Reporter states Secret Service took cell phones because of hilary's seizure disorder....

More evidence that Hillary has Parkinson's.

REPORTER: “This is why it was banned apparently because the Secret Service did not trust people to disable the flashes on their cameras and they were afraid it would inspire Hillary’s seizure disorder.”

A reported admitted on Monday that the Secret Service told reporters not to use a flash because of Hillary Clinton’s seizure disorder. Via Mike Cernovich:

Secret Service told reporters at the #debate not to use flash so that it won't trigger Hillary's seizure disorder.
Regan had Alzheimers so some humans do get those types of diseases.

He didn't show any symptoms until long after he left the White House. Hillary would have no chance of being elected if the voters knew the truth about her medical condition.
No. He clearly showed symptoms while he was in the white house and he was diagnosed right after leaving the office. Its a progressive disease so most people that arent morons know he had it while in the office. His son even said so. You were just ignorant to notice.

Reagan Son Claims Dad Had Alzheimer's as President

It's on thing to get sick while you're president, it's another thing to be sick BEFORE you even run, and not tell anyone, especially if it's a disease that will prevent you from carrying out your duties. Your comparison doesn't hold up.

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