Reports of shots fired after a vehicle mowed down pedestrians in Lower Manhattan

Trump would consider sending the NYC attacker to GITMO....

President Trump, in his first public remarks since Tuesday’s terror attack in New York, called the suspect an ‘animal’ and threatened to send him to Guantanamo Bay.

We have to get much tougher,” Trump said Wednesday ahead of a cabinet meeting at the White House — threatening to send suspect Sayfullo Saipov to the notorious prison in Cuba and calling for tougher immigration laws.

"That was a horrible event and we have to stop it and we have to stop it cold. We also have to come up with a punishment that is far quicker and far greater in the punishment these animals are getting right now,” Trump said.

Responding to a shouted question from a reporter, Trump said he would think about holding Saipov, 30, at the notorious detention center.

Trump threatens to send Manhattan terrorist to Guantanamo Bay
Sounds like he wants to hook up his you know whats to a large battery.
Another "soldier of Allah" bringing cultural enrichment to America.

and by the way.....

he ain't no lone wolf.

You know it. Hopefully others will catch on.

The good news is that many are waking up, they are beginning to understand how the situation really is,and not how it "seems" to be.

About time too. :thup:
LOL! Americans kill more Americans.
Over 12,000 each year. And you can't see that Islam kills less than 30 a year in America.
Keep your blinders on. And Faux news propaganda will keep you misinformed, as you like it.
Looks like we’ve been infiltrated...

And they want to shut down discussion of this tragedy by a terrorist, possibly with accomplices.

Uh oh, the Fourth Reich of the Catholic Church mass American killing factory line in working towards a Fifth Reich must be paying off more Islam Christiananality pedophile mentalities for following party lines to keep the death toll making them monies.
Cryin Chuck had tears when President Trump signed the refugee ban. Well, 8 American families are crying because he gave a Diversity Visa to their killer
Second person of interest

The Fuhrer's Brainwashing Inquisition which should have turned it's attention to all KKK Islam pedophiles in past decades & beheaded the Islam Christiananality pedophile mentalities to avoid Muslims reactions; but how else can the Catholic Church run it's Fourth Reich killing machine?
Cryin Chuck had tears when President Trump signed the refugee ban. Well, 8 American families are crying because he gave a Diversity Visa to their killer
5,6 or is it 7 of the dead are not Americans.
There were
Five Argentine killed!
Faux news is leaving this little fact out of their made up propaganda spews.
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The stunning difference between Trump's reaction to the Las Vegas shooting and the NYC attack

On October 1, a man shot and killed 58 people at an outdoor concert in Las Vegas -- the largest mass murder in modern American history.

On October 3, President Donald Trump was asked about the impact of the shooting on current gun laws -- and possible future gun control measures. He said that his administration and Congress would "be talking about gun laws as time goes by." Trump was also asked whether the shooting was an act of domestic terrorism. He declined to answer.
On October 4, in Las Vegas, Trump was again asked about possible legislative action on guns. "We're not going to talk about that today," he responded. "We won't talk about that."

Fast forward 30 days.

On October 31, an Uzbek man drives a rental truck in a bike lane in New York City. He kills eight people and injures a dozen more.

Within hours, Trump tweeted this: "In NYC, looks like another attack by a very sick and deranged person. Law enforcement is following this closely. NOT IN THE U.S.A.!" He followed up with a second tweet last night: "We must not allow ISIS to return, or enter, our country after defeating them in the Middle East and elsewhere. Enough!" And a third: "I have just ordered Homeland Security to step up our already Extreme Vetting Program. Being politically correct is fine, but not for this!"
The stunning difference between Trump's reaction to the Las Vegas shooting and the NYC attack - CNNPolitics

:dunno: The Great Orange Douche seems to not care about 100% American BORN Gun Nutters Terrorist shooting and killing more Americans!
As Islam is not even killing 100 per year here.
More like under 30 per year, if even that.

First of all boyo the las vegas shooting was not the largest mass murder in America...that was The second twin towers attack in NYC which you seem to have forgotten about and you probably never even heard of the first attack on the WTC...anyhow the motive behind the las vegas shooter has yet to be determined and may never be determined. Terrorism is the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims...since the motive of the las vegas shooter is unknown it cannot accurately be called terrorism and thus Trump was correct not to label it terrorism.

You appear not even to understand that we are at war with Islamic terrorism and it is certainly more appropriate to attach more importance to the threat posed by Islamic terrorism and especialy islamic attacks here in America by ISIS than to some some son of a psychopath who was suicidal and also very likely also psychotic. You need to get your priorities in order.
Second person of interest

The Fuhrer's Brainwashing Inquisition which should have turned it's attention to all KKK Islam pedophiles in past decades & beheaded the Islam Christiananality pedophile mentalities to avoid Muslims reactions; but how else can the Catholic Church run it's Fourth Reich killing machine?

Is there a psychiatrist on here?.....this guy needs your help.
Cryin Chuck had tears when President Trump signed the refugee ban. Well, 8 American families are crying because he gave a Diversity Visa to their killer

Schumer is the epitome of the sort of politicians we need to get rid of....the sooner the better.
Second person of interest

The Fuhrer's Brainwashing Inquisition which should have turned it's attention to all KKK Islam pedophiles in past decades & beheaded the Islam Christiananality pedophile mentalities to avoid Muslims reactions; but how else can the Catholic Church run it's Fourth Reich killing machine?

You normally just talk gibberish or is this something new for you?
The FBI and NYPD are looking now for a second person of interest in Tuesday's Manhattan truck attack.

2nd Person Wanted for Questioning in NYC Truck Attack: FBI

Looks like their 'lone wolf' proclamation is down the shitter. They had no problem in saying at the infamous news conference right after the shooting that the shooter was a lone wolf but they would not admit he had shouted alla akhbar...or that he was a muslim....said they must do some more investigating.....they have a lot of FBI agents investigating Trump when they should be using them to investigate suspicious muslims here in America...and also it has come out the FBI interviewed this guy a couple of yrs. ago since he was in contact with some known terrorists but the FBI said there was not enough evidence to do anything about him.....can you believe that? Once agains the FBI demonstrates their inability to deal with Islamic Terrorists. Since he was here on a green would have been very easy to revoke it and ship him back to where he came from....but oh wait....that would not have been politically correct and even if they had tried some judge would probably have struck it down. The beat goes in....the beat down of America.

Second person of interest

The Fuhrer's Brainwashing Inquisition which should have turned it's attention to all KKK Islam pedophiles in past decades & beheaded the Islam Christiananality pedophile mentalities to avoid Muslims reactions; but how else can the Catholic Church run it's Fourth Reich killing machine?

You normally just talk gibberish or is this something new for you?

The guy is in need of some serious help aka a strait jacket.
Cryin Chuck had tears when President Trump signed the refugee ban. Well, 8 American families are crying because he gave a Diversity Visa to their killer
5,6 or is it 7 of the dead are not Americans.
There were
Five Argentine killed!
Faux news is leaving this little fact out of their made up propaganda spews.

Are you trying to say 5 of the victims of the terrorist attack in N.Y. were do you know that?...and if it is true were they tourists or living here?
Trump would consider sending the NYC attacker to GITMO....

President Trump, in his first public remarks since Tuesday’s terror attack in New York, called the suspect an ‘animal’ and threatened to send him to Guantanamo Bay.

We have to get much tougher,” Trump said Wednesday ahead of a cabinet meeting at the White House — threatening to send suspect Sayfullo Saipov to the notorious prison in Cuba and calling for tougher immigration laws.

"That was a horrible event and we have to stop it and we have to stop it cold. We also have to come up with a punishment that is far quicker and far greater in the punishment these animals are getting right now,” Trump said.

Responding to a shouted question from a reporter, Trump said he would think about holding Saipov, 30, at the notorious detention center.

Trump threatens to send Manhattan terrorist to Guantanamo Bay
Sounds like he wants to hook up his you know whats to a large battery.

hehheh They could use him for a demonstration of water boarding. When are we going to start giving these islamic terrorists the death penalty?
Another "soldier of Allah" bringing cultural enrichment to America.

and by the way.....

he ain't no lone wolf.

You know it. Hopefully others will catch on.

The good news is that many are waking up, they are beginning to understand how the situation really is,and not how it "seems" to be.

About time too. :thup:

Yes...I agree and the election of Trump proves it and the upcoming mid-term elections will demonstrate it very conclusively....the democratic party will not survive in its present form.
The stunning difference between Trump's reaction to the Las Vegas shooting and the NYC attack

On October 1, a man shot and killed 58 people at an outdoor concert in Las Vegas -- the largest mass murder in modern American history.

On October 3, President Donald Trump was asked about the impact of the shooting on current gun laws -- and possible future gun control measures. He said that his administration and Congress would "be talking about gun laws as time goes by." Trump was also asked whether the shooting was an act of domestic terrorism. He declined to answer.
On October 4, in Las Vegas, Trump was again asked about possible legislative action on guns. "We're not going to talk about that today," he responded. "We won't talk about that."

Fast forward 30 days.

On October 31, an Uzbek man drives a rental truck in a bike lane in New York City. He kills eight people and injures a dozen more.

Within hours, Trump tweeted this: "In NYC, looks like another attack by a very sick and deranged person. Law enforcement is following this closely. NOT IN THE U.S.A.!" He followed up with a second tweet last night: "We must not allow ISIS to return, or enter, our country after defeating them in the Middle East and elsewhere. Enough!" And a third: "I have just ordered Homeland Security to step up our already Extreme Vetting Program. Being politically correct is fine, but not for this!"
The stunning difference between Trump's reaction to the Las Vegas shooting and the NYC attack - CNNPolitics

:dunno: The Great Orange Douche seems to not care about 100% American BORN Gun Nutters Terrorist shooting and killing more Americans!
As Islam is not even killing 100 per year here.
More like under 30 per year, if even that.

First of all boyo the las vegas shooting was not the largest mass murder in America...that was The second twin towers attack in NYC which you seem to have forgotten about and you probably never even heard of the first attack on the WTC...anyhow the motive behind the las vegas shooter has yet to be determined and may never be determined. Terrorism is the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims...since the motive of the las vegas shooter is unknown it cannot accurately be called terrorism and thus Trump was correct not to label it terrorism.

You appear not even to understand that we are at war with Islamic terrorism and it is certainly more appropriate to attach more importance to the threat posed by Islamic terrorism and especialy islamic attacks here in America by ISIS than to some some son of a psychopath who was suicidal and also very likely also psychotic. You need to get your priorities in order.

Let see here? Las Vegas Shooter kills 58 and wounds 546.
Claimed reason by the truck driver in NY., it was done for isis.
Kills 8 (5 non-Americans) and wounds 11 or 12.

Pretty clear, Americans kill way more Americans and should be dealt with first.

As we deal with the others lessor non-American LOSERS.

It's interesting you want to chase the ones (Muslim) who kill fewer Americans first.

So with your nonsense. We should jail the NRA leaders as co-conspirators in American mass murder.
As the NRA runs internet/Tee Vee advertisement to buy more auto-guns. That are for killing humans in battle.
Like how ISIS does advertises on the internet to kill us with trucks.

btw: Where is that 30-day plan to destroy ISIS from the Great Douche?
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we should stop certain countries from sending people here for awhile. It's not like you have a right to move to our country

Haven't you heard....that is politically incorrect and our judiciary being of that persuasion will not tolerate using common sense in regards to islamic in they keep preaching not all muslims are which I reply not all Germans were nazis but look what happened there.

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