Reporter tries gotcha question on Vivek, he gives an EPIC response

No that's not true. He repeatedly used the term "vicious racial discrimination". That's not a term I've ever heard or heard used before.

At first I thought perhaps he meant "violent" racial discrimination but no he used the same term repeatedly, so from my perspective he's okay with some racial discrimination as long as it's not "vicious" :rolleyes:
Pick a nit, why dontcha.

And if he said “violent” you would whine and cry he is good with any racial discrimination that isn’t violent.

The desperation you clowns demonstrate is hilarious.
White people EVERYWHERE are crying about allegedly being "innocent" of past offenses surrounding everything from slavery to Jim Crow to affirmative action yet are going to be "punished" if Black people in America are paid reparations.

This in spite of the fact that they have repeatedly been reassured that reparations are paid by the government because it was the government that sanctioned and allowed the unconstitutional offenses that white society committed against Black Americans, all to no avail.
Great! Another single digit IQ Dimwinger in the board.

”paid by the government”…where does the government get its money, Simp?
No, he quantified his answer by specifying that he condemns only a certain of racism, vicious racial discrimination which is a term I've never heard before and one he did not bother to define.
Or more likely he considers all forms of racial discrimination “vicious”, Moron.
If someone asks me a direct question: "Do you beat your wife"? And I respond with a long-winded answer that no women should be beaten blah blah blah... but don't answer the question directly - what does that tell you?

Well, that's exactly the reason why Vivek lost and the reporter got exactly what she was looking for. Simply that, Republicans will hem and haw when asked to condemn White supremacy.

And you idiots think that Vivek won. :laughing0301:
And your stupid enough to believe in the White Supremacy Myth,,,,,,,,Deep State idiot, you voted in a warmongering imbecile.
It is amazing about how the Left / Libtards dont think about the Long Term Consequences of any of their actions.
What is "real racism" and what do you think is fake racism?
Im not reading posts that have that weird format. Rewrite that shit if you want me to respond, or kick rocks. I dont care either way.
So according to him some racism is acceptable as long as it's not "vicious" racism with "vicious" perhaps referring to bombing churches, lynching people, torching their homes, businesses & communities, things sort of like that?
Nah, fuck you bitch. We know how you dipshits twist everything into being racist. No more. You have to find REAL racism if you want anyone to care, but you guys just cant seem to find any no matter how hard you look. :dunno:
Pick a nit, why dontcha.

And if he said “violent” you would whine and cry he is good with any racial discrimination that isn’t violent.

The desperation you clowns demonstrate is hilarious.
If he meant ALL racism there would have been no need to quantify his answer. So are you saying that we should not take him at his word?
Great! Another single digit IQ Dimwinger in the board.

”paid by the government”…where does the government get its money, Simp?
Oh nooz, another "innocent" white person who thinks the government is going to come ringing his doorbell to collect his portion of the "Reparations for ALL Black people" fund.
Nah, fuck you bitch. We know how you dipshits twist everything into being racist. No more. You have to find REAL racism if you want anyone to care, but you guys just cant seem to find any no matter how hard you look. :dunno:
Ahhh, you got a crush on Vivek Ramaswamy? Cause you certainly came to his defense like he's going to change your life <snicker>
Oh nooz, another "innocent" white person who thinks the government is going to come ringing his doorbell to collect his portion of the "Reparations for ALL Black people" fund.
So you have no clue where the government gets it’s money.

Got it.
Wow you're doing double duty trying to convince people that he didn't mean exactly what he said.

I've never heard that term before "vicious racism". Have you?
So you are trying to convince us white supremacy isn't vicious?

Why are you defending white supremacists, your racist vermin?

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