Reports of shots fired after a vehicle mowed down pedestrians in Lower Manhattan


Let us face it squarely and head on the democrats simply will never face up to the islamic terrorism problem aka threat to America...aka threat to the entire western world... aka assymetric warfare. That they do not get and obviously never will get ...thus they are part of the problem. Which means in order to defeat ISIS and all the other islamic terrorists we must first defeat these stupid democratic, liberal and politically correct politicians some of which call themselves republicans. So the bottom line is simply that the American people must wise up and vote the enemies out of office.....that is if you want America to survive.
If a neo-Nazi kills, we debate about "white supremacy." If Muslim terrorist kills, where's the debate about "Islamic supremacy"?

These wacko leftwingers are incapable of debate.....too much logic in the debate process....all they are capable of is name calling and infantile efforts to demonize those who stand up for America.
As a sovereign nation, we have a right to use ANY criteria - country of origin, religion, hair color - to keep people out.

Any criteria.


deal with it.

Theroreticaly....yes....but the actual reality is that as long as our immigration policy is determined by liberal judges and politicians we will keep bringing in people that we should not bring in. We had a sane immigration policy before 1965 when LBJ and the usual suspects changed it...aka radicalized it....aka....began to favor 3rd world immigrants in the name of diversity.
In 2010, when Saipov came here, 69% of Uzbek immigrants got green cards via the Diversity Visa Lottery.

Exactly...and who was responsible for that program? Without even knowing them by name...I know who they really are.....enemies of America.
Charlottesville: a white man's car is attacked & he hits a woman while trying to escape. "TEAR DOWN ALL WHITE HISTORY & CIVIL RIGHTS!"

NYC: A Muslim purposely mows down 8 in the name of Islam. "PROTECT ALL MUSLIMS FROM ISLAMAPHOBIA!"

Right on target! When the enemy gets his foes to turn on themselves...victory is assured.
If a neo-Nazi kills, we debate about "white supremacy." If Muslim terrorist kills, where's the debate about "Islamic supremacy"?

Too logical for the democrats aka leftwingers aka liberals aka progressives aka politically correct democrats and republicans aka the establishment aka the elite aka the enemies of America.
Did you also notice that the despicable Chuck Schumer didn’t cry for the latest 8 victims of Islamic hate, but he did cry for the Terrorist on Trump’s travel ban?
It is all quite simple really....either you are with us (America) or you are against us....I am talking primarily about elected politicians who are too stupid to deal with the Islamic Jihadists in a manner which would rid them of these shores.
Did you also notice that the despicable Chuck Schumer didn’t cry for the latest 8 victims of Islamic hate, but he did cry for the Terrorist on Trump’s travel ban?

Yes....what a pos that moron is.....another example where the people failed....unless you want the demise of America....and let us be honest...a lot of radical liberals would not the mind the destruction of America...aka obama....I will fundamentally change America aka in order to save it(in their view)they must first destroy it aka fundamentally change it. And so many naive Americans voted twice for the traitor not understanding what he meant by 'change'.
According to witnesses, a man in a box truck veered off the road and struck the victims. The unidentified suspect was later taken into custody.

Two dead, 8 injured: Shots fired in Manhattan after truck crash

We need truck control......and we need to ban all cars bigger than the smart car....if it only saves one life...right?

We need zero Muslims here. Plain and simple.
Oh, I so agree with you and while at it, can we please pack up all the whites as well?
It is all quite simple really....either you are with us (America) or you are against us....I am talking primarily about elected politicians who are too stupid to deal with the Islamic Jihadists in a manner which would rid them of these shores.

The Great Orange Douche is fixing the problem.


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