Reports of shots fired after a vehicle mowed down pedestrians in Lower Manhattan

These far right guys were quite popular in Christian circles:

What culture encourages mass murderers of the kind the good ol' USA produces...??

Yeah, you wish..

He doesn't have to wish, since it is already true.

You are simply too stupid and too ignorant to know what is going on, here. If you have any working brain cells that all the drug use hasn't yet killed, perhaps you can apply yourself to learning about the subject matter instead of just saying stupid shit because you have been trained like a Rhesus monkey to defend Islam. .
Sounds like he's still alive, which is (comparatively) good. We need to get inside the heads of people like this.
------------------------ rectfully asked , WHY Mac ??
I'd want to know as much as possible about him. What made him this way, what his life is like here, who he knows, what he saw and heard here in the US, what that culture is like domestically, what he knows in general.

It's better than having him smoldering in the street. I want some answers.
I doubt we will learn anything, but perhaps we should torture him just for the fun of it.

Probably loner loser wanting to make a big splash and go out famous.

Usual crap

His profile is not one of a loser...he was employed,good job, had friends, married with kids loved America according to some...yet at some point he either became radicalized or was a deep cover agent sent here by ISIS to do what he did. Bottom line we cannot vet these folks...impossible....also impossible to say which one of them after they get here will do something like this...this sort of attack is impossible to stop even by New Yorks finest which is without dispute the best trained police force in what is the can we effectively combat this kind of terrorism?
What culture encourages mass murderers of the kind the good ol' USA produces...??

Yeah, you wish..

He doesn't have to wish, since it is already true.

You are simply too stupid and too ignorant to know what is going on, here. If you have any working brain cells that all the drug use hasn't yet killed, perhaps you can apply yourself to learning about the subject matter instead of just saying stupid shit because you have been trained like a Rhesus monkey to defend Islam. .

I think he might be more than that.....definite subject for investigation...I am forwarding his info to the proper authorities.
What culture encourages mass murderers of the kind the good ol' USA produces...??

Yeah, you wish..

He doesn't have to wish, since it is already true.

You are simply too stupid and too ignorant to know what is going on, here. If you have any working brain cells that all the drug use hasn't yet killed, perhaps you can apply yourself to learning about the subject matter instead of just saying stupid shit because you have been trained like a Rhesus monkey to defend Islam. .
Humans kill for many reasons and religion is just one of the reasons people kill, there are many others yet you never say anything when a white guy from the USA does it except"don't ban guns".....Most illogical..
Bet he has been at least a visitor to a mosque on Florida’s treasure coast...
Sounds like he's still alive, which is (comparatively) good. We need to get inside the heads of people like this.
------------------------ rectfully asked , WHY Mac ??
I'd want to know as much as possible about him. What made him this way, what his life is like here, who he knows, what he saw and heard here in the US, what that culture is like domestically, what he knows in general.

It's better than having him smoldering in the street. I want some answers.
Early reports are that he's an Uzbek national, so it'll be interesting to know how long he's been here.
Came here supposidly in 2010

And that is the real problem.....he was here as well as others like him...expect more of the same.

They declared war on us decades ago....the democrats/liberals/politically correct elements still cannot get a grip on that.
.how can we effectively combat this kind of terrorism?

None of these moronic apologists WANT us to combat terrorism.

All they understand is that all their little peeps congratulate them for their tolerance if they support it and call them names if they oppose it.
What culture encourages mass murderers of the kind the good ol' USA produces...??

Yeah, you wish..

He doesn't have to wish, since it is already true.

You are simply too stupid and too ignorant to know what is going on, here. If you have any working brain cells that all the drug use hasn't yet killed, perhaps you can apply yourself to learning about the subject matter instead of just saying stupid shit because you have been trained like a Rhesus monkey to defend Islam. .

I think he might be more than that.....definite subject for investigation...I am forwarding his info to the proper authorities.
You don't need to I've been a member since holding a top security clearance in the Army...
What culture encourages mass murderers of the kind the good ol' USA produces...??

Yeah, you wish..

He doesn't have to wish, since it is already true.

You are simply too stupid and too ignorant to know what is going on, here. If you have any working brain cells that all the drug use hasn't yet killed, perhaps you can apply yourself to learning about the subject matter instead of just saying stupid shit because you have been trained like a Rhesus monkey to defend Islam. .
Humans kill for many reasons and religion is just one of the reasons people kill, there are many others yet you never say anything when a white guy from the USA does it except"don't ban guns".....Most illogical..

Banning guns would solve nothing as this case and many others demonstrate...look at England...banned guns...yet they have suffered more casualties than any other country at the hands of islamic jihadists.

What is logical is that we have enough problems already here in America....crazy people, gambling addicts, drug addicts etc. makes no sense to import more problems.
What culture encourages mass murderers of the kind the good ol' USA produces...??

Yeah, you wish..

He doesn't have to wish, since it is already true.

You are simply too stupid and too ignorant to know what is going on, here. If you have any working brain cells that all the drug use hasn't yet killed, perhaps you can apply yourself to learning about the subject matter instead of just saying stupid shit because you have been trained like a Rhesus monkey to defend Islam. .
Humans kill for many reasons and religion is just one of the reasons people kill, there are many others yet you never say anything when a white guy from the USA does it except"don't ban guns".....Most illogical..

Banning guns would solve nothing as this case and many others demonstrate...look at England...banned guns...yet they have suffered more casualties than any other country at the hands of islamic jihadists.

What is logical is that we have enough problems already here in America....crazy people, gambling addicts, drug addicts etc. makes no sense to import more problems.
If that be true then they would have stopped it 200 years ago..
Muslims are often the victim of their own religion.
You aren't fooling anyone. You don't hate Muslims because they hate gays.

And you apparently have no clue that Dawkins hates Christians.
Wow, just completely make shit up to prove a "point". That's also known as a "straw man argument". Good.

And I'm well aware that Dawkins is an atheist and travels the country doing talks on it. He spoke several times in public with Christopher Hitchens (RIP Hitch) and Sam Harris, two of my favorite thinkers.

You may want to try this garbage on someone else.
See, you were attempting to commiserate with your fellow anti-Muslim bigots and tossed out a big splashy Dawkins quote.

Well, let's show your friends what Dawkins has to say about Christians, shall we?

Why I refuse to debate with William Lane Craig | Richard Dawkins

Most churchmen these days wisely disown the horrific genocides ordered by the God of the Old Testament. Anyone who criticises the divine bloodlust is loudly accused of unfairly ignoring the historical context, and of naive literalism towards what was never more than metaphor or myth. You would search far to find a modern preacher willing to defend God's commandment, in Deuteronomy 20: 13-15, to kill all the men in a conquered city and to seize the women, children and livestock as plunder. And verses 16 and 17 are even worse:

"But of the cities of these people, which the LORD thy God doth give thee for an inheritance, thou shalt save alive nothing that breatheth: But thou shalt utterly destroy them"

You might say that such a call to genocide could never have come from a good and loving God.

And then, of course, there's Dawkins' television series The Root of All Evil, which is his opinion of all religion.
I'm agnostic. You may be trying to prove something, but it's really not working. I like Dawkins, and other honest liberals who are either agnostics atheists, such as Sam Harris, Hitchens, etc.

Again, you won't be able to find one quote of mine that indicates that I "hate Muslims". This is all in your head, and that's fine with me - I get silly shit from both ends of the spectrum every day.
.how can we effectively combat this kind of terrorism?

None of these moronic apologists WANT us to combat terrorism.

All they understand is that all their little peeps congratulate them for their tolerance if they support it and call them names if they oppose it.

Excellent analysis.
It's TardLogic™. And you're a tard, too.

Only a fucking asshole dumb fuck moron retard would believe someone doesn't want to combat terrorism.

Hating all Muslims like you fucking retards do does not combat terrorism.

Here's the TardLogic™ of both sides in action:

LIBTARD: Guns just killed some more people. We must ban them.

RUBE: Cars kill a lot more people than guns. So I guess we should ban them, too, right? Right? Right?

FOX NEWS: Some more Muslims just killed some more people. Every time any Muslim anywhere kills someone, we will be right here to tell you all about it, with doom music.

I’m not gonna say all mosques teach hate here, but more than we can fathom do. I also suspect women are not privy to all that goes on within the men’s teachings. I do know almost all teach they will overrun the earth one day with Islam.
.how can we effectively combat this kind of terrorism?

None of these moronic apologists WANT us to combat terrorism.

All they understand is that all their little peeps congratulate them for their tolerance if they support it and call them names if they oppose it.
Really here....


The NRA makes sure Americans are well armed with automatic GUNS!
To Terrorize America.
Another terror attack Trump has failed to prevent.
There are far too many Muslims in this country to stop
Welcomed by Obama.......prevention involves not allowing them here to begin with the news conference in N.Y. they went on and on about the NYPD being the best trained anti-terrorism force in America....i would not dispute that...but the fact remains they could not prevent this in such attacks are impossibile or almost impossible to prevent no matter how good your police force may be.

The solution is as you say....too simple for some to comprehend obviously...makes too much sense...they had rather present propaganda aka nonsense at a time that calls for hard cold logic covered with common sense...apparantly the elitists are incapable of that.
They interviewed him over his terrorist ties.....should have sent him home then
You really are dense on US law.
Really here....


The NRA makes sure Americans are well armed with automatic GUNS!
To Terrorize America.

Try to explain how.

Most Of America's MASS Terror attacks are done by 100% American BORN Whitey. And Not by colored, white or cream colored Muslims!
Christian terrorism - Wikipedia

By the way... Current 100% American BORN Whitey leader.


And I don't feel he was a racist. And why was he not taking down by unpaid NRA Gun Nutters? Why do the cops have to deal with them, Gun Nutter cowards?
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