Reports of shots fired after a vehicle mowed down pedestrians in Lower Manhattan

So let me see here?


Daddy GOP Repugger Bush signed this into law!
Dubya in 2001 did not cancel this law after 911!
The Dems offered to cancel this program, but the GOP refused to cancel this law.
The Great Orange Douche Blames Chuck Schumer!
Why? Are there any other attacks done from/by people coming in on this program over the last 36 years?
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The Troglocrats lie about Islamic hate and violence being a myth

I see your point, just before I walk over the real problem.


and ITS DOPer followers.

Doubt the Drumpf measures up to the burning Bush's where dubya, after those KKK Federal Lynching churchstate of hate cops fabricated misnomer of not standing for the national anthem at a MLB grapefruit game not even attended, where here yet again another Arab terrorist lived to attack NYC like for 9/11; where those Tex-ass Rangers of some Klues Klucks duh Klans pedophiles lynching for assassinating JFK with that "man is God" joke which replied hadn't heard since getting kidnapped by the KKK decades ago, in turning down free baseball tickets where KKK churchstate cops traveled all the way to Washington, D.C. to baptize eyes by urinations yet again.
The Troglocrats lie about Islamic hate and violence being a myth

I see your point, just before I walk over the real problem.


and ITS DOPer followers.

Doubt the Drumpf measures up to the burning Bush's where dubya, after those KKK Federal Lynching churchstate of hate cops fabricated misnomer of not standing for the national anthem at a MLB grapefruit game not even attended, where here yet again another Arab terrorist lived to attack NYC like for 9/11; where those Tex-ass Rangers of some Klues Klucks duh Klans pedophiles lynching for assassinating JFK with that "man is God" joke which replied hadn't heard since getting kidnapped by the KKK decades ago, in turning down free baseball tickets where KKK churchstate cops traveled all the way to Washington, D.C. to baptize eyes by urinations yet again.

DrumpF is way worse.
Interesting article in 'The Sun' this morning:

The literal English translation of the phrase Allahu Akbar is "God is greater".

Known as the "Takbir" it has been used in traditional Muslim prayers for centuries and is used as a peaceful reminder of their religious commitment.

They are the opening words of the Adhan (Islamic call to prayer) and is also often used in approval in the same way Christians say "Amen".

Arabic speaking Christians are also known to use the phrase as an expression of their faith.

A number of Muslim countries feature the phrase on their national flags, including Iraq, Iran and Afghanistan.

The phrase is not found in the Koran. . .​
What does Allahu Akbar mean? What is the English translation of the phrase used in Muslim prayers?

The first known incident of the phrase being used was by Mohammed as he led his 'troops' into a battle. Peaceful Muslims use the phrase to open daily prayer and don't like the idea of the terrorists using it.

According to the article, the mayor of Venice has given orders to shoot on sight anybody shouting the phrase.
You really are dense on US law.
Really here....


The NRA makes sure Americans are well armed with automatic GUNS!
To Terrorize America.

Try to explain how.

Most Of America's MASS Terror attacks are done by 100% American BORN Whitey. And Not by colored, white or cream colored Muslims!
Christian terrorism - Wikipedia

By the way... Current 100% American BORN Whitey leader.


And I don't feel he was a racist. And why was he not taking down by unpaid NRA Gun Nutters? Why do the cops have to deal with them, Gun Nutter cowards?

Leader ? Of what ?
You really are dense on US law.
Really here....


The NRA makes sure Americans are well armed with automatic GUNS!
To Terrorize America.

Try to explain how.

Most Of America's MASS Terror attacks are done by 100% American BORN Whitey. And Not by colored, white or cream colored Muslims!
Christian terrorism - Wikipedia

By the way... Current 100% American BORN Whitey leader.


And I don't feel he was a racist. And why was he not taking down by unpaid NRA Gun Nutters? Why do the cops have to deal with them, Gun Nutter cowards?

Leader ? Of what ?

NRA HERO Gun Nutter Approved LEADER killer!
Why they need more guns.
Trump would consider sending the NYC attacker to GITMO....

President Trump, in his first public remarks since Tuesday’s terror attack in New York, called the suspect an ‘animal’ and threatened to send him to Guantanamo Bay.

We have to get much tougher,” Trump said Wednesday ahead of a cabinet meeting at the White House — threatening to send suspect Sayfullo Saipov to the notorious prison in Cuba and calling for tougher immigration laws.

"That was a horrible event and we have to stop it and we have to stop it cold. We also have to come up with a punishment that is far quicker and far greater in the punishment these animals are getting right now,” Trump said.

Responding to a shouted question from a reporter, Trump said he would think about holding Saipov, 30, at the notorious detention center.

Trump threatens to send Manhattan terrorist to Guantanamo Bay
Trump would consider sending the NYC attacker to GITMO....

President Trump, in his first public remarks since Tuesday’s terror attack in New York, called the suspect an ‘animal’ and threatened to send him to Guantanamo Bay.

We have to get much tougher,” Trump said Wednesday ahead of a cabinet meeting at the White House — threatening to send suspect Sayfullo Saipov to the notorious prison in Cuba and calling for tougher immigration laws.

"That was a horrible event and we have to stop it and we have to stop it cold. We also have to come up with a punishment that is far quicker and far greater in the punishment these animals are getting right now,” Trump said.

Responding to a shouted question from a reporter, Trump said he would think about holding Saipov, 30, at the notorious detention center.

Trump threatens to send Manhattan terrorist to Guantanamo Bay

The Great Orange Douche did bring back our Torture Programs by EO's I recall. Right?

I'm for drilling in 3" drywall screws into his body BONES, no painkillers allowed.
Then each week add a few new ones, in new locations. Remove a few older ones. Rinse, and Repeat, weekly!
Waterboarding is so lame.

btw. Why is the Great Douche not executing Gitmo prisoners?

I like this rat in a cage with hot coal at the top!


Maybe Cheese whiz on the equipment? Christianity approved torture devices are godly GOOD!

WHEE! But the screws will be better to torture IT way longer.
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The New York Times article put it correctly when it said the phrase means 'God is great' in Arabic.
'Allah is great' means that Allah is great in English. Yahweh is great means Yahweh, the 'God' of the Judeo-Christian cultures, is great. Otherwise, it's 'God is great'. Saying 'Allah is great', means 'God is great' is joining in the mindset and linguistics/propaganda of a declared enemy of those cultures.
The Troglocrats lie about Islamic hate and violence being a myth

I see your point, just before I walk over the real problem.


and ITS DOPer followers.

Doubt the Drumpf measures up to the burning Bush's where dubya, after those KKK Federal Lynching churchstate of hate cops fabricated misnomer of not standing for the national anthem at a MLB grapefruit game not even attended, where here yet again another Arab terrorist lived to attack NYC like for 9/11; where those Tex-ass Rangers of some Klues Klucks duh Klans pedophiles lynching for assassinating JFK with that "man is God" joke which replied hadn't heard since getting kidnapped by the KKK decades ago, in turning down free baseball tickets where KKK churchstate cops traveled all the way to Washington, D.C. to baptize eyes by urinations yet again.

DrumpF is way worse.

So in that money talks & BS walks tradition where it's all bought & paid for, making America a waste of time due to it's all being organized crime; getting into the Islam Christiananality pedophile residents seat to continue fixing all godvernment business for the oilgarchy; since he started with more funds the pyramid scheme can substantially surpass the Bush's still smoldering patriot act killing of Americans spree with ease making it worse......
Looks like we’ve been infiltrated...

And they want to shut down discussion of this tragedy by a terrorist, possibly with accomplices.
Dear President Trump:

Diversity Lottery Winners admitted today will be rightfully blamed on YOU.
"The US Constitution's judicial system has protected America from dictators and tyranny for 230 years. It remains resilient and remarkable" - Psycho Joe Scarborough
we should stop certain countries from sending people here for awhile. It's not like you have a right to move to our country
I like this rat in a cage with hot coal at top!

we should stop certain countries from sending people here for awhile. It's not like you have a right to move to our country


Dang! Right! We Stole it from others. Btw. The Driver was legal.

and last.


They know! As America's problems started with religious thieving Whitey.
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I like this rat in a cage with hot coal at top!

we should stop certain countries from sending people here for awhile. It's not like you have a right to move to our country


Dang! Right! We Stole it from others. Btw. The Driver was legal.

and last.


The indians stole it from other indians....

They were here already. And they seem to also come for the lower brown countries down south.
Another "soldier of Allah" bringing cultural enrichment to America.

and by the way.....

he ain't no lone wolf.

You know it. Hopefully others will catch on.

The good news is that many are waking up, they are beginning to understand how the situation really is,and not how it "seems" to be.

About time too. :thup:
The stunning difference between Trump's reaction to the Las Vegas shooting and the NYC attack

On October 1, a man shot and killed 58 people at an outdoor concert in Las Vegas -- the largest mass murder in modern American history.

On October 3, President Donald Trump was asked about the impact of the shooting on current gun laws -- and possible future gun control measures. He said that his administration and Congress would "be talking about gun laws as time goes by." Trump was also asked whether the shooting was an act of domestic terrorism. He declined to answer.
On October 4, in Las Vegas, Trump was again asked about possible legislative action on guns. "We're not going to talk about that today," he responded. "We won't talk about that."

Fast forward 30 days.

On October 31, an Uzbek man drives a rental truck in a bike lane in New York City. He kills eight people and injures a dozen more.

Within hours, Trump tweeted this: "In NYC, looks like another attack by a very sick and deranged person. Law enforcement is following this closely. NOT IN THE U.S.A.!" He followed up with a second tweet last night: "We must not allow ISIS to return, or enter, our country after defeating them in the Middle East and elsewhere. Enough!" And a third: "I have just ordered Homeland Security to step up our already Extreme Vetting Program. Being politically correct is fine, but not for this!"
The stunning difference between Trump's reaction to the Las Vegas shooting and the NYC attack - CNNPolitics

:dunno: The Great Orange Douche seems to not care about 100% American BORN Gun Nutters Terrorist shooting and killing more Americans!
As Islam is not even killing 100 per year here.
More like under 30 per year, if even that.

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