Secret Service at Debate Said No Flashes Because of Hillary's Seizure Disorder (VIDEO)

REPORTER: “This is why it was banned apparently because the Secret Service did not trust people to disable the flashes on their cameras and they were afraid it would inspire Hillary’s seizure disorder.”

A reported admitted on Monday that the Secret Service told reporters not to use a flash because of Hillary Clinton’s seizure disorder.
Via Mike Cernovich:

Secret Service told reporters at the #debate not to use flash so that it won't trigger Hillary's seizure disorder.

— REGATED (@regated) October 10, 2016

We have already see her have a public seizure once........

I've read a bit on all of this, I wouldn't be at all surprised if it's true. Here's the thing- I'd rather take a presidential candidate like Hillary who gets seizures if there are multiple flashes over someone like Trump any day. That being said, I'd take someone like Jill Stein over Hillary any day as well, even if Jill Stein was the one with the seizures.

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