Reports of shots fired after a vehicle mowed down pedestrians in Lower Manhattan

I could not agree more.......bottom line they are all about fundamentally changing America....aka destroy it in order to save it...that is their mindset. Real Americans need to wise up and try and see what is going on...turn off the t.v. set aka the fake news and get rid of the NFL addiction and distraction....focus on what must be done to save America....get rid of the leftwing polticians along with the pc republican elitists aka the establishment career politicians who care more about their careers than they do America....if the American Working class wises up....those who would destroy America will themselves be destroyed...time for action folks.

That is the ticket folks!
If Americans would've understood there are NO lone wolfs attacks.....

when it comes to Islamist attacks.....:dunno:

Deep State is always behind it.

The lone wolf b.s. is promoted by those who have no clue....Islamic terrorism is a concerted effort known as assymetric warfare....the deep state enables it to the best of their ability...what better way to change America?....that is their goal...change any way possible....similar modus operandi of stalin and his willingness to slaughter millions or order to change make it amenable to the marxist narrative. Which condenses to totolitarianism....which in America means we will become a vassal state.

For the clueless...............A vassal state is any state that is subordinate to another....perhaps better described as a tributary state. In simpler terms the vassal state would have to provide tribute to the dominant state. Today, more common terms are puppet state, protectorate or associated state.....all of which means a loss of our liberty and being at the complete mercy of the dominant power we will be forced to pay tribute to. Anyone want to guess who that will be?
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Exactly, but these retard leftists on our board, are incapable of understanding the difference between say the Vegas shooter, and this guy today.

I agree!

But these tragedies are complicated..... we've heard , in the beginning (and I trust early reports on a tragedy)there were ISIS and Antifa aka Deep State connection s in Vegas.

Who are we to say there are not the same sort of co

nnections here in Lower Manhattan?

So I take it we have ruled out the Amish this time?

Who is left?

Mickey Mouse.

I didn't know he was Jihadist?

Mickey Mouse converted to Islam to stop Jihadi John beheading him :omg:


Mickey now has a beard and wears a towel on his head, Minnie Mouse also converted to Islam and now wears a Burkha.


Spot On!
BOZO. I blame ALL religions as equals.

Christian Clergy are not teaching to go kill any and all non-believers in the name of God. islam is (no pun intended) teaching to kill the infidel "allah is great". Death to America, Israel and "the infidel" is the goal and taught to the congregation.

The USA has enough "problems". This enemy can be profiled, isolated and removed. Or the Left is willing to live with these attacks. It will allow them to GROW GOVT to mop up killings.

Common sense has become a very rare thing amongst the democrats, the elitists, the establishment and all the foes of Trump. The heart of America the working folks rose up and elected Trump.....the elitists, democrats and politically correct morons have been wetting their panties ever since..,,,the swamp must be drained...the only way to get the zombies out of Washington.
CNN waited forever before they could describe the man. The reporter said "he just was not ready to talk about that now"

hehheh They are never ready to talk about it....they could not get any lamer. I watched the news conference by the N.Y. politicians shortly after the attack....they said it was too soon to talk about the motive...that they must investigate further....yet they had no problem describing him as a lone wolf....without did they know that? Of course they did not know that...just propaganda for the masses. They would not even admit he shouted allah akhbar on exiting the truck....afraid perhaps that people would drag muslims out into the street and lynch them. Meanwhile...anyone that wanted the facts could find them easily on the Drudge Report and other internet once again the msm was scooped.
If Americans would've understood there are NO lone wolfs attacks.....

when it comes to Islamist attacks.....:dunno:

Deep State is always behind it.

The lone wolf b.s. is promoted by those who have no clue....Islamic terrorism is a concerted effort known as assymetric warfare....the deep state enables it to the best of their ability...what better way to change America?....that is their goal...change any way possible....similar modus operandi of stalin and his willingness to slaughter millions or order to change make it amenable to the marxist narrative. Which condenses to totolitarianism....which in America means we will become a vassal state.

For the clueless...............A vassal state is any state that is subordinate to another....perhaps better described as a tributary state. In simpler terms the vassal state would have to provide tribute to the dominant state. Today, more common terms are puppet state, protectorate or associated state.....all of which means a loss of our liberty and being at the complete mercy of the dominant power we will be forced to pay tribute to. Anyone want to guess who that will be?

"Data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shows that on an
average day, 93 Americans are killed with guns!"
MAGA.. We are winning! Americans Killing Americans. the American
wonderful Gun Culture Lifestyle WINS ALWAYS!
The NRA makes sure we kill ourselves at a much greater rate.
Over 12,000 per year! WHEE!!!
For every one person killed with guns, two more are injured.

LOL! The Islamic Terrorists are a Yuge weak killing failure. Down to trucks!
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Another terror attack Trump has failed to prevent.
There are far too many Muslims in this country to stop
Welcomed by Obama.......prevention involves not allowing them here to begin with the news conference in N.Y. they went on and on about the NYPD being the best trained anti-terrorism force in America....i would not dispute that...but the fact remains they could not prevent this in such attacks are impossibile or almost impossible to prevent no matter how good your police force may be.

The solution is as you say....too simple for some to comprehend obviously...makes too much sense...they had rather present propaganda aka nonsense at a time that calls for hard cold logic covered with common sense...apparantly the elitists are incapable of that.
The Psychocrats say that it is “Islamophobic” to complain about Muslims mass murdering innocent Americans
It is Islamophobic to hate all Muslims.

Just like it is not okay to hate all Christians just because of the KKK.

Got it all straight now, tard?
Islam is the problem… the Most violent religion the planet has ever known…

Absolutely....very few know the history of islam and how throughout history they have launched similar attacks on their foes....after they were defeated they retreated into isolation and ignorance ...simmering in their hate....until they were able to get the means to rise up once again and go on the attack...that is the basic nature of islam....the liberals/democrats/pc republicans want to sugar coat islam aka george bush..."Islam is a peaceful religion" from that moment most understood he was a idiot.
Has Hillary called the 8 newest victims of terrorism "islamophobes " yet?

Bill is out busy attacking red necks and further ingratiating himself with hollywood perverts.....hillary is out promoting her book and blaming everyone but herself for getting defeated and dressing up like the President for halloween....the nerve of the witch.
watching the media twist into pretzels to avoid saying the words "Muslim" or "Islam." Cowards.

That idiot N.Y. mayor is absolutely disgusting.
---------------------------------------- ya oughta hear 'governor cuomo' , they WANT the muslims and diversity and other problems .

They cannot divorce themselves from the fallacious liberal narrative...they will take it to their graves...hopefully sooner than later. To speed that up the voters can kick them out of office.
he is a muslim , unsuitable for living in the USA or the Western world . The only problem with him living is that he won't be disposed of and will cost money to maintain as he will be catered to as his azz is kissed . The only solution is to quit importing these muslims Mac .

LOL. He was a UBER Driver.
Well, THAT makes you think if your ride shows up with a bread.

Seal Team 6 driver

When will the BoneSPUR Great Orange Douche invade Uzbekistan? The Great Douche has been in office over 200 days. IT promised us in 30-days, IT would have a plan to deal with these people.
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The Psychocrats say that it is “Islamophobic” to complain about Muslims mass murdering innocent Americans
It is Islamophobic to hate all Muslims.

Just like it is not okay to hate all Christians just because of the KKK.

Got it all straight now, tard?
Islam is the problem… the Most violent religion the planet has ever known…
Bullshit. Christianity's history is just as violent, if no moreso.

Just ask Dawkins.
The pattern sure repeats itself, doesn't it, folks?

Yet another act of Islamic terrorism occurs and those who are both incredibly stupid and incredibly childish launch into a defense of it because they are still in the acting out stage of their life. They never indicate that there is even anything remotely wrong with it, but simply show their solidarity with the perps by attacking other targets instead, by dismissing any concerns for the ideology that spawns it and by mocking anybody who does not share in their support.

What miserable lives these pieces of excrement must lead. This isn't liberalism, folks, but simply the bleating of sheep who have trained each other to support Islamism because they are so pathetic that they would rather see our country destroyed than take any steps to make something of themselves.
Muslims are often the victim of their own religion.
You aren't fooling anyone. You don't hate Muslims because they hate gays.

And you apparently have no clue that Dawkins hates Christians.
Wow, just completely make shit up to prove a "point". That's also known as a "straw man argument". Good.

And I'm well aware that Dawkins is an atheist and travels the country doing talks on it. He spoke several times in public with Christopher Hitchens (RIP Hitch) and Sam Harris, two of my favorite thinkers.

You may want to try this garbage on someone else.
See, you were attempting to commiserate with your fellow anti-Muslim bigots and tossed out a big splashy Dawkins quote.

Well, let's show your friends what Dawkins has to say about Christians, shall we?

Why I refuse to debate with William Lane Craig | Richard Dawkins

Most churchmen these days wisely disown the horrific genocides ordered by the God of the Old Testament. Anyone who criticises the divine bloodlust is loudly accused of unfairly ignoring the historical context, and of naive literalism towards what was never more than metaphor or myth. You would search far to find a modern preacher willing to defend God's commandment, in Deuteronomy 20: 13-15, to kill all the men in a conquered city and to seize the women, children and livestock as plunder. And verses 16 and 17 are even worse:

"But of the cities of these people, which the LORD thy God doth give thee for an inheritance, thou shalt save alive nothing that breatheth: But thou shalt utterly destroy them"

You might say that such a call to genocide could never have come from a good and loving God.

And then, of course, there's Dawkins' television series The Root of All Evil, which is his opinion of all religion.


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